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Author Topic: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"  (Read 956 times)


A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« on: September 20, 2009, 08:29:59 pm »
So I'm finally in Port Hempstead and I'm still mad as spit over that boat incident.  Since when did a troller become a passenger ship?  Liars!  Well, I figured out how to fix their little red wagon anyway.  Snip snip!

I have not had time to write Mama and I have not found Auntie Kate yet.  I did find this guy - well, he found me - named Ben Poeter and he was very nice.  He is Daniel's brother, that guy Mama talks about.  He seemed like a gentleman in a rough kind of way.  If that makes sense.  He gave me some really good pie and some healing potions.  I need things so I'll go by and visit his shop, he said it was the Angel's Guild.  I need better clothes and some supplies, I'm about out.  He said Kyle Pandorn owned it or ran it, and I have not seen Uncle Kyle in years.  Bet he won't recognize me!

I've tried praying in several locations to see which feels the best. The fountain is nice, but artificial.  The docks are okay but I still get upset seeing all those fishing boats.  There is one little rock pool I've found peaceful - no signs of Shipwreck's worshippers, although their tributes litter the rest of the beach.  I have found no other worshippers of Shindelaria yet, but I haven't swam too far out either.  Strong undertow out there.  I was able to heal a seal that had shark bites that was near the rock pool, but it took a while to convince it that I was friendly.  I have not used Shindy's blessings on any people here yet.

There is an inn I can afford but it's in a dumpy part of town.  I get weird looks here and I don't like it.  I have been practicing my katas and keeping limber in case I need to run.  I have a new kata that is a prayer movement I do in while swimming.  It's only about 2 minutes long, but I can't hold my breath much longer yet.  Still working on that, drat the lungs.  It's a full extension, Shindelaria is my core, curl and flip, the current that moves me, flip back the other way, the current that brings me home, a punch and an x block right arm, a punch and an x block left arm, Shindelaria is my armor as the ocean is my blood, saddle step right, saddle step left, back step right and a push block, back step left and a push block, forward flip and turn, Mother Ocean watch over me and never let me drift too far, and surface.

Okay, it needs work, but doing katas underwater is amazing and really hard.  I will develop more, it seems like I'm praying with my body.  I used to pray while swimming or sometimes do punches and blocks on a log or something in the water but this is different.  I like it.

There's a quarter of the day left before sunset.  I'm going to find someone to talk to, see what else Port Hempstead has to offer.  Help some people hopefully.  And buy some stuff!


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 03:14:09 pm »
What a week. I met two new people, a dark elf named Ty something, and a monk named Marec. I took my first job, for a Guard Captain near the Fountain, to get an rod from some local kobolds that are causing trouble. I went out to see if I could subdue them but I could not - they were way more powerful. So I headed to that pond outside the walls of the city and took a swim to clear my head, pray, and heal.
 The dark elf lady Ty came from one of the benches to talk to me. She said she was from Audira and I know there is a big temple to Azatta there. She said she worshipped Azatta too. So I prayed to Shindy in the water, and I didn't get any bad feelings at all. I'm still not sure if I was trusting her because Mother said I could or because I have grown up knowing what you see is not always what you get. But she was very sweet, almost timid, and she and the monk guy (who was human) helped me with my job. I am not so sure I liked doing it, though. I mean, I'm not squeamish but killing like that didn't make me happy. It was just...I don't know, it wasn't enjoyable but I'm told this tribe is always causing problems so...was I right? I don't know. I'm a healer and causing pain is hard for me. I'm not so sure I'm cut out for these jobs. Hopefully there will be other things.
 Marec kept watching me as we went, watched how I fought. I'm using all the moves Mama showed me, and I called on Shindy to send me animal protectors but they don't stay long. I have a long way to go to earn Her full trust. But, I did feel pretty good when I completed my assignment and the Captain was happy about it.
 I'm supposed to take care of something clogging the pipes in the sewers. Oh, goody. Well, at least I got another job. I've got a bit of true so I sent Uncle Kyle a message to see if I could make my first On My Own purchases from his shop. Mama would approve! Well, Mama would try to sew stuff for me. But, I'm spending my own money on my own stuff, and I keep thinking I'd be more grown up if I wasn't so excited. I swear I've been acting like a kids since I got here.
 Anyway, time to go practice katas. I would head to the ocean but the waves are stronger than me today - shipwreck is all cranky and I don't want to deal with her. I'll go to the pond, lots of people hang around there.


