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Author Topic: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins  (Read 1090 times)


Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« on: June 19, 2006, 04:07:21 pm »
Ok..I'm here...

In a town called Hlint. Nice little town. Good place as any to begin my 'sentence'. I began to look for work immediately. The Postmaster wanted me to deliver a message...a fur trader needed a rat pelt...and a very clumsy accountant lost the town financial record.

The first two times for the pelts and book...I had to abandon because the rats were too tough. It wasn't till I met a cute little dwarf monk named Beli that I was able to get the first two things I needed. We also had to go to the crypts to get some 'darksoul essence' for this creepy guy in the inn. We went only not to find I needed to go back another time.

The people here are friendly enough. But once everyone found out that Kyle Pandorn is my brother...well...I felt a little like royalty. It seems that Kyle is a very well known and respected man here. And married!!! To a woman named Ferrit. A nice woman so everyone tells me.

I must find him...he is my only link to home. I hope he will be glad to see me....


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 06:18:58 am »
The tasks keep coming...

There is was a lieutenant of the guard in the fort west of town who need someone to find weapons to stock the barracks weapons room. Easy enough task and as a thank you...he gave me this hood that protects me with a magical shield. It will be a handy thing to have. Also...there is a dwarven caravan master who wants me to retreive the head of a goblin tribe leader in the caves west of here. How gross. He promises to pay well for I gues I go on a goblin hunt.

I met a good man the other day. Talen is his name. A ranger from the looks of it. Friendy...and handsome too. But his heart bears a pain. He has had an engagement broken off and he is still feeling the hurt. It will take a while for that pain to go. He is such a good man. Gave me a cloak and a couple of rings to help me be...less noticeable. Very nice gifts from him...Kyle's best friend he says.

I also met Barion Firesteed. The one that Sa'kura is seeing. He is a nice guy too. And gallant. All I did was ask for directions to my brother's house in Krandor...and he escorts me there himself. But when we get to Krandor....the sight of the crypts there caused him to pause sadly. Something bad happened there. I didn't ask. It may be none of my business. Sa'kura will have to comfort him.

I found a book on tailoring from the craft merchant. I will start to make clothes. If not just for me...for others as well. I need to start making coin to send back home.

Or else...I'll be staring at the ceiling of a cell back in North Hampshire...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 06:03:29 pm »
I was given a fright today...

There was this creature floating around the town today. A beholder is what Abigail Ruzz calls it. Very deadly. She told me I was right to stay very far away from it. Like I needed to be told that.

Barion...ever protective...came running to my aid. Wouldn't let me get too far from him. Said Kyle would have his hide if he let anything happen to me. Somehow I doubt that. Barion seems to be very capable of defending himself. and anyone with him. Sa'kura is a lucky woman.

Anyway...seems this beholder isn't even fully grown. And searching for someone. Someone called Alv(?). Well...we needed to find this guy before a fully grown beholder comes calling. That would not have been good.

We found Alv and the beholder went with him to wherever they were to go. I couldn't keep from looking at the beholder...who is called Z. I was so frightened by it.

I wonder how am I going to keep from getting into trouble in this town...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2006, 07:14:15 pm »
I finally met Ferrit and found my brother...

And everyone was right. Ferrit is a wonderful woman. Very much in love with Kyle and he with her. And I find myself being very happy having another sister. I think I will tell her about me and why I came here before Kyle tells her of my...past fun. But for now...I will enjoy having family near by.

And...Talen came a calling...

And we sat and talked. About me...him...the weather if you could believe that. And then it just came out. He told me he was attracted to me. He is a handsome man...and I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him as well. But...his heart still seems pained a bit. And me...admittedly I may not be the kind of woman who he would want. The only fair thing to do is to be friends for now.

But...I have learned that nothing is certain nowadays...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 12:10:32 am »
It will be friends and just that...

And maybe it is for the better. Talen's heart belongs to another. And he tells me she is married. Wouldn't say her name though. It's just as well. I wouldn't want to get involved with a man whose heart wouldn't be mine totally anyway. Wouldn't be fair to either of us.

