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Author Topic: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness  (Read 412 times)

Lance Stargazer

Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:15:55 pm »
Entry 1

*The night over Leringard was cold and rainy, the thunderstroms and the lightnigns combinated with the silence of the night gave the scene a matise of drama and danger, As the sound of a blackwatch patrol echoes in the silence, as another criminal is beaten in the darkplaces. A cat is the only withness of the events as he jumps beetwen the ceilings.

In one of the finest distrcts of the city, the home of the knight clad in blue and gold does not seems to be diferent from the rest of the city, until the yell is heard

The young girl in scarce 6 springs yells in panic in the middle of her dark room, after another of the recurrent nightmares, craying loud she recomposes when an old lady enters the room with a worried gesture on his face, she hurries and hugs the girl soothing her, speaking soft words and whispering, everything is going to be alright .. nothing is going to get you, you are safe now.

The girl Mylanna, or Myla for short awoke again tormented by the same nightmare, The darkness falling over her , the  place full of blood and the evil creatures surrounding her, he saw as everynight how she was taken away, and again how the knight made his way beetwen their captors. blooded and with a face that betrayed urgency, he saw over and over how the vicious creatures fought him ... then as always the nightmare ended with her yelling.

The old woman holding her as another thunder iluminates the room, for some minutes the girl keeps crying until the sleep and the conforting words finally defeat the fear, she cuddles in Keira sobbing still, the woman stroke her hair softly staying with her for the rest of the night

Again the night becomes calm , as the old woman falls asleep as well, being a book over a small table the only witness of the events of the night*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 04:10:52 am »
Entry 2
New Blood

*The old woman moves near the desk observing the girl resting on her bed, the inocent girl that now lives in the house, under the care of her and the knight, hoping for a new life, one life full of hopes and happiness.  The woman smiles a bit sadly, knowing that being a Stargazer peace is not something that comes easily.

She moves towards the small table and sits opening the book she start to writte in shaky hand *

Mylanna , My dear Myla,

I am writting you this in the case i am not able to tell you of this things when you are big, you have been a blessing to out lives and this old lady can't do other thing than thank you for coming to take care of Master Lance, as usual things ae not going to be be easier, but know this my child that your father is a good man, that deservess better than what he has gotten,

you are young to understand this My child, but soon you'll have to take care of him on your own, I am not for many winters more, and its sad, cause how this family has broken i would like to see him shine again as in the old days, you'll be the one who has to do that, to support him to give the joy to his life.  

Its a heavy burden that life has put to you, but you are who will carry the burden of the Stargazer lastname.

I just wish i could stay with you anylonger, I leave you this book to you, as a memento of your duties and the love that brings with it.

With Love  yours in this world and the next ..



Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 02:33:12 pm »
Entry 3
A tea party

*The girl opens her eyes once the adults left the room, a mischievous smile appears on her face as she keeps herself silent to listen to the surrounding making herself sure to not to be caught, some minutes pass when she finally ventures to get out of bed, wearing her small slippers to make sure her steps does not sound over she moves towards the table and  looks over the book, she smiles a bit as she put up a stuffed bear on the floor back to the desk, tilting her head for a moment under the light of the candle , she shuffles and moves the bear to the desired position, yet that position seems to be hard to find to the meticulous girl, She plays with various places on the desktop and finally decides to put it just beside Andrea the rag doll that is just in front of her, she tilt her head again as she looks at the new couple and smiles a bit, her eyes showing enjoyment as she remembers the evening, she can't help but to giggle at the memories.

Once the moment pass he looks down to the book with a toughful look, as with every little girl the look at the book is exagerated trying to really figure if looking things as that serve for something, at least to try to do it as Adults does , after some time she finally opens the book and start to pass some pages, one dedicated observer would notice as the pages goes that there are several passages wrote over the last weeks, some drawings and writting exercices, she finally reaches to a blank page, and taking the soft pen and dipping it on the ink, she start to writte down in a exceptional neat caligraphy for her age *

Myla's memories:

*She looks at the header and smiles and giggles full in emotion *

Dear Journal, its me Myla again. I am writting on you again at night, the thrill of being discovered is too much, to resist, Life is passing good , Lance was here today, yes the man that Keira calls Master Lance, I am still a bit scared of him, but Keira says he's not someone i should be scared off.

I was playing with some herbs on Jillian's room when they both came for me, and guess what? We had a tea party, it was fun, that is why i say Lance is a bit strange, he was playing with me into the castle with my dolls, and he was mean, he wanted to hurt poofy, I was asking Jillian why he was doing such things, and he said that he's a knight and some of the knigth jobs is to kill dragons, I told her that i don't want him to kill Poofy, She said that they were pretending that in the end he would not hurt poofy, Well That happens something odd, Poofy is a good dragon, pink and all.

Jillian is awesome, she said she would speak to her teacher so i could met a real dragon, her teacher is called Miss Daniella and she has a friend that is a real dragon, i am supposed to send her an invitation to come to our tea party, It was awesome to see this tea party, There was Jillian, Lance Poofy, Oh and Fred the bear knigth of the stuffed Avengers, Don't tell anybody but I think Fred fell in love with Jillian, They were dancing and all, I am so surprised and i think that aftet today i like Lance a bit more, he's able to play that shinny harp of his quite well , and he can sing as well, I did not hoped he could do it that way, he made the compasses for the tea party, he and poofy seems to be friends now, he even apologized for hurt Poofy wing.

*she looks at the notes as she writtes the last part, then blows over so the ink gets dry fast , and start writting again. *

Jillian and Keira confuses me, They are saying that I should start calling Lance Dad, but what would dad think if i call Lance Dad?  I mean I've not seen dad in some time but, still... well and Lance is not that bad, Its just. .

*she sighs a bit and then writtes down again *

I miss mom and dad.

With Love


*The caligraphy of the signature is a bit blurry *

*The girl leaves the ink to dry and look over again to the small couple of the doll and the bear* - Good night Fred and Jillian - *she says in sleepy voice, then she start to move back to her bed and hugging a pillow she went back to the world of dreams *



Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2010, 06:37:57 pm »
Entry 4
A trip to the field

*The girl stands looking at the diary with her head tilted, she gigles as she finishes the drawing of the dragon and the knight hugging each other, at the same time she put aside a teddy bear as she waits for the last pieces of sand to fall on the hourglass, With an amused look she takes the hourglass and put it outside down again , to start the whole process again, then she blows out the sand of the journal *

Myla's Memories.

Adults are silly,

I don't know how else to put it, They are silly period the only one who ever makes sense is Keira, she's always right, But Lance and Jillian doesn't have any clue on how to make things worse, they seemed to had a diference of late, As usual with the grown ups, doesn't make sense, Jillian left the house for something, and Lance is back to his room as if he was really upset at the world and what not, Jillian was here with me and she said that she had to go, she's stubborn even if i asked her to stay she said she ahd work to do, she taught me how to do a ponytail as the ones she uses, that is good i guess, I really like to be able to do ponytails, made me look bigger, Or that is what Mister happy mirror made me look , I wonder if i could use some make up as well? I'll find soon once Jillian is gone and Keira is asleept, They won't let me play with those things anyway, so why i bother to ask perimision, right?  

That is whyi like you my journal , you think as i do, We are bound to be together.