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 12:03:31 pm »
Boy do I need to finish that sewer job. I am supposed to help a little girl in Krandor and some folks in this fort town between here and Hlint now on top of that. The last few days all I've done is dig clay and sand to get that nice silk armor Auntie Ferrit sold me, and she said the best place was this river east of Hlint, which I've never seen but I remember all the stories Mama told me. So I took some food and water, a map with directions, bought a shovel, got a bedroll and a blanket, and went.
 I've been around Dregar, well, Rael mostly, and on the ocean when Mama took us sailing. But this is different - just me, alone. No Jesse to help, no Mama or Caighd to keep me safe. Just me and Shindelaria.
 I stopped in Krandor because I remember Mama saying that Ferrit and Kyle lived there but I don't know which house. There was a nice body of water nearby and I swam and prayed - swayed? - there. That's where I met the little girl and I'm going to go back and help her soon. Last Fort wasn't much to look at but there was some work, so I'll go back and finish that as well. Then I found Hlint and walked all around. It wasn't much. Pretty bucholic little town really. I did swim (sway, I think I like that term) sway in the pond there. Then I spent two days digging clay and sand. There was a nice stream coming off a little lake so I swayed there too, and did water katas. I do think I'm getting better at it. I think Mother must have approved because I found myself able to increase my strength going home which was good because dang, clay weighs a lot. It took me three days to get to Hempstead and it would have been longer but I was able to catch a ride with this farmer for part of the way. And then Ferrit gave me my armor, which looked terrible on me. Had to change it.
 The tailor's assistant who does alterations in the Port Hempstead crafting house helped me modify the outfit for swimming, although she clearly didn't approve of me showing so much leg. Tough - the outfit has to be easy to swim in. I tried it straightaway, swaying and doing katas in the ocean, and the tails are not a problem like I thought they would be.
 I noticed something today. Swimming is praying and praying is swimming. No, it's more than that. MOVING is praying and praying is moving...running, fighting, it's all the same. My body feels like a prayer to Mother. Are other healers like this? They all seem to stay at a distance. I seem to always be in the middle of things.
 Anyway, the upshot is I have my armor, it's fitted and colored a pretty ocean blue, and I've even got a 275 True credit with the Angels Guild. I'm going to keep digging sand for Aunt Ferrit and see if I can earn that leather belt I saw. And some rings but I'll have to save True for those.
 I did finally send a little letter to Mama to let her know what room I'm renting. Although after buying the silk, I'm not sure I can afford to stay there much longer unless I GET OFF MY BUTT and finish those jobs. Which I will do, right after a nap and a visit to the library so I can catch up on local information. I hate not knowing what is going on.
 Oh, I meant to write down my naptime prayer.  I need to write my Kata prayers too, I have five now.
 Mother Ocean lay me down to bed
Dolphins and coral dreams in my head
And when I wake, to Shindaleria I pray
To send me gentle currents and a peaceful day


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2009, 08:44:31 pm »
I had a fantastic time last week when I bumped into Miss Jennara by a pond near Port Hempstead.  She started swimming with me (I was already swimming) and was telling me a story when Ty came by then this other halfling I have not met named Akasia happened by and we all ended up swimming except Ty kept jumping out of the water because she was terrified someone would see her dark skin.  We told stories, had contests to see who could stay underwater longer, and I just relaxed.

Then, yesterday, I saw Jennara again.  I was getting ready to go wandering, making more notes and maps, and she was by the  bank.  So she offered to take me around and we ended up in the desert!  I didn't like it much, and I still have a sunburn.  But she showed me a place I never dreamed could exist - a forest in the desert, as full of water and life as any I've ever seen and with the most beautiful streams and lakes...

I swayed there, we swam, and just enjoyed the location.  She took me to see a canyon too, and a hidden halfling town.  It was so interesting to see these places - I never went to Sedera, so I don't know desert.

