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Author Topic: Jared's Prose  (Read 904 times)


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    Jared's Prose
    « on: October 27, 2011, 05:54:04 pm »
    I am here.  Some place called Center.  Strange name. I was looking about and I entered the Crafting Hall and talked briefly with the matron there.  She wasn't very much help. First thing she said was that I needed a crafting badge to be able use any of the devices therein.  Indeed!  

    I wasn't there to craft anyway.  I was there for information.  And what better spot to look than the bulleton board.  After looking over the list of activites and jobs I settled on the lady who needed packages delivered. Seemed easy enough and it would help me look around the area without seeming suspicious.  So I went and applied for the job.  Luckilly no one else made inquiries.   It was easy enough.  Four packages to four locations.  Only thing is I wish she could have given to me all at once.  Anyway they are delivered.  Didn't see anything that peaked my interest.  Pretty dull places really.

    But I did chance upon a young miss.   And after a brief talk she offered to show me about.  Be my personal tour guide you see.  She's a wizard, or sorcereres,  either way she's quite adept in her spell casting.  Calylith is her name.  She was very gracious and I do thank her for the tour and help in some matters.

    But now the deliveries have been made and I noticed plenty of areas to practice my stealth.  The Inn here in Center seems reasonable.  After the hide practice I shall retire to one of the rooms there and study.   I have always believed that the swift blade hanging from my hip would be end all of my attacks.  I still believe that.  However,  Miss Calylith has exhibited to me that abilities such as hers can turn that swift blade into a devistatingly swift blade.  I'd be a fool not to pursue those talents.  Thank you Miss Calylith for giving me sight in this area.  I do thank you indeed.


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      Re: Jared's Prose
      « Reply #1 on: October 29, 2011, 12:06:37 am »
      The search continues.  Talked to the lieutenant in Fort Llast today.  He didn't have any information about those that I seek but he did need help in obtaining some weapons for the armory.  He gave me a list and I got the weapons for him.. He gave me this helmet that adds to my armor.  Kind of handy really.  Heard from a passerby that a better helm can be earned from the guard in Haven.  I'll have to check that out.  First I'll have to find out where Haven is.  Plenty of people to ask.  I'll find it.

      Meanwhile I made it up to three persons this day without being seen.  You should have seen the looks on their faces when I stepped out of the shadows right next to them.  

      I've decided to ask this young lady Calylith if she knows anyone who can tutor me in the arts of the Wizard.  Actually I'm hoping she wiill.  But if she doesn't I'll find another.  It's late.  And I still have about an hours reading and then about an hour of practice.  Tomorow I'll continue on with the stealth practice and keep my eyes and ears open for anything that would lead me to those fiends that took my parents.


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        Re: Jared's Prose
        « Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 10:36:32 pm »
        Darn near bought the farm today.  Was taking out some lions when an Ogre jumped me.  He wasn't so tough but the rest of his buddies didn't take kindly to seeing one of their own skewered.  One yes.  Three or four.. No. So I high tailed it outa there as fast as I could.  Managed to dart one to death but thought better of trying that with the others when they caught upto me nearly beat me to a pulp.   Yeah.  Got outa there by the skin of my teeth.

        But the day wasn't a total loss.  Met up with someone by the name of Pigstroller, or something like that.  At first I made the mistake of calling her... sir.. Boy do I need my eyes checked.  She looked like she could wad me up and toss me away so I backtracked as fast as I could.  But she was a nice enough lady.  Helped me get some stick from a bunch of Kobolds.

        What really put the icing on the cake was when I was just waking at the campsite in Center right in front of me was the most, well maybe not the most, but certainly in my top five, beautiful females I'd ever seen.  She said her name was Clover and she was waiting for this guy named Storold, or something like that.  Anyway we get to talking and I get the feeling that they are sweet on each other.  Now normally that would be just fine with me. Love takes all forms.  But I saw this guy a couple of days earlier.  Calylith pointed him out to me while she was showing me around.  This guys a geezer!  May be the nicest guy in the world.  But still.  Come on now.   Anyway we were talking, Clover and me, and I bring this up. I'm not shy so I come right out and asked her why she was going with a guy who looks old enough to be her grandpa.  She didn't say anything to shut me up but she did say he wasn't that old.  So not knowing how old he actually is I tell her if that's the case he's been rode hard and put away wet many times.  Then she said she had to leave, evidently this guy is late and she can't wait, so she asks me to tell him, if he shows up that is, that she had to go.  And she'll be back.  Can you believe it!   Late for a woman who looks like that!  Not only must this guy been rode hard he's got amnesia too.  I'd never be late for someone who looked like that.  

