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Author Topic: Count Czukay  (Read 335 times)


Count Czukay
« on: December 14, 2006, 06:19:12 pm »
Journal Entry #1
I woke up in a pool of blood this morning, whose blood was it? Oh no not again! Always hungry I reached for the blood stained armour sitting in the corner, I lick my lips. There is nothing like the taste of rotting monster flesh from the battle I stole their very soul with. The house in Prantz has acquired quite alot of bones as of late, tumbling around in a drunken state late of eve I frequently split my own skull on the sharp shards. Good thing I have my lantern, it talks to me you know. It feeds for the blood of the enemy, I have waking terror of it as I can't seem to stop the voices.

~Count Czukay


Re: Count Czukay
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 11:24:14 am »
Last eve something came over me and whilst not paying attention to whar' meh was swinging my schimtar of doom I killed a good freind by the name of Farros Galdor. I apologized to his lifeless body on the ground realizing what I had done. After catching up with his ghost I was later told that I knocked him down to the ground then continued to hack at him still having a bit of his song in my head. I do regret this , and send my regards to his family in Krandor if he has one left there.

On another note, I ran across some venturers outside of the Forest Giants at lake Corax. I could tell my presence was not wanted there due to the mumbles over their breath. As they insulted me, I noticed that there was one of their dead friends laying on the ground. Instantly the skull spoke to me and insisted I scoop up what remained of the fallens blood. I did just this and felt what remained of the soul surge through me as the skull burned ever so brightly. However, one of the venturers was not so happy with my actions and demanded I step away from her dead friend. At first I did not, then decided that I had once again made more enemies with my actions. Note to self, try to be a more bit discrete on your collection of blood for the skull.

I met with Bjornigar Irongots to possibly coax him into making me a shield in Hlint later that evening. I gave him the Iron necessary and he went to craft it for me, upon returning he demanded I put the ones symbol of whose faith I follow upon it. I gave him back the sheild and said you can go sell this instead. No hard feelings, I just refuse to be told what to do by anyone for I am the master of my own domain, besides I think the shield designs for the varying dietys look rather childish. I much rather prefer the dark webbed sheild of the Drow. Not that I like the Drow, although I have had some acqaintances with some, but I do admire their designs of darkness and patterns they work with from within their culture.

I was very happy to have rid myself of the Gloves of Athus for a noice' 30,000 trues to the Hilarname individual, I beleive that was her name, for I had heard of her mentioned in passing before. I would say she got a good deal, and am pleased she took those Holy gloves from me. The skull was not very keen of them.

~Count Czukay


Re: Count Czukay
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 05:45:15 pm »
Journal Entry #3

Mental note - Do not feed the skull in public, the souls blood can wait until others have had a chance to pass by before I scoop the blood into the skull. The Lich must be fed or my skin begins to crawl like a sock filled with rotting maggots. I had some others over for dinner the other eve' it was rather nice, although I noticed some of the guests couldn't stand the sight or smell of the piled bones of rotting victims. It brought me great delight when some of them ate the stew I had been preparing for them as I then motioned my hands towards where the meat in the stew had come from.

I occasionally have run ins with people in Hlint who claim to somehow know I worship the nameless faceless dark sun. How they could know this is beyond me, for that is a secret that I keep to myself , a name only to be whispered alone in the darkest of crypts in early hours of the morn'  This makes me wonder how people are finding out about my secret life with the god, for it has always been certainly just that.

I wonder what ever happened to my family in Krandor, perhaps I should go visit them, it has been years....I have a grave feeling I might not like what I find. I also have been being attacked by the messengers of my god. Ravens.....why this is is unclear to me, the messengers are killing themselves, perhaps I should go investigate the source of their flight....the temple of Corath. Next time I pass by that area I will certainly do just that, alone of course.

I have made quite a few conquests with many new faces in town, my goals in Hlint are to do just that. I do maintain decent relations with as many of the Hlintites that I may for I still feel the drawing of a balanced life. As I see it now, despite my horrid habits of flesh rending, I have managed to remain completely neutral with my connection to the heavens and the hells. I am surprised the gods hath not yet allowed me to ascend towards more the darkness as the emptiness there is what is so hungry. I will continue to try to find my path towards that of unbalance and chaos. As it were meant to be.

I have been selling ever sort of iron blade and ax I have in stock.....several thousands of Trues have rolled in over the weeks. I feel I may have what it takes to already craft some very nice admantium is just the matter of me getting to Firesteep. I shall have to look into this. It seems I will be getting a nice shipment in from Goldwin of blade enchantment 4th circle magicks as well as an admantium schimtar. I am tired of waiting for my other accquantaince Boon to come through with the order. I am also purchasing a noice cloak that Hrothgar found from him. It is that of the Glorious Mantle. I shall certainly hold onto it for a friend or some other higher bidder than what I paid.

I must get beyond the door in the Nameless dungeon....perhaps the Lich that I hear that lives there can give me some insight into the fate I have with my bloody burning skull. For what I understand is that it was a gift from a Lich, and a curse at that. That filthy Drow Unthuz! What has he condemned me with. Ack! It calls to be fed once more!



Re: Count Czukay
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 09:37:33 am »
PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD......I AM NOT A COUNT as per request of I started a new thread. minus the COUNT.