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Author Topic: Ian Ashalley - A Life of Dedication  (Read 258 times)


Ian Ashalley - A Life of Dedication
« on: July 12, 2010, 08:53:29 pm »
[SIZE=13]Nicholus and Linnet Ashalley
17 Chi Road
Ona-Chi District

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have landed on Mistone and serving in Toran's name.   Once I arrived at the Temple in Ft. Llast, I was told to make my way south till I reached a Port town called Hempstead, to meet my first instructor, Miss Jillian, Beacon of the Shining Hand.  I met up with Miss Jillian shortly after my arrival.  Miss Jillian was stern but cordial in her commands to me.  She had brought with her, my standard issue weapons and armor, a copper longsword, tower shield, and a studded leather armor suit.  Miss Jillian instructed me to change in the other room and we had no time to waste to commence my field training.

As we were about to leave the merchant building, a man entered and greeted Miss Jillian.  He was a friendly Rofireinite man and his name was Daniel Benjamin Poetr, The High Protector.  He offered to lend his blessings to my training exercise, with Miss Jillian thanking him in the process.  All three of us left Hempstead and sailed for Mariner's Hold, Alindor.

After completing our journey, we headed out to the thick forested lands that populate some of the regions on that Island.  Mother, you should see the lush greens there, so very different then the Palm trees.  Miss Jillian and the Protector led us to a farmer who was having a disturbance from scarecrows that walked on their own... yes walked on their own!

The three of us found the possessed scarecrows and I had my first real field battle.  I was nervous at first, as that training was nothing liked I ever learned from the Citadel's repetitive drills with sword and shield, but I rose to the challenge and met my foes with confidence.  I gained some much needed field combat that my instructor Miss Jillian told me that I would quickly need to master.

We traveled the lands and came to some saturated swamp lands, where we engaged in battle once again, this time with Trolls.  The Trolls where tough creatures and I did take a good laceration on my arm form the battle. I lost a good amount of blood for one of my mistakes, but I learned from it.  I am healing well, so do not worry Mother.

We ventured deep into the swamps that night.  We walked for some time with only a few minor skirmishes to be dealt with until an armored lady rode up to us, with Miss Jillian quickly turning around in respect.  Once I heard Miss Jillian speak the ladies name, I was overjoyed.  Mom and Dad, I know I sailed to Mistone just before the big festival happened, but I had the opportunity to travel with thee Lady Daniella Stormhaven, Champion of Toran's Divine Will.  Yes the same Lady Daniella Stormhaven that Huangjin recently celebrated her accomplishment in receiving the Matteo award.  She is a Paladin who is very strong in stature and holds herself high with the utmost esteem, a true Toranite.  She greeted me from her Warhorse and welcomed me as a new Initiate to the Order of the Longsword.  We continued our travels and battled into the night.  My sword and shield had never seen so much use.

Our extended journy led us to Katherian, a port city on the eastern tip of Alindor.  Lady Daniella and the High Protector left us shortly after we entered the city to attend to their own personal duties.  Miss Jillian looked to me and said that I should seek a room to rest up and prepare for my future training.  Miss Jillian praised and lectured me on some of the specific tactics I had used in battle, but overall, she said I proved myself worthy as a Toranite!  Still, I have much to learn yet in my training.

I know that I have made the right choice to pursue the life of a holy warrior in Toran's righteous name Mom and Dad, it is something I truly feel I was born to do.

Please take care of yourselves and I will continue to write about my training and journeys on other far off lands.



Re: Ian Ashalley - A Life of Dedication
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 04:06:39 pm »
Nicholus and Linnet Ashalley
17 Chi Road
Ona-Chi District

Dear Mom and Dad,

The Temple in Ft. Llast  has issued me with a small but peaceful room in one of the Temple's wood outbuildings to bunk in until I find a permanent residence or be stationed elsewhere.  My room is only big enough to house a single bed, a foot locker for my equipment and one chair and desk with a candle atop that I write to you at this moment from.  I am eternally grateful that Toran has provided for me once again.  I have been keeping my body and health in excellent condition by getting up early every morning to work out with the some of the other Paladins that train here.  I am also making sure that I eat enough nutritious foods to fuel my actions and build mass on my body to withstand any damage that I might obtain in battle.

Not all the Paladins who are temporarily stationed at Ft. Llast take part in this extra curricular training and it is strictly voluntary.  A group of us get up well before first light and we run 5 miles, sometimes more.  After the run, we start our weight training exercises.  There are several carved pieces of stone and granite ranging in various weights that we repetitively lift over our heads and push up with our legs.  After weight training, we go and have something to eat to build up our strength once again for the mandatory daily training sessions by the instructors.  I am getting stronger Dad, and I am sure I could even haul up a large net of Mackerel by myself now.

The mandatory sword and shield training drills go on until past mid-day.  The afternoon's classes are instructions on the divine powers that can be channeled by a Paladin.  We are even being taught to concentrate and focus our minds to open up our senses to detect if an evil presence might be nearby.  Some of the teachings were a little tough to grasp at first, but I think the more I understand and comprehend, I feel the power grow within me each day.

I have been receiving instructions on my advanced combat techniques from Miss Jillian Stuart, Beacon of the Shining Hand, the Paladin I mentioned in my last letter.  I am learning new skills each time I take the field with her prowess and knowledge of battle tactics.  Her instructions are very precise and she does not hesitate to make me redo a task over if she feels I did not execute the task to its fullest potential.  Miss Jillian has also been working with me on turning of the undead spirits.  With my mind focused, I can strike fear or even slay some undead.   My channeling of the divine power is only powerful enough to ward off Skeletons, Zombies and some Ghouls so far.  