We went and clobbered some kobolds and the kenku guys for a while. And then we parted as friends. I am satisfied with that...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2006, 11:59:45 am »
War is coming...

That is what Kyle tells me. The war to end all wars. Brave men and women will go to battle and with the luck of the gods they will prevail. Kyle is chomping at the bit to go...but he knows in his heart his place is with Ferrit his wife as a husband should be. Defense of loved ones is a noble task indeed.

I have only been here a short time...but I will do what I can to help Kyle defend his home. He has bade me to stay with Ferrit and he will be with us shortly. He wears his armor full time now...walking around Mistone...Hlint in particular...with the same focus as Garent. I think believes that even though Dregar is the likely place the battle begins...some of Blood's forces may try to sneak in and take Mistone.

I am helping Ferrit secure their room in Krandor. Kyle wishes us to be in Hlint when the battle starts so we can be near to give him strength.

Gods know we could all use some support now...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2006, 03:48:04 pm »
The battle is over but the war still rages...

Kyle came back to Krandor. He was deep in thought. Seems that the dark cloud over our heads will be here for a very long time. And we are already feel it getting colder. The cloud is the remants of what he calls a 'bloodwell' and it's destruction was what caused it. He went on to tell what this Ozymandias had told him. That the world will be fundamentally changed. To one that will focus on surviving. He has told us to gather all the food and edible plants we can find. To make warm prepare.

I just looked at him. He is a picture of worry. He is worried not only for us but all of his friends. He was always like that. But there is something else on his mind too. Something he doesn't wish to discuss.

I will have to leave him to his thoughts...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2006, 06:39:35 pm »

I made a little coin delivering more letters for the elf girl in Krandor. And got some Willo Wisp essence for Dalton in Fort Llast. That drew the attention of Ozymandias...who thanked me for doing such a fine deed. Seems Dalton is trying to figure out a way to make artificial sunlight to grow things. Since this dark cloud doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.

I wish to learn how to be a 'Dancer'. I would ask Kiva...but Kyle tells me to keep away from him. Kiva must have said something awful to evoke such a reaction from I won't ask Kiva.

I'll find someone who will teach me...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2006, 10:54:34 am »
And I can't ask Abigail now either...

She...hung herself from a tree in the Seilwood a few days ago. She was despondent the last few days...but I never thought she would end her own life. I thought she was a strong woman. I guess whatever bothered her was too much to bear. I can't think of what it could have been.

I met Rain and his bride to be Sonya. They are happy with each other. Just like Kyle and Ferrit. I could only hope I find a good man for myself. Sonya said that I will find the right man. And...heh...suggested Elgon Merrick. I met him briefly...but we met formally in the Craft House. He seems to be a good man...we shall see. We travelled a little while late to gather oak. This other man Eagle went with us. Elgon is good with his blade. The trip was...enjoyable.

But I don't really know him that well...I'll travel with him some more...and we shall see...



Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 09:22:31 pm »
I don't know what came over me...

Elgon Merrick and Rain Darsus caught me in Hlint. Rain gave me an invitation to his wedding to Sonya. Guess I need to make a new dress. The one I was wearing was nice they said...but I don't think it is fit for a wedding. I'm not quite sure...but Elgon's eye seemed to linger a little bit longer. Well...Rain suggested that I go with Elgon...and I'm agreeable to that. He is a sweet man after all.

The crowd around us was loud and Elgon and I went out to the camp outside the gates for a little quiet and talk. We talked about he'd be nervous being with me at the wedding...and I told him a little of why I was here. I hope he wasn't put off. I was getting weary...and we got up to go...and that's when I did it. I kissed his cheek. Just on the spur of the moment. His face turned beet red and he started to stutter a bit. Guess he's not used to a friendly peck on the cheek. We said our goodbys as he needed to get some work done. I needed to get some rest. He is such a sweet man...

I have a dress to make for a wedding...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2006, 09:25:20 am »
Of all the stupid things to have happen...