        So.  I'm sitting at the camp fire and nothing.  No one comes by so I figure it's time to go to the Inn and study a bit.  When I get to the edge of the building I see him.  Grandpa.  Right there on the bench.  So I have a message to deliver.  I promised a very pretty lady I'd deliver it.  So I do.  So I go up to him, and because he's in converstion with someone else I wait for him to see me.  He does, and then I tell him I had a message from his granddaughter.  You know what he says.  He says you mean a message from Mylittle, or something like that, who I do not doubt is a very nice girl, and I think.  Hey!  He is a grandpa!  Then I say No.   Miss Clover says she had to leave but she'll be back soon.  He says that Clover wasn't his granddaughter.  And then I sez back.,  "Really....then... you are the lucky one" and I winked at him.  Excused myself and went to the Inn.  Shut myself in my room and studied for an hour or two.  Hard to do though.  My mind kept flying back to grandpa and Clover.  Hard thought to fathom.  But I did get my studies in. But really now.


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          Re: Jared's Prose
          « Reply #3 on: October 30, 2011, 02:43:11 pm »
          Nothing happening today.  Went out for a bit and took care of the bandits at the shoreline.  Walked right up to a badger while I was practicing my hide.  Decided that as long as he was not attacking me I'd let him be.  I basically hung around the Inn listening to conversations trying to piece together the lay of the land here.  I did find out there was a bandit encampment just the other side of Fort Llast.  I'll practice some more hide this afternoon and later I'll hit the books.  I'm concerned that, although I understand what I'm reading, it's not good enough.  I need to find someone here to tutor me.  I think I'll ask Miss Calylith if she wouldn't mind.  Or maybe she can recommend someone.  The hide I'm set with.  It's this wizard thing that has me worried.  But I need it to function fully during my hunt for these ... men.


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            Re: Jared's Prose
            « Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 10:28:36 pm »
            I had quite the day this day. I don't know what it is about me that people will just think I'll take it. Verbal abuse I mean. Well not everybody. Mostly people here are real nice. I was having a real pleasant conversation with Mr. Storold and Miss Talia about, you know, stuff. Like how trusting people are here. I walked into a shop and helped myself to an iron rapier. Left the funds in the chest to pay for it just like the instructions said to do. Now that's trustin people. Then Mr. Storold and I were talking about things that were around and how I'd been buying people drinks at the inn. Or in general being at the inn and learning about what's near here. Somewhere during our conversation I let out I was looking for some people and then it was out that I was looking for the murderers of my family. Mr. Storold asked me if I'd reported it to the Roferiens. I told him right up that I didn't want them rofies in my business and that they couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat. I don't want them anywhere near my problem. It's mine . I'll fix it myself. After that neither Mr. Storold or Miss Talia said word one about it. At least that I heard. Well we were talking about me looking for a tutor in the wizard arts. And they suggested that I look into the Magic Academy. So .. Why not? I want to learn the art, right? Might as well go to where they are good at it to learn. So I find this tower. Very impressive tower in that part of town one should normally avoid. It's not open. So I leave a note on the door. Hopefully they'll get back to me. Wasn't a total loss. I did find it and while I was there I landed a job mucking out something in the sewer that keeps clogging it.  I guess I'll look into that soon enough.

            Another topic that Mr. Storold and I talked about was telling the difference between rumors and facts. Now I know the difference. I figure that most of what I hear in the inn is not true. But I can't see the harm in listening. And I did pick up a nugget that there was a bandit encampment the other side of Fort Llast the other night and Mr. Storold conformed to me that was true. So off I go to check this camp out. I get pretty close in my hide and see that it's mostly haflings and dwarves. Couple of humans. But they aren't the ones I'm looking for. So I let them be. For now. Anyway. So I head back to Center kinda dejected that these weren't the ones and plop down on the log across from Mr. Storold and Miss Talia. Almost as soon as I sit down. This person.. a woman.. sez something about a squirrel attacking me. I was banged up a bit. I had a tussle with the lions as I came in from Fort Llast and I had not bothered to bandage up yet. Oh yea! That reminds me! Miss Talia gave me some potions I can use in a fight to heal me. Thanks Miss Talia. Anyway after this lady sez something about the squirrel I just look at her. An that was it. Never said a word to her. Then she lights into me about hurting my feelings and it's a tough world, blah, blah, blah. Lady I know it's a tough world. I didn't say that. I thought it.. Didn't say it. What I did say was .. Ohh. Something like That she had better get over us cause it was done between us before she ever got here. And to go find her another toy to play with. That shut her up for about, oohh, a heart beat. Then right back at me about her and having men being strapped down to a table and her removing their nails. I came right back at her that if that was the way she enjoyed herself with men to leave me out and again to find another toy. All this time we are going at each other Mr. Storold and Miss Talia are trying to be the peace maker. Miss Talia said something about making bandages ready. But I said, respectfully to her, not to bother. I'm able to give as good as I get in the verbal abuse department but I don't hit women. Even those that were pretending to be men. Now that did shut her up. For a bit anyway. And then I felt kinda bad. There was no call for me to say that. I know I'm new here and I need to mind my manners but I won't be pushed in such a manner. But still I should not have said that. That was just mean. After a bit we sorta settled. I guess it just got old insulting each other. Then, and I'm not sure how, our actual conversation turned to me looking for a wizard tutor. And you know what? She gave me good advice about my diction. Maybe that's why I'm not have any luck with my studies. And she's probably right. I need to work on my speach in order to be able to cast. I think I thanked her for that. Oh well I'm sure I'll see her again. I'll be sure to thank her then. Her name? What was her name? Tyra something. Never got the last name. But I know they called her Tyra. Anyway about that time I guess that Miss Talia saw that war wasn't going to break out and she left. She said good bye to everyone politely and walked away. Mr. Storold had a visit from the pretty lady I met the first or second day I was here. Miss Clover. And they walked away. So it left just me and Tyra. Having a conversation. Civil like. It was kinda nice actually. Soon we were joined by another lady. No idea what her name is. And since I had studying to do I excused myself to go to the inn and read a bit. Tyra and I parted on good terms. I do hope they stay that way. But I won't be pushed in that way. And you know.. I don't think she will be either.

