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Author Topic: The Journeys of Animus Massor  (Read 125 times)


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The Journeys of Animus Massor
« on: December 31, 2007, 04:08:21 am »
Character: Animus Massor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Classes: Paladin
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Toran


Sol, as he was called when a child, lived in a loving home. His father was a ranger, and loved the wilderness. He shared this love with his family, and they made a home about a half-days walk from a tiny village on the outskirts of the Silkwood Forests of Mistone. His father ventured out into the wilds of Silkwood, and as Sol grew older and able to handle the responsibilities of their tiny homestead, his fathers sojourns into the wilderness lengthened in time. While his father was gone, he was responsible for the upkeep of the homestead, and this work made him very strong. He learned his letters and numbers from his mother, and came to know that she had once been an adventuring cleric of Toran, but had set that aside in order to be a good mother.

Sol learned of Toran and His ways from her, and found them to be pleasing to him. He vowed with his mother to follow Toran and his ways, and to continue the good example his parents had set for him. His mother taught him what she knew of the world, its ways, and the Law. She shared with him the basics of lore, and he came to know what creatures were dangerous, and other rudimentary knowledge that would be helpful to an adventurer. His father, when home, taught him the basics of combat, and he became mildly proficient with some of the weapons that his family had in their home.

And so it went, as Sol became an adolescent, and then a man. One fall day, Sol worked a small forge, repairing some tools as his mother harvested their fall squashes from the garden. His father had been gone for nearly three weeks, but was expected to return soon. Sol, lost in his work, heard the shout of his father, and looked up quizzically, as it was not his usual entrance. Instead of joy at his fathers return, he found fear, as his father was being chased by a large group of creatures. Through the teachings of his mother, Sol recognized that they were undead, but did not know what kind. His mother cried out in fear, and then rushed to her husbands side.

Sol stood, openmouthed, as his mother and father battled the pack of creatures. He saw his father deftly strike, dodge, duck, and parry the creatures with a longsword in one hand and a light hammer in the other. His mother, with a shout to Toran, caused nearly a dozen to crumble to dust from Torans divine wrath as it emanated from her. While most fell quickly, one stood fast, a large skeleton wielding a shortsword. It wore a silver circlet around its skull, and hissed at Sols mother and father, baring long fangs. Together, husband and wife fought the creature, and Sol watched, hammer in his hand. He advanced to help his parents, but they both shouted him off, warning to stay away while they dealt with the foul undead thing. They fought it for what seemed to be an eternity, and neither seemed to gain any ground.

The creature, of unnatural origins, did not tire, and fought relentlessly. It rained blow after blow down upon Sols father, beating down his defenses until the beasts shortsword crashed down on Sols father at his neck and shoulder. His father crumpled, and both he and his mother cried out in anguish. Sol rushed forward, hammer raised over his head as he sought to crush the thing that had taken his father.

The beast turned towards Sol, and laughed. It ignored the blows that Sols mother rained on it, and waited for Sol to close. Sol swung the hammer, missed wildly, and left himself exposed to the shortsword, and it darted towards his exposed chest. Sols mother leapt in front of her son, and the blade intended for Sol plunged into her back. She looked at her son, and as the light faded from her eyes, whispered, avenge us, son.

Mother slumped to the ground, and Sol looked up at the beast. In a moment of eerie clarity and slow motion, Sol swung the hammer in his hand with all of his might. The hammer connected with the skull of the creature, and the skull shattered. The beast crumpled to the ground, the unholy forces that held it in place no longer active. Sol rushed to each of his parents, but it was too late.

Sol cried for what seemed like days, and in his trance of grief, went through the motions required to bury his parents. After completing that, he went back to the remains of the creatures his parents had fought. The circlet that had once adorned the head of the beast that had taken his parents was now bent, having absorbed the blow from his hammer, and Sol examined it. In the center, was a carved symbol for Corath, the foul diety of undeath that his mother had warned him of. Sol walked over to the cold forge and anvil, and took up his hammer again. After preparing the fire, Sol worked the circlet into an Ankh. While not a cleric, he thought that there could be nothing more fitting than to take the symbol of the foul, and turn it into the symbol of the holy. He would take this symbol with him, and have it consecrated by the priests when he took his vows to become a paladin of Toran.