Lance is singing again , alone on his room, It scares me a bit when he does that, he seems far, retired from the world.  Then he left the next morning of the argument, I don't want they both to be in argument, I mean Lance sings beautifully, even if at times he does it in that strange languaje he knows , Elfish, Keira said its called, Something Lance has known for some time , and that reflect a lot of what he was, I wonder what Keira mean by that.
Well Now back to my adventures, I was at the park you know?  Jillian came back last night two weeks after she left and I can't believe she fullfilled her promise, we were like hiding from everyone, we crept out the house, and boy i had fun , We were traveling thru the market, she bougth me applecandies, Lance never buys me applecandies, But Jillian did, I wonder if this will cause for them both to argue again, If that is so i don't think Applecandies are to blame, they are silly grown ups after all. .

Keira and Lance were real worried about me , and they seemed to feel better after seeing me with Jillian, Lance still is in his room most of the time, he has started to teach me some things, and he said he would teach me the basics of singing, That would be so cool, I wonder why Lance does not leave the life of a knight and become a full time singer, he seems to enjoy singing and i love when he does, I had to hide cause i broke several strings of his platinum harp, i tried to blame Shiny 2, but somehow he knew it was me, Poofy should have told him, so much for the sectret Dragon friend. Anyway Lance was not mad at me, I tought i had to hide for a week after that , on the other hand he sat with and taught me how to restring the harp, I must say its harder than it looks. I pinched myself once with those mean strings.

Well and here I am the next morning, I had to take a bath, Jillian said that if i bath as that my ponytail would look always great, and if mine looks as great as she does , I would better find a way to do it, even if i don't like to bath as often.

Anyway, I better get ready for breakfast  

*She closes the journal once the ink is dry and hides it under the table, as seh hears someone coming towards the next room, She then hops down the stool and runs towards the door *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 05:23:54 pm »
Entry 5

*The peaceful night on the forest was charming, the silver ligth of the moons reflected in the calm waters of the river , filled with peace the soul of the girl, the fire creeping and consuming the tinder over the small campsite as the howl of a wolf break the silence of the night, far far away in the mountains.

The night was perfect, The girl took some more tinder as she waited, quiet and moveless. She had to keep her eyes closed, she was figthing the fear to be alone in the woods for herself, she have to be brave, she repeats to herself, she looked up to the moons looking at the big silver spheres in the sky as if trying to draw bravery from them.

She stood as the heavy sound crossed the forest, the sound of a gale of wind thru the forest, the sould of a fast paces in the green grass, she looked around nervously until she spotted the white dressed figure walking thru the forest, she gasped and ran behind her.

As Myla crosses the first metters, the white woman was gone, only the darkness around, and the silence of the forest, she hessitanly looking around, as all the small hopes she had built went to pieces again, then she saw the light..

Running over the hidden trial on the forest she came to another clear , near a river the light of the moons reflecting her silver rays in the tears that now appeared on her face.  She looked at the river as the trout school were jumping on their way to another destination, then she turned to her back as the growl was heard.

Standing there. 2 figures sneering and showing her their fangs, the two bloodied creatures just feasted upon someone else as the blood marks on their clothes just show. The reddish eyes of the two vampires possed on her at the time as they made a loud and low tone hiss. Mylanna yelled with all the terror she was able to gather, the scarce bravery gone as if were taken by the river beside her.

And she ran aimlessly tru the forest yelling her eyes closed in the most pure terror expressed in a man, the two dark figures running beside her, coming close to each moment, lurking, stalking, persuing as the most vile hunter that mortals have ever known.

She keep running and in the next turn there was she , all dressed in white , and all filled in white and precious light , the woman standing with a serene smile as the girl ran into the figure .. Mom, she yelled amoung tears, Save me Mom. as the girl hugged the figure made of solid light, The creatures hissed at her and then jumped towards the two women, The ligth woman raised the hand and from a her a shinning palm a ligth emerged erasing the creatures of the existance, her serene smile then look down at the girl , as she was still crying holding her as if life depends on it.

Don't let them get me mom!! - Don't let them get me!!!  

The girl was mumbing on her room under the light of the candles as Jillian stood by her stroking her hair and letting the girl hugging her leg.

There there ,Myla  - Everything will be alright , I won't let nothing happen to you . *as the girl keep crying for the nightmare.

*the silver light of the moons thru the window acompanied the women as the rain started to fall on the city .*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2010, 05:59:25 pm »
Entry 6
A pony trip

*Myla's eyes open in wonder as she looks over the window, the rainy night, she covers herself as the ligthing stroke on the night sky, she put on her sandals and runs towards the table with the book, Keira looking at the girl smiles from de door *

-Knock, knock , Young Myla !!- She calls -

*The girl look at the door and runs to hug the elderly woman *

Keira , I am scared -She says looking up-

*The woman look down at her and stroke her hair* You know nothing is going to happen to you Myla, Nor Master Lance, nor Jillian nor me are going to let that happen - *She smiles at her*

*The girl hugs her leg and hessitantly relases the hug * Alright Keira. *she looks back for a moment toward the table*

*The elderly woman smile at her and put a finger on her own mouth then whispered* Go tell your journal what you need to take out and then go to sleep. I am trusting you Myla.. alright?

*The girl blushes sligtly and looks up to the wrinkled face of the old woman , she just smile back as if saying "yes I know* , then the girl runs towards the table, Keira closing her door. *

Myla's Memories

Hi dear Journal. Its me Myla again. It has been quite good of late, Today i went out with Lance and Jillian, together, they took me to the market and for a round trip in all the city, I've seen how some guards keeps looking at Lance, he somehow seems to be known here, he greets so many people. Ponies are awesome, Lance let me took one for a ride, it was sweet brown with white spots, I want to call him "Happy", cause it made me real happy.

It was a good day, Lance got me some fun, he bought me sweetapples and juice, some candies as well, But seriously the best of all was Happy, I so wanted to him to come home after the trip, but they didn't want to get to me. I don't know why Jillian did not wanted to help with this, its not like if she can't do it or something, I just asked her to tell Lance to buy me the pony,she has been awesome this far, that i simply don't get why she doesn't simply tell him, I so want a pony and she does not want to help, she keep telling me that i should be the one asking. *She sighs *

It was a fun trip, Jillian was discussing with another lady, they don't know I heard but for godness I heard, I don't get it, They were discussing about Lance dating. Why would Lance be dating, I mean he does not seem the kind of Dating, he's always alone and only smiles when i can see him, I've not met another person who call him friend other than Keira and Jillian, Oh and that lady Drexia, she's kind and an elf, For a moment i tought it was the same picture Lance has in his room, you are not telling him i was on his room right journal? It was not my fault that when the ball bounced the door got opened and i had to go in to pick it , right?  yes I know you would understand. Well Also he should not be dating. As i understand Knights have one lady and one true love .. I wonder if that would be true, or who would be the one Lance has .. would he have her hidden on the castle. because boy someone could get lost in this place.

Anyhow, I have to keep asking for that pony, I totally loved Happy, and i think Lance could get me one or two happies if Jillian ask him, why he can have his horse here, I liked Avenger, but he's too tall and doesn't move much of late, I wonder if he's sick, Maybe if i give him some sugar he'll feel better. yes i'll do that tomorrow.

I want to have someone to play with, two days ago i found a shaft from where i can go out without being seen, I will start knocking on the neighbors doors, maybe there are other girls out there that want to play with me. This of being the lady of the household is important, but not that funny from time to time

I'll write more to you tomorrow ..

Love Myla.