            Later after my studies I went to Fort Wafare to check on what they had in stock. They have what I want but I need to hustle to get the funds. I'll get them. Just takes time. And I have plenty of that. I ran into Miss Clover and another lady. I don't know her name but I have met her before. My first day here when I met Miss Calylith they were together. She said her name. And I just cannot remember. Very nice lady. *shrugs* Oh well if I need to know her name I'll learn then remember it. After seeing what they had in the shop I excused myself and was walking back to the Inn in Center when Miss Clover caught up to me on the road. I asked her how grandpa was. She feigned like she didn't know who I was talking about. So I gave in and said Mr. Storold. Who is a very nice man by the way. At that she laughed and said he was fine. And that they were old dear friends. And that was it. Hey! I figured nothing less. In my book it could have been more even. None of my business really who this extremely pretty lady calls friends. None at all. But I asked anyway something to the effect if she was married. At that she pulled her gloves up over her arms ... again. And since I stay alive noticing things I can't help but notice that. And I tell her so. She comes back with wandering eyes can get a man in trouble and that yes she was married. To a guy called Finn. I sez Whoa. Just because I notice stuff doesn't mean I'd be disrespectfull to the ladies. At least to the ones not disrespecting me. And if that were the case my mother would rise up and tan my hide. It's just that I notice things. She kinda relaxed a bit and I figured then would be a good place to part ways you know. So we did. But I'm here to say that this Finn guy is one lucky guy. Miss Clover, now that I have seen her in good light, is moved from in my top five to my top two. Probably getting ready to take the top spot. But I can't think of that right now. I've people to find. And kill.


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              Re: Jared's Prose
              « Reply #5 on: November 08, 2011, 07:32:49 pm »
              Checked out the sewers and found some rats, a few spiders , and some slimy looking creatures.  No problem really they went down easy enough.  Especially that slimy mage.  I went into hide and snuck up right to him.  Nearly cut him in half with the first blow.  Kinda strange having him look right at you while you start to carve him up.  He never moved a muscle to defend himself, at least I think it was a guy, or cast or nothing.  Anyway it was no problem .  And seriously.  How can you tell if it's a guy?
              Still no word from the Tower Academy.  And though I am  improving on my diction I still need assistance to get this wizard thing  started.  I wish they would get back to me.  I keep looking for this Elohanna lady.  They say she's a real nice lady.   I hope to find out soon.
              Other than that I'm still poking around here and there.  I've been good and haven't  been involved in any yelling matches today.   Still listening to the gossip at the inn.  Maybe Mr. Storold was right.  I should probably try some other  places.  Maybe I'll get some new information there.  Where ever  there may be.


