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Author Topic: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!  (Read 941 times)


Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« on: November 10, 2010, 02:51:11 pm »
It was a day like any other and Jinxy Lil'branch was making small molds out of clay that she intended to use for shaping copper arrow heads. Distracted enough, she almost missed a strange hooded fella who was trying to get her attention, silently. After a brief introduction the stranger kept his guard and doubt over Jinxy... his name was Ernest Enningwae (GM mixafix).

Although reluctant on speaking his mind, over some strange request for collecting quartz for an old mage, one called Merville, he seemed more relaxed when Jinxy gave her word to keep it a secret and furthermore told her to not accept money from the mage as Ernest's payment should be fair enough.

She gladly accepted and after gathering some information she was told there was quartz, the requested material, in the Haven mines... although the local Gnolls could be a deadly threat. But Jinxy had read somewhere that Gnolls aren't that bright so she went practicing her invisibility to their cave and it worked wonders. Nobody got hurt... she took her quartz... and went out.

Later on she found the mage Merville to whom she was suppose to deliver the quartz. Merville indeed attempted to pay her an gorgeous amount of True, and although tempted, she declined, saying that he owed her nothing, as she had promised. All in all she was glad she helped the good old mage.


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 06:52:31 pm »
Some entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Today I was in the middle of Center, which translates to a very centralized spot, when I stumbled upon Sebastian Lex and, not so unexpected, he stumbled upon me! Blabla he was in a bad mood... I tried to comfort him... he did not allow me to. Oh well. I was entertained rearranging my pouchilarium and petting my new invention, the Funheca, when travelers sprouted from the grounds and corners like rabbits after a storm! As of a sudden there was Rose something, Womanon'a'horse (Xanya) and a little funny fella that I luckily lore-fully recognized to be... Nonac! The Goblin chief of the something something tribe!

Funny I found myself defending Nonac for what I believed to be a slight insult from Seb. Perhaps I was mistaken about that... but still it is true that there are bad Goblins and good, or ok, Goblins... as there are bad Humans and Good, or ok, Humans, right? Right. Yes? Yap.

Anyway blabla Nonac and I, and now with this Deekin fella, went to find dark silk because the Gypsies in center asked for such. I found silk and thought of painting it black... it would still be dark silk right? No. Yes? No. So I didn't and was able to have Nonac to guide me to this cave...

We went deep and deep and deep and I died. A tricky spider, blessed with the efficiency of Nature, bit me once... and I felt it. The poison... I felt... so numb... like a Ooze... or a Berebecha, whatever that is... then she bit me again and luckily Nonac and Deekin were able to drag the remaining spiders away from my body... as my eyes went shut I reached to see that. Was kind of them.

Happily soul mother was nice to me... guess I've been a good girl!


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 08:57:27 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Today I went Alindor, just to spread my legs and get some fresh air! Who knows what fun could be there, right? Right. Yes? Yap. So I entered what seemed to be some old Inn... and there was Sir Andrew Reid, accompanied by Rose, pure coincidence, and this strange well greenly dressed dwarf named Iz Argali... or was it just Argali? Dunno. Anyway... Sir Andrew Reid brought up... a game. Moneybettingpurseshrinkingon'D'table game.

It all played really well for me up to when I lost my mind and bet FIFTY True on a... well... five out of six chance. But my bet was barely heard, it seems, yet I said it. And the fact is that I would loose my bet.

The dices were rolled before I reach to put the money in but the word was given already... although Sir Andrew insisted I wouldn't give him I felt I had to. But he was the house and he made the rules so he forced me to not give him. Other players apparently consented.

Anyway as time was running off and it had been loads of fun now was time to give the place to others... and leave a generous contribution of one hundred True to the just purchased, by Sir Andrew, Inn and to the upcoming events and tournaments over moneybettingpurseshrinkingon'D'table games.

I walked out with a little less gold... but a belly filled with fun and some pain on my buttocks from the hard bench I was sit over the chair I was sit to make me higher.