Sol packed his meager belongings, and turned for the last time towards his childhood home. Casting his eyes towards the night sky, he took in the glow of Torans Light, and spoke aloud.

From this day forward, I am no longer Sol, but Animus Massor, the Soul Reaper. I vow to you, Toran, that none shall suffer in the way that I have suffered because of the undead. I vow to you to uphold your tenets, and defend those who cannot defend themselves. I vow to slay every undead creature I can, as long as my body holds breath, that I may free their souls through the strength of my arm and the power of your might.

A warmth filled his body, and the pain of his parents death left him. He felt it was a blessing from Toran, and that his personal vow of paladinhood had been accepted. So, Animus Massor turned and began his journey. He knew that he must find a temple of Toran to take formal vows, and made haste to do so. He hoped that there was a temple of Toran in Haven, as that was the closest major city to his former home.

The Journey Begins

Animus made his first stop at the tiny village where his parents sometimes visited to resupply and occasionally sell the excesses from the garden. It was full night, and the village was silent and dark. Animus did not wish to wake anyone, as he had no urgent needs at this time, so he settled into a haystack at the village edge and slept until morning.

Once the village had awakened, Animus entered and spoke with an older woman who he had once observed sharing friendly conversations with his mother. He told her of the death of his parents, and asked her to warn people of a possible undead threat in the direction of his home. The woman started to cry, but Animus comforted her, saying that he was at peace with their deaths, and he would honor them by becoming a paladin of Toran. He told her that he would slay every undead creature that he could, so no one else would have to feel the things that he felt. This seemed to relieve the woman, and she suggested that Animus speak to the blacksmith, as he was as near to a leader as their tiny village had.

Animus introduced himself to the blacksmith, a kind eyed, but towering hulk of a man named Edward Wraithruin. He shared the story of his parents demise with the man, and his resolve for the future. Wraithruin responded that he had known Animus's father, and he had once saved him from an attack of bandits as he traveled to Haven. After asking Animus to wait for a moment, Edward dashed into his home, set a short distance behind the forge and its shop.

A moment later, Edward Wraithruin returned with a sturdy, well-cared-for warhammer. I used this hammer many years ago when I had a folly that the life of an adventurer would suit me better than that of a smithy. I came to my senses shortly after a goblin blade found my gut, and I nearly died. I suspect that the healer who saved me was your mother, though she denies it in humility, and with the fever that had taken me I could not be certain. You have a good head on your shoulders, and I see both of your parents in you. This hammer may be a tool you can use to honor your dead parents. It has no meaning to me, no enchantments, no story to its forging or journey, but perhaps you could make a story for it. Edward thrust the hammer towards Animus, suddenly uncomfortable with the emotion of the situation.

Animus took the offered weapon and hefted it. The hammer felt right in his hand. His father had used a hammer to fight, too, though it was lighter than this. He swung it experimentally a few times, and found that it suited his style. He looked to Edward, and smiled. I do not know how to thank you for such a gift. I am honored you would even consider it. I will do my best to see that this hammer crushes the bones of the undead, of the evil, and brings justice where there is none. May Toran bless you in your journeys. Animus bowed deeply, truly moved by the honor this man, a stranger to him, had paid him.

After the bow, Animus saw Edward blink quickly several times, and turn hastily towards his forge. You best be moving on, boy. Haven is nearly a full day off by foot, and you've a journey ahead of you. I will look in on your parent's graves from time to time, if you don't mind.

Animus smiled at the smithy's disguised tears, such a man was good for the village, an example to all. I will make haste, and again you honor me with your offer, which I humbly accept. Many thanks to you, Edward Wraithruin. I will return someday to tell you the story of Wraith's Ruin, the Warhammer. Also, please be sure to organize some sort of watch here in the village for at least a few weeks, in case the undead return.

