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Author Topic: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver  (Read 685 times)


A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« on: February 06, 2010, 06:05:05 am »
**//OOC character submission for reference// **

*tapping a walking stick as he walks... Badger paces around the Krandor hospital. He often visited the place to give a helping hand around.*

"Another victim of the dangerous world we live in... there is always someone who is calling for help. I just hope from the bottom of my heart than none go unheard..."
*he sighs, running a hand through his pure white hair as if its some habit of his*
"It seems this one was attacked by the hordes of ogres that roam in the grasslands just on the outskirts of this town I recall..." *he says in a quiet, almost calm voice, running a hand along a big nasty-looking bruise and some cuts on the mans arm (as if he was punched with some force... or beaten with a club) and as he does so the man cries out in pain*

*Badger quickly shuffles through various scrolls and papers his eyes darting over the pages. They appear to be notes, diagrams, labels, all filled with precise information and images seemingly of different herbs, plants, weeds and the like. As he moves his finger across the page, he stops at one part and taps his finger on it..*

Comfrey - helps heal broken bones, reduces bruising and swellings from knocks and falls.
An ointment can also soothe those ailed with burns and scalds.

*he pushes his spectacles up his nose...*

"Ah... it is as I thought."
*quickly he goes about to grating a part of the comfrey and mixes it to a paste with some water. He then applies the salve to the mans arm, the man jerks a bit hesitantly but relaxes a bit as the ointment begins to work a little.*
*laying a hand that looks tanned and perhaps a bit like the texture of wood on the man's head... he murmurs a few prayers in gnomish before pulling up the covers and shuffling out the room, collapsing on a chair somewhere looking very worn and weary from a hard days work.*
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Re: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 07:04:14 am »

*written on a scruffy piece of parchment which seems to be a space from something else that he ripped off to write on*
I walked slowly down the town path at midnight... it is quiet, dark. Nothing stirs save the grass fluttering softly in the breeze, the shuffling clink of armour from a few guards at the town's edge. I grip my stick tightly as I reach the crypt and open the door, the dark seemingly has consumed the place I thought to myself as I peered at the opening.
I walk in the Light of Aeridin... Or so I try to. But something I've always had as a child... a fear of the dark. Of what it holds. I remember catching a firefly one time in a small jar, I would have it close to me at night to keep the dark away.
It sounds silly but true, and one must travel to dark places if he is to bring light to it. Perhaps I will never find out the reason for it, as we all know, the dark cannot hurt you... can it?

**at that point he murmured a few words the tip of his walking stick glowing slightly so some of the stone floor and walls a little further past the entrance became visible. With a heavy sigh he took a few steps inside...**


Re: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 07:32:58 am »
*the forest gnome was strolling along the path out of Hlint, towards the lake. It was a beautiful day and the sun shone brightly as he held onto a coil of thick rope that followed onto a shaggy bluish-grey haired ox trundling on behind with various herbs, medical kits and other doodads tied onto it.

Suddenly bandits jumped out of nowhere behind cackling with glee. SLASH... one rope on the ox snapped and flailed to the floor, half of the gnome's vials and such clinking onto the floor and smashing. Badger gasped as though he himself had been physically hurt.. though he wasn't.
One or two gems rolled off out a small sack on the top.

The Ox flailed out a hoof and caught one of them up the chin knocking them back a little puffing out its nostrils angrily. Badger watched for a moment in horror, its not like he could do anything to help.
SLASH, the blade whipped at the ox's leg and it collapsed to the ground.
One bandit started coming his way.
#@*%!, he thought to himself.
 ... what? I may a cleric in white and such with glasses... No-ones perfect. In fact, those white robes are a darn pain to wash. Maybe brown would be better? Or Blue. Blue is very nice.

And he wiped a tear at the loss of his faithful ox and made a run for it.
Running away doesn't make you a coward, but it does make sure you're alive.
When he got to town he leaned on his knees panting, then unfurled a crumpled note he found with the bandits.... running a hand through his white hair, now slightly moist with sweat

Hauling Corathite pictures? The dark necromancer of skulls wants one.

"Corathite... *he frowns* Dark necromancer..? I wonder what this could mean."


Re: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 04:41:50 am »
//OOC, i already have these written down and do sometimes reference them when in a group (though he does use his healing spells a lot more frequently, he'll use these for things other than simple flesh wounds or in conjuction with spells too). so both IC and OOC, this is in case i lose my notes. I also thought it would make a nice journal entry. :) //

*Badger smoothed down his mossy green waistcoat as he sat in a small library. Thin golden threads embroidered it with golden buttons and he had sunny yellow sleeves coming out of it. A misty blue cloak bearing the symbol of Aeridin hugged his shoulders, matching the Livegiver leaf necklace that hung round his neck. Flipping his notebook to the next page (books were expensive, he only really had this one book) he shuffled through some things pulling out a few of his unkempt scrolls full of notes and diagrams on herbs.
Holding it over the page he began to press some hot wax into all four corners so they sealed themselves to the page.

...I know what you're thinking, yes, he could have just copied them out, truth was, he just couldn't be bothered.

Most of these notes stayed in his mind. He was however, afraid of some of his knowledgable references getting lost.*

Thyme ~ valuable antiseptic properties, an infusion applied to the skin relieves insect bites and works as a general skin tonic.

*instead of the usual diagram, a sample is stuck  next to the notes catmint*
Catmint~ taken hot, the tea can bring down a high temperature during a fever

Hyssop ~ A mild infusion of the leaves will help a black eye (soak in a cloth then apply to area)

Dandelion ~ a tea will relieve the kidneys/liver of poison.