*The girl yawns, and crawls back to her bed removing the slippers, he hugs Fred and finally falls into a resting sleep, dreaming with a garden full of children to play with, not having nightmares for first time in long time *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 09:46:35 pm »
Entry 7
The portait

*The silent and rainy night on Leringard was as creepy as it could be, the crack of the wood, and the wind blowing were the sounds that broke the calm of the enviroment, The young girl had waken up in the middle of the night again being chased by the nightmares that torment her everynight, moving sigilously over the house, creeping into the family wing she kept herself, the light of a repentine lightning stroke thru the big windows making scary shadows appear of nowhere, Myla used to the empty plac and knowing that Keira must be sleeping crawled into the empty halls, she was disapointed when opened the door of the room , the only place where she would know nothing will happen to her, and see that Jillian was not home today, an inmense feeling of despair filled her heart, fighting the tears that were making their way on her eyes.

Then he heard movement, the distance to the other door seemed so far, and the univiting door to the forbidden room just in front of her, the terror on the soul of the girl made a grip to her young heart, Inside the sound of voices was frightening but at the same time inviting, That is the master of the house room, a place forbidden to enter in Myla's eyes, a place that alwasys was closed that not even Jillian dared to enter, She was affraid of everything around, still she could not help but to move there.

As she crawled into the corner to see thru the door, she saw the image of the knight attaired in a simple blue tunic with pants and slippers, standing at the end of the room, the room with the big silk red curtains and the big bed with red sheets as well, The marmoled tiles on the floor and the drawers on the bed sides, all was not as imponent to the girl than the scene she was lookin eyewiden, there was that mysterious man that she has told to call father, The knight Lance Stargazer, standing in silence observing that portait in the room, the only thing that was on the walls, In there the image of an elven woman in a sleek gray dress, with a mysterious smile observing front to the one who was devoutly there, the two candelabras at the sides of the portait added some mystery to the scene, and so Myla stayed there waiting and observing the scene, the knight was there as if he were speaking to the portait, then a silence coming, Myla kept her breath part of the terror she was feeling part for the unconfortable scene. The hand of the man reached for one side of the portait, Myla couldn't stand more and uneasily she moved a bit back.

Then the jar fall down to the floor breaking itself in hundred pieces.

The girl look at the jar that had fallen of the small table, moved by her own arm as she creeped a bit back, she was in shock looking at the pieces on the floor when she heard the door of the room opening, and there was him looking down at her, and then to the jar, the girl soul gripped in terror as the man was standing there.

Lance kneeled at her, a kind smile was drawn on his face looking at the girl weeping already sitting with a defeated look in the middle of the fear.

- Hello Myla, my dear, what's wrong? - The knight spoke with gentle and calming voice - Can't sleep?

*The girl looking at his eyes, with bags as well and a bit red shook her head * - No, Lance, I .. I .. am sorry for the jar, I'll get you one new with my allowance. - *she said in quick answer, finally unable to beat the tears , she break to cry *

*The knight smiled at her and moved a bit nearer hugging the girl in the floor and pulling her up to his arms* - Don't worry about it, those things happen, we'll see what we do with that jar, now tell me why you can't sleep? - *he said in calm and polite voice almost whispering to her*

-The monsters Lance, they will come for me again - She replyied still in middle of tears -

- I won't let that happen Myla, They would have to pass over me before they can put one finger over one of this lovely blonde curls, you are safe with me, Toran is with us remember? - *the knight said in soothing voice as he hugs the girl patting gently her back *

- Jillian is not home, where is she, Lance? - *the girl asked as she was resting her head over the knight shoulder and letting the tears flow *

*Lance look across the room towards the room that he prepared for the Beacon, and sigh a bit, then speaking at the girl in soothing tone - She's doing Toran's Job Myla, as much as i am when i am gone for weeks, She's a knight as myself, and she has chores to do, she'll be back faster than you tought , mark my words *still hugging the girl stroking her hair *

*The girl started to calm under the warm of the hug and the soothing words, becoming used to the hug she hugged him back, for first time in long time, as the fear started to go away on the tender attention, some minutes passed as the girl raised her head to face the knight's face * - Were you crying as well , Lance?  Are you affraid of the night as well? - The girl asked with an inocent voice as she noticed the eyes of the knight and the late hours *

*The knight smiled at her and answers - Myla, we knights are mortals as well, and we have some moments as well as we got sad yet I can assure you that I have no fear of monsters, just a moment of weakness, I won't admit being crying, tough. I am fine and as i said I am not affraid of monsters or the night. The knight has no time to for that when a lady is in distress *he nudges her with a smile, obviously changing the subject, still the girl seemed pleased with the answer* -Want to stay with me , tonight?  to make yourself sure nothing will happen? -

-The girl nodded without second tought, then spoke to the knight - Would that be alright? -

Of course it would be alrigth Myla, I am your father after all, Its my duty and pleasure to protect you. -The knight said in gentle tone to her - Come here - *as he opened the door and entered the room.*

-Who's she ? - *The girl looked and pointed at the portait, the knight paled a bit, having heard that question before, one hundred times before on one hundred dreams, It was a question he feared, how could he explain to the little girl without making her doing more questions, more at that moment , a moment of choices and personal tests for him* - She's a very good friend of Dad, Myla, My lady Iellwen. But she likes to be called Ell - *The knight answered almost mechanically as had answered so many times when his mind possed the same question, The girl keep looking at the portait and tilt her head saying at the end * - Is she a good person? that picture looks spooky - *The knight look at the picture once more and then looks at the girl* - She has been real good to me in the past Myla, believe me, Its complicated, She's a good person tough. Would i be friends with a bad person? *he asked to the girl giving a kiss onto her cheek* - No, I guess not, but you make me affraid at times as well, Lance - *the girl answered bluntly and homestly *

- Can you call me dad tonight Myla? Please? - *The knight asked gently*

*The girl looked at him hessitantly* Would you like that Lance? - *She asked gently *

Yes very *the knight Answered *  

Dad *the girl hugged the knight *ยจ

*The knight smile as she hugs him and raising his sigth towards the portait to met the gaze of the elven lady on the canvas he stood standing tall, hugging back the girl he hssitantly pit his hand on the frame of the paint, for a moment as if he was going to move it, after some seconds he removed the hand* - Come Myla , say good night to Miss Ell - *The girl mummbled without looking back,*  - Good night miss Friend of Dad - *then father and daughter started to move towards the bed , Lance blowing up the candles *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2010, 07:44:04 pm »
Entry 8
Pony at home


*The girl sits sadly on her bed, out of tears upon having been crying all evening she is hugging Fred, Knight of the Stuffed Avengers, The big teddy bear loyal to her, more loyal than those who call themselves her wardens, The girl could not believe how they stole the scarce happiness she had , so the moon rays greet her and the small diary that is lay open on the desk*

Dear Journal:

I am sad today , I had a pony and lost it, It was not fair, I did nothing wrong this time, yes I know you say i always say the same but this time is true. *A blot of ink here as the girl was thinking what to writte * Well always is true, but this time was true true, you got my meaning and I am not going to discuss with you. *the writting seems to be a pout *

Well anyway, I was looking around the castle playing around when i noticed something odd, as I was playing i saw him a big grey pony head in the window, i ran to see it and it was outside, The poor pony was lost and scared in the middle of the street and i did what every good people would have done, i got him into the house towards the stable, and looked to how to feed him, I of course did not wanted to bother to Keira or the maids, I am here to help not to give more problems. *another blot of ink there* What? Its true.. Anyway .