Edward grunted in agreement, not looking up from his work. Animus hefted his new hammer over his shoulder, and carefully placed several True from his small pouch on the anvil as Edward worked the forge. Animus backed slowly away, turned down the path, and shouted over his shoulder, Some coin for the time it will cost you to look in on my parents, and he dashed away at a brisk jog so as to not hear the protests of Edward at accepting the coin. After a couple hundred yards, Animus slowed to a walk, and smiled again. His journey was off to a good start.


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A Caravan
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 11:45:29 am »
The first several weeks out on the road were a blur. First, he stopped in Haven, but was too overwhelmed by the size and scope of what he saw there to even speak to anyone. After several days camped outside the city walls, Animus began to explore a little, and found vendors to get him the basic supplies that he needed to continue his journey. In the meantime, he busied himself with devotions to Toran and practicing with Wraith's Ruin, his new warhammer.

After nearly a week outside the city, with minimal contact with others, and running low on his meager supply of True, Animus decided it was time to take an initiative. After all, nothing happened all the time, it was up to him to find something and make it happen. Vigilance would not be served by inaction, he had a duty to make himself the best he could become.

Animus approached a small group of wagons that appeared to be heading south, and after observing for a moment, spotted the wagonmaster and approached. After walking towards her, he caught her attention and bowed.

Greetings, I am Animus Massor, a Paladin of Toran. I wish to travel south, and I would inquire as to whether I may travel with your caravan? What is your destination?

The wagonmaster, a stout, dowdy looking woman, eyeballed him for a moment, then spoke as a dribble of chewing tobacco stained spit rolled down her chin. It dah-pends, paul-ee-dun. Cahn ya swing dat sord o yours when needed? She seemed unimpressed by his manners or self proclaimed status.

Animus smiled, and replied, I do not swing this sword for anyone, Lady, but my hammer will see action if it is required to protect the members of the caravan. He hefted Wraith's Ruin, and continued, It has yet to see action, but I practice daily. I swear by Toran that I shall do my best to protect the good people of the caravan while I travel with them.

The wagonmaster rolled her eyes, Ve'y well, paul-ee-dun. Da pay is ten true, an one meal a day fo da trip. No funny bid-nass, and no pay till we get where we go. The wagonmaster sighed, I'm Do-ra, an eyes da boss, get it, paul-ee-dun? We leave at highsun, wit or wit-out ya. She nearly sneered as she continued so mar the pronunciation of Animus' chosen calling.

A pleasure, Lady Dora. I will be ready. This woman would be a challenge, but it would be a great help in encouraging Animus to come out of his shell, and to maintain a proper demeanor, even when faced with adversity. Animus smiled patiently, and bowed. He gathered his things from his tiny campsite, and loaded them into his worn rucksack. He was ready when the caravan departed.

The time passed quickly, the journey went smoothly, and the challenge of the abrasive Dora drew Animus out of his shell. The caravan was never attacked, but that was probably a good thing. By the time the caravan arrived in Fort Hempstead, Animus was much more comfortable with talking to people. Yes, he would survive here, survive and flourish.


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Fort Hempstead
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 07:51:08 am »
By the time Animus Massor reached Fort Hempstead, he was ready to begin his adventuring career in earnest. The city bustled with life, but this time, instead of frightening him, it intrigued him. Animus raised his eyes to the heavens, in the direction of Toran's Light. Thank you, Toran, for placing Dora the Wagonmaster in my path in order to prepare to truly be an adventurer.

He had been in the city only an hour when he met a pair of people, one Arthur McStorm and Lara Winterblade. They offered to show him around the city some, and they did so. They taught him the basics of adventuring, and shared with him the legend of the Bindstones. Animus bound his soul to the bindstone at Fort Hempstead, and then, after a little advice from Arthur and Lara, embarked on his first adventure.

The three travelled a short distance outside of the city, and fought a group of nasty kobolds there. The fighting was fierce, and Arthur nearly died after one of the creature's blades pierced his arm, causing massive bleeding. The attendance of Arthur and Lara saved his life, and he was back to his old self in a short while. Arthur and Lara also allowed him to keep all the True that they found upon the corpses. You need it much more than we do, they said. Animus resolved to return this generosity to other adventurers once he had gained more training.

