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Author Topic: Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen  (Read 194 times)


Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen
« on: September 09, 2004, 07:26:00 am »
Journal Entry 1.[/b]
    It’s good to be among friends again. I feel reborn in my return to Hlint. Perago and Tolinar are as I remember them and they welcomed me back without question. Rurik, Thomas, and Snippi, all Halflings, all good new friends. [/b]
    Upon my meeting Tolinar again he asked if I was still trying to make a name for myself as a ranger. I’ve decided that Halson is a good enough name, and I need no other. Also being a Hero, is no longer one of my goals, I will merely strive to be a good friend and ally in these dark times. [/b]
    Upon the loss of my Scimitars I have yet to find a replacement melee weapon, yet in my time without shield and sword I have found great use for bows. I remember watching Perago shoot Umberhulks with his bow and never saw the point. Why not just use a sword? But I now find, through my own experience that using arrows in combat provides a new level of exhilaration that I had no idea existed. The thought that if your enemy manages to get through the fighter you are covering you will be the last to stop them. The last “line of defense” so to speak. [/b]
    Ah, but there is so much to do. I must hire Tolinar or a smith of equal skill to craft me a new melee weapon. I must prepare for Perago’s wedding, though I have no idea how. I must look up my oldest friends Triba and Frin. And I must find a new suit of armor for fear that something is growing in my current suit. Home is a place you are always welcomed, and this is my home.[/b]
  [/b]                               Halson Draconian, [/b]


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RE: Halson Draconian's Journal
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 09:00:00 am »
//Good to have him back. :)


RE: Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 06:44:00 am »
Journal Entry 2.
    Well, last night I was inducted into the Orcbasher Clan. I beleive we have around ten members. Gloin, Rurik, Sargon, Corum, and one I have not met yet but whos name I beleive to be Alex seem to be the leaders of this Clan. The new members as of last night include Fenris, Willow, Raven, and myself.  
    While I did find the oath we took very amusing I take it very seriously. From the few members of our clan I've seen I can tell we could be a great power. Perhaps I'll speak with Rurik or Sargon about a few ideas I've recently had.
    The Orcbasher Clan Oath reminds me of the oath I took when I first joined my ranger troup. I was eighteen when I vowed to protect the life  of  those who lived in the wild, to choose an enemy and hunt it above all else, and no never forsake Katia. It is a good thing for me the two oaths did not contradict or I may not have joined.
    Ah, only time will tell whether our Clan will be able to make a difference in the coming darkness. 
                           Halson Draconian,

Corum Jahal

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    RE: Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen
    « Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 12:04:00 pm »
    Welcome Halson,
    We are glad to have you as part of our clan.  I myself have met you very few times, but the others speak very highly of you.  I hope that we will have a chance to defend the land together and bash some orcs.  Soon, you will be soon watching other new recruits taking the oath and wearing the pround colors of blue and grey.

    Corum Jahal

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    RE: Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen
    « Reply #4 on: September 16, 2004, 05:51:00 am »
        My dear friend, I am glad that you are a member of our brotherhood, and I wait happily for us to go out together as brothers to defend this place we call home against the villiany that awaits us all. If you are ever in need of aid, feel free to contact me, and I shall be there.

        Sargon Blackdagger
        Lord Wizard of the Orcbasher Clan
        Wizard of Air