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                Re: Jared's Prose
                « Reply #6 on: November 09, 2011, 11:14:08 pm »
                I don't know what it is about this place.  So many pretty women wearing cowls that cover their faces.  It's a crying shame is what it is.  And let the rivers run backwards if you try and complement someone.  I mean I saw this... *sighs*  very pretty red headed young woman.  And I guess I took a shine to her.  No idea what her name is or nothing.  But I know she has a temper.  When I saw her again later she was with a friend.  I saw her earlier too.  But we just waved at each other at the camp fire.  But there they were together in Center and I just happened to notice her again while I was headed to the bank.  Actually I would have noticed her half way across town and made a detour to pass by her.  When I came out of the bank they were still talking.  In the middle of the road no less.  And I went over and sat my butt down on the log facing them.  I guess I was looking pretty hard at the one I knew to be a red head.  I waved.  They came closer.  So I get on my feet to meet them.  You know like a gentleman should.  So I'm standing there and I offer what I thought would be a compliment.  I told her that I couldn't help but notice her earlier without her hood up. And asked why she kept it up over her face.  Because she is quite pretty.   And I didn't say this but I was thinking.  It's a shame to keep such a pretty face hidden.  At that she acted offended that I would even have the nerve to talk to her let alone compliment her.  Well that put me back a bit.  Not much but a bit. And then I offered what I thought would be another compliment and tell her that "A pretty thing like you should not be hiding behind a cowl."  My exact words.  Her friend mumbled something. No idea what it was.  Don't care.  Then the one I'm talking to comes back with she only removed it to talk to Breanna, who I was talking to, (get to that later) and not for me.  It's not what she said.  It was how she said it.  Almost like she meant to humiliate me.  Not happening. So I come back with something like,  "Well now.  A  pretty one with attitude.  She comes back again and I tell her that if she can't take the compliments to start wearing a gunny sack.  And, I did call her toots at that time.  But I was a bit upset.  But truthfully, in her defense, I do believe she could make that look good.  Anyway that didn't sit well with her friend.  I didn't care.  I wasn't talking to her.  She comes back that she's not a bimbo.  And I never said she was.  You know I was going to ask them if I could buy them drinks at the Inn.  I'd a bought for both of them.  But not now.  And I told her as much.  By that time her friend had an arrow out and it was sparking like I've never seen one spark before.  But I didn't care.  My beef was with the red head who can't, or won't, take compliments.  Then the other says I better apologise. Then it hits me.  She's a guard dog.  A run of the mill guard dog.  So she lets an arrow fly.  Have no idea where it went.  I think she was so angry at that time she couldn't hit air.  At that I tell the red head to muzzle her mutt, again I called her toots.  Not the away to endear myself to the women.  But hey!  I was upset and one was shooting arrows.  I told her this was between her and me.  Just then her buddy launches another arrow and hits the fire and pooof up it goes.  I turn to look and see that she has put the fire completely out.  Sheesh, talk about anger issues.  I get ready to tell her to muzzle her again when I realize.  She's not a guard dog.  She's a guard date.  I laughed at that.  No Idea why.  None of my business who she wants to date.  Pity is all.  And I tell her again to put a muzzle on her.  What ever she is.  At that the red head told me I could muzzle her if I wanted to.  But I didn't see the need.  I don't hit women.  Even ones that are offering meaningless threats towards me.   And it seemed that the buddy didn't want to leave her side.  *shrugs*  So what to do?  The date tells me to apologise again.   Not likely.  And you know ole red agreed.  She didn't want an apology.  Fine by me.  She wasn't going to get one anyway.  So I figured it was time to leave.  No point in standing there yelling at each other.  But before I head to the Inn I sez, "Well.  I can see where your toast is buttered toots. and I won't bother any more. But it's a shame.  You are a pretty one."  Again with the toots. You know I never learn. So I make it ino the inn and just before the door closes one of that........persons arrows slams into my  butt.  Now I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction so I just suck it up.  And what do you know.  They came into the inn after me.  I'm standing there in the door.  With and arrow in my butt looking at them and I laughs and sez something about buying  them that drink.  Ole red pokes her fingers into my chest and tells me that she won't let anyone tell her what to do.  And that went for me, and then she did something I thought was true because by this time I could see she was hurting, she jerked her thumb back to her buddy and let me know that it went for her too.   At that time I pulled the arrow out of my backside and asked the other if it was hers.  Of course I knew it was hers but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction.  I look down at my chest were red poked it and said that I wasn't telling her what to do, but babes (now with the babes) with attitude didn't thrill me and since she had that in spades I wasn't interested.  Besides I didn't think her boyfriend with the wild bow would like it if we started seeing each other.  About that time some insignificant elf came through the door and asked me to move.  He told me I was in his way "Human".  The nerve.  Anyway I was engaged so I was happy to ignore him. Red was screaming about not having to defend herself against me, or anybody, including her friend.  Again the wimp elf told me to move.  Again I ignored him.  I said.  "Defend yourself?  From who, what?  Certainly not me."  I also said something about her friend beating her. Dumb. I know.  It just came out.    Then red tells me to date her guard dog. She's really hurting by now.  I feel sorry for her.  Told her I wasn't interested in her pet.  That I liked red heads.  But that chance was gone and to have fun with her date.  Now all through this I notice that red and miss bow happy aren't real happy with Mr. Wimp Elf.  So there's gotta be bad blood there somewhere.  But with these two.  It might be hard to find good blood.  But red wouldn't stop.  She pulls a blade and threatens me.  I laugh and tell her to put it away before she hurts herself.  By then I got tired of the wimp elf in black asking me to move so I went and took a seat.  Pretty sure the innkeeper didn't appreciate me bleeding all over his chair.  But still I wasn't going to give miss bow happy the satisfaction.  But before I do miss bow happy pushes her way through and out the door.  On the way by she challenges me to go somewhere called the arena. I can only guess that that's where people beat each other stupid.  Quite obvious in her case.  And since my mother didn't raise any fool.  I declined but I got one last dig in before she left. I told her I had better things to do that play fetch with a mutt.  Red is still screaming, maybe louder by now.  It was hard to tell.  She screams real loud anyway.  She's screaming that Miss Bow happy isn't her girlfriend.  And how she doesn't need anyone.  Really hurting.  Felt sorry for her.  But I said that if she wasn't her girlfriend she didn't know that.   Someone forgot to tell her.  Or was she too scared to tell her.  I left it at that.  She comes back with she's not afraid of anyone.  I never said she was.  Never once even hinted at it. But I did say that a little fear was was good for the soul. So I'm setting there, bleeding, and I notice the door open.  But no one comes in and I see wimp elf act strange.  Now I'm not stupid.  Cause I haven't been in this.. arena place.  I know what it is.  So I hold up tha arrow that was in my butt and ask Red if she wanted to give it back to her friend.  Or she could sneak up here and take it herself.  I think I said before that something about her friend hiding and how much of a coward it shows her to be. .  Nothing.  No Miss happy bow.  No idea where she went.  But I know she was there.  About then red was calming down.  Said she had work to do.  Called me a siver tounged, something , and then said she had no need for any man... or woman. And then she left.  Nice having it quiet again. Once she was gone the wimp elf told me I should have put her in her place.  I don't do such things I told him.. If they don't know.  I can't help it.  He said that was my failing. Can you imagine the gaul of this clad in balck wimp.   I just shook my head and said to him That the women here are so pretty.  Yet so many of them were trying to be men.  And that  Yea.  I had quite a few, failings I mean.  One of them is pretending to care what some creep in black thinks about my stance with women.  Have no idea if he heard that or not.  He was headed out the door.  Ohhh Jared you do know how to make friends and influence people.  Gonna have to work on that.  And what's with all the toots and babes.  

