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Author Topic: Journal of a dwarven mage  (Read 482 times)


Journal of a dwarven mage
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:59:49 pm »
*This journal is written in the dwarven language....The script is crisp and neatly rendered*
  I begin this new journal to help collect my thoughts as I begin this next stage in my life.
  I have recently arrived in a strange town called Hlint. Most of its inhabitants are varied and colorful to say the least. It attracts those who are inclined to travel the world and possibly try to make their mark upon it.
  I have met men of honor and high standing and those who are legendary. This humble dwarf has been overwhelmed by it all.
  Upon my first arriving, I met a halfling named Rose. She was kind enough to show me around the city. Some parts of it are better than otheres to say the least. The sewers and crypts were not the most pleasant of places! After my tour we ended up at the local inn where I offered to buy a pint to my tour guide. Several actually...young Miss Rose sure likes her beer! It was then that I met my first auspicious begiining. A drunken Rose introduced me to none other than Ozymandious Llewllyn! I have read of his exploits many times from my former mentors library. He was pleasant enough, though I think he was more concerned that Miss Rose didnt fall drunkenly on top of him! Such a sight to behold!
  A few days later, I met a friendly dwarven brother named Dalan. As we were walking out the gate we came across a man who required Dalan's help in wording a notice. It was a notice of a room for rent and upon Dalan's recommendation he even agreed to let me room. It was the Hand of the Shining Hand, one Master Quantum Windword. This is truly a man worthy of honor. He was quite the gentleman. I would have thought him to be more dark nad grim considering his duty to Toran. I am sure he has much weight to bear upon his shoulders, especially with what has recently transpired in Hurm.
  I have met a few of my kinsman here in Hlint. Paladins of Vorax. They are honourable dwarves. May their beards grow long. I am not sure what they make of me. I was rather evasive when it came to them asking about my occupation. Dwarven wizards are rare breed indeed, and normally not trusted overly much by our fellow dwarves.
  So begins the next chapters of my life.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 03:24:48 pm »
*sitting upon the floor of his room with his back the wall a quiet dwarf slowly pens in his diary once more*
  It has been an interesting time of late. I am slowly meeting some of the 'colorful' people of hlint. I can barely remember their names sometimes.
  Ihave travelled with a few here and there andit seems that I am always in the company of paladins of Toran for some reason. I live in the house of the Hand, my first two friends here werepaladins of Toran. And for some reason we keep finding each other and travelling together. I do not mind this as they are both honorable men andgood companions. Perhaps it is fate that has brought us together. If so, then it is truly a joke of the universe. A dwarven mageling and 2 paladins of Toran.
  Such a site we must make travelling the roads together.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2006, 12:45:22 am »
*sitting on his bed in krandor the dwarf slowly sips some tea and pens his thoughts
  Where to begin...I have met many of my kinsman of late. And have travelled far and wide with them. It is interesting to say the least. In all my years studying under my menotr, I never really had any contact with other dwarves. And since i have no real memory of my kin since I was young. I am apprehensive about those that I meet. Yet I have found a starnge feeling in the kinship that we share as dwarves. It makes me yearn for knowledge of my family. Of my clan, if any are still alive. It also makes me more apprehensive considering my chosen path.
  A few dwarves I have met seem ot be fascinated by the fact that I am a wizard. They have no apprehention whatsoever. And tehn there are others who shake their heads at me once they see what I am. They keep their distance. They  are polite enough, but cool in their demeanor.
  For the most part I am happy to travel with my 'kin'. I look forward to it most of the time. I just have to be more careful with my fireballs. They are becomng more powerful all the time. I must be more mindful.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2006, 10:27:22 pm »
I have recently travelled thru the crypts fo Krandor with a badn of halflings and fellow dwarves. It was a time us stout folk decided to leave the long legged behind for a small jaunt.

I have met a few friends among the elves and humans, but there is nothing like travelling with my kin. I must admit though...I do miss Sir Liflo. Strange that I shoud take such a liking to an elf.

I have recently started to dramatically improve in my alchemy. I am starting to produce more complex potions with much greater success. I have even been commissioned to produce some potions of grace and several healing draughts.

