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Author Topic: reflections of servitude  (Read 182 times)


reflections of servitude
« on: August 31, 2006, 05:48:30 am »
i believe that that time has come for me to document the servitude and devotion that is my life.
i might never release this or show it to even my closest companions, but their is an overwhelming calm at the thought of a friend who keeps a secret well.
introductions are in order, i am Roggin Follyfinger, the quickling. one who has taken person oath to spread the ethic of Prunilla, forgoeing many pleasures to do so.
to know my path you must first know where it began; my past.

roughly one hundred years before my birth, my maternal grandparents fled Daraghan and settled on Mistone, thirty years later my mother was born.
my mother and my father met when they were both in their prime, my father had just fled Daraghan. from that moment forth they were a couple.
between then and my birth; most of my siblings were born, and afterwards more, untill we were a family of fifteen.
but allthough we numbered many, three were too young to work, and one of us heavily crippled, we could not trade enough chores for the food we needed, so we stole food, as shamefull as it was.
i remember those days well. as we raided larders and cellars i would dream of being a bard, soothing or exciting the inhabitants of venues as i pleased. and as i hummed to myself while on lookout duty, i could hear the giggles of my siblings who stole, taking delight in it, allmost like the halflings whous blood we distantly shared. for they had been raised on thieving and its thrill, i had no idea that would lead to our demise.
*a solitary teardrop stains the page*
i will continue later


RE: reflections of servitude
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 04:31:12 am »
i realise that i cannot write the long story of my past, it is far too painfull, so i shall summarise the massachre.

one winter, many (including my father) died, many of our able bodied family members suddenly gone. so we began to steal, for some it was our only joy, for they stole beyond need. and one night, as we stole from a meat cellar, it happened.
the canine snuk in silently, then as we gathered around a cured ham, it rampaged, killing many of us, as we scattered it gave chase and killed more.
i had no idea whether any more of my family survived, so i hid where the beast could not follow, a narrow gap under a tree.
spring showers cooled the world and as i lie there dieing of hunger, thirst, and the chill, Prunilla cleared the world for me.
she showed me the earth, the sun, the plants, and she did heal my inner strength, for i rose up and made my first pilgrimage, to a temple of lady comfort, that is when i donned the holy symbol, and enrolled in Prunilla's order.
i began my next pilgrimage immediately, one i know i will never fully complete, to show the world the sun, the plants, the earth, and heal their souls. but alas, the day will never come that all will experience that joy, for some will not work for their living, some will not deserve their gold and possesions.

but if i can even pass my pilgrimage on to another before i die, then i will have brought the world one step closer to the sun, the plants, the earth, and the great healing.


RE: reflections of servitude
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 01:39:57 pm »
now my life begins to stabalize, allthough there will allways be my hatred of canines which appear so regularly among the tall folk.
and when the canines do appear i cry for help; for they are evil encarnate.
i have met many of my quickling kin in Hlint: Whym, Nixx, Bumblebee. and they have proved valuable companions.
but one of my friends; Grib, a goblin, has been especially loyal, for some reason he has saved my life many times, and i have returned the favour, protecting him from tall folk who trust him as much as his kin. i have quested with him, helped him, been helped by him, and he has proven himself worthy of trust.
Grib does worry me sometimes, he is mentally..........challenged, he sometimes speaks to rocks, his past seems peculier.
but i suppose the real reason i find him a true friend is that he has no family, like me, and in all truth i find him to be a speaking pet, this is not truly correct, for i have no delusions of controlling him.
i can only hope he finds his higher purpose like i have, and that he never threatens my pilgrimage, for if he does; he shall not see the sun, the earth, or the plants, and there will be no healing him, this is true for all. i can only hope that day never comes.
the world has too many enemies to fight, without friends.
i have faith that Prunilla will guide me to the correct allies, and that i will be strong enough to fight them if i must.