Well I was worried cause well i wanted him to feel like home, So Avenger could have someone to play with, Anyway, I was playing with him when i heard sounds up, and then I saw Jillian, She was coming back at first i was happy to see her, she's lady knight and she would know what to do with the horse, I went up and asked her if what would a horse get from food, I started to ask about the things i've gathered for him when the last sack of Avenger's food got over, I am sure Avenger would have shared, anyway, she's too nice to be a horse *small smile drawn here *

Well I came back and start to feel Happy the food that Jillian told me that won't make him go sick, I was supposed to take some juice to her, but at the moment Happy did not wanted to eat, so I stayed with him, Then she showed up, And she yelled at me. She was asking me if i stole him, I told her the truth, yet she was mad at me for some reason, Even more mad when i asked her if we could keep it, she said that Happy had an home, and yes I said now here is its home now, since i found him on the street and that we could take care of him. In the end Happy is gone, When Lance came home and found about the horse he took him away and deliverit to someone who with certainity could not have taken care of him as good as I could.

And Over this Jillian doesn't want to tell Lance to buy me another pony...

*The writting is over abruptly

*Keira looks at the girl from the door, with toughtful look she closes the door as the girl drift in dreamlands under the protection of Fred *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2010, 08:30:56 pm »
Entry 9
The lady of the portait

*The girl looks at the diary blankly, as if really don't know what to make about it , looking over the big pink dragon sitting behind her she sighs *

Well Poofy, I don't know what happened really, the explosion was not my fault.  kinda, i swear that i only mixed the soap with the water and all went boom, maybe was that mysterious woman who did it, she seems to be more than actually shows.

Well I don't know what to write so you have to sit there and listen .*the girl tilt her head as if hearing the dragon that answers with a solemn silence staying as inmobile as before *

Yes agreed on that, Poofy, and i don't care you have to go and fight with Fred, you staying here to listen to me or i won't feed you with tea. I'll tell Jillian to come and smite you with that wooden sword I swear.

*the dragon answer impasively at her again without further movement *

That is how i like it  *the girl says to the dragon*

Well yes, She was here again, as always there with Keira, to check on her, she said that she's a priestess as well and a healer, that she's able to perform miracles and that has known Lance for too long, Jillian said she's very special to him , and now i can see why, This adults think that i am a foolish girl, and they don't speak openly at times.  It turned that Miss Friend of Lance, is called Ell, and she as i said before came to check out on Keira, she said that she's very sick,and that till now it depends on her mostly and well she mentioned the will of the gods, so i am praying extra hard this week and you are praying with me Poofy, and that will have not a no, we want Keira well so, we pray alright ?  Maybe Toran will listen in the mean time he's planing the next rain *nods at the dragon *

Miss Ell is a bit odd, but intresting, she asked me about musical training, i told her that i like to sing with Lance when he's here with me, she doesn't seem surprised by the fact, I asked her why is she here, She said that Keira is important to her, that she's her family as well as Lance is, I felt confused for a moment, that would explain why Lance is not around that much if he had other families with other people around the world, but I did not get well how is that she's family with Lance, She said that she's the one who raised Argos, but Keira did that as well, so now i am a bit confiused on the matter, as it stands she dated Lance, and lived together, most as  mothers do, but that can't be. Or can it be.. Adults are silly , i tell you poofy .

We spent the evening cooking, Rebecca was helping, and well we did a pie, for Keira, but she was so asleep that did not notice the food. Miss Ell said that it would be a good idea to let her rest and asked me if i needed help with the bath . I actually learned that i don't have to take two baths since she said something about picking at morning or night, she took me to the bath anyway but with this I might be able to talk and persuade to the girls that i don't really need a bath in the night * nods at the dragon again *

It was then when it happened. a big explosion of bubbles in the bath, she was out of the room when i was playing in the water, as i was mixing the soap with the salts the room was filled with bubbles but the tub got broken,  when i woke up i was on my bed  Lance was there as well, and so she was, I asked him what happened, and he told me to not to worry, that everything will be alright. So guess i am out of trouble today.

By the way, Miss Ell turned to avoid my request for the pony as well, she made it sound very bad , as if what i was requestiong was something like using her to ask for such thing,  i only want a pony is that somthing that bad?  is that something that nobody seems to understand?  *She sighs a bit*  Well It was not Jillian faulf for advicing tough, she was right in many things and seems that they both agree that i don't deserve a pony *pouting *

*The girl closes the book fast and hide it behind the table,and runs at the bed with a jump as she hears movements outside her room *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2010, 12:10:55 am »
Entry 10
Lessons and ( another )  trip to the field

*The fireplace near the campsite burns in the middle of the night as a beacon in the middle of the darkness, pulling away the fears and bringing for once conforting toughts, the girl asleept under her father watchful look, and the woman that had served as guide as well leaning over the log in the improvised campsite on the Leringard lake, as the time passes the knight look over the Beacon that is aslept as well beside him and then closes his eyes, in an internal strugle, holding Myla and covering her with his cloak he finally fall asleep, as the sun start to show in the horizon, unknown to Lance and Jillian the small book resting on the carriage that brought the tree of them remain as a silent reminder of the trip. *

Dear Journal .

I am still ponyless, It has been some time since I've tried to get one, Jillian is still adamant on the idea I have to ask Lance about it, same as Miss Ell said, at least Jillian doesn't make it sound that bad, Guess i can kiss my goodbye to my pony wishes, at this rate i would never got it, I've tought of getting a job myself and maybe earn enough trues to buy a pony myself, I mean, I am cute and smart, and i can get all I want asking nicely, people are nice out there, so can't be that hard isn't it?

Well back into this, I am out on the fields after some time, Miss Ell left Keira recovering and now that Lance is home after one of his trips we are able to get out togehter, It was fun cause i heard Keira attending some initiates of the Toran church the day before Lance arrived, it seems that they made a mess on the house, well gladly no one can blame me this time, This trip has been good so far, despite the confusing lessons, Spelling is funny with Jillian, she's too good at it, and real patient, I was trying to make her drop the whole thing, and yet she got focused on it.

It was a bit hard as well since i almost drown, or so is what Dad said, he jumped into the water and got me before i got down the lake, he pulled me out and i can see that he is strong, then Jillian helped him with a new robe, still she threw him certain odd looks , Well at any rate, it was not something i want to repeat so I need to ask them to teach me to swim, but that can wait like 2 years or more, i don't want to get in water again in a while.

Still life goes on and Jillian are not as much at home as she used to be, in fact i've seen that she has started to take some of her things out of the house, I am glad she's still around from time to time, i really like she brushing my hair, and well I miss her at times. The girls are not as smart.

I want to go home, don't want to get near that lake now, I miss Poofy and Fred.


*the signature start to show the Italic style of her father *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2010, 12:11:21 am »
Entry 11
Art Exhibition... Mortal Sin

*The girl is seen working hard with the soap and the rags over the wall, cleaning over her most recent "masterpiece" on the wooden walls of the privy, she looks frustrated this time her smile and charms didn't get out of troubles, instead this time she has to actually do the work herself*

Dear Journal .

How is that grown ups doesn't seem to understand art at all, I should be congratulated over this painting and instead i am forced to clean it up by Lance himself, i know he's kind but this is simply unfair, and I am grounded, for goodness sake, I did not do a thing i did not break the promise made to Jillian.... much. Also its their fault for not letting me go to the art exhibition, it was something that won't happen every day here, and it is only few blocks away, not that something wrong will happen to me on this city right?  I've seen the blackwatch rounding around the house, they seem a bit odd, and not much friendly but they are good defending the city, they saved the orphanage after all, no?

