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Author Topic: Hayley's Letters  (Read 380 times)


Hayley's Letters
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:42:26 am »
After several days of travels and battling goblins, Hayley finally took some time to rest in the comfort of the city's inn. Her past few days around Port Hempstead have been an eye opener. She has seen much more than she could have imagined from reading her books back home in the gnome community. She is eager to travel more as soon as she is well rested. However, she misses her father greatly. She decides to write back home to let her father know she is doing well and that he should not worry about her.

Dear Beloved Father,

I am here at Port Hempstead. Thus far, my travel has been safe. When I got here, I met this short elf, SehKy. He is always covered up with his hood; he doesn't talk much... but he is very kind and helpful. He took the time to show me the city of Port Hempstead. Let me tell you father, the city is HUGE. There are so many shops and travellers. Everyone is busy shuffling their feet and minding their own business... except SehKy. He saw I was a stranger to this grande city and took his time to show me around. Then again, he could have alternative motives like you have told me so many times father. I am a girl and I need to be careful of the opposite sex. They are always up to no good. I will heed your advice and be very wary.

But let me tell you about SehKy... he's this elf. He is very skilled with his bow. I saw him shoot a rat right in the eye from twenty feet away! It was quite impressive. What are we doing killing rats you ask? Oh well, the Trues that you gave me didn't last long and I was running low. So, SehKy told me about this lady with rats problem. She asked me to investigate for her and so I agreed. That led me to the sewer... and SehKy came along with me to guide me through the sewer. That was where we saw giant rats! They were squeeking and chasing after us. You know how I am with rodents, Father. *shivering just thinking about it* Anywho, good thing SehKy was there to tame those rats. Long story short, we took care of the rodent problems and the lady paid me well for the trouble.

Oh, while we are on the subject of elves, I met this family of elves. Wow, they are a handful! All I could do was listen. They kept talking back and forth. And I think one of them was trying to put the moves on me. I must say... he had the looks and he caught my attention but my oh my. His family sure can talk! They are all skilled warriors and priestesses. When we traveled out to the outskirts of Port Hempstead, I understood some of the cantations that they were preparing. I must say, I have lots to learn. I couldn't understand a lot of what they were doing. It will come with time once I learn more about this city, Father. That's it for now. I am running out of parchments and will get more to write to you. Take care and I will visit home soon once.


Hayley seals the letter in an envelope and hands it to a courier out by bar. She heads back to her room and rest for the evening.


Hayley's Letters
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2010, 09:36:46 am »
A sealed letter arrives to her father.

Dearest Father,

It has been a while. I hope this letter gets to you and I hope you are doing well. I know it's been years since I have last written. Please do not worry and take care of yourself. I have been traveling the world and have been learning a lot. It hasn't been convenient for me to write back until now.

As you know, I dabble with the Al'Noth as a child, and you had always helped me learn with all the trades that you had encountered. Since my travel, I have learned a lot more. I can conjure up great fireballs and mystical beasts. My companions have given me the name Pyro.... probably because I have burned a few. But it's not my fault... they RAN into it. But yes, traveling the world and seeing everything new have helped me control and practice the Al'Noth better. I used to require a lot of components to cast my spells but not anymore. *giggles to self* I am quite proud of that and I owe it all to you for not giving up on me when I first started learning about the Al'Noth.

And you wouldn't believe what I have discovered?! I have found my biological sister! *teary eyes* Her name is Kylie. I had almost given up all hope in finding her but glad I didn't. We have talked a lot eversince and I have learned so much about her. She was raised by Berylite priestesses and is quite gifted. She claims her Goddess is watching over her; I don't doubt it because maybe that is why we were able to be reunited. Also, she is so much like me in everyway, very playful, very beautiful.... all kinds of people always try to court her. Oh there are so much I want to tell you but this letter will not do. I will try to write back more often and hopefully both of us will visit you soon!

Love you always,



Re: Hayley's Letters
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 11:07:52 pm »
A box and letter arrive home.

Dear Father,

I hope you are well. I am sitting here in my room and was thinking about you. A lot has transpired since I have last written to you.

First of all, I met this mage.... his name is Vladimir. At first, I was apprehensive about him. Apparently he was watching me when I was dealing with the giants in the wood. He saw that I had potential and decided to introduce himself to me. He wanted to take me as an apprentice because I was able to utilize the Al'Noth effectively. Because I wanted to learn more, I agreed to watch and learn from him. It was a good decision because eversince I have learned a lot more! He has taught me new spells and how to prepare for them. Not only that, he is a powerful Al'Noth user himself. I have seen him fight the giants.... he was able to take down dozens by himself while I watched and learned. It was spectacular!

Furthermore, he was kind enough to allow me to stay at his house in the city of Prantz. I no longer sleep in the inn and I am able to save up some coins. I have my own room to sleep in and area to practice my spells. Also, Vladimir has taught me the basic of sword fighting. At first I thought it would be impossible for me to swing a blade but somehow I have managed to swing a blade decently. I have been practicing against this dummy in the house and the good part is it does not hit back! *laughs* I am quite please at this accomplishment.

Also, you are probably wondering about the box of fire opals. Well, I have been traveling to the dark caves to mine gems. I have ordered a few items from this guild in Port Hempstead. They call themselves the Angel's Guild. Because I have no coins to pay them, they allowed me the option to pay with gems. So, I decided to pay with gems. I have been traveling to caves to dig and dig for gems. My hands are getting calluses. *frown a bit* They are SOOOO heavy! Luckily, I was able to hire a messenger to deliver those gems for me. I pay him enough so that he would take the job. He would always complain about the weight but I think he's happy that he's getting paid. I believe I have mined over 200 fire opals... *laughs* even Beryl herself would be proud of me if I was her follower. So yes, I hope you like the gems. I picked the best shiny ones for you. You can trade them when you travel. I will send home more so don't worry about using them to trade.

Oh, on a side note, I have been getting black outs lately. Whenever I get fearful or sense danger, I lose control and don't remember anything. When I snap out of it, I would only see dead bodies around me. It is quite alarming and disturbing. I hope I have not caused any great harm to any loved ones. Apparently Kylie has witnessed it many times. She said I turn into this beast that goes on a rage and kills everything! She said at least I still understand her and listen to her voice..... I don't attack her. Thank god I still have some sanity in that state. I worry that the Al'Noth is taking control of me... or that I am losing control because I am experiment with spells I have not fully understand. I hope to read more old parchments and do more research to learn about this matter. I hope to at least be able to control myself if I do turn into whatever it is that Kylie said I turned into. I do not wish to cause her harm... I don't know what I would do if I did. *sigh*

I guess that's it for now, Father. I will keep you posted on my condition. Love you always.