The Champion Stormhaven has even traveled with Miss Jillian and I on a few occasions.  Lady Daniella only extracted her sword twice during our travels saying to me that she was there to watch how my training was progressing.  After a few battles, she complemented me on remembering to keep my shield up and my back foot planted firmly behind me for a solid stance and a good defensive posture.  She critiqued my counter attacks a few times, informing me that I could gain a second counter attack If I could learn how to parry off the enemies mistakes.  She amiably demonstrated a few of those tactics to me, and I quickly learned the technique from the Champion.

I have met a few other followers of the Toranite faith.   I was introduced by Lady Daniella to Mark Stanley, a ecclesiastic and Richard Watchman, a wizard that knows how to use the working end of a sword.  These two gentlemen traveled with us one night and I am pleased to have made their friendship.

I recently witnessed the control over the undead spirits that Miss Jillian has within her. She alone with one focused thought, channeled her divine power and instantly destroyed over 10 skeletons, 4 zombies and 2 Ghouls!  The divine power is very strong within the Beacon and she said that I have great potential as long as my training sessions remain frequent and my studies continue without lapse.

Some new equipment has arrived that was sent from the Citadel, and I am wearing a true warrior's plate armor now Mother, so don't worry.  The iron in my longsword has proved its worth many times over and a full helm has kept my face and head protected.  I am currently waiting on a shipment of Blue and Gold metal dies to modify the colors on my armor to better reflect the colors of the Great Leader.

Well, that's about it for now, I have to be in formation for tomorrow's early morning run and I must get some sleep now.

Please take care of yourselves and I will visit as soon I am able to so.  Dad, I hope the upcoming Mackerel runs find your nets with many pounds snared within to bring to market!

May Toran's blessings shine down on both of you always and forever.



Re: Ian Ashalley - A Life of Dedication
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 04:18:11 pm »
Nicholus and Linnet Ashalley
17 Chi Road
Ona-Chi District

Dear Mom and Dad,

It was nice to be able to return back home and spend some time with you both. The fish dinner was marvelous mother, I really miss your cooking.  The field rations are ok, but not very filling and they do not taste so good either.   I was given orders to travel back to the Citadel to aid in the crowd control for the meeting of the various kingdoms military leaders.  After I left the house that night, I went straight to the Citadel.  I arrived well before the meeting took place and was greeted by Lady Daniella Stormhaven.  We conversed for a few minutes about some new training tactics and some threats to the church that have been reported.  Champion Stormhaven excused herself from our conversation and went to greet some of the incoming military leaders entering the Citadel.  I went and took my standing position at the end of the large banquet table where they were starting to take their seats.

Champion Stormhaven quieted the crowd down and thanked all the kingdoms who came to the call to arms.  She addressed the rising concern for the Green Dragon Cult.  Many of the nation's military leaders had their own information to share about the Dragon Stealers and their current movements and wrongful doings across the lands.  There were many different tactics and options mentioned to form an offensive push against the Drachs.  The meeting went on for a couple of hours and many battle plans were discussed.  This cult must be dealt with as soon as possible, if we strike at them first, the good of all shall have the advantage in the battle.

A few weeks ago I met a tiny Elf by the name of Breanna.  She seemed to come from forested lands and was a skilled archer.  Here on Mistone, there is a track of woods that have mysterious hauntings from the undead spirits.  I make frequent trips to Gloom Woods to rid any undead that walk the living world.  Breanna and I met as we were walking the road in different directions. I thought that these haunted woods was no place for a little female elf all alone, and I offered to travel with her for protection.  She graciously accepted my offer and we ventured deeper into the woods.  We encountered many undead beings that night and I suggested that we get back before we quickly become outnumbered out there without reinforcements.  

As we made our way back toward Ft. Vehl, a horde of Zombies blocked our path of egress.  I charged them and turned them away in fright, but more came from the wood line toward us.  I saw Breanna try to run for cover down the road before I turned and slashed a zombie advancing to attack me. I ran down the road and came around the corner to witness a zombie hack his claws across Breanna's torso, sending her to the ground lifeless.  I yelled to get the Zombie's attention and rushed its position.  I smashed my shield into the foe, sending him toppling back to the ground.  Before the zombie got to its feet, I severed its head clean with a powerful swing of my longsword. I quickly went to Breanna's motionless body.  I knelt down and started saying a prayer while laying my hands on Breanna's shoulders.  Toran's divine virute flowed from me into her body.  Breanna's eyes fluttered a few times, then looked to me.  I helped her sit up and offered her some water.  Breanna was shaken from her brush with death and she thanked me for saving her life.  I informed her that it is Toran's will to help those in need and I was happy that I was present to save her life.  I escorted her back to Ft. Vehl's outskirts where we departed each other.  I had such a feeling of merit when my hands healed Breanna and brought her life force back to her body that day.  I feel that I am very blessed these days and Toran is always with me.  

My training regiments have escalated to some intense sessions lately.  We are running more miles than before and I am able to complete 100 pushups in 2 minutes now.  my training group and I have come up with something we have termed as "circuit training".  In this type of training we start on one exercise and quickly move to the next exercise without any rest.  There are a total of 10 exercises in a circuit. After I complete a full circuit, I rest for 1 minute then do the entire circuit over again.  My endurance in battle has increased immensely from this training and I am less fatigued after long battles now.

I will travel back home as soon as I can.  Dad, when I do come home for a little rest, maybe you and I could go and do some fishing together, just us two like we used to do when I was little. I miss those days.

May Toran's blessings shine down on both of you always.
