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Author Topic: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures..DragonSworn  (Read 538 times)


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2006, 05:10:42 am »
Ah has been a while since I set quill to parchment...then again of late..I have begun to grow more melancholy in my feelings..things go on about me that sap my spirit,not to mention the soul mother beckoning.

Having last talked about the folly of a I must turn to the folly of individuals..2 cases of such in fact..both with a heavy cost.
Firstly,feeling confident and wishing to aid master Eredel..I paid a visit to the bandits outside Point Harbour...I sought gold and having heard they hoard such..I decided to pay them a visit.
I entered the lair...and managed to,rather easily,dispose of a sentry near the crude door..I then spotted two more..and buoyed by the confidence of the first fight..I went to do battle...As I engaged..2 more entered the fray...the first fight had gone easily and I thought that although this would be a hard fight..I had their measure...oh how wrong can one be.Son my blood was pumping forth from numerous cuts and a darkness descended over my eyes....and the Soul Mother appeared to me..

The secod incident occured in the Greypeaks...
I had offered to guide and protect a group of people to Lar...Ark,a woman unknown to me and Mille.
The journey started well enough..disposing of undead in the foothills before ascending to the highest mountains.As I looked down into the valley that was the route to Lar..I asked for caution and that the group follow my path strictly..This was not done..
Mille,a creature who had let a party down in the past..running from the Swordrust cave when Ireth and myself were laid low...and who had not the decency to rejoin us or split any coin gathered....decided not to listen to my words.
She wandered ahead of us..invisible..but off the route I had planned...I had been to this valley many times,and to Lar and knew a fast and relatively safe path through the Ogre traps and tripwires..something gained with,and through,harsh experience.Soon,thanks to Mille's uncaring nature and selfish blundering..for she was invisible and safe...a horde of ogres descended on us as we reached the valley floor.I wondered what to do...but my duty spoke loud to me..I must protect those in my group and this I tried to do...delaying the onrushing mass of ogres for vital minutes whilst they made their way back up the Mountain...An Ogre Mage froze me where I stood and as I struggled to rouse myself...a massive club darkened my mind..and once again the Soul Mother came calling..
At least the other members escaped with their thanks to my knowledge played no part in the fight...and who once agin departed,albeit later after a heated exchange with party coin.She tried to blame first the other party members then me for the debacle...when in truth,had she listened to the voice opf experience and not gone blundering off..tripping alarms here and there..the journey could well of passed without incident.
Fine for her being invisible...but so were the tripwires which she did not even seem to care that she triggered...what a selfish thief she is...twice now she has not aided her companions..I shall not give her a third time to let me down.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2006, 05:23:50 am »
Finally managed to secure some gold ore..and Hillhound skins.
Went to Rilara with friends and brothers where we accomplished much and garnered much reward..At least some such as Daniel,Praylor,Shamur and Eghaas can be trusted.

Purchased a belt for myself off one Balthazar Woll..and a fine belt it is..a belt that affords me better protections and is most comfortable to wear..and finely crafted it is too.

Of adventure....Well..we finally laid the Lich that had been terrorising the lands to rest but not afore he and his minions had laid waste a whole community.
Many a hard fight in the underground crypts and also during the ritual that was to finally lay this to rest..Many of us fell gravely we had to rely on reduced wards and such due to the fact that our many potent mages were involved in performing the said ritual..but in the end all was well and good...mind you,I have a feeling this story is not truly ended yet.

With another group,a lot of whom,had been companions on the Lich expeditions we went seeking answers regarding an ancient staff and other artifacts...first to a house in Krandor..where we spent a long time trying to retrieve Ferrit's body and disarm the deadly traps there.
Then to a cave deep in the old dig site..where what we really sought had been eroded or deliberately erased...and where we did battl;e with the denizens of the caves.
We had also encountered a Tide of Mist...Yashilla/Yashillia...who wished to join us...but..seeing as she is an enemy of sorts in this venture,,to have brought her along would have been foolish.