Gathering silk in the Seilwood...I tripped. I know...for someone like me...that is an event. I had cleared the spiders lair when I just caught my foot on a tree root and down I went...twisting my ankle badly. I must have had something else on my mind to have been so clumsy. It hurt so bad...I almost had to crawl back to Hilnt to see the healer. She did all she could but the ankle still couldn't support my I had to limp to my room in the Wild Surge. That's where I caught Kyle. He was getting ready for Rain and Sonya's wedding. That made me feel so rotten. I have to stand Elgon up. I just can't let him see me limping about.

I gave Kyle a note for him. His eyes raised at who the note was for...but he said nothing. "I'll see he gets it sis. Just rest that ankle and I'll see you once I get back." Was what he said before leaving. I hope he doesn't scare Elgon off. I'm beginning to like him.


My ankle felt better enough for me to gather cotton for cloth. I just had to get out of that cursed room. He and Rain saw my limp and Elgon almost knocked me over in his haste to get to me. And he got really annoyed when I told him about what happened. He was worse than Kyle. Said it wasn't 'Permissable' for me to venture alone. As if I need permission...I'll straighten him out later about that. However...I said I wouldn't go too far out of town alone anymore if it will make him feel better.

He told me of himself...a warrior...whose human father...died in a pointless battle...and a mother...who died a short time later of a broken heart he thinks. I was leaning against him as we sat under a tree...and I started to feel...comfortable with him. I never felt this way before...I am not sure how to go from here. This is a new thing for me.

I got up to go was getting late...and Elgon stood up and took my hands in his. He said he isn't really the romantic type like Rain...but his hands were gentle. And that's when he did it. He kissed my cheek this time. I...I...well...I just blushed and went home.

I couldn't sleep much this night...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2006, 09:11:50 am »
I don't understand...

Elgon said some things that I'm not quite sure what to make of. First...he likes my free spirit...and that he would never want to be posssessive or over protective. And...that he had heard of my relationship with Talen Sgath. What relationship? Talen and I are just good friends...his heart beats for another. I like Talen...but not in the way Elgon thinks.

Elgon said I should take care of the 'unfinished business' in my heart. What does that mean? I have no 'unfinished business' in my heart or any place else for that matter.

He says he cares for me...and I care about him but...if his heart has doubts...maybe we just aren't meant for each other...*tear stain as the ink trails off*


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2006, 02:34:12 pm »
I finally made a pair of Badger Gloves...

Now my work as a tailor is improving. But I'm running out of gold. The tanning supplies are expensive. But when I saw the gloves that I can truly say are mine...I was estatic. Even Ferrit said they were of good quality. I would give them to Elgon as a gift...but...

I must concentrate on my crafting...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2006, 08:23:32 am »
I am falling for him...

I can't help it...he is such a sweet man. He found me in the Craft House...trying to alter another dress. He was so happy to see me...he literally jumped across the room in a single step. I have to admit...I was happy to see him too. He needed to talk to me so we left the Craft House and went to Lake Alon.

We sat...and Elgon started to apologize to me. Again....he said he liked my free spirit...that he would never wish to 'possess' me. That he has feelings for me he needs to deal with. And that he shouldn't have gotten so jealous of Talen. I admitted to him that I found Talen a handsome man...but all that is between us is friendship. A good friendship. One I won't give up.

The feelings I have for Elgon...they are new to me as well...I never felt this way about a man before. I am scared. Elgon asked for forgiveness for his jealousy. My only reply was to kiss him gently. It was the only answer I could give him. He smiled and we held each other for a moment.

Then those two peeping toms...Rain and Mercas...wanted to go into Haven Mines. For iron platinum and coal. And a few other gemstones. The way Mercas can sling those spells...

It was fun....seeing those ogres fall in front of us. And...I brought the head of the Ogre the Lord of Haven Castle. We made it out and we started to part ways. Except for Elgon. He accompanied me to Hlint. We shared one more kiss goodbye and he was off...

I am glad...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2006, 12:18:04 am »
I made a surprise for Elgon...

A backless blue dress. One of my better ones. When he saw it he couldn't take his eyes off of me for even an instant. We held each other for a moment...sharing a kiss again...before joining the others who were waiting by the well.

We went into Storan's crypt. A very dangerous place. Things that can kill with a gaze...Bodaks they are called. I was nervous in there. We got the teeth of those things...I had to keep popping the lock on one of the doors for everyone to leave.

