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Author Topic: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.  (Read 100 times)


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    A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
    « on: December 26, 2006, 12:49:52 pm »
    First day of adventuring It's not all that cracked up to what it's seemed to be. Don't get me wrong, it's much more enjoyable than shoveling horse dung all day. It's not as glamourous as I thought seems better put. I was asked to kill things, never to save, maybe besides the tax records, but saving paper and sacraficing life? Just doesn't sound right. Yes that rat stole it, but did he deserve to die? Beli sure thought so. That little "big" dwarf guy, thinks justice is the most important thing, but is it? I know what I think, and well, that's not so. Happines should come before justice, yes justice is important (don't get me wrong, chaos is fun), but life? Take into account he's a rat, yes, a very big rat with human like features. He attacked me, but I did go into his domain, but he went into ours? He stole from us, and we had to get it back. Negotiatoin was my first plan of attack, but he seemed content on fighting to the death for it. I guess it was fair, not fun (for the poor rat guy that is), but fair none the less. Is fair a good enough compromise though? is fair too big of a leap for me to accept? Only time will tell I supose, then wisdom will kick in.


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      Re: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
      « Reply #1 on: December 26, 2006, 12:59:26 pm »
      Maybe my first speculations on what adventuring was were wrong.

      Adventuring is fun, yes I have to kill things that I might not want to kill, but it's much better paying than I thought. I earned around one tohoused five hundred trues, in just a couple of days. I know happienes is the most important, and I'm sure I'm making people quite unhappy by killing gobblins things, and rat kings, but they are evil right? They are causing unhappiness to my side of this war against happiness. So as it seems, my actions are justified, but I don't like using that word, so my actions are accepted. Accepted by who though? By the general public? What does that do for me?What does that do for happiness? Well, it is the side that I'm trying to make happy is it not? So if my actions are accepted by them, then they must be happy with my actions. So, I get happy and rich, society gets satisfied, safe, and happy. All works in the end does it not?


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        RE: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
        « Reply #2 on: March 10, 2007, 09:15:24 am »
        Oh dear, I completely forgot about this book, found it when I was cleaning out my pack, I shall fill in all that was missed.

        Alright, where to start. Well I stopped adventuring for a bit, the amount of true that I got from a single week was so great I was able to relax comfortably for six months or so. Now, I've decided to go back home to Hempstead, and I'm liveing with my parents yet again. I havn't seen any of my old friends from the combat school, but they're probably well, I don't want to soil this book with rather odd forms of pleasure so I shall leave it at that. So I'm living in Hempstead, Beli still remembers me, and he helps me out a great deal. I found a good place to sit and relax, out by Blackord Castle, a beautiful sight indeed. I've helped out the peple of Hepstead with sewer cloging problems, stopping kobolds from killing peasants, stoped many mercenaries from attacking on the roads, and I helped avenge a mans brother, or I think it was his brother, not too sure. Well, it seems very little, but it was a great deal of time, any way, I'll try to remember to write in the book as much as possible.


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          RE: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
          « Reply #3 on: March 10, 2007, 09:30:09 am »
          Well, well, I did a great deal of adventuring and met many people in the past few weeks.
          I killed more kobolds, we did that nearly non-stop for nearly two or three days. I helped some Toranites, and a man following Mist kill some undead, then I went into the Blech mountains. We killed many yeti's, and some ogres, then we made it to the Ulgrid cave capital city, I think. It was rather ugly for the most part, bare walls, cold, slimy, the usual cave stuff. Even the throne room was bland. There was one room that was great mind you, wasn't much of a room, but beautiful indeed. There was a waterfall, falling from a height too great to imagine, the air was damp, the light mist was refreshing. The others didn't want to stay long, or at least or guides didn't. So we went back the way we came, and we were attacked, ambush after ambush, I thought one f were going to die. We were all safe, and I split the lttle loot that we got from the trip. One of the Toranites, Balazar, wanted me to give his part of the loot to the temple of Toran in Llast. So after we split up that's what I did. I got there and donated his share of the loot, and also the Rofrimites share, Mando, who left before I could give him his true, I hope he doesn't mind too much. Now, here I am, in the Wild Surge yet again, back in my old room that I would rent every night for six months. It's a little smaller than I remember, but comfortable none the less.