Well, now what .. Oh yes I went to the Art exposition anyway, It was a memorable event, I saw all those statues, but alas those grown ups were again messing with the fun, they somehow learned that i went out "without permision" and sent people to home to get Rebecca, Anyway the exposition was not bad at all, I met intresting people.  That woman Zira that was the live representation of that statue that was in the entrace of the Twin dragons, and well the other statue beside her, i guess that the only difference between them is that one was partially dressed and the other was partiatlly undressed, Not sure why someone would like to do that statue still looked as if she was a live representation of the elf there, Argos spoke me of her before, and she's as preety as he said she was, Still Somehow she treated me with care as if knew me from years, Even if she was the one bringing Rebbeca and ratting me out, she seemed fine and a good person, as i was told later she was the one pulling out the event for charity.

Still the most good part of the nigth was .. *She takes a moment to write here *  Charlie, yes a boy, he was there alongside with his parents, I was wondering what would be to be to have a family as that, Both his parents were there one was as i was told a priest of a dragon of sorts, and the other. well a small woman, They seemed to take Charly there against his will and they were whispering to him all night, He was a charmer of course that I as the Lady of the Stargazer's household have to stay focused on the ettiquete and all those things Keria and Jillian says, so I asked him to be introduced and made acquintaces before we can actually play, I swear that I was feeling odd when i was chatting with him since well, he was telling me sweet things and all, he said that for me he would be a knigth, and made me feel really special, I don't know why but it was the first way I felt like that, The funnier part of the night was when he showed me his frog, I was very affraid of it, but the frog escaped and went to sit just in Miss Zira's statue's head, She was so red that had the frog removed and cleaned up the statue, I don't know how is that Charlie ended hugging me... *She stops and giggles as she writes this * In the end Rebbeca came for me and they left thru the portal in the inn, he said that he'll writte back but so far nothing has arrived, I wonder if I'll see him again, he promised me to show me how to catch frogs, not that i am that intrested in that but well, I could always learn that for giving a hard time to Rebbeca or Jillian. Maybe to Miss Ell on her ocassional visits.  

And now again I am grounded for wanting to go and watch some artwork, as if they don't go out as much as they want. .

Grown ups!!!


*The girl keeps on the hard work of the wall, but before she notices can't help to take some crayons and start to work again to create a new "masterpiece"  

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2010, 12:46:42 am »
Entry 12
Rain in Leringard

*As the rainy night stikes the city two figures travels thru the city heading towards the Stargazer's Castle, the 11 year old raiding the horse being lead by the young man leading the horse with secure hand, the blonde knight in training with long and messy hair braided carefully on seven braids that fall over his back smiling at her as they both are seen eating sweetapples on the way home *  

Dear Journal :

I've been traveling with Argos of late, Seems that both Lance and Jillian got busy on a mission, something about undeads in the south, so with Keira sick she convinced him to take care of me, and well he's not that bad, this is the first time I've spoken to him long, and there are something odd about him, he's sad at times, but he keeps that smile up for people, we did a lot of things, he took me on a long trip, towards Fort Llast, he wears the same plate as Dad. I asked him a lot of things but most of them he did not want to answer instead he got me a lot of things instead, so i kept asking him. I asked him about what Miss Ell told me, about her being his mother and where he lived, he said something along the lines that i should take care of Lance, he said that its too painful to not have a family as he stands, he said that it was complicated and then he bought me a sweet apple. I am good with that, Then i started to ask if he knows who my mother would be if Lance would be my dad. well that granted me another sweetapple *big smile drawn here*

He was all kind and along the travel we were helping people that was actually funny , he was teaching me to fishing, and he gifted me a gem that have some purple light from it, he says that he has been learning how to put blessings into gems to do preety things, and yet he said nothing would be as preety as my eyes. he's good with words, and over the travels, a lot of girls were speakign witn him and a if i can give an opinion he seemed sad as that happened as if was something bad with people speaking to him, that was odd, he also gifted me a pie , a whole pie for myself, I wanted to share it with him but he mentioned some sort of oath of not eating pie never again.

He was concerned and i asked him if he was a knight as dad, he said no, that he was not accepted yet, but i don't see why not, he can do a lot of miracles, just as Miss Ell does, But he claims that he's not ready yet. We were in Leringard for some days before traveling away, I've seen the things of Master Richard as well, i love to listen to him as he speaks of time himself, its a bit odd but entretaining, I secretly made a draw of him traveling thru time which i think is what he want to do one of this days with all his speaking about time. I miss Jillian, but she seems to be getting away of home of late, she has been slowly taking away her things, I love when she comes back tough, we travel and she likes so much to braid my hair, I was so scared the other night and she came and told me a story, She was starting to speak to me about well, being a girl, Those are things i still don't understand quite well, but she said that in time those lessons will help me a lot. Guess I'll ask Keira, or Argos next time that might end getting me more sweetapples.

I asked him how she felt about being my half brother, It took him off guard to hear that words, he smile at me and he said taht he loved me, and that i should stop calling him that, he said that he's my brother and that he always liked to have a sister, he said that his childhood was good, and that i should enjoy it as it last, that the world is not that good and that if he knew what was on the outside world he would have stayed a child. when problems looked so small .

What is he speaking about ?  he's able to go anywhere he wants, he has trues to get sweetapples, he's not being held not grounded, and he's free to have his own horse, he doesn't know what he's saying. Of course no grown up know what they are saying. I did not heard a word from Charlie as well in all this year, i just hope he's good, Wayfare is too far maybe that was the reason of things happen. As dad says, Toran has a plan for everything and at times that plan is a test, maybe this was a test for me. But i don't like tests. I like more Toran when he makes rain so i can stay home, just like how Leringard is tonight, as the years pass i am more and more used to this rain, It soothes me and makes the nightmares go away, Argos noticed them and he did something to keep my mind clear, he also told me a beautiful story about the rain and a frog, have to writte it down so Poofy and Fred know that one as well.

I loved to travel with my brother, I wonder why he does not come often at home, he doesn't seem to like to be in front of Dad, Keira always say that he never comes when Lance is around. I will ask Jillian to ask Lance, or Why not Miss Ell when she comes to check on Keira next time.

Mylanna Stargazer


Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2010, 03:45:01 pm »
Entry 13
An inner light

*The girl is asleept hugging th big pink dragon's leg, the calm night over Leringard with the sound of the patrols of the Blackwatch over the cobbled streets, break the silence, but that doesn't matter in the Stargazer's castle, where the warm of the fireplace kept the girl soul calm and in peace, the open journal laying open over the sheets, is the only withness of the emotions the girl shown some hours ago  *

It has been a wonderful year, but last night was the best one of the year nonetheless, I spent time out with Lance and Jillian, It was very intresting, Lance took me out to see some bards playing, but the twin dragons in was in odd enviroment, there were lots of guards there, they keep looking oddly at Lance, and seemed that there was a conmotion just some hours before, it seems that we missed the show of Willie the bard, but that served well, we met there a couple that seemed in good terms with Lance. There was this preety lady named Elly, and this tall man named Andrew, I am getting more allies as time pass, Since Andrew promised to try to convince Lance to get me a pony, this is the first time someone actually shows some willingness to help, See it was not that hard , but in exchange he wanted me to convince Lance to sing with him, I don't see how that would be hard, Lance loves to sing, since he sings to me everytime, but a girl has to play smart, I promised to him to try as well, I've learned that you can't trust in good looking guys and their promises, shame on you Charlie Poetr, And i told you diary i did not had a crush on him so let the subject drop . *the writting seemed to be done in haste here *  

Anyway , It was then when Jilly came, she met with Lance and they together started to chat and alongside Andrew and Elly we had a wonderful night, I asked andrew to sing a song about Toran, he said he did not know any of those , instead he offered me a good song about love, It was a nice melody, I'd love to hear Lance to sing and play that one, Maybe i'll ask her one of  this days when we are together again.

