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Author Topic: Everything's Eventual  (Read 250 times)


Everything's Eventual
« on: November 05, 2008, 06:33:19 pm »
On the dawn of this day, I leave from the village of Hlint. The sun is to my back as I walk, its fingers reaching over the hills as if in guidance to my intended direction.

I will not look back, 'lest it blind me, but turn my gaze forwards and appreciate the golden sheen it gives these lands.

This is the blessing that the Lady of Dreams has granted me. My day of departure was not seen with wind and rain, but with gentle breeze and songbird, and the heavy heat that oft' accompanies summer days such as these seems not as prevalent. Perhaps it is the work of the gods; Perhaps it is simple optimism that lightens the weight of my gear and makes each step as if some part of a dance.

Such is the uncertainty granted to only the uncertain. I question too often. Is that feature or flaw?

My journey towards Fort Llast and eventually Port Hempstead continues. I hope to find a caravan to make the passing of each mile easier, as it would give me more time to finalize my thoughts before beginning on my true goal. I'm only afraid that I may make an error before then.

Here was I, thinking that I would not have to worry of my impression with other people. It may have influenced my haste in leaving after having received my longbow, but if that is the case, then I certainly did not think of the difficulties ahead.

Regardless, whether I receive a cold reception or not, such concerns should not put me ill at ease for now. Until I arrive at Port Hempstead, I will simply enjoy what beauty there is to see. That is the true meaning of my own life.

~Acanthus Lanassori of House Dawnrose
Gateway, the 1th of Autumn Harvest, 1440


Re: Everything's Eventual
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 07:57:53 am »
In the moonlight, I felt your heart
Quiver like a bow string's pulse
In the moon's pale light
You looked at me
Nobody knows your heart.
When the sun has gone, I see you
Beautiful and haunting, but cold
Like the blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet
Nobody knows your heart.

All of your sorrow, grief, and pain
Locked away in the forest of the night
Your secret heart belongs to the world
Of the things that sigh in the dark
Of the things that cry in the dark.


~Acanthus Lanassori of House Dawnrose
World Tree, the 21st of Autumn Harvest, 1440


Re: Everything's Eventual
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 08:45:35 am »
My initial set of the pen upon this page was to express my bewilderment regarding the city of Port Hempstead, but the idea of filling an entire parchment of vague references that I will not be able to recall in a fortnight discourages me. Should I forget mine own meanings, however, that is only mine own fault to blame. So it goes...

Of People:

Sir Knight, or Jayse La'Espada is a peculiar individual. A Toranite paladin, unless I have gone deaf in the ears. We met in the caravan to Port Hempstead, and I suppose that, for whatever reason, we chose to remain together. He claims it's to cut costs and lessen risks, but being what he is in comparison to myself (A human to an Ar'Tel'Quessir, a law-abiding knight to a "love-sick" Ilsarean, and so and such)...

Nevertheless, Sir La'Espada has an ease that contradicts his rigid oaths and rules. I find that appealing, and he had even broken mine own frown during our little debates by cryptically stating "Blue," later explaining it was his favourite colour to inquire of mine. He is a different man than most, and if we must remain as companions, then I will hold no qualms. If anything, he can offer a different perspective when I have need of such. Truly, I would like to believe that perhaps there is more in store for us than simple acquaintances- I do not suggest love nor relationship, we are too different for that, but I do suspect that we will be a thorn in another's side for a time to come still.

Of People:

There are others. A certain Mister Galdor provided a moment's entertainment, and his mention of the worldly happenings reminded me of the true reason why I had come here as I did. Although I rarely find myself actively seeking conversation with those of different race, I may find it helpful to find this eccentric man again and inquire for further details. He was interrupted by a Skabot during his theatrics with Sir La'Espada and myself in the first.

Of People:

There was, lastly, a Felix Rahth. He was a polite human being, with a bit of a trickster's quirk. If you take Sir La'Espada and remove his knighthood, I would imagine you would get something similar of the sort. Mister Rahth treated Sir La'Espada and myself to a dinner back at the city of Port Hempstead, and carried on a bit of what Mister Galdor had initially started. Milara's recent actions seems to have brought at least a unified hatred from the general populous of humanity. I'll be bold enough to write questioning why we had not rid ourselves of that dark elf before. There is no redeeming factor in those manifestations of darkness, and certainly there is no sickness that ails his mind but himself.

I really should not linger long on those thoughts. The day that I let pessimism overtake me is the day I find my demise, surely. Thus the way of the adventuring life.

~Acanthus Lanassori of House Dawnrose
Gateway, the 22nd of Autumn Harvest, 1440