I'm becoming more and more convinced I was meant to do more than cast spells.  I'm feeling more and more that my place is both as healer and defender.  I'm not sure what to make of it.  Jennara had no idea, every healer she's know stands back as well.  

I'll have to think on this.  I need to find a temple somewhere...there isn't one in Port Hempstead.  I'll ask around.

So far, I have prayed or swayed at eleven bodies of water in Mistone and the ocean off the port.  Not bad!

Also completed another job.  I have a little bit of money saved for gloves and a belt - time to dig more sand!


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 09:51:50 pm »
I have to find a temple.  I have to ask.  I don't know what I'm becoming.

I'm not like other healers.  I'm not sure what I am.  But I was in the water all this week and I almost drowned from losing track of time, from getting so involved in my motions and my prayers - both, the same, there is no difference anymore - that I didn't see how deep I was when I ran out of air.

Where can I find someone who knows?  Mother answers my prayers with healing power so I'm sure she approves but She can't simply appear and answer me.



Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 11:36:28 am »
Packing so not much time.  If I don't come back, I was on the way to Lan's Port to find a temple.  I've heard there is one to Mother there that I can visit. It's time to get some answers - I hope.
 I did finally finish the job for the guard in Hlint, with the help of some interesting people I met.  Good folks but why does everyone assume I need a weapon?  I don't even like carrying a knife except a girl has to eat.
 Mama wrote back that Grandpoppa died.  I missed the funeral.  I'm actually pretty close to my uncles so I'll visit before I take the boat.  A cargo boat this time, so I'll be all squooshed in but at least I won't have to deal with the nets.


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2009, 12:51:27 pm »
I'm on my way.  Sent a letter to Mama and I put one under Aunt Kate's door but she wasn't home.  
 I saw the Great Tide last night, south of us.  I watched for hours.  And then, this morning, I saw whales off port side, a whole pod.  I wish I wish I wish the wind had been slack so I could have jumped in and swayed with them.  But it wasn't, probably shipwreck's fault.
 I did my katas on the deck.  I had to answer a lot of questions about what was that, was I fighting shadows or dancing or what.  I kind of sidestepped the whole god question - most of the sailors worship shipwreck and I'm not so stupid that I want to get thrown overboard.  I felt kind of dirty for that but it beats swimming home.  So I told them I practiced the art of fighting with my body, which is kind of true, I guess.
 I really hope someone in Mariner's Hold knows where Lan's Port is.  I was able to look at a Layonara Surveryor's map and it looks like I can cross beach-side all the way down, or maybe find someone who can sail over that way.  But this ship goes to Mariner's so that's where I'm going.
 I think this counts as my first adventure!


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2009, 10:28:08 am »
I'm in the Port of Kings, and I have to write this down before I forget.
 I tried to find Lan's Port with this map I bought.  And I won't be buying any maps again from that guy - I ended up somewhere outside Mariner's Hold, at some fort named Bevon, after almost dying to a scarecrow stuffed with necromantically enchanted hay when I was trying to help a farmer named Part, with no idea where I was.  So here I am, lost and beat up, so I prayed a bit in some local waters and tried to relax and in walks Aunt Ferrit.  From nowhere!  Mother does watch over me.
 She said she was just over there to do some fishing, but she had time to help me, so we headed back to Part's to help him so his crops would not rot since he could not get to them.  I just couldn't let a family go hungry like that!  But the scarecrows were many more than we figured and our enchantments wore off too soon and I ended up dying, at least that's what Ferrit told me later.  All I remember was being cold, cold like when I'm swimming in winter and can't move to warm up.  Cold all the way to my insides.  Then I remember a woman talking.  She had this voice, it was like honey over steel.  I can't describe it except she sounded really, really old.  Well, not her voice - that sounded young enough, or at least not creaky, but it was the what she said.  I'm sure she was old.  But I didn't see her because all I could do was hear, I couldn't move.  I don't know how long this took but Ferrit talked to her for quite a while.  The lady knows of Mama.  
 I'll write down what I remember quick.
 Life is a betrayal, war is a farce, weapons, armor, love, hate, none of it exists in the way we see or understand. None of it is needed. What is needed is caring, healing, and the dedication to continue on your own. That is what wins the day. Nothing else.