                Earlier before this red headed thing blew up all over me.  ( I wish) I did  talk to Miss Breanna.  She gave me some names of possible wizard tutors.  Thanks Miss Breanna.  Maybe I can get this going finally.


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                  Re: Jared's Prose
                  « Reply #7 on: November 10, 2011, 11:40:48 pm »
                  I saw her again today.  The red head.  Actually she told me her name is Lacee.  So I won't call her red anymore.  I was sitting there in Center.  Just sitting.  And she walks up.  We both kinda not look at each other and she tells me she justs wants to sit and wait for the bank to open.  And for me not to start anything.  I'm not feeling that fine from the night before and I tell that I wouldn't start anything.  So there we sit.  Not looking at each other and not talking.  I needed to tell her I was sorry for the night before so I just say it.  I sez, "Look.  I'm real sorry.  I was the south end of a north bound oxen .  But I have a problem with my temper.  And some time it gets the best of me.  So... I'm sorry.  ... To both of you.  No excuses.  Like I said.  I'm an...well  you know."  To that she faintly smiled.  You know even without the fire there in the dim light I could tell she is pretty and when she smiles it shows even more. She says something about having temper issues to.  So I guess we both need to learn to keep our egos in check then.  I then took a chance and told her my name was Jared.  She said hello and real faint she said her name is Lacee.  Ahh..  Lacee.  A nice name for a pretty young woman I sez.  I was hoping I did not start something again.  But she said thank you  and I can tell you I was relieved.  I told her again that I really was sorry and that, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not going to forgive her and her friend because they didn't do anything that required forgiveness.  But that I hoped she, or rather they, could find in their hearts to forgive me.  As I had no call to start anything and I have no excuses.  

                  I also told her that I'd like to tell her friend I was sorry.  She didn't deserve what I said to, and about, her.  I was rude and obnoxious.  And, short of her carving me up, I'd take what ever she had to say.  What ever it was.  

                  About that time she could see that the bank was opening and as she got up to leave I told her that I really would like to see her friend to say I was sorry.  And that I'd like to see her...just to see her.  She didn't say no.  Matter of fact she didn't say anything.  But I thought I saw a faint smile as she walked away.  Or was I imagining it.

                  I did get a copy of a letter that Miss Elohanna sent to Master Chakar about me being a new student.  I guess I'd better get over to the Tower Acadamey and let them know I'm ready to start.


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                    Re: Jared's Prose
                    « Reply #8 on: November 13, 2011, 09:26:23 pm »
                    I caught up with the other one.  The one I called a guard dog. And later a guard date.  How stupid can I be?  To insult someone that can turn me into mincemeat.  I've got a screw loose for sure.  Anyway I found her in Center standing right next to fire she vaporized two nights earlier.  She already had her bow out.  And when I walked up she started twirlling one of her, special sparkling, arrows between her fingers. She never notched it but I've the feeling she could have done that and fired in a hare's breath.  She never said a word.  At first.  She just drew her cowl further over her eyes and stared at me.  It was up to me.  As well it should have been.  After all I'm the one who started it.  I'm the one who escalated it.  And I'm the one who wouldn't shut up.  I'm also the one that caught an arrow in the butt.   But I promised Lacee I'd take anything.  And since that happened during my screwup.  It was old news.  