Speaking of that, that Miss Ellohana said something intreting i like her, she said that she was a powerful wizardess ( well actually Lance said that ), but the point is that she said that she could see an inner ligth from me, I asked her how she could see that light, and she said that she only do, she did not explained it to me, but she touched where my heart is and then the most beautiful light started to shine off me, it was a small warm globe of ligth, I touched the light and took it with my hands. Miss Elly said that everytime i wanted to call on that ligth i only had to think of it, cause it resides on my heart and soul. I found that intriguing and i was wondering how is that a light was living inside me all this time and i was not aware of it, I have to be more observant in the future, I wonder if this light have a name, or if there are ligths in the rest of the people, I wonder if Jilly or Lance had lights living inside them as well, Would Poofy have one as well ?  , Argos or Miss Ell ? Keira... Maybe that is the problem with her, maybe her ligth is fading, maybe that is why she's sick ...

*The writting finishes all of sudden and marks of tears seem to have stained the page*

*In the middle of the night a ligthning stroke with the loud sound filling the room, the girl wake up form the current nightmare yelling , but her natural reaction to hug the dragon appeared silencing her yell in the soft cloths that make the dragon skin, Crying she rest her head over the bear chest, and instinctively a small globe of light is formed on her hand, taking away the fears and the tears, The girl smiling barely charmed by the light dancing on her small fingers *  

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2010, 02:38:01 pm »
Entry 14
Solace and Solitude

*The old woman walking weakly over the great halls of the castle, moving alongside the empty alcoves, taking her time to straightens a flower over a base, in a small table, walking tiredly she picks a small doll over the room, locating it over the place of the old toys that rests on the wall, she looks over the satin sheets and the borders that now decorates the room, with a tired sigh and a happy smile she sits on the small table and ligth up the candle. She takes her time enjoying what she see, and smell, removing one of the courtains she looks at the "masterpiece" that the young Mylanna made some years ago, the figure of a knight clad in blue armor hugging a pink dragon, made with care and simple figures, Aside that a great horse white as snow and a small one a with what for a girl would look as Brown spots, The names Avenger and Happy written below the horses. *

*She then smile returning the look at the table, small paintings of a little girl grinning to the painter to a 3/4 picture of a young little miss with a smile and a tied ponytail, with a gleam on her eyes and little red on her cheeks, the old woman sighs*  Oh my dear Myla, you are growing too fast *she coughs heavily due the effort she has made so far * I am glad to see it tough, you little miss, have keep this old lady here, soon you won't need me more, I am affraid of that i won't be able to stand more, you have to take over where i left, Master Lance soul is still whole, for our Toran's he is still here, I don't know what will happen to him, but it would be you, and Miss Jillian work, to keep him on the track, I am glad that Mistress Ell is coming to see me as well, I don't know what to think of it, she here also helps master Lance. but it is what it is I guess.  But its all amoung them, You deserved a mother young one, But I think that you have in the end turned good despite everything * the old woman opens the cabinet, and pulls out a small book, and unstrapping the leather laces, she start to skim over the pages, passing a tired hand over the message she wrote so many years ago.

*She closes the journal and pulls it back into the place strapping the leather before closin the small cabinet, she shakes his head looking at the big pink Dragon on the room* You have seen a lot of her haven't you ?  *the old woman speaks to poofy not waiting for an answer, smiling she moves around the sheets and look at the dragon*  What would be of you? She won't need you as well soon my dear Poofy, *patting the clothed arm of the stuffed animal* She's growing too fast, .. her first visit of society . . *she giggles*  Figures.. It was too soon .. and she'll be doing great there.  

*Slowly the woman start to leave the room with a deep happy sigh as she closes the door, The big dragon sitting idle at the bed, looking at the chest in the other side of the room, where "Fred of the stuffed avengers sits , the two old friends inmobile, But for some childish eyes, they would look as if were smiling to each other *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2010, 11:25:21 pm »
Entry 15
Society, life and duty  

NO!! I am telling you, - The girl look over the maid as she removed the ribbon on her hair * Why do I have to use the hair like that ?  I like my ponytail? why i can't go to the ball in a pony tail?  - The youg girl asked impaciently -

*The maid flustered, sighed in frustration * - Mistress, we know you love your ponytail, yet you have to look radiant in that ball my dear miss and hence we have make an arrangement so your hair look as the best hair on the place, you have to cause an impression there, so you can get a good fiancee milady -

*The girl looked at Rebecca oddly*  A fiancee?  Why would i like to have a fiancee?  - *She asked as if it were the most logical question in the world *

*Rebecca looking at her as if she had three eyes answered naturally * Why wouldn't you want to have a fiancee milady, Its for that this events are done, you are supposed to get an good fiance so both families got better in the society positions, as that stands you are Master Lance heir and its your duty to be a paramount of virtue in order to find a good husband *

*The girl now looked flusteed *  Hu .. Hu... husband?   * She asked nervously*  

*Rebecca nodded with big smile at that * Yes Mistress, that is what is expected of you

*the girl will to fight disaapeared for a moment* But. . But . . That is not what i want?  Why do i have to do what i don't want?  I mean yes i'd like to have a husband .. but not now.. in the future , I want to met the right one and to fall in love with him .. is that bad Rebecca?  *The girl looked at the maid as she finally start to put the laces and ribbons over her hair*

*The maid with a winning smile looked at the girl*  You are not in position to pick milady, you have duties to attend for the sake of your family, would you want to dishonnor master Lance by living a life not worthy of a lady?  Its what is expected of you what matters, your chance to trascentd and make your father proud  , wouldn't you like that ? Think about it he'll be quite happy don't you want that?

*Myla looked at the woman for a moment before giving a defeate4d sigh, for a moment the light disappeared of her eyes, * Yes I want Lance to be happy , I'll do what i must..  But. . why isn't Jillian or Miss Ell entitled to this?  why they can go and come as they want?  

*The maid frowned at the remark *  Milady Myla, don't compare yourself with those two ladies plaase, Miss Jillian is a knight same as your father, a position that if gives certain nobility does not fit with your position, and Miss Ell as i understand its a healer and a servant of another god, a misioner of sorts, I don't know certainly and its not my place to question my Master choices of company, nor the relations he keeps, or to whom he lets enter his place, nor its yours, know that you have your place mistress, its what you have to do and you can't turn away of it. Understood?  

*The girl nodded disheartened at that * Yes Rebecca * After some moments she looks up again*  And how i am supposed to know what to do there  on the ball, means i will not be dancing with everyone that migth ask for a piece?* The girl looked at Rebbeca as if hopping the answr coming easily *

*The maid looked at her as she finised some ribbons on her hair and adjust the final details on her golden silk dress, a  veil covering the blonde girl hair falling long over her back , then smiling at her*  I don't envy you mistress,  The court game is hard to learn and you have to beware of other girls who would do the imposible to overcome you on your position, you have to be wise and reserved, and think ahead of acting to see the plots that will be done for your downfall. Its not an easy position, my dear mistress . -

*The girl looked at her again with another sigh * As you keep speaking the ball seems less and less fun you know?  

*The maid gave just a resigned look at her and taking her hand encouragingly she said to her * You are precious, you'll do great and make your father proud. You are far more witty than any girl out there, and Leringard ball will be the stage for you to shine. *The girl answered with another smile and yet the light of her eyes seemed to had been gone *  

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2011, 09:14:08 am »
Entry 16
The Ball, lLance and past

*The girl looking at the small book for some moments and the title she wrote upon it, Mylanna's memories , she curled her lip a bit, then looked back towards her bed, there was the dress she used for the last ball, and beside it Poofy the pink dragon watching over her, with a dreamer's look she shaked her head and snap her fingers, the small glove of ligth that she had learned to dominate appeared instantly giving some light to the room as she returned her sight to the book.