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2010, 10:32:01 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Was I by Lake Splendor when this fella man was being attacked by a Cougar right behind a hill. Ferocious fight... sort of even... what are the odds?! A Cougar? Heh. Anyway of course I went for his aid and he avoided further injuries... such as being a dinner... or lunch... what time was it? Afternoon. Yes? Yes.

After some talk it appeared to be that his name was Robb. Not Robb this... not Robb that... he was Robb. Sounds good enough to me.

Anyway he was going for clay and sand, probably to the needs of some craftigator of the many I daily see in the crafting halls of Center. But he as well was holding a big armor. Pretty! Shiny... but heavy like my Ox's butt! And that's heavy!

So I gave him two Cougar bags I've just made... these magic bags that can reduce the weight of things... sort of temporarily shrinking them into their inside. Hope he'll use them well and that it will spare him the danger of dragging himself... the armor... the clay... the sand... all the way back to Center. Could be dangerous... and what are two bags after all?

Funny thing was he wanted to repay me! Crazy fella... gifts are not to be paid... are they? No. Yes? No. So I gave them and he was clearly happier... and I guess safer.

His back will last longer and he had strong big backs to carry that big shiny armor.


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2010, 09:06:29 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Craftigations. Today was I searching through some notes of my thoughts in the pouch that is behind the pouch with the little twist on the left upper corner you know, right? The one that holds that thing I told of before and that is... yap, that.

And I was thinking... how many people pass over their lifes without knowing the beauty of crafting? It's useful! It's fun! It's life! Perhaps they were not lucky and nobody told them about it...

Perhaps I should tell people about it...

Think I will yes. Yes? Yes. I will. I will tell them and I will teach them if needed to. I'll loose some time but it's for a very good purpose! They will definitly live better if they're able to use their creativity.


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2010, 09:19:28 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

The other day I was going over arranging my corner in the Crafting Halls of Center. The local Miss Caretaker is an Angel and allows me to stay here over night... craft until late ours... sleep by the fireforge holding my craftigations and keeping myself warm half inserted in a cougar bag made by my own hands...

One day, when I get my personal Crafting House... I will allow the nice homeless craftigators to stay over... won't have room for all of course... but at least those... give them a chance! They might be as smart as me! Oh that rhymed! Must be true... so toodeloo!!!


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2010, 09:55:27 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Today I saw, do not abide,
A cruel scene right of the tide,
Where a thug as bug shrug by the coast
Dead to the sun... forgotten toast.

The fellow friends fled far from him...
The wind whispering whomever's whim...
The bay brought, but brutal be,
The simple sadistic so severe sea.

He was shome shleepy shlummy shlug!
Who brlought thlen watler tlo thle thrloat...
Glurp blurp curp... woke up the thug!
He was sailing... without a boat.

And due to rum from early feast...
He would not be - spared by the Mist...
But then such jinxy luck he had...
- Sorry Mist... please don't be mad... -

I fixed my sleeves and moved the air!
Tamed the waves and didn't care!
Whomever that poor shlummy was!
So I saved him for a good cause!...
... whatever that was...


*among the few present in the Crafting Hall when Jinxy had this momentary glimpse of poetry, many were indeed the raised eyebrow, bitten lips, crazy eyes, waving foreheads, sustaining laugh faces as she declaimed it... over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over...*

*and over and over... and over!*


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2010, 10:15:48 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Bu! Hahahaha it's me again! Did I scare you? Of course not... I didn't manage to put a mechanical brain on you yet. One day I will...

I was thinking, which I do often, quite often actually, about thinking, which is something, again, I often do. So I was thinking, which I do often, and I thought, which, for past recognition, thinking is not only something I do often as I always did it often in every present that became past, which by the way is a thought in it self, not detached from thinking but detached from, maybe, all other thoughts, except the thought I have on thinking, which I do often, over this peace of thought, again something I think, which I do often, just now. Right? Right. Yes? Yes.

So as I was saying I was doing that, that I do oft... oh alright alright I'll quit it which is something I don't do oft... fine! Whatever...