                    So there we are.  Almost just like Lacee and me from earlier.  Cept we were sitting then.  The friend and I were standing.  I know it's up to me so I start first.  I come right out with it.  I'm sorry.  I'm an idiot with a temper, that I didn't used to have which is no excuse, and I went too far.  I shoulda never said those things.  Then she said something.  She was kinda hard to hear cause she's so soft spoken.  She said I called her a dog.  Right.  I know I did.  Never shoulda done it.  It was wrong and hurtfull.  Like I said.  Never shoulda done it.  At that she relaxed and asked me to sit.  So I sat on one log. Her the other.  And we started talking,  She told me that I was lucky that it was here and not someone else of her race.  And that she was sorry about the arrow in my backside.  I winced a bit at that.  Still sore you know.  But I told her I deserved it.  And speaking of deserving it I'd take whatever she had to say or yell at me.  She didn't take me up on that.  She remained quiet.  I did tell her, like I told Lacee, that I wasn't going to forgive them, cause they didn't do anything that required forgiveness.  It was me.  Me that needed forgiveness from them ....  If they could find it in their hearts to do so.  

                    It was about then I had to ask a question.  And I asked her if I could.  She said yes.  So I asked her about the Elf dressed in black.  That I couldn't help but notice, you'd have to be blind to miss it, that the air got real thick between them, Lacee and her, and this guy.  All she said was it was a blood feud between her and him.  Something about what he did to her family.  I told her that I was on a blood feud of my own.  I started to say why.  But I stopped.  She asked if she could help.  Imagine that.   Offering to help after what I said to her.  I got cross at first and told her I needed no help.  But I stopped myself, put my hands up and took a deep breath.  Then I said I was sorry.  I hate what I've become.  I snap at almost everything if it has to do with my family's murder.  It's not me.  I hate me right now.  I didn't say any of that to her.  I did say that I'd handle it myself.  I had to see it through. Then she asked some real good questions.  Would this vendetta I'm on, once completed, bring them back?  Would the demise of these men fill the hole within me?  To the first I responded no.  Of course it won't.  They are forever gone and no matter my actions they will reman so.  As to the second question.  I did not know.  Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  But I intended to find out.  It was a vow I made while I knelt next to the body of my raped and dead mother.  It's a vow I intend to keep.  She tried to say some comforting words.  Words that ring true from years of earned wisdom, and I think personal pain and experience.  Words like, "That hole will never be closed.  You need to learn to live with it.  As I have.".  Yea.  Those were her exact words now that I remember them.  Yea.  So much pain there.  And I called her a dog.  What idiot I am.  About that time Grendola and some of her friends showed up.  I said my hellos.  But I said one last thing to her.  I said that she is probably right.  But my path is set.  I'll worry about the hole later.  If it doesn't consume me first.  She had to go.  And she said a few words and just vanished.  Man am I lucky I'm not fishfood somewhere.  I was feeling pretty down.  So I excused myself and headed to the inn for a stiff drink and to study.  Oh.  I did get name in all that.  I told her mine and she said her's Tyillaan.  But everyone calls her Ty.  Don't know why.  Tyillaan.  It's such a pretty name.  Flows right of your tongue.  T...Y...I...L...L...A...A...N.  Yea.  Just like that.  I like it.


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                      Re: Jared's Prose
                      « Reply #9 on: November 19, 2011, 12:47:56 pm »
                      It finally happened.  I was able to cast some spells.  Big day and an even bigger disappointment.  Man these things are alomost useles.  I really need to get with Master Chakar and start working off the rough edges.  I know I can get better.  Just need to keep at it.  

                      One thing I am able to do is a summon.  A cute little pixie.  I call her Pandora.  I was letting her fly around a bit at the campfire in Center, you know, just letting her stretch her wings a bit, but she got a bit too curious with some fine people.  So I called her in and put her away.  Let's see here if I remember who was there.  My memory is getting better due to all the studying I've been doing so I think I have a handle on all who was there.  Mmm.  Got it. At first there was this nice lady named Raelyn.  Then a wounded man named Cormac showed up.  Then another guy named.... what is his name...Brennan! Yea that's it.  We are there.  Cormac has a nasty wound.  A bit smelly.  It was all red and.. well let's say it didn't look good.  He was lucky though.  Miss Raelyn is practiced in the art of healing and she had him patched up and on the way to full recovery in no time.  I said he was lucky that she was there.  He said something about luck had noting to do with it.  And to that I have to agree.  It's her dedication to her art that makes her good.  Not luck.  Anyway we are there, having pleasant conversation, when another gentlemean, Brennan, shows up.  Nice enough fellow.  Appeared to be a very personable type.  Miss Raelyn waves her hands and then she backs up as if he were some kind of snake.  Why?  Made no sense.  This Brennan fellow picks up on this right away.  Doesn't say anything.  He's being respectfull.  As he should be.  Cormac noticed Raelyns concern and right away askes her what's wrong.  Now as I have said before I stay alive by observing things.  I'm real good at it.  And I notice her eyes shift from Cormac to Brennan.  He turns and gives Brennan a hard stare and now I'm ready to sit back and take in the entertainment.  And I was right.