Mylanna's memories

Well it was not that bad in the end, you know journal ? I must say i was scared to death after what Rebecca told me, but then came this friend of Lance, this woman named Ell, yes the same he has on the portait that i told you, she is a nice woman, a bit strict at times but she is good, Keira seems to like her, yes , i know i've told you about her in the past, like the times we were preparing that pie, for Keira of course. Well this make me wonder what happened, Jillian is less and less time here, her things were picked up and her room is empty most of the time, She still sends me letter and come from time to time but nothing as was before, Guess that perhaps she is being needed by other places , that is what knights do **she glances over Fred, the bear with narrowed eyes , then back to the diary * Oh yes but the ball . As i was telling you, Miss Ell came and spoke to me about what the ball was supposed to be, she told me that i was not forced as hard as Rebecca put it, she said that no matter why Lance still be proud of me, I didn't do this for making people proud, that would be a bit well.. don't know , but doesn't sound good.

The ball itself was odd, Lance took Ell there, and they were watching me the whole time, It has been some time since i saw Lance as that, he even danced, for the end of the party. Ell has told me that she is the mother of Argos, yeah i know , at first i thought that Lance had another family and that is why he was always away, but she made clear that it was not as easy as things happened there, She said she loved him and Keira, and that is why she was there, Adults are odd, Why they aren't together then ? what happened ?  Still the questions comes to my mind, but a proper lady shall not get involved in those things, if something i've learned is to respect that kind of situations,  Its like the woman next door, that has two kids, but no father for them, world is not a perfect place. Still they seems happy together somehow, Lance respects her too much, he look tense beside her, and I've caught her looking at him when he is not watching her. Still I am glad she came the moment she did, It was reasuring for her to speak to me before the ball i swear i was going to die there, promise journal .

She has been here oftern looking over Keira, my poor Keira, she is still sick but recovering slowly, i hope she gets better, Ell prescence here surely help her, they don't know but i've heard them chatting when they are both awake, speaking of old times on Prantz if that is the name of the city, how once they broke an oven and they changed without Lance knowing of it, amoung other conversations, Keira also asked how her life was now with troubles or something as that,  it was an odd conversation if you ask me, why would someone like to live with troubles? . Another of those silly adult conversation that made no sense at first.

Well . On the ball, i met several people, it was this boy with blonde hair and winning smile named Elliot, Oh i enjoyed dancing with him , dancing is not that bad as Rebecca put it, but somehow i am thankful for the chat she gave me before hand, there was this other girl named Tara, who was making the imposible to embass me in front of Elliot, its good that i am a smart girl isn't it journal and i got lucky as well. she tried to spill the juice over my dress, but I just wished real strong and the liquid fell upon her, I am inocent promise , journal .

Anyway, Lance doesn't just sing, he dances as well, by the end of the nigth , Lance and Ell were dancing, geez so need for them to teach me how to do it, they didn't want people to see them thought for some odd reason, they went away to a corner on the ball and i saw them dance, looking into the other's eyes, as the song transpired.  IT was the time i had to go and fetch them for us to leave.

the way here was calm, they were chatting and i was telling them some parts of the ball, i just told them about Elliot, let aside the Tara part on the story, after all what you don't know can't affect you right? And what positive would have be for them to know about a girl who probably think twice before trying something with me,  hey .. I told you i am inocent .


**The woman looked up again and moved to pull the dress back into the wardrobe, smiling slightly she slips back into bed into a night of happy dreams of balls and Elliots  *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2011, 09:54:14 pm »
Entry 17
Ponies and past fantasies, the dreams to come  

*The young woman sighed as she saw the mess on the room, attaired on a dress she just had bought pink with small designs and fine cuts, a Zarianna original's from her store in the city, wearing her loved ponytail the now 16 years old woman was realy confused, she looked around as to make sure no one were seeing , with a small gesture of her hand, she smiled shyly as the things start to float, small books started to be lifted and placed over the shelves, this was way easier and would be less likely than getting her dress dirty, she could not allow that, it was her duty as mistress of the house, a duty she had learned to love as time passed, he had a lot of social experience on her back now, the last two years was full of balls, social presenttions, she even had visited Huangjin once in representation of his father for a social visit, the young woman smirked enjoying the small things moving around, in the very deep she was the same young girl that enjoyed the small things of life, and the mischief lover and brat , but now she had learned to show one face that is functional with the society needs, she is now the perfect lady, which allowed her far more liberties than she ever thougth she would have, she at some point was able for one of his suitors to gift her a pony, figures all she had to do was ask, one lesson she learned after many negatives,  alas The pony was not that funny as she thought at first, Happy still lived on the barn and she hired a young man to serve as groom under the consent of his father, which was really happy to get him on the house, a young toranite squire that had not the physical resources to keep training for knight, the boy was cute on his own way, she even flirted with him once, or twice , perhaps just to keep the boy in control, she felt some remorse at times , yet it was needed for kept the boy loyalty.

The sound of steps coming thru the hall startled her and with another movement the things that were still on the air fell to the ground, she turned around with that practiced winning smile just to see Rebecca entering the room.

- Mistress?  is everything alright ? - The maid asked looking around with perplexed eyes

*Myla looked at the maid with calculated expressions and nods* - Yes , I don't know what happened on this room really, we may have again the problem with the racoons, *She gave a well practiced frown * But I think we'll be good once this are fixed , if you could take care of that dear Rebecca . *The woman nodded at her request * - As you wish milady -

*the young Stargazer, smiled as she started to walk away of the scene, once out of sight she giggled a bit shaking her head at herself*

Life has changed somehow too much, she was more mature and now knew that the lessons given by Keira, Jillian and Lance paid well if followed acordingly and smartly, Also well Jillian was no longer around, she had become busy with the undead hunter role, sending letters now and then about the vanquishing foes there and here, she came some months ago and they chatted long enough, but Myla understood that she as a knight was needed there, she still had those dreams with the vampires of her childhood, but she was able to learn to hide her fears, part of the social mask she had developed, and well, she remember her fondly and thanked for the years she dedicated to her, and above all the lessons she gave her, on the other hand, Lance's friend Miss Ell seemed to be more and more common in her life, she came over from time to time , and even had taken the guest room a couple times, Keira had gotten better considerably under her care, yet it was a hard illness since she was still unable to get fully healed, she had started to get used to the presence of the elf in the house, Lance always was tense when Ell was at home, Myla had learned from experiences on the balls to understand feelings, and they had something for sure, he wondered why they didn't really leave things aside, Lance always was a bit stubborn on her own knowledge, and according to Keira Miss Ell had her temper as well, They come and go together and spoke kindly, tension being felt in the air, as they both saw the other when the other wasn't looking, It was no mystery for Lance thought, the portait on his room over all this years. he loved her or had some strong devotion to her, over several times he saw him crying and speaking with that portrait,  there was times that he tried to turn it so the picture saw to the wall, the portrait didn't stand that way for long, as it returned to their original position in less than a day to serve as companion for the knight.

Ell was part of their lives now, even if Lance didn't see it that way, the girl shaked his head still thinking on how things developed for her family, She had been there all this years and looking at the things and how they evolved, It was simply as things were.

She was there as if fate set her as withness for the events, as a storyteller for the lives of so many people that were touched by her life.. but you know what ? She didn't care . she was happy to see all this people that she had learned to love, she knew that they were not her biological family, but what is family if not those who nurture you and raise you, and above all those people you learn to love.