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            RE: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
            « Reply #4 on: March 10, 2007, 09:47:37 am »
            *A rose petal marks this page*
            I got great, yet sad news earlier today. My parents told me of one of my friends from combat school, Sessy, she's getting married, to  rich person. The sad part being I never got to date her, I was but a sad, pathetic, leader that couldn't let his true feelings be known. I had good reason not to, I was a prime target for the rich kids, if I dated her I would have made her a target as well. Now, I will never see her the same way I used to. I'll still see the beauty, I'll still recognize that dizzying intellect, but never will we talk the same way. I must be glad for Sessy though, she's becomeng important, more important than I or any of my other old friends. She's going to have that easy life she always wanted, no shoveling horse dung, no taking out the hay from the stables, nothing of the sort. I'm glad for her, but sad for my self, such a greedy man arn't I? She's going to be that happiest lady of the lands, and all I can think of is my own sorrow, how pathetic. All I am is a pathetic man, nothing great will come of me, nothing at all.
            I now place this rose, in rememberance of my darker days, yet my happy ones.


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              RE: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
              « Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 10:05:54 am »
              It seems Sessy is marrying my good old friend Barticus. Maybe friend was the wrong word, he was the rich kid who tried to kill me, he was the kid that got me kicked out of school. Why did Sessy marry him? Maybe he became a better man, maybe he became less of an damn, rich, antagonistic. There could also be Barticus hates me still, and he knew I admired Sessy, but how would he know? Does he have people spying on me? No, no, no I'm getting parranoid, I'm but a son of a scribe. I cause no one any trouble, besides kobolds, and bandits. I'm here to help the common people achieve safety, and through tha make the aristocracy even richer than they are. I'm helping the people, there is no reason for any one to want to kill me, I'm but a humble servant to those that need. I must not think of this matter any more, and I must continue my adventuring career as it was going. I'll make friends in adventurers, I'll forget about my past life, and to do that I must leave home.

              My home is all I have though, if I leave where will I go? I won't go to Vehl, that place is full of whores selling their wares down main street. I could go back to Hlint, I could take my room back at the Wild Surge Inn. Then I can think what to do next. I must escape my past, and must forget about everything that has happened.


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                Re: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
                « Reply #6 on: March 13, 2007, 02:24:43 pm »
                I had to deliver a package for some lady in Krandor, earlier today, and I had to go into Port Hempsead to do so. I was scared to go in, I shouldn't be, I'm probably taking the percaustions of staying out of the city for no reason. Sessy's probably completely forgot about me anyway. I don't know though, I'm still going to be warry. If I'm with a party I'll make no sign of hesitatoin to go in, don't want to look suspicious and people get the wrong idea of me. Should I try and hide who I am though? Should I make it so peple don't see my face? I don't know, it would be susspicious if I do, but if I don't some one from my childhood might notice me. No hood, if I see some one who recognizes me I'll just hide in the crowds, and if the crowds are empty I'm sure some alley way will sufice. To be safe though, I'll stay out of the country, unless suspicion will be caused if I don't. If no one susspects I want to stay out, no one will ask questions.


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                  Re: A small, pocket size, leather bound book with out a title.
                  « Reply #7 on: April 14, 2007, 09:28:17 pm »
                  I havn't gone adventuring in a while, again.  I seem to go in phases, adventuring, relaxing, adventuring, relaxing. I got a letter from Beli though, and he has a rather interesting proposition for me. It's more along the lines of him getting paid for all those things that he made me than actually doing work. He needs a picker of locks for some crypt some where, and he just happened to remember some debts, well at least that's what I think he remembers. So I agreed, and we went to the crypt. he told me to stay away from these big black things that spew out this red stuffish thing that apparently kills you instantly, except for Beli. I loot and all that wonderfully exciting stuff, pick a lock or two, then repeate. The worst part being that I have to pay off my debts before I get any of the Jink. So yeah, it's exciting, and I sent a letter home to my mother telling her I'm well and fine, and that she doesn;t have to worry about me. Other than that though, lifes been treating me more than fair, got in a small brawl at the Wild Surge, and the man held his booze worse than I did, ME, I can drink maybe two pigs ears before I get knocked out. Anyway, I won, luckly the owner sided with me, I think it may be that I bring in so much Jink. So here I am in my room writing, joy ohh bliss, 'tis but a wonderful thing (who ever is reading this please do take note that what was just written is sarcasim). In the morning I'll give the owner a few hundred Jink for thanks, and If I see the low life scum barely keep his weight drunk around as well I'll toss him a few tower malts his way and make amends, don't want a bad rep, especially in a smal town like Hlint.