My cooking is starting to truly come alive as well. I am no longer burning so many roasts all at once. This is nice since the cooks hated me creating that awful burned meat smell.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 05:51:50 pm »
It has been awhile since I have had the time to put the thoughts in mind to paper. Where to begin...

My alchemy is starting to truly blossom. I am starting to make essences of speed which should come in handy to my friends. I am also focusing on making healing potions. My dwarven friend Dalan finds them quite useful, and I find I wish to help him as much as i can. Perhaps it is because of the kindness he has shown me since I first arrived here in this strange place.

I think I may have to take up a bit of gemcrafting soon. I find it difficult to grind some of the rocks that i find and have to search around for someone to perform the task for me. This erks me to no end. I am much more comfortable if I am able to perform this task. i have also had the idea that I amy try some scribing. I have recently placed a large order with friend Dalan's guild. Apparently the scribe was rather shocked at the size of it. But my thirst for knowledge is insatiable. I find as my skill in the arcane arts increases, my mind thirsts for more knowledge.

I have come to meet many more of my kinsman of late. The hail from Ulgrids fortress in the Berhagen Mountains or from the mountains in Dregar. This has kindled in me a longing to try and find my lost clan. I am just Erk. There has to be something more.The longing is continueing to stir in my breast more and more these days. Especially as I am associating more and more with my kinsman.

Kinsman....a strange word and phrase. It fills me with warmth and humility. To know that we dwarves have a common bond of friendship even though we know little of each other. It may be light and cursory..but it is more than I have seen amongst the other races here. It also makes me feel alone. More alone than I have felt in a long time. My fellow dwarves speak of their lineage and families and the desire to protect their homes and clans. Their history is as much apart of them as their beards. I have only my beard. I often feel more alone amongst my fellow dwarves when I am with them than when I am alone.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2006, 04:37:45 pm »
Long has it been since last I wrote in these pages. Much has happened in these few weeks since I decided to put words to paper.

I have travelled far and wide nad seen many strange and wondrous things. I have also seen many things that woudl curdle the milk in its glass.

I have fallen many times in the last few days. It has been hard on me, my body seems weakened fo late. Though i hope my wisdom has increased a little from the experience. I have decided to stay close to hopme until I am recovered. It seems this was the right choice as my skill in alchemy has grown vastly. Soon I shall make some very strong potions which will aid my comrades more than just a simple healing draught.

It seems my association withte Angels guild is deepening. They have supplied me with many things of late. Miss Elohanna has finally began delivery of spells, Miss ferrit has kindly sold me a wonderful belt to keep the arrows at bay, and some gloves which have increased my grip.

I have also found another supplier of spells. Those for which miss Elohanna has not the skill to complete. Hopefully soon, my spell book will become full of knowledge gleaned from the ages.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2007, 11:29:00 pm »
Seems I have been rewarded for my perserverance of late. After the last few weeks in which i was able to recover myself. I came across a dwarf who seemed at first to be slightly mad. But truly he is just insane. I think I like him. We also were accompanied by the insane gentleman with the flaming skull. That one gives me the shivers.

 Our company travelled to Dregar, where originally our Bjeorn (the mad dwarf) wanted to assault the city of Pranzis. He it was that placed a bounty upon the head of Boerghar. He was very giddy about slaying a few of those "traitorous" dwarves who work for Boerghar. Instead, Malor convinced him to take a trip to vist an orc fortress near the thunder... mountains. That did not go so well. Many of the group fell in the initial assault. Luckily we had  cleric there who was able to raise, and i was tasked with trying to keep our fighters healed while the engaged the enemy. That was very difficult as everyone broke in separate directions attacking different enemies.

 From there we made our way around looking for mahagony. Unfortunately our axes broke adn only one chunk wa received. On the plus side, I now know where to go. Friend Dalan has need of some so it will be a grand quest to help him retrieve some.
 We continued on after that tothe great rift, where we encounterd many drow. Most of the group fell when they ran headfirst into a raiding party we werent prepared for. I was one of the fortunate few who escaped death. Unfortunately, I fell when a xorn caused the rocks to fall on me from overhead. I could almost see the entrance. Such luck I seem to have. Perhaps this stroy is one taht masster Wanark would like to hear for his publication....I will have to contact him. This may be what he is after I believe.

