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Author Topic: Truk's travelling journal  (Read 62 times)

Black Cat

Truk's travelling journal
« on: July 04, 2006, 04:09:00 pm »
Wedlar, Jular 11, 1402

//Everything in this journal is written in Goblin, with a surprisingly neat hand (for a goblin that is), so in the improbable event that you stumble upon this journal, you will need to know Goblin or find one willing to help understand it. Also all the maps come with indication of the inhabitants of the area drawn, flora, fauna and natural and mineral resources.//

I landed a few days ago on the continent of Mistone, after a very rough ride from Krashin.
I met very few people in my first few days on this land, got to explore a bit my surroundings before I travelled to a small bustling town called Hlint. I was surprised not to be attacked on sight as Chos used to say people would do. Still, they aren't eager to make contact either.

After spending a few days observing the people of Hlint I decided to ask the locals about the place. To my surprised, they asked me to do a few things for them. I accepted so that maybe I could better understand the way these people talk.

I had to fight with a few goblins from a local tribe. Those are not very friendly, even to me. Doesn't surprise me really.

I made several deliveries for the local postman and package delivery service.

Today I met a man named ... (cannot remember, not sure he even told me his name). A very friendly sort. He was concerned about me and what other people might think of me. I asked me if he could help me and as I needed to get some kind of essence from the town's crypt he accepted to act as bodyguard for me (he did that very well). After that, he took me on an exploring trip, saying that his job was to make sure the road remains more or less safe. We travelled to a place called the high forest and we met some Kobolds and some strange birdmen.
In the forest itself, we met some bears and two walking trees. When we reached Leilon, the man invited me to his place and offered me several scrolls which I gracefully accepted (I learned several new spells, very nice).

*a crude map is drawn here, showing the area around Hlint up to the High forest.*

Black Cat

Truk's travelling journal
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 01:49:58 pm »
Wedlar, Novlar 18, 1402

Travelled a bit farther from Hlint . Went as far as Fort Velensk in the Southern part of Mistone and even travelled a bit on Rilara where I helped some farmers with a lady called Tegan.

*two maps are drawn here, one of the road from Fort Llast to Port Hampshire and Fort Velensk, the other of the road from Point Harbo to Fort Himlad and to Thalos River*

I also met a little round Halfling called Berilu, she was really not friendly at first, to say the least but she accepted to travel along with me, Tegan and Armolas to Haven Mines.

I also went on an exploration trip with several people, including the nice man I met before, he's called Sallaron, very instructive travel really. We fought some trolls and some giants.

*A map is drawn here of the area around Fort Velensk, with the swamp and Berhagen mountains.*

Helped solved a mystery in Hlint. The ox merchant had some of his beast disappearing, alongside his hand, Herman. We discovered that it was a band of Orcs who stole the cattle. We put an end to that.

I learned a few more spells lately and also a way to avoid the need of spell component for the lower circles. Beware Truk the fiery.

Black Cat

Truk's travelling journal
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2006, 06:38:18 am »
Tunar, Decilar 10, 1403

I've been traveling around some those few days or was it months since I wrote in this journal.

*a few pieces of parchment are somehow tied in here in the journal, all contains annotations on visited places, along with a few maps*

*A bigger piece of parchment is folded in the middle of the journal. It's a map of Mistone. Not very accurate in some places, but quite good in others.*

I met again with the group exploring the continent of Mistone. Last tim we found a door apparently leading to the Underdark, but it was not so.

I decided to take up a craft or two, I began scribing and mixing stuff in small glass vials and flasks. As I need a lot of things to be able to scribe scrolls, I'm also learning how to work with gems and to make paper.

I haven't found a suitable place for my tribe, not that I've really been looking hard. Most places I visited are either inhabited by humans or such folks (dwarves, elves, etc...) or by unfriendlies, other goblins tribe, orcs, giants or ogres. I guess the tribe would not mind a good fight though. But I would rather they do it without me and not against the people I call friendly.

Anyway, I guess by now Graak thinks I'm dead or something and he's making other plans. Or he might be dead and replaced by another. Do I care? Not sure. I found some very nice people here who don't really mind me being a goblin. Though others are more reluctant.

Black Cat

Truk's travelling journal
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2006, 12:33:42 am »
Wedlar, Febra 4, 1405

I traveled a bit more lately. I went with some friends to Dregar to see the giants. I had also some very interesting adventures. A group I was with went into investigating some strange disappearance near Fort Himlad. Rats, rodents everywhere and a lord was missing as well as a young halfling girl. It happens some foolish gnomes and the Lord tried to go into a cave with gems but also plagued with a curse and wererats. So we entered the cave and put things right.

Well it was not that simple though. First one in our group fell to the rat disease and turned into a wererats. And we had to make a rituals to open a portal to go out and seal the cave definitely - hopefully.

*two maps are drawn on loose parchments.
The first: Dregar up to Hurm, but with a lot of blank spaces on the west and east. Its more the road to follow than a real map. Some places are a bit more detailed. Part of the forest of Mist and the southern part of Dregar between Prantz and Lorindar. As usual it is fully annoted with resources and inhabitants - where known.
The second: a rather good map of Rilara. With just a long blank space along the north coast*

As for my crafts, well I think it is beginning to look good. I even sold a few spells. Strangely enough they were all the same spell. I also managed to make a few rings but metal is hard to come by since I cannot wield a pick.