                      Brennan right away said, "I think her great leader has warned her about people like me."  And right on the heals of that she said that Toran doesn't like him...."For some reason".  For what reason!?  I don't get it.  FOR WHAT REASON!?  She didn't know.  She was just acting out on what she was told. Well they get into this conversation.  Toran this and Kithairien that.  Back and forth.  And it seemed like they had the beef with him.  He didn't seem to have anything bad to say about them.  Who is this Toran anyway?  The god of pettiness?  Well.  I'm listening to this and Miss Raelyn says something about rules or no rules and I couldn't take it anymore.  I'd been sitting there taking all this in and it became to much and something came out that honestly was supposed to remain within me.  I laughed and said, "All these mythical gods."  Right away I said I was sorry.  That wasn't supposed to escape.  But the cat was out of the bag and now I was right where I did not want to be.  In the middle of a discussion about religion.  Cormac asked what was funny.  He deserved an honest answer so I gave him one.  It was that Gods.  Religion.. This whole business of herding good people into corrals of thought was laughable.  Brennan agreed to that right off.  (I think I like this guy)  Cormac said I was free to think as I wished.  And I appreciate that but it seems that if it doesn't fall in line with the teachings of this "Great Leader"  you are subject to being shuned.  So am I free to think as I wish when others may find it worthy of prosecution?  The idea of this mythical belief in this "Great Leader" turned them against him.  In Raelyns own words now, "A man who follows his own rules may not always be a reliable friend and should be regarded carefully."  Sooo. If you want my support you better leave your wagon and get on my wagon.  Otherwise you are always suspect. And after all is that not the sole purpose of religions?  Get as many people on their wagon.  Otherwise how could they control the thoughts of the masses and, utimately, fleece them of their hard earned true.  I had heard enough.  I had to say one last thing before I left and lost my temper.  (which is something I'm proud of in this instance... I remained rather calm)  I said, "I judge people for who they are.  Not for who they follow.  And I deal with them as they dictate.  Not by some mythical being fostered by old decaying men in stone houses.  I've said enough. Sorry if I have offended anyone.  But that's my take on the matter.  Good day to you all."  And I walked away.  No screaming.  No red faces.  Now does that mean that if we were in tussle Miss Raelyn, Cormac, or even Brennan would let anyone die because of a religious belief.  I don't think so.  At that time we all serve one.  Humanity.  To do otherwise would be a tragedy.


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                        Re: Jared's Prose
                        « Reply #10 on: November 21, 2011, 06:47:05 pm »
                        Twice I saw her today.  Lacee.  And I was right.  She is far too pretty to have her hood up all the time.  Both times were purely by chance.  The first was when I passed her and Tyillaan while I was on the road to Hlint.  I said hello.  And we talked for a very short while.  Tyillaan continued on so I didn't wish to delay her.  But I did tell her I was right before we parted.  She asked about what.  So I told her.  She blushed just a little and then I said my farewells and continued on my way and she hers.  The second was in Fort Wayfare by the florist.  She was looking for Larry.  I assume it was the same Larry I had delivered mail to earlier.  So  I pointed him out to her.  I did something bold this time.  I even surprised myself.  I bought a single red rose and I presented it to her.  I said it matched the color of her hair.  At first she was hesitant to accept it and I thought I had taken a step back.  I was thinking of what to say if I had to take it back when she reached out and softly took it from me.  She touched my hand and I felt shivers.  Again we made conversation and I feel that we were talking just to talk.  No substance really.  But I didn't care.  We were talking.  Again I had somewhere to be so I said may farewells and went on my way.  When I looked back she too was on her way but she was inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flower and smiling.  Again I felt shivers.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                        I was on my way back to Center and I stopped to buy another red rose for Lacee.  Why not?  If she doesn't like them I'm sure she will tell me.  But until that time I'll do my best to have one with me to present to her at the proper occasion.  
                        When I got to Center I found the young miss who had been in discussion regarding her faith the prior day.  Her name is Raelyn.  I knew this of course from the previous day but since we had not yet been properly introduced I addressed her as miss.  She told me that she was disappointed that I had left when I had.  And that she would like the opportunity to explain her beliefs.  I, of course, have no objection to this.  Not to listen would limit my ability to understand her and thus limit my potential as a person.  So of course I'll listen.  Not to would be foolish. So, she talked and I listened.  She is quite the pleasant young lady.  Somewhere I asked her If I could know her name and that my name is Jared.  She nodded and said her name was "Priestess Raelyn Blair".   I smiled and asked her if I should always address her as such or was there a more concise name I could use.  She said I could call her Raelyn or Rae.  I said thank you and right then I think a true friendship was struck.  
                        She asked me what business brought me to the area.  I must have shown a bit of pain.  I pushed it down and held the anger within.  She obviously saw this and in her own way tried to take some of the pain away.  Were it within her power I sense she would have taken it all.  Rather than lash out as I had previously to others I smiled to her and simply stated that I was not ready to discuss such matters.  Perhaps some other time.  She offered a sympathetic shoulder and a discerning ear.  if I should ever change my mind.  I thanked her and thankfully she moved away to another avenue of conversation.  
                        The rest of the day with her was a joy.  Nice to be shown about by such a lovely person.  She took me to places I'd not been before.  Showed me picturesque waterfalls and a magnificent  cliff side view.  She stood right at the edge of the cliffs.  Very brave.  I stayed back a little.  Best not to tempt fate.  While looking over the cliffs I reached into my pack for my canteen and pricked my thumb on one of the rose's thorns.  Foolish I know.  I yelped like a wounded puppy and immediately she showed concern.  I embarrassingly   told her what I had done and was just about to tell her the purpose of the rose.  When I caught myself and apologized  for the breach of etiquette  I was committing.  She passed it of as an innocent mistake on my part and gave me sound advice concerning my "Lady Friend".  I shall take it to heart.   The tour was not much longer and  finished at Leringrad.  I had been exposed to places I'd not seen before by this young woman I had practically insulted the previous night.  I can only come to one conclusion. Priestess Raelyn Blair is a refreshing person and if I had but one decree that was absolute it  would be that she be the model of grace and decorum for us all.  Thank you Rae.


