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Author Topic: Jennara Creekskipper's Private Reports  (Read 155 times)


Jennara Creekskipper's Private Reports
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:23:11 pm »
*Jennara sends a letter to Divisional Commander Breten Parth, triple sealed for security and delivered by trusted courier*

Divisional Commander Parth, greetings from Section Commander Creekskipper.

This is a report on a vision I experienced recently.

In the vision, it was dark, as if at night.  There were clouds, and sitting on the clouds was the shape of a dragon.  I felt and understanding that the dragon was speaking to someone, though I could not see anyone nor hear any words.  Suddenly, the clouds stirred near the dragon, and he jerked back his left forepaw.  The vision focused on the forepaw.  The smallest claw, the one on the outside, looked like it had been shaved bare in a small spot.  The dragon roared, clearly in anger and perhaps in pain, and the clouds shook with the noise.  He then began to move through the sky and the vision ended.  I was left with a deep feeling - an understanding - that there would be no more communication regarding this event.

The vision lasted only seconds.  Afterward, I felt a tremendous pain in my head and stayed stricken in my home for three days.  

I feel this may have been a vision of an event in the Heavens, an attack on the Lord Protector.  Though I do not wish to keep potentially important information from others, I am reluctant to speak of this to others of the Faith before hearing again from you or those with whom you will share the letter.  I do not wish to unnecessarily and potentially increase anxiety or cause any misunderstanding.

In the Service of the Lord Protector,

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon


Re: Jennara Creekskipper's Private Reports
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2008, 01:05:56 am »
See temporary attachment.


Re: Jennara Creekskipper's Private Reports
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2009, 12:43:11 am »
To High Justiciar Reus, a report on the investigation of missing person Megghan Creekskipper from Commander Jennara Creekskipper.

After receiving the assignment to investigate the missing person report involving Megghan Creekskipper, I recruited aid from trusted friends.  We proceeded to a farm on Tilmar, near Hiso, and met the Creekskipper family.  Upon investigating Megghan Creekskipper's belongings, we discovered a secret message.  The message was ambiguous in intent to us as external readers, containing no clear intent, though it did offer a direction for searching.  

We determined the likely path of Megghan Creekskipper and whoever had contacted her to be toward Creedo.  Once there, we gathered information.  Reports of a halfling and a human traveling together seemed a likely match, and they were reported to have boarded a ferry for Lor.  Thus, we traveled to Lor.  In Lor, we found that the pair had stayed briefly before leaving along the northern road toward Prantz.

We traveled north in pursuit, eventually sighting a pair somewhat off the road that matched the descriptions we were given.  Upon our approach, the halfling remained quiet and covered while the human interacted reluctantly.  In short order, he recognized me.  He attempted to use magic, but was stopped by countermagic from my companions.  

We then spoke with Megghan Creekskipper and discovered she had been coerced into traveling to Prantz.  Threats had been made to harm the Creekskipper family if she did not cooperate.  She informed us that her purpose in Prantz would be to pose as me during the retrial of my father, Elliott Creekskipper, as we look very similar.  She did not know further details, but I believe the goal was to damage my reputation in some way and generally create confusion.  She also offered that the human had been communicating magically with someone whose name sounded similar to the Common words “whole lots.”  I asked if “Holas” was the name, and she responded affirmatively.  

The human was taken into my custody and we returned to Lor.  There, I arranged for the human to be held in the local prison temporarily.  There was little time before I was required to be in Prantz as a witness against Elliott Creekskipper at the new trial, so the prisoner was left in proper facilities as we traveled north, escorting Arevi Creekskipper and Aantran Creekskipper, who had arrived by ship, and Megghan Creekskipper.

Near Prantz, our group separated.  Arevi Creekskipper and Antran Creekskipper were to testify at the trial, while Megghan Creekskipper wished to help at home.  Some of my friends escorted Megghan Creekskipper home and helped secure the farm against any reprisals by associates of the human I took into custody in case his threats against the Creekskipper family were legitimate.  Following the trial, Arevi Creekskipper and Antran Creekskipper were escorted to Lor and returned home by ship.

After seeing them safely aboard, my friends and I took time to question the prisoner and examine his belongings.  He was not cooperative with those of us who serve the Lord Protector, showing an especially pronounced dislike of me.  Others were able to learn more, and some of his encoded writings were deciphered.  A plot involving two alchemical solutions was uncovered, arranged by Holas, the former High Justiciar of the Fort Vehl Temple.  

In brief, the plot involved secretly deploying the first solution in wells to afflict the citizens with an unavoidable chaos within and without.  After waiting approximately one week for the solution to have its greatest effect, Holas or one of his associates would come forth with the second solution and cure the affliction, seemingly returning the citizens to their previous selves.  In reality, the second solution would leave the citizens extremely susceptible to suggestion and little more than puppets for a person of will.  The conclusion of the plot seems to have been to have Holas gain fame and glory as a savior as more and more locations were silently conquered by the “cure” for the “mysterious plague.”  This would help ensure Holas or his followers were the ones in positions to exert their will upon the people.

My friends and I knew Holas was on Mistone and likely in the north, that he would be setting the plot into motion soon, and knew the ingredients of the solutions.  We attempted to create a true antidote in case it were needed, seeking out the rare reagents needed and working with alchemists of the Runic Anvil.  Unfortunately, we had too little time and accomplished little.  