 That's what I mean by old - she sounded like she'd been through so much.  Life doesn't feel like a betrayal to me, but I haven't been in it much.  Then she said:
 One must gain the advantage in life in ways we do not see or comprehend. The gods do as they desire, but they do not use mortal combat for their
needs, not in the way we see. The moons have their tides and that affects all in ways many do not see.  But never are weapons of war needed.  Time will tell.
 That's all I heard.  She brought me from the cold place, and Ferrit and I talked and rested then came here because Ferrit remembered a shrine here but she had to use special methods to get there.  This was decades ago, her and Mama and others had to throw special black pearls into the water to get an audience with the sea elves.  I don't have any black pearls.
 But I have been thinking of the things the lady said.  Not just the obvious stuff like the weapons and armor and war, none of which I subscribe to.  More the tides stuff.  Oh, and I had a dream that I should write down too, this was as I was resting after the lady left.  I dreamed that I was adrift on the ocean and there were many moons.  I could not see most of them but they seemed different colors, but I'm not sure.  I don't remember if I actually saw them in my dream or if I just knew they were there.  But I do remember that they caused the tides to pull me all over, I kept drifting and had no idea where I was going.  I was in the water, my head was under water but I think I was kind of longer.  It's hard to remember but I wasn't afraid of breathing water. There was one moon that I do remember and it was a blue moon, more like azure, and she - well, the moon had a woman's face - would shift the currents just a little so that I never ended up in danger.  But I had no control, I had to just trust.
 Which brings me to now.  I'm looking out my window (well, I was) onto the port and remembering it all.  I've been searching too hard.  I've been being more like Mama.  I need to trust Mother.  She knows what I am and what I will be and I'm just going to go with it.  I don't need to search for answers, I only need to let the tides take me to them - the way Ferrit brought me here.  She was a tide for me.  I'll stay a little while, visit friends, but I'm not going to worry about the way I defend or the way I heal.  I just am what I am and Mother knows that.  The ocean here is wonderful, always has been, and I am going to spend the whole day in it swimming and swaying.


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2009, 04:27:25 pm »
I'm back in Hempstead.
 My first - well, second I guess - trip abroad was good.  I plan to travel more.  I've been praying in every body of water I see, but there is a whole world of them out there.  And I'm getting disturbed by some of the things I see at the docks, but more later on that.
 I never did find a shrine or temple to Mother but that's okay.  After my near-death I'm not so worried.  Something about what that woman said settled my mind even though I didn't totally understand it.
 I went out yesterday with a man named Feral who worships Folian.  He was such fun!  He taught me to speak to squirrels and was surprised when I could - I tried to teach him dolphin and whale but it's really hard to do outside of water.  Perhaps he'll go swimming sometime?
 He was a gentleman and seemed to like me very much.  I liked him too, but I'm not really sure how to "like" anyone.  I mean, aside from Toby.  But "like" isn't something that you learn, anyway - just go with the tide on it.  
 We did get some things done.  He helped me find wisps, and we helped a halfling deep in the Gloom Woods.  I was given a cloak in return which is way too long to wear in the water.  I'll have to shorten it.  I'm really wishing now I'd listened to Mama when she tried to teach me to sew...
 Oh, Mercas (I think that's his name) gave me a wonderful present of some lion gloves that he was no longer needing.  They're so soft, and worn thin enough to not interfere with swimming which I was worried about.  So that's one less thing to sew and such a generous gift!
 All in all, I'm pretty content.  I will talk to Aunt Kat when I see her about maybe doing some teaching, if she knows a location.  I think this town could use a refresher in how to respect the sea.


Re: A Blue-Bound Diary Titled "Healing Waters"
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2009, 02:01:28 pm »
Why, why, why why why can't I heal a cold?
 All I can do is sit on my cot and sneeze.  I can't even lay down because my nose is so stuffed up.  And my spells that cure disease don't help either.
 More chicken soup I guess.  At least Maime told me her secret - chicken feet.  Washed, of course.  Really gives it a golden color and some texture.
 See, I'm even too sick to write anything interesting...