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                          Re: Jared's Prose
                          « Reply #11 on: December 21, 2011, 05:42:37 pm »
                          Been quite a while since I have entered a journal entry so I need to sit and catch my breath and do just that.  Many changes in my life.  All for the good.  First let me say that Lacee and I are closer.  Won't say we are an item.  But closer.  I always keep a red rose for when I see her as they match the color of her hair.  *takes a breath*  She is magnificent. I'm sure there are other words to describe her but those are the ones I prefer.  But knowing her is not without consequence.  She is in demand from those that know her and those that just happen to cross her path.  
                          We were out and about and happen to meet one of her friends named Armand just outside Hlint at the campfire.  Strange but pleasant enough fellow.  Has a mechanical arm.  Lacee and he seemed friendly enough so we invited him to accompany us to the swamps.   He was very polite and asked if he could cast on us.  Lacee accepted.  I did not.  I like to know what I can do for myself.  But more on that later.  He was quite capable and polite at all times and honestly good to have about.  I see why Lacee likes his company.  I wonder if she and he had a knock down drag out verbal fight also? Hmmm.  No matter.  Anyway during our time in the swamp he did cast upon me to keep me alive.  Grateful he did and as a result I have decided to change my tune about being cast upon.  Come now.  It's foolish not to take every advantage. So I do have him to thank for that revelation.
                          That very same day we were in the Redlight Caverns clearing the gobs when someone happened to show up.  Never got a name.  But it was obvious he was good with his feet.  Kicked the snot out of the gobs there.  So rather than say, "Hey you!"  I gave him the name of Mr. Feet.  He just showed up and followed us.  He was good to have about so we invited him to assist us.  But after that at the camp fire and in Hlint he wouldn't leave.  He just wouldn't take the hint.  Maybe all those kicks he deals out are like taking blows to the head.  No idea.  But I had to straight up ask him to leave.  Told him I'd been desiring some alone time with Lacee, like the idiot I can be she was there when I said that, and please leave.  And to his credit he did.
                          That's just one example.  Later that evening we were in Center and came across an elf in a bubble.  He was rude and obnoxious.  Lacee had caught his eye and he was bound and determined to make borderline lewd comments.  I wasn't going to take any of that so I stepped up into his bubble and demanded he apologize.  He kind of did, well not really, but he just would not stop.  So we decided to leave and he followed.  Continually making comments about Lacee and how she was dressed. I swear that bubble has affected his hearing.  He wouldn't stop.  But then he said something that allowed me to press him to leave.  He said, as he was looking at Lacee, that if he got a kiss he would be on his way.  But he never said from who.  I point blank asked him if he really meant it.  If he got a kiss he would leave us alone.  He said yes so I walked up to him and kissed him.  Didn't even give him time to flinch.  And then I told him that he'd been kissed and to keep his word.  He looked kind of puzzled and disappointed but he was true to his word and left.  I think,  really I know, that what I did startled Lacee as well.  She asked me why I did it.  And I told her it was to get rid of bubble boy and there was no way I was going to let her kiss him.  She said she didn't know how anyway.  This started me.   Surely such a pretty woman such as her knows how to kiss.  I said it was a natural thing and that she would surely know how regardless.  She seriously doubted that and I assured her it was true.  And that if she doubted me, and I turned red here, she could try with me.   At first I thought she was going to slap me as she took a quick step back.  But she didn't. She was quiet and just looked at me.  Then shrugged and said why not and stepped up and kissed me.  *deep breath and slowly releases it* Goodness she knows how to kiss.  Yes she does.  
                          Oh.  And somewhere along the way I've gained proficiency as being wizard. Not sure where that happened.  Maybe it was Lacee's kiss.   I must have another.  You know to see if it was.