    RE: Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen
    « Reply #5 on: September 18, 2004, 01:57:00 pm »
    Journal Entry 3.
        I've talked to Ozymandias recently and have learned a good few things about what all is going on about Mistone. It seems he and Ta'k have started a War Council. I was of course very interested and asked if I might be able to join, perhaps no as a council member but as a soldier to the council if need be. I beleive he's accepted my offer though I have absolutly no idea what I'll be doing.
        Also I've learned a bit more about Ozymandias himself. Riddles it seems are one of the things he most likes to speak of. He continuously ran around myself Jotun, Gabriel, Sir Swain, and a young elven woman who spoke very primative common, shouting riddles at us. He was of course invisible or Jonus would have I'm sure slapped him on the side of his head with his axe. Well the riddles came and though I have no idea why we all seemed to be compelled to answer then as best we could. Before leaving us however Ozy tossed several stones over everyones head but my own. I can only guess at what this means but I won't because knowing Ozy he could have just tried to hit everyone in the head but me and missed. *shrugs and continues writing*
        Learning of the War Council I've begun to think that perhaps the Orcbasher Clan should look into it. Maybe the Clan will even become a regiment of soldiers for the Council though I'm not sure how many of the Clan members will like this idea. I'll pass it by Gloin and Rurik first and see how they react. Perhaps have them talk to Ozy and Ta'k before deciding. I have a feeling though that the Clan is still getting started and would hate to damage it's structural integrity. Perhaps I'll wait until it really get's going.
        And I will of course not name the person for safety reasons but I've also recently met an elven woman. She wore metal armor, a helm over her head, and carried a great big sword. Ozy and myself helped her for a bit and then Ozy dropped out. I stayed a bit longer helping retreive that tax records. I had a hard time convincing her to remove her helm, how she could have kept it on in that heat baffles me. But she removed it to reveal a beautiful elven face, why she would want to cover it also baffled me until I noticed the trait that no elf I know has. The obsidian skin was a givaway. She told me little but what she did say was this....she is a follower of Katia and made me sware by the god we share in worship no to tell a soul of her race, she comes from the north though she was very vague about where, and she has lived with humans before, humans who seem to have made her feel like one of them I would assume. I will have to have another talk with her. Perhaps learn about drow sociaty. But that is for a later date.
                                               Halson Draconian,


    RE: Journal of an Orcbasher Clansmen
    « Reply #6 on: September 22, 2004, 08:04:00 am »
    Journal Entry 4.
        I could fill this journal with all the details of the past week's happenings. Quite spectacular it was....
        I saw Frin for the first time in perhaps a year. As exciteable as ever. He told me he wanted to go explore. Words I haven't heard in a while. We ran through the GreyPeaks a halfling, a ranger, and an enormous bear. The ogres fell before us and we managed to make it all the way to Lar. There Frin spent thousands on healing and we continued on to meet Lue. She decided to join us on our little journey and we continued. This is where the fun stoppped. Into the next area of the mountains we went and unpleasently ran into a trap. 5 ogres fell before us and as we moved onto the next group a rouge band came up from behind. The mage hit me with a spell and death closed over my eyes instantly. I returned to the spot of my death and vowed not to be taken again. But being knocked down by and ogre and hit with several cone of cold spells will kill just about anyone. Frin and I did manage to retreive our graves (Lue at this point had dropped off. I beleive I  convinced her Frin and I are bad luck.)
        Well after that exciting and dangerous catastrophy Frin and I decided to look elsewhere for adventure. South was the direction we went. Into the Broken Forest we fought a few undead with little trouble. Then through Fort Hope to the Scilent Watch Mountains. Frin did a spectacular number on the giant in this area. At the end of the  fighting it was apparent that Frin had merely hacked the giants legs to bits, leaving their dirty and ugly faces untouched.
        That day ranked among the top ten of all time. Our deaths were most unfortunate and though every death brings more pain those deaths were almost canceled out by the great excitement that followed. 
        Following Gloin and Rurik's example I too bought a house. The Rangers Vale is a nice area but I do not care to live there. My house is only to be used as a warehouse for the time being. I am hoping in another month or so to buy a house in Port Hampshire but for now they are a bit out of my league.
        I'm hoping to run into several Clan members very soon. I beleive Gloin will be appointing a Clan ambassador and though I would greatly like this position I truely beleive Sargon, with his  large voulcabulary and strong mind would be better suited for the job. I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. And now to fill out Mr. Arrows  order.
                                    Halson Draconian,