I was grateful when we finally left that place. I won't be going back too soon. Elgon and I parted once we got to the road to the Fort. We kissed and he went to Krandor....I went to that lumpy bed in the Wild Surge. If he were to ask me to go to Krandor with him...

I think I'm in love with him. And I'd better tell Kyle. Before he gets it from someone else...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2006, 02:55:11 pm »
I was really nervous...

I left a message for Kyle to meet me in the Wild Surge. It was time I told him about Elgon and me. He's going to be partners with Elgon soon...and I want to see how this might affect that. Not that Kyle can do anything about it...I won't give Elgon up.
I just want him to see that I am staying out of trouble. That my past misadventures are just the past. I hope Kyle can be happy for us.


I love him...and it is so sweet when he blushes and get tongue tied whenever we get affectionate. I admit...I get a little flustered too...I don't want to go too fast with this. And I hope he understands that. But there is something on his mind. He is too nervous. And I'm afraid to ask him. He will tell me when he is ready.

Here comes Kyle...time to get this over with...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2006, 10:50:18 am »
Kyle took it pretty well...

He in his own way is happy about it. Although when he first came to the Wild Surge...he wasn't too sure about what it was. " aren't in trouble again are you? Amith sent me a message and told me about the last time. What is it?" He looked visibly annoyed. I had to quickly calm him down.

When I finally told him about Elgon...he just sat there silent. I could tell he was...surprised. But he then smiled and said..."And you said you weren't in trouble. Elgon eh?" He chuckled. Then he admitted that Rain had already told him about us. Now it was my turn to be surprised.

"Kyle..." I hit his arm...hurting my hand. "And you let me prattle on..." He just smiled...paid for the drinks and turned to leave. "Jen...just be careful ok? He is a warrior. And warriors fight. Be prepared for that. happy with him." We hugged a second before he needed to leave. "I need to speak with Elgon. Make sure his heart knows what it's getting itself into." And he left the Surge. I went to find Elgon.

I want so much to be with him now...



Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2006, 02:01:18 pm »
I've been neglecting him far too long...

I have been busy in the Craft House. I don't even know if Elgon has even been in there....I was so absorbed in crafts. I am still not sure which craft I like best...tailoring or jewelcraft. Maybe a little of both. I'll have to ask Ferrit which would be best.

I find my mind wandering...thinking of Elgon. I sent him a bird...just to let him know that I think of him and I love him. I will make a dinner for the two of us.

I miss him so much...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2006, 07:20:29 pm »
Something is wrong with Elgon...

Rain was a little fidgety when I mentioned how I miss Elgon...all he could say was that I need to talk to Elgon...and it would be better if it came from him. No amount of pleading could make Rain tell me what it was. I feared the worst. Maybe Elgon doesn't love me anymore...and that his heart has found another. I was almost about to cry. Rain assured me that Elgon loves me with all his heart. But still would not tell me what was going on.

That was until Mercas mentioned something about an 'issue' with Elgon's sword. Now...I know that warriors get attatched to their weapons...Kyle is training to master his katana...but the way Mercas made it sound...I hope Elgon is alright. I looked all over Hlint for him. I so want to see him and hold him for when he tells me what he needs to tell me. I am frightened.

Sonya was up and about. She is about due to give birth. And while walking to Krandor...she stopped and grabbed her belly twice. Now...if this means what I think it means...Rain will be a daddy come tomorrow. That will be a happy day.

I think I'll check the Craft House for my love...I need to see him...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2006, 12:35:11 pm »
The 'issue' with Elgon's sword is difficult to explain...

It is a sword that was handed down from generation to generation on his mother's side. wound up in the hands of his father. And somehow...his father did not die in a needless battle as Elgon first thought...but impaled on his own sword in the barracks. An apparent suicide. His mother died of a broken heart...feeling guilty for giving Elgon's father the sword in the first place.

Now...Elgon feels an entitiy in the that may be a danger to all he cares for...including me. I told him as we held each other at Lake Ibnoune...that he coudn't harm me...that his love would be stronger. And that Kyle may be able to help him master his sword.

I hope it will be enough...