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Author Topic: James Hearth  (Read 134 times)


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    James Hearth
    « on: October 13, 2006, 11:34:34 pm »
    Name: James Hearth -- Jimmy
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 178
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Race: Human
    Class: Sorcerer
    Alignment: NG
    Deity: Deliar/Dorand

    James was born in the town of Port Hampshire. His is the middle of three boys. All of them one year apart. (I do not want to go into detail of his brothers because a couple of my friends and I have been rolling around the idea of each playing a brother) His father was a craftsman by trade, mainly crafting armor and weapons. His mother was a merchant by trade selling mostly what her husband crafted. James watched and learned a little of both trades. James always felt that it would be better to keep the items his father made rather than letting his mother sell his hard work. Making James a collector at heart and a merchant when it was absolutly neccessary. James branched from the rest of his family in the way that he was drawn to the art of magik. He learned to cast a few simmple spells to entertain himself.

    One evening when James was 13 there was a lot of noise and crashing in the shop that awoke him. His mother came in his bedroom bleeding from her face, told James to jump out the window and run as fast as he could not to look back and to take care of himself. James did as she said. Hearing screams from his parents as he ran he wandered ehat all that was about and what has happened to his brothers. Did his mother get to them and tell them to run also? Were they still in the house? Who was doing this to his happy family? All of these questions that still remain unanswered. James ran untill he could run no longer and collapsed in a forest and slept a sleep filled with nightmares for what seemed to be a week.

    When James awoke he began to travel. He would eat trash and sometimes the occasoinal rat or bug. Never one to ask for help he just usually kept to himself unless he was spoke to first. James helped whenever he could help someone. His father always told him "No good deed goes unrewarded." Stowing away in the occasional wagon or ship to travel a little more quickly. James would always run he was discoverd never really wanting to cause any trouble. Today James finds himself in the small town of Hlint.


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      Re: James Hearth
      « Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 11:55:31 pm »
      Not long after arriving in Hlint James met up with his older brother Robert. They talked for must have been days about what happened  when they were younger and about the years past. James learned that his parents were murdered that night by rogues. Niether of them know if Will got out of the house in time or if he shared the same fate as his parents.  For a time the two seemed almost inseperable.  Then as time went on they have more or less gone their sepperate ways.  James has taken to enchanting and gem crafting.  He is currently learning whatever he can about the arts.  James's first real friend, Elrend Starfire, disappeared from the world (died but James does not know for sure)  while he was taking a long stay at the inn in Hlint (moved in RL).   James admired Elrend's magik and learned a lot from him.  Elrend may have been called a necromancer by many but James saw him for what he was and that was a friend.  James has made a new friend by the name of Grimnor Forgehammer, a dwarf actually.  James notices that Grim is rather reckless in battle and seems not to care much for his own life.


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        Re: James Hearth
        « Reply #2 on: October 14, 2006, 12:26:11 am »
        James has been helping to keep the Hlint crypts fairly cleared out for quite a while now.  He has taken most of the jobs that have been offered to him for whatever coin he could get.  James is showing a strange interest in magik that makes and controls fire.  He still does not talk to many people and is very unlikely to start a conversation.  He rarely puts down his so called walking stick and rarely show the face that is under his helmet.  James stays in the same room at the inn in Hlint as often as he stays in Hlint and that is quite often.  He has given up drinking at least untill Robert twists his arm time and time again.  So more or less he only hits the ale with his brother.


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          Re: James Hearth
          « Reply #3 on: October 14, 2006, 09:40:08 am »
          James sought out Rhizome to learn of the Great Oak.  The conversation went beyond that.  James learned more of Bloodstone than what he has learned from listening to others speak, such as Ozy.  He learned of the Dragon Wars and of the hero that Bloodstone was.  James feels that Blood was betrayed by his ancestors and does not really blame Blood for wanting revenge after what was done to him.  Afterall James can imagine what he would do to those that did what they did to his family when he was a boy, for whatever reason they might have done it. It does not matter.  James sat down to tell Robert what he had learned and thought but Robert would not listen to James thinking that he was taking Bloodstone's side.  This was the first time that the brothers disagreed and had a few words.  James is currently seeking Ozy to learn what more he can about Bloodstone and the Dragon Wars.


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            Re: James Hearth
            « Reply #4 on: October 23, 2006, 10:01:19 am »
            James finally met up with Ozy in Hlint.  James asked him about the Dragon Wars and Bloodstone. He was more or less brushed aside and told to go to the Great Library.  So, James went there and looked around.  He could not find anything very specific about the Dragon Wars.  After looking through book after book James was about to give up when he almost tripped over a book in the middle of the floor.  It was a book about Bloodstone written by Ozymandias himself.  The book did offer a little about what James wanted to know but not very much.   The book left James with more questions than he had before and he feels that most will never be answered.  James has only one thing on his mind now and that is fire opals, now if only he could find out where they are.