*With those thougths the girl opened her small book again and start to write .

Myla's Memories  




Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2011, 10:39:59 am »
Entry 17
Mother? Really? A non surprising chain of situations that change the life of a lady

Seriously? - Myla's thoughts were betrayed at the moment, she didn't know what to do of it, She was not surprised. well perhaps a bit, but the years in the court game had given her the ability of hiding that pretty well.

It was one day as any other, its just that for a change they came together, they seemed to be at ease, They asked to speak with her alone. She remember clearly how that used to be a very bad sign years agou, he had a lot of "alone talks" with Lance and jillian, she remember that one when she used all in her power to distract the atention of her, with no much results, and now they wanted to talk to her, Ell and Lance wanted to "talk" with her. great.

Using his most winning smile, Myla presented herself into the studio, There were they, Attaired in that long dress that Miss Ell like to wear, an elegant and practic dress she had to admit. Lance his father was attaired with his traditional blue and white tuxedo, always portraying the fine gentleman image when he was not in his bulky armor.

Lance and Ell looked to each other, she could see a hint of a smile beetwen them, that was good, she could find easily a slip to get away using that smile, she only had to play her cards right, she was a good girl, its just that well, Good girls can make mistakes as well, and well, there was a lot of random events that all the bad things happened to her only.

Then it started, Lance still having Ell's hand interwined with his, I mean, serously? Lance looked upon me, i beheaved and looked down as he spoke to me, then it came, he come to me and said.

- Myla, Ell and myself have decided to be a couple again - *The knight announced as She was thinking  Say that again please ? - her mind played the trick , she saw the very same scene on his mind as the same words were repeated to her, her external face was showing a shocking smile, as her internal safe was just shocked , and somehow not surprised,

The time stoped for the girl at that moment, slowly she looked upon the couple with new light, It has been long years since she had seen them together, and she never thought she would have seen the day, or at least not as she would find the development of the events, years ago it was Jillian who was there, when she needed something, she was the one who taught her the use of the pony tail she enjoyed so much, she helped to define who she is now, she remembered her fondly, but in the last years, the prescence of Ell was not to be ignored, she was there often despite her trips, Ell was there to watch over her Myla, and yes it was true, she was recovering, and the elf presence has been constant over the years, they had come to some agreement, She remembered Ell doing a lot of things for her, from cooking to talking, She had given her some knowledge of the world outside, she had always something to say about things, as a walking book. Not that she needed of course, Myla was after all the mistress of the house so far, that is what she had been working on all this year , to be a proper lady to fulfill that role and now.. she'll be her mother?

That was the most shocking about that, her mind returned to the now, as she looked upon the couple they had come all the way to tell her that, Ell gave her a confident look, a look full of love and yet she didn't show any more than the needed love, Real motherly love but measured, Myla couldn't avoid to catch her gaze, slowly together the three of them melt in a hug.

She start to feel a bit light headed, as the feelings fill her heart, she trembled for a moment, as she finally was able to say the word holding near Ell's ear.

- M..Mother - her voice broke as the word finally go out - Mom - Getting more and more confident with it, her father was there as well hugging both of them, looking at them happy. His mother, broke a smile and whispered words of love to her ear, words that had been waiting to go out long ago.

Somehow she saw on his attitudes that they were scared of what she could have said or thought and after all this years the woman that was a friend and a portrait had become her mother.

The rain over Leringard made the perfect background sound for the first chat they'll have as family, after all... the road for them was just starting. *


Mylanna Stargazer - In search for happiness
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2011, 08:00:46 pm »
Entry 18
A young woman's thoughts

Where do I begin, alot has changed over the years. I am not a child anymore, though I am at times still treated as such. But that is partly due to how I act, it has served me well though. People do not take me seriously and therefore they think I do not understand serious matters and speak plainly in front of me the issues at hand. Although. from the beginning my mother understood this about me, and thanks to her tutelage my father understands me as well.

There is another who sees my act for what it is, he was very annoying in the beginning. Quietly listening to me, patiently talking to me as if I was a child, his eyes betraying mirth as if he was laughing at me. Oh he made me so mad! One day he made me so mad, I zapped him when he was walking away from me with those laughing eyes. And all he did was turn around, bowed to me, and said "thank you M'Lady" turned back around and left!

Annoyance has turned to something else, I dare not write, nor can I write when it changed but time knows when it happened. I dare not write what emotions are stirring inside me, but he makes me want to be who I am, not the act I play. I look to the examples of people who are around me, Argos and his family. Keira, and Rebecca and their love for me and my family. My parents Lance and Ell who raised me to the woman I am now, with their unconditional love and support. How do I know what these feelings are? How will I know if they are true? How will I know it is the long lasting love that I have seen in my home?

//Posted with Galkun's permission

Lance Stargazer

Re: Mylanna Stargazer .- In search for happiness
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 06:27:57 pm »
Entry 19
The cycle of life

*The walls of the castle, white and bright , as the young woman still looking at the drills where the soldiers practice, the position high in the tower where she is able to see without them to see her, as always she had learned how to get an adventage position, slipping her journal open and pulling out some quill she started to writte down*

Hilm is as wonderful as i thought would be, plenty of cute officers around, and to have my own room into the tower, it was kinda surprising Lydia is so going to die of envy, if she ever know , but of course she will know.

Where to start, I've seen and helped with the raising and delivery not necersarly on that order with the kids of my brother Argos, I wondered if that has to be as painful , Rory didn't seem that happy during the labor, and having to deal with four kids by now . its something i wonder how to deal with , Keira is a magician and has the patience of the rocks, I hardly believe what she does with them, one word and they sit and do the chores.  My old Keira has a way with children, she said that i was way worse, though , i hardly believe that what those kinds can do. But i'd rather not contradict her openly. She has her ways .

What else to writte, Lance is being called away often, that is why it was decied for me to come here from time to time, i do not think that Dad planned for me to met so many officials and its flattering how they are actually trying to impress me, I am no fool though, more than half of those suitors only trying to gain my heart to be in good favors with my father, that doesn't mean i can play the game too isn't it?  its my duty as a Stargazer to take care of my father and family and if i can get information about valuable officers for him, i don't see why not to do it. Of course who would suspect of the inocent daughter of the Lord Commander isn't it? that last one made me giggle though. Some of those officers are cute though, must be the uniform.

I went to my Jillian's wedding, she went away of late thru her call, we spoke about that, and why she had to go and move to fight with the abominations of the world. I do understand that , i would not like for more people to suffer what i suffered, and not many are as lucky as i was, to be saved and spared and after that to find a loving family that had give me everything they could to help me to overcome it, I thank to Toran for that, As for the wedding, it was great, Jillian never changed, she there with that eternal pony tail, i do envy her at some point, but i never told, she is so free of this duties i have to attend, she is free to go out and do as she wants within her duties to help, nobody tolds her what to wear what to do, granted it comes with a price, the darkness on her soul that seeing what she sees must be a heavy burden, Dad spoke me of that order and told me the reasons why he didn't join, which sounds reasonable really, yet she seems to have kept the light on her life, and now that she is married, she looked happy, I was with my family there, Dad and Mom, and so Argos, which was so fun to get him in trouble with dad, I have to make up to him one of this days,  I'll invite him one of those sweetapples in the market perhaps. I am so glad to have shared that day with everyone there, i saw also Aunt Daniella. It was a bright day.

I'll try to catch up more with you dear diary, now that is some kind of work that only this lady can do. I saw this other man that is so annoying, who he think he is, to tease me as that . I'll show him whom he is getting with