 Afterwards, we all regrouped in Dalanthar and met master Ozymandious. He was kind enough to allow us the use of his portal to return to hlint. truly he has a wonderous home. Filled with much knowledge. I should give a mountain of gold if he were to let me peruse his shelves for even a day. Upon returning to Hlint my fortunes turned. The one diamond we managed to retrieve i won. That along with some malar pelts I collected a few weeks ago should help to clear my debts.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2007, 02:40:27 pm »
These last few weeks have been trying for me, and yet also rewarding. I have travelled dregar in the company of my kin many times. We have travelled near and far and i have seen many sights that would chill the blood of less beings and yet seen many wonders that would lift the hearts of the broken.

My kinsman Dalan has been seeking mahagony of late. I recently took him find the trees within the thunderpeaks. He was a angered that dark rangers were camped out in front of the trees. They had enslaved a couple of witless giants into their service. We liberated teh giants and slew their captors. Dalan collected some mahagony and we continued on. Later we discovered a druids grove.

We had hoped to ask them for a few branches of mahagony for my friend. Without even a a word of yae or nay these druids set a horde of giants upon us. They nearly slew our company, but we were able to dispatch them with some difficulty. It was then that the druids summoned their dire wolves upon us. Their eyes glowing with an unholy light. Two of us fell to the druids arrows and the others escaped.

Later we were able to return to our stones and renew ourselves, but it was with great trepidation. Luckily the druid who was left to guard the entranceway had moved outside of his grove and was busy with some falcons. This was the opportunity we needed and dashed to our stones. We left there without looking back.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2007, 01:17:23 am »
I have travelled the length and breadth of Mistone of late. Seeking out the items of alchemy. I have gained greater skill in the making of potions to aid my friends and allies. My studies ofthe arts arcane have also grown immeasurably of late. The more i study and practice..the more i feelth weave touching my fingertips and obeying my commands.

Yet still there is an emptiness inside of me. I have much to think about concerning this. I feel it is because my family was destroyed when i was so young. That I have no clan to call my own, no familial ties. I have grown to understand and welcome the natural bonds of friendship most dwarves share. The feelings of relation adn comraderie that only dwarves can know. Kinsman, cousin, these words weigh on me of late.

I feel the need to prove my worthiness to my fellow dwarves. Few dwarves are wizards. Most are warriors, the idea of casting magic and manipulating is a foreign thing in the minds of many. The dwarves I have met on my journeys at first were skeptical of me. I am no fighter and have fallen on more than one occasion. I have also gained their respect I think, and some measure of trust. As I travel more and more with my kin, I feel it is my duty to aid them any way i can. In this matter I have offered my service s to any dwarf who can use them, when they have need. I must remember to contact Wanark...I have spoken of what skills I posess and to list me in his letter as such, but it seems he has forgotten. Trivial it he has many matters weighing upon him right now. I do not wish to add to his burdens.

I have become close friends with one such dwarf. Dalan Stoneaxe, also a dwarf without a clan of his own. A craftsman who has been gifted by Dorand with great skill, a good friend with astout heart. He has gone out of his way to aid me in my time here. I am proud to all him friend. Especially since he has honored me with the privelege helping him consecrate his axe. He has also asking for my counsel in a matter concerning a personage close to his heart which has great bearing on his choice for the consecration of his new weapon. Such matters are weighty indeed, and require a bond of trust. I can only hope i am worthy of this honor.



RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2007, 11:25:04 pm »
There has been much going on of late in this humble dwarves life. I have renewed my contacts with more of my fellow dwarves of late. This has been most fortuitous as we have exchanged much news of whaat is transpiring in this world.