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              Re: James Hearth
              « Reply #5 on: October 27, 2006, 05:43:20 am »
              Fire opals, fire opals, is what James was trying to keep his mind on.  James even created his first ring of sorcery.  Now that called for a celebration at the inn and included the drinking of many bottles of ale.  Now it was back to finding fire opals. Then he ran into Ozy by the pond in Hlint.  James approached Ozy to hopefully find out more about the "hero" Bloodstone.  The conversation still left James confused about what his toughts were on Blood.  In his mind he does not blame Blood for doing what he did but he does know that it was very wrong.  Blood was a human just like James himself for a time and what he came to be was in part the fault of the inhabitants of Layonara.  James wonders what his brothers would think about the thoughts running through his head.


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                RE: James Hearth
                « Reply #6 on: November 11, 2006, 02:18:38 am »
                James has made his first fire enchantment and now feels so much stronger at making enchantments.   He is now almost obsessed with the idea of makeing more and better enchantments, thinking of only where to find the next items and minerals to make more.  Every bit of his coin is going toward buying supplies for his trade.James thanks his good friend Grimnor for a lot of help in his advancements in enchanting.  James has not seen much of his brother Robert these days and only ran into him once on Dregar.  Robert has been acting strange lately.  Perhaps it has to do with the conversation about Blood.  James is almost lost within himself lately as well though. It has been on his mind alot lately of what happend to his parents and younger brother Will.  Who could have done that to them and why?  They were such a happy family.  Thoughts of the past continue to haunt James' dreams.


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                  Re: James Hearth
                  « Reply #7 on: November 26, 2006, 12:30:39 pm »
                  James has found new power as of lately in his spells.  He is starting to become the mage he has envisioned himself becoming.  Still working on enchantments and adventureing with his good friend Grimnor, it is always on his mind of where his brothers are.  No word about Will, but while adventuring with a small group he had learned that Robert was doing well.  The same group was strangely attacked by a number of drow in the Burhagen Mountains close to Velensk.  Nobody who was there was able to determine what they were after, if anything, or what they were doing in such a place.  Something in James' heart has not been sitting right with him about the night his home was attacked.  Something just did not seem to fit.  Why would someone do this to them and who would do such a thing are some of the questions that have been on James' mind lately.


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                    Re: James Hearth
                    « Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 07:55:53 pm »
                    James went wondering Dregar alone recently.  He walked within feet to an ice drake.  James also explored a cave that was under a mountain guarded by many trolls.  The cave seemed quite large and had not only trolls but many snakes as well,  deep into his exploration he came to a locked door that had a trap set on it and was forced to turn around.  James also found a fort guarded by many dwarves that would not speak to him.  He searched everywhere or close to everywhere between Prantz and North Point for any sign of his younger brother but found nothing interesting or any interesting people along his way.  Where could James' feet lead him next?


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                      Re: James Hearth
                      « Reply #9 on: December 29, 2006, 06:16:10 am »
                      James has made more than a few trips to Dregar in search of....... anything really.  He has not seen his older brother Robert or his good friend Grimnor for some time now.  James hopes they are safe.  He seems to have become more sociable since the lonelyness of his life is setting in.  He is also trying to make some coin by selling the items that he has made plenty of.  First circle enhancements have become quite easy for him to make as long as he can find someone to buy crystal rods off of.  James is currently trying to find a group willing to help him get some saphire so that he can make some cold enhancements.  May the gods watch over his brothers and friends.


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                        Re: James Hearth
                        « Reply #10 on: January 26, 2007, 05:43:11 am »
                        Upon learning of Robert being sighted in the far east,  James set out to find him.  James did find Robert and talked with him for a bit, but realized that he would not see Robert for a long time if ever again.  Not seeing or hearing from his friend Grimnor, James fears the worst.  James has decided that perhaps he needs to pick up a hobby to fill the emptiness in his life.  James wonders why he never felt so empty when it was just him for so many of his young years.  James is never in a hurry for anything these days, feelling that he will get to it when he does and that it will be there when he gets to it.  Being a merchant just does not seem to work for James as the market out there is tough,  but he will keep trying to sell what he makes.


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                          Re: James Hearth
                          « Reply #11 on: March 02, 2007, 06:25:57 am »
                          Unable to stop worrying about his brother Robert, James is unable to concentrate on a hobby.  James traveled to the Great Library to learn what he could of the god his brother worships.  Learning much,  James frequents the temple of Rofirein to pray that the Lord Protector watches over his brother.  James aids those in need as he is trying to fill the empty space inside himself.  James seems to wonder around aimlessly in an attempt to hear word of Robert,  to no avail.  While sleeping he is haunted by horrible dreams of death and sadness that has become the memories of his family.  Perhaps to find his brother and the ones responsible for what has happened to his family can these dreams stop.  Does anyone know about what happened to his family?  Surely someone had seen something that night.  What were they after?  These thoughts are what James dwells on day after day.