Animus grew in skill and the blessings of Toran quickly under the tutelage of Arthur and Lara. They were a great help to him, and he learned much. Toran blessed him, and he gained the ability to call upon Toran in order to smite evil creatures with Toran's Justice. Toran also blessed him with the ability to turn the undead, though he did not yet have an opportunity to try that skill as of yet.

Animus adventured with Arthur and Lara on several different occasions, and he continued to learn and grow in skill. Lara also promised to guide him to Fort Llast the next day. This was a great relief to him, as he still had not travelled to Toran's Temple to take formal oaths of paladinhood. Animus also camped outside the Fort Hempstead walls, as the guards did not seem to mind. Yes, it seemed that things were going well for Animus, the only thing that he lacked was undead foes to fight. While mildly frustrating, he had learned a little of their lore, and knew that facing them could be a very dangerous proposition, and it would be best to be sure that he was ready before facing the foul creatures.


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To Fort Vehl
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2008, 08:14:03 am »
Early one morning, Animus loitered in Port Hempstead, restless. He wished to adventure, but Lara and Arthur were indisposed, and business had taken them elsewhere for at least the day. After asking around a little, Animus learned that sometimes people could meet possible adventuring companions at the Stormcrest Crossroads. So, after getting directions, Animus got his gear in order and headed to the crossroads.

After arriving, Animus took a seat on a bench near the crossroads, and entertained himself by whistling (poorly) songs he recalled from his childhood. He didn't know how long he had been at the crossroads, but after some time a man passed by.

Animus introduced himself, and the man returned that he was Chaynce. He carried a huge maul, and was headed to Fort Vehl because he had heard of problems there with some undead. Animus leapt up off of the bench, and practically begged to accompany him. Chaynce chuckled, and agreed to travel with Animus.

As they travelled, Animus shared the story of his parent's death, and his yearning to free the tormented souls of those trapped by the evil creators of the undead. Chaynce listened patiently, and then suggested that he speak to Lance, a friend of his who was also a paladin of Toran.  They passed the journey with more conversation, and soon they were in Fort Vehl.

Animus spoke with a friar who watched over the cemetary, he described the problem, and Animus and Chaynce agreed to take care of it. Chaynce and Animus briefly discussed tactics, and then entered the tomb. The first foes were skeletons, and they crumbled under Wraith's Ruin and the giant maul swung by Chaynce. When attacked by large groups of skeletons attacked the pair, Animus called on the power of Toran, causing the skeletons to flee in fear of Toran's divine might.

Chaynce and Animus worked their way downward in the dungeon, and Animus was able to free many souls from their tormented, undead state. As they neared the last rooms of the dungeon, they paused again so Chaynce could rest and refresh his spells. Animus kept watch while Chaynce rested, and after another brief discussion on tactics, they entered.

Animus entered the room, banging his warhammer on his shield, and shouting Come! I bring Toran's Justice! and drew a large group of zombies to him, while Chaynce faced a fierce foe, some sort of undead wrapped in bandages, and reeking of rot and disease. Calling upon Toran's assistance, Animus made short work of the zombies, and then rushed to help Chaynce with the mummy. Animus called on all the might of Toran to help him smash the evil foe, and his copper warhammer bounced harmlessly off of it's shoulder. The creature ignored him, focusing instead on Chaynce. After a short, but pitched battle, Chaynce felled the creature.

Animus and Chaynce returned to the surface, and spoke again to the Friar, telling him that the problem had been taken care of. The pair returned to Fort Hempstead, and Animus agreed to send a letter to Chaynce's friend, in order to be introduced to him.


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Fort Llast at last
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 08:22:17 pm »
After adventuring with Chaynce, Animus decided that it was time to make the journey to Fort Llast. Lara Winterblade had offered to guide him, but she was still apparently indisposed, so he waited outside Port Hempstead for someone who appeared to be heading in that direction. It was then that he met Syton Tilner, a priest of Beryl.