It has become clear to me that there is more going on in the lands of surrounding the city of Prantz than I have seen. Though I have known for along time of the treason of Boergar, former general of blood, certain things have been troubling me. His quest for more power and territory, his marching upon the city of hurm, the seeming increase in the power of the giants and local orc tribes. Things are changing I feel...and not for the better. I must meditate upon these matters more. I will not elaborate further within this journal of certain bits of information that have crossed my path of late.

In other news, my alchemy has come along way once more. I have become somewhat adept at making potions of invisibility and speed. Now I must gatehr more saphhire for hte making. I have recently procured a supplier who has asked for simple things in exchange. I can supply these items easy enough, though it may take some time.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2007, 03:13:09 pm »
It seems my soul has found a place of reflection. of finding peace adn enjoying the simpler things. Fishing! Ha! Who would have thought fishing could be so rewarding. It gives me the time i require to ponder deeper thoughts.

It happened that friend Dalan and master Eghaas where travelling towards the Delwin river when I chanced upon them near Leilon, having just come from the arms inn myself. We started talking and Dalan said they were off to go fishing. I had never before fished in my life so I grasped at the opportunity presented to me. Such fun it was! Good friends, a good fire, and good fish! Dalan had a pie baked for him by miss Tegan I believe, and he shared it with master Eghaas and myself.

Ah, we talked long into the night until the fire burned low and dawn was nearly upon us. Dalan went to find a tree to sleep under nad master Eghaas and I chatted awhile longer. It was then the Miss Elo'hanna happened upon us. She seemed taken back at first, perhaps expecting to find no one here. She joined our company at the fire and we chatted. She seemed rather distraught over a friend and her daliance with the Soulmother. She is afraid that her friend will choose to welcome the soulmother one final time rather than live under the certain knowledge that her adventuring days are nearly done.

After master Eghaas left us to find rest, miss Elo'hanna and I went for a walk. I took her to place I had visited upon occasion that few seem to no of. We made our way past the giants and entered the barding school. We were invited to listen while a student band played. The recital was marvellous. She seemed to find solace there, her troubles seeming less under the sounds of music. I hope she can find the solace she seeks.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2007, 09:48:49 am »
Well, things have been progressng rather well of late. I recently discovered a few new secrets of alchemy and my foodcraft has recently also become a bit better of late.

I have begun preparing foodstuffs for the arming of the gate. Jerky lasts a good long time. My next task for my kinsman wil be to start focusing on acid bombs for the defense of the walls. I think I shall also start making potions of barkskin to aid in the armoring of my fellow dwarves.

In my ongoing observations of the city of Prantz and boerghars lust for power. His recent march upon Hurm has bothered me much. It seems he is flexing his muscles and showing he is willing to and has the means to expands his influemce upon Dregar.

To this end I have recently had a talk with one Kurgaz Ulfson, formerly of the Pranzis Corp. He told me that they disbanded shortly after the fall of Pranzis. He gave me a name, one Lt. Malec, who trained him and indoctrinated him within the corp. Though he thought he fell during the fall or shortly during the aftermath he was not sure. He indicated that if I found him he might be able to help. I may seek out other members of the Pranzis Corp.

 Master Varka also indicated I should contact Gravas Hrendhammer as he may have information on the relationship between the giants and boerghar. Though I have found the giants formidable, it has seemed that their numbers are increasing of late.Perhaps it is my imagination, perhaps not.

I was also informed of a fellow dwarven mage by name of Brac'ar Fireface. I travelled to Shoufal to try and locate him but was unable to do so. I sent a messenger bird in the hopes of contacting him. I am hoping he may be able to help Durgen and I come up with some ideas as to the rearming of bloody gate and more importantly to enlist his aid.

My last bit of thought, I recently travelled to Hampton by boat from Saudria. I had heard rumor of a dwarven stronghold up there past the desert. While travelling with my companion Silverhand sir Omer of the angels guild met us. As I was there wandering around as I often do, I asked him if perchance he had heard of the place. He indicated he knew where it was, but that those dwarves are not fond of visitors to their stronghold. I understand his attitude as he was an elf, and my kin can be quite distrustful of them. Perhaps if a contingent of dwarves were to make a pilgrimage to this fortress. We may find more allies in our preparations. I shall have to bring this up during our next meeting...