We traveled quickly to Fort Hurix, which was our best guess of where to look for Holas.  There, I spoke with a Trelanian Army Captain who was preparing his men to travel to Echo where an unusual plague was affecting the citizens.  Hearing the details, I informed him of the cause before rejoining my companions.  Another had learned Holas had recruited a number of mercenaries who had left toward the west a significant time prior to our arrival.

We traveled as quickly as we could, far harder than horses or riders deserved, eventually overtaking a marching company less than a day's travel from Echo.  We passed invisibly to avoid conflict and continued quickly to the town.  It was a terrible scene.  The people were out of control, doing anything or nothing, screaming, whimpering, totally silent - utter chaos.  

We had little time to help before returning to the road to stop Holas.  We met him and his mercenaries along the road south of Echo.  I informed him he was not permitted to pass.  He accused me of the loss of the Lord Protector's blessing and presence and of denying the citizens of Echo a cure. I corrected his errors, assuring him that he had lost the blessing of the Lord Protector through his own actions before I discovered his wrongdoing, and that he had no cure, again stating that he was not permitted to proceed.    I also offered the opportunity for him to surrender, and informed the mercenaries they had committed no crime I was aware of and were free to go.  Holas again stated he brought the cure.  I informed the mercenaries of his actual plan.  Holas threatened harm to me if I did not allow him to pass.  I told him I would not permit him to do more harm.  The mercenaries chose to stand aside, and Holas became enraged.  He began to cast powerful spells, injuring and killing the mercenaries as he attacked my friends and me.  Our group was almost defeated, all dead, dying, or seriously wounded.  We returned to our feet but had little time to recover as Holas had run toward Echo.  We followed as quickly as we could and caught him outside town.  We fought again, and Holas was killed.  I accept full responsibility for his death.

After preparing his body and belongings, including the vials of the solutions, we returned to care for the injured mercenaries and patrol the town to prevent citizens from wandering away or harming themselves or others as much as we were able.  Once the Trelanian contingent arrived, I accepted their authority and relinquished command.  My companions and I stayed to assist, including creating a cure.  Unfortunately, the only way to test potential cures was to test them on citizens, and fifty were left in conditions that make a normal life unlikely.  It is possible their conditions will be permanent, as the final cure was unable to correct their conditions.  

The prisoner held in Lor was tried and found guilty and is now properly imprisoned.

Very importantly, an ingredient of one of the solutions was found to be an herb called Dragon's Blood.  Investigation showed this herb is only known on Alindor, and then in Druid-protected locations.  Correspondence with Freckled Owl confirmed none of the herb has been acquired from Alindor in decades to the best of his knowledge, and the only other sample was in protection of the Church at the Citadel in Prantz prior to the conquest of the city.  As this could be a serious breach of security, potentially by secret supporters of Holas, an immediate investigation should be undertaken.

I formally request that all portions of this report relating to the Creekskipper family and any member thereof, other than myself, or their whereabouts be stricken from public record.  This is for the safety of the innocent.  I have ever avoided starting a family, despite a desire, for this very reason; I have inadvertently created and gained enemies through my actions, and a family is a target some enemies would gladly attack, as evidenced by the disciple of Holas.

Submitted for Record by
Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon


Re: Jennara Creekskipper's Private Reports
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2009, 06:01:02 pm »
To Her Majesty Queen Arania Mouring of Trelania, greetings from Protector Jennara Creekskipper.

I send news from the Whitehorn Forest.

While investigating a different matter, a group, of which I was a member, recently uncovered what appeared to be a Pyrtechonite training facility.  It was not clearly such at first, but became so after a construct wished us the blessings of Pyrtechon.  The original site was dedicated to Folian S'pae.

After discovering the connection to the Destroyer, our group withdrew to consider and recruit additional help, neither of which proved especially successful.  After failures and arguments upon the second inspection, I took it upon myself to try.  I asked the Lord Protector for aid, and became a focus for His Light.  His Light pushed back the darkness.  The evil within reacted with rage.  Various elemental creatures came forth to attack us, and though many of our group fell to misused magicks, we prevailed over them.  The constructed walls crumbled around us, leaving the original, natural tunnels.

There was no clue found to indicate who may have been there or may arrive.  I cannot offer any clues as to where to find the Pyrtechonites who may have made use of the facility.  If there is any other need, I am at your service.

May the Lord Protector shield you from harm.

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon
Protector of Echo


Re: Jennara Creekskipper's Private Reports
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2010, 07:33:44 pm »
To His Holy Honor Barvanth Hiramun III, greetings from Commander Jennara Creekskipper.

I send news of Alibor.

As you know, the Jhemina Tear flowers under the care of Master Dirt were obtained through the generosity of a gardener named Mana.  She maintained her garden on Alibor.  Her body was recently found; she had been murdered by agents of the Green Dragon Cult.  Her garden was also destroyed.

This leaves the flowers transplanted into the Cathedral garden as one of very few specimens, and surely the only specimens of which I am aware.  These flowers are vital to an antidote to the affliction used by the Cult and its allies.

I request and recommend Cathedral security be expanded.  As I am able, I will report in relief to assist in the effort.

May the Lord Protector shield the defenders and guide our efforts,

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon