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Author Topic: Morden's Journal  (Read 78 times)

Sir Hacks-A-Lot

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    Morden's Journal
    « on: January 08, 2006, 03:22:00 pm »
    My mother was always after me to keep a journal.  She said that it often helps to look back to the past and see what you had to say about it and that many times she would be reminded of things she had forgotten and new insights into new situations could be gained from those rememberings.

    I always thought she was full of nonsense.  And I didn't need to write that down in a journal to keep track of that.

    Not to say mom wasn't almost always right.  It's just the journal thing.  Of course the irony of penning those words is not lost on me.

    I suppose that a large dragon talking to me is a good place to start a journal.  Beginning this silly thing after a day of chopping wood or reading a good book would be a rather dull start now wouldn't it, Morden?

    A bit of history:  I grew up being trained by mom.  Day after day I trained and I trained.  She couldn't send her little tiefling boy out into the world without the proper defensive training so that's what I did.  For twenty-one long years that is what I did.  And I am good at what I do.

    I like using the rapier because so many think you are some weak little thing when you pull out that blade.  At least they do until they are at your feet.  Those are good times.  I also like the color red, the smell of chocolate and walking barefoot in the grass on a sunny day.  Gods this is dull.

    Now to the important and interesting thing:  Dragon.  It wants me to sign on for a grand battle against a dark force.  It also wants me to find a blade of great power.  If I can find that blade I think it will make my part in the battle a lot easier.  So, I'll do it.  After all, if somebody wants to kill off thousands of innocent people and wipe out what's left of the dragons then he's going to have to do it over my dead body.

    Hopefully, I'll kill him and it won't come to me being dead but if it does comes to that I hope I trip the @$^@#& when tries to step over.

    Sir Hacks-A-Lot

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      RE: Morden's Journal
      « Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 03:27:00 pm »
      Wow.  It's been two years since that dragon chatted with me.  I found this little journal sitting in my back-pack.  Seems I may need to clean that thing out more often.

      What has happened?  Not a lot.

      Hlint is where I've been for a while now.  It's nice.  Killed a were-rat recently and helped kill off a goblin chief.  Not a true test of my skill but it keeps my sword-arm from getting rusty.

      I'm still looking for that blade.  I think I'm getting closer.  You'd think that if a dragon was going to give you an amazing vision and had a grand plan he could at least include a map.

      Sir Hacks-A-Lot

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        RE: Morden's Journal
        « Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 03:35:00 pm »
        Look at me writing in my journal.  Mother would be so proud.

        Met a half-orc named Fuzzy.  He's a good fighter and we've slain quite a few monsters together.  We fought some lizard folk in a swampy area.  They fell easily enough.  However, we came across some that were simply amazing.  I don't know what happened.  One second we are waltzing throught he lizards like they were dim-witted goblins and then those things show up.

        The lizard with his massive blade was amazing.  It took both me and Fuzzy to take the thing down.  We resorted to pulling out our respective arsenal of darts and hammering him from a distance.  Any time he got close to one of us we would run while our teamate slammed another dart into him.  We fought for hours but that one finally went down.  Fuzzy and I just collapsed to the ground and sucked that swampy air into our burning lungs like it was some sweet perfume.

        We both looked at each other and just laughed wearily.  The blood from our wounds and that of the dead lizard turned that swamp water a dark red.  It made me think that we weren't all that much different after all.  Except for the fact that the lizard was evil and had to die that is.

        When we finally were able to stand up and move forward again we saw two lizard archers.  They shot the #&!! out of us and we ran for our lives.

        This was a good day and tomorrow I think I'll go back and make myself a new pair of lizard-skin boots.