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Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2006, 04:56:44 pm »
Entry XXV

Undead roaming inside town! I can't believe how daring these shades have become. It fled before I could slay it though.

My training is showing excellent results. I can dodge even lightning bolts now, and I'm improving. With the physical side going pretty well, it might be the time to focus more on the spiritual one. I still know very few of the clergy of Toran, and there's little I've done for the Leader lately.

I'm also worried about the latest nights. I've often caught myself remembering the fateful day when I lost my parents during meditation, and I can't seem to focus again after reviving those scenes. It has even interrupted some of my prayers. I must find a way to forget, to rid me of these thoughts. As my master used to say, they'll only bring me more hate, and hate can break one's soul.


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Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2006, 04:27:40 pm »
Entry XXVI

I've joined a party and raided the Firesteep mountains on Dregar, after hearing of a great story from sir Plenarius. He and fellow companions defeated the elder red dragon Fisterion, whose lair is on the mountains we visited.

Rumors say Fisterion is an avatar of Pyrtechon, and thus this trip was very interesting for me. Fisterion has an army of fanatical kobold followers, and he trained them very well. They're fearsome combatents, and their bodies emanate auras of deadly flame. Our party defeated several groups of those, and I was glad I could help kill these followers of Pyrtechon. Their flame-like shields littered the ground, and were stepped on, just as they deserve.

On our way out, after quite some climbing in the peaks, I noticed a temple of Pyrtechon laying near the entrance of the mountain ranges. Maybe one day I'll be strong enough to destroy all of these and end Pyrtechon's destructive clergy.


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Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2006, 12:44:07 pm »

Another grand time in Dregar! I followed a rather large party of adventurers to interesting places in Dregar, and got to see more of the continent. We faced incredibly tough goblinoids, and mined in caves full of sand, heat, and giants.

I've also used this opportunity to watch the duneleaper giants again. Their unarmed skills coupled with immense strength are impressive, and maybe I can learn something from my fights with them. I'd rather speak and train with one, but they don't seem to be specially fond of visitors.


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Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2006, 02:54:36 pm »

Cursed bugbears! I joined a party headed to assault the Bear Island, but we were the ones assaulted. I never expected such a bugbear horde, and I doubt any of us did. I fought the best I could, but their numbers were greatly superior, and we fell. The recovery trip was safer, and we decided to go for Haven this time.

The ogres proved much easier than the skilled bugbears, and their lack of organization led them to defeat. We used the narrow passages to defeat even eight ogres, without casualties.

On a better note, I met some good people, and encountered Pyyran again, a friend I made a while ago. Not an excellent day, but we all learned lessons. I did, at least.

Training notes: I've decided. As much as I wished to be a true part of the Toranite faith, I've decided not to be a cleric anymore. My path as a monk taught me much more than I imagined, and I will walk it for the rest of my days. Toran is still my patron god, and I'll follow his teachings the best way possible.

People are starting to respect the Great Leader as they used to, and I don't see as many insults as before. I can only be proud of my brothers and sisters, and of myself.


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RE: Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2006, 08:39:23 am »
Entry XXIX

I've been to Roldem last night. It was a terrible sight, houses destroyed, smoke still in the air, and the few remaining citizens scattered around town. I really understand their needs now, after seeing the destruction Blood's forces caused.

While I walked around in Rodez, I wondered what drove Blood to destroy this world. The hate in his heart poisoned his soul, just like me when I was younger. Perhaps he had no one by his side? Even his generals were defeated now because they kept their own agendas instead of working together. This is a lesson for me, and maybe for us all to learn.


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RE: Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2006, 02:29:47 pm »
Entry XXX

Stuart and Susanna are together. I was part of a group of adventurers that helped unite the two lovers, despite her father's denials and the attacks of another suitor. A despicable one as well, he unfortunately was killed by Stuart in a death duel, and we could not get him on trial. I'll get the assassin he hired to kill us and Stuart one day.

I've been traveling alot to the Barbarian Isles lately, to continue my training with greater difficulties. The raging cold of the isles and their fierce warriors are excellent training. There are also several white mushrooms there, and I must admit I'm curious. I wonder how they survive both in the Hlint undercity and in such a cold place with little difference. Perhaps I'll ask a druid someday.


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RE: Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2006, 10:02:40 pm »
Entry XXXI

A new era starts today. Blood has fallen, a small part of his army still around. To think that after all the months since I heard the call of the dragon, I'd participate in the very last battles, as an experienced adventurer...

I was assigned to protect Pranzis from Blood's army, and I knew other groups would attack or defend other battlefields. I fought alongside people of great resolve, people from everywhere in this world, united against a common enemy. Pranzis was a paradise of despair when we reached it, and we made it into the combat ground for freedom and peace. We fought with all our heart, and even against greater numbers, we stood till the end. Pranzis was overwhelmed by the large army, but we gave them a good dea of trouble. Broegar, the dwarf commander of Blood's army, took the town and allowed the heroes of Hlint to leave. I bet he is cursing his bad choice by now, after hearing the news of Blood's fall. Pranzis will soon be retaken.

The world, however, has changed. The days are darker and colder, and the deaths of the 60-year war still permeate the air. Chaos erupted in many places, bandits roaming everywhere. Blood's defeat ended an age of suffering, but also started a time of darkness, darkness that will only be pierced by the light that pulsates from our hearts. The same light that defeated Bloodstone, and the same light that got us all in Hlint, days or years ago. The Dragoncalled are not yet done, and our help will be most needed in this dire age to come.

We must be the hope of the people of Layonara. Our hearts must stand united. Or they shall fall. Just like Blood and his generals did.


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Journal of a traveling monk
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2006, 10:09:22 am »

Incredible adventure this night. I saw the chaos of Arabel, the state of Belinara, former Xantril, and even the Underdark! The dangers were great, but our party (Ael, his wife Sahala, Talan, Rhynn and me) fought the enemies and had no casualties.

The most impressive place we went to was the Underdark. I understand why the Eternal Night is called this way now, after seeing the gigantic caverns, full of sneaky duergar and deadly drow. We also heard a loud scream after venturing more into the caverns, but we didn't find out what caused it. I'm not very sure if I wanted to know anyway. Creepy place.