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Author Topic: Journal of a Battle Mage  (Read 76 times)


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Journal of a Battle Mage
« on: January 06, 2008, 11:03:49 pm »
*Zarneth is bent over the scribing table pouring his creative energies into his trade. He smashes and combines some aloe with a mixtue of honey, eggs, and a dash of enchanting oil. With the evocation ink ready, Zarneth begins casting a small cantrip onto the ink it's self as it bubbles and glows from the magical energies infused into it. With some gem dust at hand, he dips his feather quill into the liquid and begins writting the complex language of arcane symbols, watching the ink magically fuse into the parchment he smiles with satisfaction that can only come after completing such a daunting task of collecting and assembling so many materials into an object with beautifull perfection. He places the scroll into a small box Zarneth had made for him that compressed space into such a degree that objects bigger than the box could so easily fit within it's interior spaces. After closing the box he thought about how far he had come since his days of captivity in the silver mines alongside his brother Balzag. He was now an accomplished mage who was quickly gaining skill in scribing and learning new spells from his contacts within the temple of Corath. Zarneth had personally tutored his brother, a stealthy swordsman with a sharp enough mind to grasp the lower circles of the weave's powers and now Balzag was turing into an accomplished agent within the temples confines. Zarneth had not personally been called upon by the temple for any tasks so far. And that gave the burly man some relief. Without the responisbilities of runnning errands for the church, it left much time for Zarneth to explore his arcane talents and use them to craft spell scrolls for sale to rare customers who could afford such items. He does not share the same ambition of his brother who despretly wants to become the most infamous assassin. Zarneth had once thought the life of an assassin would suit him, however he had come to despise doing dirty work for someone else. If he was to kill it would ultimaly be for his own purposes or preservation. Zarneth had no honor he wished to fullfill as an accomplished cut throat, his talents he believed called upon him to do something more.*

*Zarneth now turned his attention to another project he needed to accomplish before the day ended. He fished around for some skullcap and went about scribing another spell he had promised a fellow mage within the church.*