The pair made the journey to Fort Llast, and had some adventures along the way. Animus discovered a dark tower, surrounded by a wilted landscape. Animus wondered what was inside it, but not enough to open the door and investigate. Animus and Syton discussed it, and whatever could harm the very land so much was obviously beyond their power to stop it, for now...

Instead, the pair completed several tasks around Fort Llast. Animus also made arrangements to complete some other tasks when he was more experienced. Animus and Syton fought goblins and more undead. Syton showed Animus the lair of a powerful undead creature called a Bodak. Syton said that the creature's very gaze could be death. Animus was sad for the creature, as it was obviously very tormented. He vowed that he would one day return to release its tortured soul from its undead state.

While in Fort Llast, Animus was finally able to visit the Temple of Toran. Worshipping there was very nice, and somehow felt more... complete... than worshipping by praying to Toran's Light. Animus also left a letter for the Paladin Lance.

After a few days in Fort Llast, Syton had some other business to attend to, so he left Animus to his own devices in Llast. He completed some more adventures, and then he decided to return to Port Hempstead. Animus missed his friends Lara and Arthur, and hoped he would be able to find them and they could share some more adventures. Animus was able to find the way to Hempstead on his own, and Syton had warned him of the dangerous places to avoid on the road between the two cities.


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A paladin and a desert man.
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2008, 10:06:23 am »
While Animus was travelling back to Hempstead, he encountered a pair of strangers near the kobold's valley. One man, apparently some sort of wizard, was asking for some assistance in dealing with the kobolds. According to Trent, the nasty beasts had found another stick, and were harrassing the locals again.

In the course of their introductions, Animus learned that the wizardy man was named Chakar (his name was much longer, but Animus could not recall it later...), he was obviously from sort sort of large desert, but Animus was not familiar enough with the geography of Layonara to know where exactly he may have been from. Rhe other person was no one other than the very Paladin Lance that his accquaintance Chaynce had encouraged him to meet.

Lance introduced himself as Lance Stargazer (wasn't that the name of someone famous... Animus thought so, but couldn't recall) and told Animus that he had received his letter just a short time ago, and would be happy to meet him. Animus agreed, but both deferred in order to assist Chakar in dealing with the recurrent kobold threat.

After completing that task, Animus and Lance Stargazer were able to speak, but not at the lengths which either of them wished. Lance was called away on some other business, but both made clear their plans to continue to stay in touch.

Animus was very pleased at meeting Lance Stargazer, the idea of a mentor, someone who could be an example of Toran's path, and who could assist Animus in his own path could be a great boon to both of them. As Animus made his way into Port Hempstead, he smiled. Things were going well, and his training was progressing. After returning from Hempstead, Animus resolved to purchase some supplies to keep a journal. I should record my thoughts and actions, that way others can learn about me, about Toran, and about the adventures I have. If I make mistakes, perhaps others could learn from them and save themselves some pain.


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Mystery Woman
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2008, 02:43:41 pm »
Animus ran his hand over the blue leather covered book. He had paid extra to have the Ahnk tooled into the cover. The book was titled "The Journeys of Animus Massor, the Soul Reaper" and was quite thick. Animus flipped through the pages, assuring they were all blank and well attached to the spine of the book.

Since there was no breeze, Animus chose a spot near the large fountain that was a the centerpiece of the square at Port Hempstead. He plunked his gear down on the grass near a bench, and placed an inkwell, sand, and a quill within easy reach.

Before beginning to write, Animus cast his eyes in the direction of Toran's Light. Lord Toran, guide my hand as I pen this journal, that the experiences I share may one day shape the mind of someone who needs your guidance. That those who read these entries may see, through my example, how Duty, Honor, Loyalty, and Vigilance are desirable traits, how the weak should be protected, and how Justice is wrought by the faithful. His prayer complete, and his thoughts clear, Animus took up the quill, and began to write.