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2007, 11:59:23 pm »
I have made contact with master Brac'ar Fireface. He has indicated an interest in meeting with me provided i tell him more via letter. I have my misgivings about doing as such, s i sent him a missive discussing the rebuilding of the bleddy gate. Hopefully it iwll be enough to pique his curiosity.

I have also spoken at length to Varka. He has helped to direct my energies to where they are needed. My next task will be to conduct some research in the great library and also to see if i may gain access to the arcane towers library. Perhaps clues to my need will be found there. One last clue was that I need to seek out a dwarf who goes by Oholibama. Seems he has the skill i require. I fthis task proves feasibile, then Varka has told me that I myself must present it to the council of Bloody Gate and to Rory Rockfist himself!

My other thoughts of late have turned to my magic skills. I recently discovered teh key to casting more advanced spells without the need of components. This is a great boon to me, as I had tired of hunting spitting fire beetles. Nasty tadgers that they are.

Now I must also seek out master Quantum, as i have need of his wisdom.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2007, 01:17:56 pm »
Indeed there is much i need to pen down today, so as to keep my mind straight and true.

I have had my meeting with Quantum. After hearing him out, I decided to set up a meeting with Varka. This needed to be heard by him. It seems that King BRiant had wanted to use hte portals to brings his armies and supplies to the war, btu that he was betrayed in the end. He had the knowledge of the portals, or at least his trusted advisors. But he was betrayed by someone close to him and hte portal blocked. He could not stand against Milara without aid, nad in the end was cursed by MIlara to live as undead. It seems that there was infromation regarding a way to destroy Milara, that it was more than just a slim hope. The king seems to have somehow beaten milara at his own game for atime. He is undead, but he is not under the control of Milara, nor does he resemble the common undead. He looks the same as he did all those years ago and he is in hiding. The search is now on. His knowledge is of vital import to those of preparing the bloody gate against Milara.

Speaking also with Quantum, we both seem to believe beorghar may have a portal of his own which he uses to transport and drow fighters within the city. Disrupting this portal may cripple his strength and prevent him from aiding milara. It may also give him pause on trying to spread his rule beyond that of Pranzis.
Regarding Pranzis, I have spoken with master bumblebee..seemshe has a knack at finding out information. I have charged him with findign Lt. Malec, or news of him and his family. As a former officer of the pranzis corp. I am hoping he may have knowldege the of underside of pranzis, or knowledge of access to it. If he is dead, then I am hoping his family is safe, and hoping beyond hope that tey may have some knowledge left behind from the LT.

