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Author Topic: The Choices Made  (Read 505 times)

gilshem ironstone

The Choices Made
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:32:35 pm »
The first night after the mission in Center, young Cormac is the first watch around the campfire. He could have been second and third with the nerves he had. A ghoul's bite is more easily healed in body than soul you see and the clatter of bones was loud in his ear.

A strange place, with strange friends; such a strange life!  Could his father have known the stories that would already be written? That revelation we will save for later, for now we are only concerned with the number of people at this campfire. You and I see five: bold Mari, kind Rae, wise Bart, and the mighty Lady Daniella and young Cormac. Five, no more, no less, right?  Perhaps to you and me, but young Cormac, for the very first time is considering a sixth person. How? Who? What for young Cormac? Wait!  He looks to be ready to tell us. Let's listen and see:

Um.. Well.. Thank you Toran for being there.. When Lady Daniella and Rae asked for your help. I don't think I would be here if it weren't for them. Um... That's it..

Is it young Cormac? You don't seem sure. Feeling queer? Not sure if your sixth friend is real or not? Oh well, no answers tonight. Sleep if you can, or at least, look at the stars.
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gilshem ironstone

Re: The Choices Made
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 10:33:25 am »
It had been a long while for young Cormac, a long while indeed.  At first he missed his home, at first he though himself lost in a sea of novelty, but it had been a long while.  You would be amazed at what you saw if you could see him now.  Taller yes, like a vine tended by Prunilla he has grown; his own father would have to look up to him.  To the young at heart, it might look like the emblems of soldiery he practiced with every day had shrunk, but indeed there was a scaling of size to put him more in the adult realm.

Some growth cannot be measured or seen, but only felt.  Staring the dark creatures of the night in the eyes makes a young man brave and young Cormac was no exception.  He had cleansed two crypts already; and to think of what we were doing at fifteen winters, makes one walk an extra mile that day doesn't it?  Bravery indeed, is not a lack of fear, but merely the strength to overcome, but from where does young Cormac's bravery come?  A quiet place that is hard to see for it is new, even to him.

But as growing is Cormac's theme in the last year, this small place is about ready to sprout in to something, well something that no one on Layonara can expect.  A new world beckons and our young friend is not at the centre of it.  I think, that as we watch we will see room for two in Cormac's heart: a seat for his own passion and a seat for the Great Leader.

Quite a year young Cormac.  I cannot call you that much longer, but that is for the best.

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Choices Made
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 09:34:08 am »
It had been many days since Cormac, not as young as he once was, had felt a new world open up inside of him.  You might think this is an exageration, for surely the world is too big to fit inside a single person, but for this young man, it was surely the very truth.  And who would think that containing such a large thing inside of him could fill him with such grace and poise?  To the men and women working at the manor, they merely thought that it was a natural step in the growth of a boy to a man, but yo- Cormac knew a secret.

You see this world inside of him, was not something that was evident at an examination by a healer, not something that could easily be spoken about or even something that one could guess at in a conversation.  No, it was a mysterious world that sprang in to life in moment, although if he really thought about it he would see that it was a long time coming.  But in that moment, this new world changed his direction, gave him a new life.  There was nothing wrong with the old one, he had been very happy.  But now he had something more than a life, he had a purpose, a simple one that gave rise to a rare beauty.  He merely had to stand.  Stand with those who give rather than take, stand before those who seek to harm rather than heal, stand behind those who take their first steps towards courage.

This secret world he would carry would make people wonder why he would talk less, and smile more.  Some of those close to him would have an inkling at his secret, some thought he was ready to leave the manor, and some, well two really, knew the face of the world inside him.

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Choices Made
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 12:28:21 pm »
Cormac, after his graduation from the Program, made sure to return home and give the appropriate honors to the gift his father made to him.  He immediately set about creating a training program, modeled on his experiences with Lady Daniella, and Sir Lance, for the militia  of his fathers homestead.  His idea is to have rotating sergeants of smaller units, that all are commanded by his father.  The units themselves would then rotate in and out of active duty to gather better information on the movements of monstrous races and bandits about their small corner of the world.

Cormac would speak with his father about attempting to bring some type of garrison of Trelania closer to them, so that their life might not be so hard.  So that they might participate in the greater society they are a part of, but this conversation is mostly to hide the real decision that Cormac had to make: to join Toran's army, or to remain home, and see to his heritage.