He began by recording the experiences of his youth, up to and including the death of his parents. He told of his calling as a paladin, his burning desire to become a slayer of the undead, and the adventures he had completed to this point. As each page was filled, he paused to sprinkle sand and assure that the ink had dried before continuing on. He wrote on, even after the sun had set, working by moonslight and Toran's Light as he continued. When full dark came, and natural light was no longer sufficient to see his work, he dug a lantern out of his bag, lit it, and continued.

As Animus recalled his most recent experience, he paused and considered whether or not it should be included in his journal. After consideration, he decided that it should, as it was an experience which was completely new to him, and perhaps it could help others if ever faced with a similar experience.

From: The Journeys of Animus Massor, the Soul Reaper

Threas, Jenra 5, 1427

Today, I met a mesmerizing woman. I was filling my canteens at the very fountain where i now sit to pen these words when i noticed her. She wore bits of silk, both bright and dull, but it was not her dress that attracted my attention. She had beautiful alabaster skin, and eyes unlike any I had ever seen. She was beautiful. Her appearance affected me, made me feel as I had never felt before. I introduced myself, yet stammered and stuttered as if mesmerized. She giggled, and invited me to share a meal. She neglected to mention her name, but i didn't care.

We sat at a pond outside the city walls, and she shared fish and juice of the blueberry. We also talked, alot. She was unlike any woman I had ever met, and I told her so. I spoke to her of my desire to be an undead slayer, and she warned me of the dangers of obbession. She taught me of the lich, and how some began as people who simply desired to study and/or destroy the undead. They sought more power, in order to do so, and became corrupted and undead themselves. I told her that she was wise, and appreciated the warnings she offered me.

I also spoke frankly of my origins, of the deaths of my parents, and how this experience had led to my calling as a paladin of Toran. I had never been as open with a stranger as I was with her. At some points of the conversation, the woman tried to trap me in a wordplay, saying that I was trying to say that she was unattractive, or some such things. I fear that this woman has been hurt by men who were interested only in her flesh, but I see her as so much more than that.

After some time, our conversation drew to a close. She said she would like to see me again, if I still considered her attractive, I responded that I would like to see her again, even if she was as ugly as a kobold. She laughed, and I finally asked her name. She responded that she would share it with me when next we met, and we both  departed.

I should be cautious when next we meet. While enamored with her, for she is very intelligent, beautiful, and articulate, there is no room in my life for romantic attachments. I have goals, and becoming too close to someone, in a romantic fashion, could harm those goals. I do, however, desire a friendship with this mysterious woman, and I look forward to seeing her again.


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From the Journeys of Animus Massor
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2008, 04:02:56 pm »
Sunra, Febra 22, 1427

I died today. I don't remember any of it. I was in Melinar's Port with a dwarf from the Shieldbreaker clan, and Syton Tilner. We had completed a couple of tasks, and assisted Jacrum with some mining of ore. The pair had other committments, and so left me to my own devices with directions to return to the port.

Needless to say, I became hopelessly lost. I wandered all over the countryside, and had no idea how to get back to the port. I felt I was walking in circles. Several times, I was attacked by a powerful elven ranger, but I was able to flee without harm.

After wandering in circles for what seemed like days, but was probably only a few hours, I decided to change my tactics a little. I headed in a different direction, and was promptly jumped by some massive hounds in a hilly area. The beast was huge, it's head was as wide as my chest, and while I tried to fight it off, the last thing I remember was the sharp teeth closing over my chest, and puncturing my studded leather armor.

I woke at the bindstone at Port Melinar, Praise Toran, and I felt horrible. How my gear returned to me i am unsure, but it was intact, with the exception of have of the True I had gathered during the excursion. Feeling miserable, and barely able to form coherent sentences, I decided to return to Mistone and Port Hempstead.

I now sit in the Scamp's Mug, nursing an ale, and penning this. Lesson learned: stay with friends, or keep track of my bloody location. That being said, I did get out, and it was my first time on a ship, which was fascinating.