I am still awaiting a response from Brac'ar as to a possible meeting. I am hoping he may be of some help to us. Either in my quest for portal knowledge, or at the very least, to aid inthe rebuilding of bloody gate.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2007, 02:39:59 am »
I have travelled the breadth and length of Dregar of late. I have seen many wondrous and terrifying things.
  I have gained knowledge and insight into my craft. The weave seems so easy to understand, then all at once it trails off into new patterns which are beautiful to behold and so complex as to make you dizzy. the ebb and flow of magic thru my fingers always makes me feel a bit giddy. Similar to the feeling one gets after drinking Dalan's beer. Without the aftereffects!
  As far as my mission...It seems to have come to a standstill. I have yet to locate or hear ony word regarding this feloow oholibama, nor have i heard from Brac'ar Fireface. Though i know patience is in order when dealing with my fellow mages. Time seems to be running short. I must have something positive to report to the gathering and Varka. I do not wish to fail in this mission.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2007, 10:11:53 pm »
Where to begin...
   It seems my fortunes are changing. I recently had the opportunity to learn more on the portal magic. Master Ozymandius was kind enough to relate to me his knowledge on portals. He was a font of information to be sure.
   Firstly and most important to me at this point. It seems Moraken is the greatest portal master alive. He it seems has made the master portal. The portal by which all others pale in comparison. It seems the portal he created would allow one to go wherever one wished, send whomever you wnted, and bring yourself back or whomever you sent. In his wisdom, it seems, that to prevent this knowledge from being used by those of an unscrupulous nature, he divided the knowledge of his creation into 4 pieces and had djinn lords take and hide them.  Ozymandius said to seek out Ragrian the bard for the full tale; Randharavanna's Allegory . Apparently she is quite fond of this tale and knows it better than Ozy himself.
  Secondly, Ozymandius told me that Milara, the black wizards, and certain other powerful magus have the ability to create rifts. Rifts are more than a mere portals, they are tears in the fabric of the weave and the planes. It takes great power to create and maintain one, and fortunately most are only small tears. Blood himself attempted 3. Two collapsed and did much damage to the lands, the third held and his armies poured forth. Listening to makes me fear that Milara, second only to blood in power, may try to create one to instantly bring his armies forth upon bloody gate. If he does...the gate would fall, as there would be no time to mount a decent defense. Even with all of our preparations. If his rift fails, it would destroy the surrounding lands over which it was formed. Either way, a win for Milara.  Five years is much time to gather power and prepare an invasion. Ozy indicated that Milara is in control of at least one blood well. THis could be the source of power he needs to create a rift without using his own power as blood did.
  Third, though I think the making of a rift is beyond me, both in power and desire. Ozy spoke of the great portals. 10 feet in diameter, large enough to move dwarves and equipment quickly form one place to another. This may be within my grasp.
  I have much to meditate upon.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2007, 11:34:42 pm »
It has been a long few weeks. I have met the Soul Mother 3 times. I am going ot be feeling it for along while I think. Once did i Meet her thru stupidity. A hard lesson each time. The other two times, merely getting caught unawares and thus...
  Enough whining from me. I have learned hard lessons and I wont make the same mistakes again.
  I have recently listened to Ragrien's tale of the Randharavanna Allegory. An interesting tale to be sure. One that has given me many ideas. Whether i will be able to fullfill them, that is a tale for another day. I am confident if I can get master Moraken to teach me the basics of portal making, then it shall be a great boon to the dwarves of bloody gate. And more importantly, an unpleasant surprise for Milara when the need arises.
  I have sent a missive to Moraken and hopefully he will reply soon. In the meantime, I shall continue my efforts in aiding my kin for the effort. o far I ahve been able to aid in the gathering of platinum and adamant. Not much to be sure, but every little bit helps.
  Now to meditate and try to rest up from my taxing visits.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2007, 03:58:29 pm »
It has been a wonderul few days indeed!
  Miss Ferrit made me some new clothes, made with adamant no less, and I have ordered a new pair of shoes which should have some good traction and help me keep my footing.
  I have also increased in my enchanting skills. These should bode well when master Moraken answers my missive. If he does, it has been a long while since i sent it. I have been to the great library, and also to Spellguard seeking out the knowldege of creating a portal. There is nt much information that I have found as yet, but those libraries are vast. It si also more than likely, a fairly guarded secret. I will perservere though.