Some people find annoying that we, Gnomes, are annoying. But we're not really! People find annoying that they are not as fast thinking, as I do often, as Gnomes typically are! Of course we have some lazy ones, which I... fine whatever have it your way.

Anyhow I've decided to be more careful with people since the other day I did offend someone whomever however whatever peasant in Center... and was instantly accused that such came from the fact that I talked annoyingly too much. Do I? You think? Really? Do I make a lot of questions? Is a lot of questions quantifiable? What is a lot? What is a little? Is a lot of little a lot? Or is little of a lot only a little? Huh? Huh? HUH?!

Well... as I said... I'll be more careful... I'll try to still be myself, OF COURSE, but take into consideration that other people might get hurt from speaking a lot. Perhaps too direct... perhaps too front facing... like "YOU'RE UGLY!". Although if different... then I'll be lying... but it's for a good cause... yes I guess it is.

What matters is that all are happy right? If not... where's the fun!?!?!?! Oh right you can't answer... I still didn't make that brain...



Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2010, 09:45:10 am »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Just a little note... can you believe this Paladin Ian Ashalley declined my help when I so promptly said I would myself fix his helmet? And he said he didn't know much but he had to learn... so as I said before... I offered to teach him! Still nothing...

I even showed him the craftability I have on cragfitations using my helmet as example!



Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2010, 06:47:00 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Today something really big was about to happen in Hlint when I was just passing by... was just getting silk from the Silkwood nearby. Oh well...

A respectable little army was present... I knew that wasn't for me. But soon I understood there was an imminent attack from the Dragon cult! Can you imagine that?! No you can't.

Anyway, put my brains to work and immediately after I...:

  • Lightened rocks and trees in the road Conner told me people of Hlint would be evacuated through so it went smooth and nobody got lost. *check sign*
  • Helped the evacuation speed by summoning a Celestial Dog and my loyal Jinx panther to give support to elderly ones, as well strengthening them. Did what I could! *check sign*
  • Went back to Hlint to make sure nobody was left behind! *check sign*
  • Robbed as much food as I could from the kitchen... hahaha not for me, for the evacuated people you silly! Got you there! Hahaha *check sign*
  • Delivered the food to the caretakers at the evacuation site! Alright... I took a nibble from a piece of bread. So what? *check sign*
  • Went with some other local Gnomes to get water to a nearby stream to keep the evacuated freshened and light! *check sign*
  • As a note came from Hlint saying the danger passed, for now, I hasted back and helped the badly wounded with my best healing kits, craftigations and magications (hey! just invented that word!) *check sign*
  • With help from battle survivors, the wounded were carried out of Hlint to a nearby, more safe, place. *check sign*
  • Went back to the evacuation site, very hasted, searching for people that could do as acceptable healers and got myself a buffet of Toranites and Lucindites and Whateverites! Hahahah *check sign*
  • Well did what I could now back to Silkwood! Oh! That rhymed! *check sign*

*then drawn with some expertise the contour of a Drach warrior's face, one she saw dead in the farm fields of Hlint. The eyes were substituted with big red "X"s*


Re: Jinxy Lil'branch... scattered events!
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2011, 10:16:05 pm »
Some other entrance from Jinxy's papernotes'a'jinxyday (commonly known as personal diary):

Helloooooooo! Jinxy agaaaaaain! Long time I wrote not in you, huh?
Well... here, have some tint! *there is a small but noticeable splash
of tint on the paper*

Hear what, this Melody fella I met by a camping fire sang really nice! No really, I mean it. I even used my clapattacus to applaud in the end! It broke though... I must make a new and better one... I wonder if I...?... No, no that would not make sen... s'or could it? Perhaps by twistin... nah, wouldn't do.

Ah and I must remember to check the Cailomels at Wayfare... Melody told they might want some of my Craftigations! What'ya know?! Nothing! You're just a brainless diary! *there is the draw of a diary with a brain inside, though the brain has a big X on top of it*

One day... one day... I will make you liiiiiiive! Then we can craftigate together!