Basil ~ helps with travel sickness. (Make sure to have some if a group are on a boat trip)

Elder ~ The berries make a particularly soothing cough and cold syrup

Garlic ~ antiseptic that cures diarrhoea, gout and hot flushes.

Marigold ~ Tea helps ease tired and swollen feet.
Angelica ~ Fresh crushed leaes can be applied to relieve breathing difficulties and chest congestion. A tea can also help infections of the chest, colds, indigestion and nervous tension.

Marjoram ~ A strong infusion will help the discomfort of an earache

Southernwood ~Tea helps recover from flu.

Yarrow ~ a tea using the dried flowers will ease a headcold.


Re: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2010, 07:22:50 am »
A mystical woods... it had a sort of blurred and glowy etherealness about it. Soft amber beams of light pierced through trees above. Badger looked round slowly in wonder, and as his glance moved in front of him suddenly there was a white stag not too far off, staring at him. Then it turned and trotted a few steps before its gaze turned back to the small gnome.
His mouth hung open slightly at its beauty... then he realised...

" You want me to follow..? " he asked.

It just turned and carried on trotting over twisted roots and golden grass.

" Wait! " he jogged after it clutching his stick in his hand as usual.

The stag did not stop so while he followed it was always a small distance ahead of him, but just enough that he could see where it was headed.
Eventually they came to what looked like some sort of ... gate or door. It seemed to strangely fit with the surroundings, the gate being made up of curled white wood, or bone. He wasn't quite sure. Looking into it he saw a reflection of the world behind him, but it was in black and white... and neither him nor the stag were in this reflection.
The stag next to him had waited while he looked over it then without warning stepped through it, the gate rippled and blurred as it went through.
Badger bit his lip nervously then stepped in himself...evrything was bright white for a moment and he squinted. The next moment he looked around... and funnily enough everything was black and white... then slowly he saw something... a vision? maybe this was happening for real? He looked at his gray hand, usually tanned... and looked back up.

A towering demon of fire with bat-like wings.. a flaming sword... eyes that blazed like the fiery depths from whence it came bore into him and he fell to his knees racked with fear. Black rubble was strewn around the place and there were piles of charred bodies and black flames burning the once-golden patches of grass. The sky turned from grey to black until nothing but the demon were barely visible.

Tears fell down the gnomes cheeks and he turned his head to the white stag standing beside him.

"Please... you have to help..."
The stag disappeared slowly from sight.
He sobbed, seemingly at the darkness.

A horrible laugh escaped the demons mouth, echoing into the blackness.

"No one can help you now...!" It hissed and laughed again.

Badger awoke from the dream looking much worse than before he went to sleep. He fumbled with a shaking arm for his small glasses and the stick beside the bed and shuffled towards the library... to do some research.


Re: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2010, 09:46:35 am »
//I'd assume that somewhere there'd be a book with various simple descriptions and/or drawings/sketches of 'monsters', sort of like a D&D monster manual. And he could have borrowed it from the Great Library or any small one, but if I'm wrong and there wouldnt be one, or i've made some sort of error, PM me, I'll delete this entry.

I just thought he would go to more lengths to 'research' things encountered recently.//

I was walking along a path through Haven... flipping through a dusty book I had borrowed from a library. I do love books!

Scanning through the many passages I stopped at one section. "They may not have been from our world... but apparently we too have had demons in the past, possibly even the same ones have visited our world before. Either way, someone must have written something. Word spreads as rumours at first, and sung by bards... news does not take long to spread..." I thought as I shuffled along.

Ah. Here.

"Pit fiends. Cloaked in fire and as tall as two humans, this hulking monster spreads its batlike wings and cracks its whiplike tail. Great scales cover its body like armor. Uopn smiling it reveals large fangs that drip with a hissing venom.
They are feared for their superhuman combat prowess, the intelligence that would rival a mighty wizard..."

That makes sense... it fits the sort of description of the Ash'khen. These here are thought of as some sort of devil or demon that lives deep under the surface if I'm not mistaken... and they scare me too. I remember one of us mentioned there definitely had been demons before on our world when speaking with the Ash'khen, and that we had slayed them, though I'm not entirely certain whether that was truth, or merely to try and dissuade the demons from visiting our world.

I ran a hand through my hair nervously.
At that moment my thought cycle was rudely interrupted by a group walking towards me on the same path.
There were a few dwarves and what appeared to be some sort of elvish woman.
I tried to be polite as usual, though I am not sure I like them terribly much, especially this one who kept staring at me with what appeared to be only one good eye. It was quite unnerving. He talked about Vorax for a long time and when he asked me I explained I didn't quite agree with Vorax's ways of battle. That dwarf lost it then, and spat at my feet. I fear that one had few marbles left, if he had any to begin with that is. They all headed into the mines nearby asking if I was coming along. I had explained I do not fight, but as I watched them go in, I sighed to myself and followed. I would feel terrible should they get killed so I went to aid them with my healing skills all I could as I often do with others blundering into danger.

May the Caring Light be with us always.


Re: A forest herbman in the service of the Lifegiver
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2010, 09:03:19 am »
I've been visiting the temple on the island of Sadinia an awful lot as late... It's a lovely place, very peaceful and serene, it is calming to pray in there.

*he tacks a receipt in the journal of his donations for reference*

There. Now if I am searching for something and cannot find it, this will certainly remind me that I do not own it anymore! *he chuckles lightly*

But really, I feel it means a lot more if you give what you have to the needy when you yourself do not own much.