  I have recently come off of my hangover from the dwarven party that was held in the Wild Surge. I doubt teh Surge will be cleaned up properly for a few days. We did cause a ruckus to be sure! I believe I gained the respect of many of my kin, coming in second at the head butting contest. I beat out Kurgaz, after a long bought. Grohin was next, and we took many hits, the both of us! My face was a bloody pulp and my head aches still! I didnt go down until Fenrir knocked me on my arse with amighty wallop! Good thing the beer took the edge off of it. Gilshem is a fine brewmaster, and his drinks kept us going! I think the highlight of th day for the town was our impromptu monster throwing contest. Well, we didnt have a monster, so we got an ox from Grohin. We then led it out by the main gate, and commenced our tossing. Such a sight to behold. The strength of the dwarves as we tossed a large ox around the field must have impressed the locals. Drunken dwarves throwing around oxen, such a sight! It was great fun until the bugger fell on top of me! My ribs still hurt from that. Another bit of fun was when we were well into our drinks, when Varka handed me a drink and said "Try this lad", I got a nice barksin for my trouble. What a laugh, most of my fellow dwarves just snorted their beer in laughter. I will not go into detail, suffice it to say that much snorting of beer nad froth ensued.
  Now to check my bandages. I will be sight for afew days I think.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2007, 01:06:10 am »
Well, I am now pretty much recovered from my bashing at the dwarven party. Just a little bit of a bruise is left. Seems I was quite the sight. Miss ferrit could hardly recognize me from the bruises!
  Well, its done. Friend Dalan has named his mighty axe that Kobal made for him. Tempest, the raging fury if the storm. I think it will serve Dalan well. His naming and blooding ceremony went better than expected. He said some most fitting words for his fallen comrade Sa'kura and his swearing of his axe's blade to her daughter Abbie should she ever need it. Eghaas also spoke briefly of Sa'kura. Though I did not know her, she must have been a true dwarven friend and close as kin for him to speak thus. I said as much and after a few more words from Dalan, the dedication of the blooding was finished.
  Dalans blooding dedication done, he found the largest berserking troll I have seen a good long while. Twice as tall as Dalan and fierce as the storm Dalan named his axe after. A shaman was there also, and hit Dalan with lightning from the sky. Dalan's mighty axe just twinkled with glee as the electricity seemed dance along its blade and give it more power! It was a mighty battle between those two, where no quarter was asked and none was given. Dalan could have asked for no better enemy to christen his axe. The outcome was never in doubt. In the end, with a mighty roar and swing of his axe, he removed the head of the giant troll! Its head was torn asunder form its body and its life was extinguished forever, its body sinking into the swamp.
  In a side note: I gave Dalan some acid to prevent the blighter from regenerating after he had won.
  Dalan was bruised and battered and his axe was blooded with the green blood a true adversary worthy of his skill and weapon! He then mowed thru the rest of them as though they were  grass to the scythe.
  Eghaas and I took no part in the battle between Dalan and his adversary. Instead I released the shaman from its mortal coil with my hammer and magic. Burning its broken body with fire. Eghaas let loose upon the others with the cleansing fire and set them ablaze. A few fireballs later, from the both us (I had to have some fireball fun myself), and some axe and hammer work. The job was finished.  
   It was a good day indeed.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2007, 11:53:54 pm »
The last few days have been quiet. Which is a n oice change from the hectic life I have been leading of late. It is good to sit by the fire and relax with afine mug of beer and a good book.
   I have been practicing my enchantment skill quite diligintly of late and have been rewarded with a growing knowledge of how to attach the weave to certain minerals. Creating a few gems which when placed in a fine setting will increase ones dexterity almost like a cats. I still ahve much to learn, but I am starting to understand how this works. I believe this will aid in my understanding of creating a key with which to bind the magics of a portal to an item as master Ozy once described to me. I have still not heard back from master Moraken, but I am patient and I have time.
  I have noticed my a certain change in my manner of late. Friend Dalan has also noted it to me. I seem to be taking more of a direct approach when i meet my enemies. Hammer in hand, I have been charging forward to meet them. Perhaps my dwarven companions are having a more profound affect on me than i had ever thought. I think i will have to get them to try and show me how to use a shield, that may be a wise idea. I recently came across one that seems to be made for us mages. Made of dragonskin, it feels light on my arm, yet seems to not hinder me in any way when i try to cast. Still...It will be some time before i am ready to rely on my skill with it. Best to ask my kin for some lessons i think.
  One last thing of note, I met up with mster Beli and a few other people with whom I have travelled with. Seems they came upon halfling theif who lost his brother after they stole a gem of some sort from some orcs led by a human. He was about to mark where they where (he said something about a mountain range) from on one of my maps when he was pierced from behind by an archer of some skill. Killed him instantly and we had no chance to heal him. Bloody halfling bled all over my map and nearly ruined it, but he did manage to mark an area near Dalanthar nad then ran the charcoal all the way across the map. Af ter listening to the full story, and seeing him die (poor sod), I am thinking that he was indicating Frindhall. That is near Dalanthar in the thunderpeaks. The closest range to dalanthar aside from the Rift, and the only place i can think of with orc in the area, especially archers. I will meditate upon this.