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From: The Journeys of Animus Massor
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2008, 03:07:57 pm »
Sunra, Mar 22, 1427

Being back in Port Hempstead is a relief. I am most comfortable there, and it seems that the people with whom I am accquainted pass through there regularly. I need to try harder to meet people, I think. I have made a few friends, but then some that I have seen seem to disappear after I first meet them.

That being said, I did meet Lance Stargazer again today. We did not have time to adventure, though I still have several tasks that need to be completed. Instead, we had a fascinating conversation. We talked of what it means to be a Paladin of Toran, my goal of joining the Shining Hand, and what it takes to be an example. Lance does not prefer to be called 'Paladin' as some who have borne our formal title have been haughty, prideful, or even arrogant, and he wishes to avoid that stereotype. It is true, that some may dismiss us without knowing us because of the way they had been treated by others of our kind. That saddens me. I wish to be a shining example of the good of Toran, and what worship of Him can bring a person, and the idea that the example I set may be ignored because of the behavior of others is a burden. While I originally thought that I also should stop using the title of Paladin, I have since decided that instead, I should become a proper example of the title, see if I can do something to change the negative stereotype that seems to plague it.

While we were speaking, Lance gifted me with his old armor. It is fantastic, beaten copper full plate colored with the White, Blue, and Gold of Toran. It has been well cared for, and I intend to keep it so. I could not possibly afford to purchase it from him, but Lance simply instructed me to donate at the temple. I am honored by his gift, and I hope to one day pass this armor on to another initiate of Toran, the way it was passed on to me.

I sense that Lance is troubled. He would not share much with me, just asked me to pray for him. It pains me to think that he doubts himself so, for he is by far the best example I have ever seen of what it means to be a Paladin of Toran. He told me, before we parted, that I reminded him of a young version of himself. I responded that there was no better compliment that he could have paid me. I will pray fervently for his improvement.

Animus closed the journal, and sipped again from his mug of mead. His training was progressing, but the area where he seemed to be lacking was in adventuring with others. He lacked tactical experience, and frankly, he lacked adventuring partners. Animus resolved to try harder to find like minded persons with whom he could share adventures. Animus also wished to learn more of the undead, and how they could be defeated. If he was to become a member of the Shining Hand, it was imperative that he do so in order to become an effective undead slayer. Yes, he had grown since he had buried his parents and departed his childhood home, but there was room for improvement. Animus intended to fully use that room to grow into a shining example of Toran and His Justice.


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From: The Journeys of Animus Massor
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2008, 02:39:27 am »
Sunra, Apreal 8, 1427

After some time in Hempstead, I have returned to Fort Llast. I enjoy staying at the temple, and worshipping there. It helps me clear my head, and focus on my goals. I donated as Lance wished for the fine suit of armor he gave me, I only wish that I had more to share.

Earlier today, I decided I had dallied enough on the task given me of removing the goblin scouts that prowled outside the cave of the red light goblins. They were close to Llast, so I made the journey.

When I arrived, I found some people there already engaged with the goblins. Among them were my friend Lance Stargazer, and his friend Chaynce. I asked if I could join them, and they concured. I was eager to work with a group, and see what I could learn from the experience.

The goblins were powerful, and the leader was harrassing the party quite effectively. He was very stealthy (but, I did hear one person say they saw him drink a potion of some kind that made him invisible) and would sneak in, attack, and dash away. He caught several people, including myself unawares. I did not even know he was there until his dagger sank into my back. By Toran's grace, and the clerical assistance of Chaynce, I was able to close the large wound quickly and cleanly.

The group seemed rather disorganized, with no clear cut leader, and directions that contradicted were shouted around by several people. Despite this, the group was able to stop the leader, or at least drive him away temporarily so we could warn the townspeople and guards of Fort Llast.

All told, it was an excellent learning experience. I believe I will try harder to find groups to adventure with. I will also take initiative to make sure that the group has a clear cut leader (not neccessarily me, either) and the other party members take their cues from him or her.

Well, I should stop writing, I need to clean and polish my armor, and perhaps I will write a letter to the smithy back in 'my' village, and send him some more True, in thanks for attending the graves of my parents.

