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Author Topic: The Daring life of Ichitan Youbli  (Read 77 times)


The Daring life of Ichitan Youbli
« on: August 29, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
Off in a distant land where the halflings carve homes from the tops of trees is the Elder's Hut where children gather on regular basis and request to hear wise tales of past and present. Among the few tales is unlike others. A story about an adventurer who left not for the sake of his 'Change' but for the sake of his family and for his love for his people. Elder Spinningleaf sits in the center of the large room with her tobbacco pipe lit and her smile on her collar, she begins the story just as the last little one enters.

She puff out as she makes a loud crashing noise of thunder "Shashoon! The lighting crashes and the spirits of the forest grow greater. The humans have found more ways of destruction and take lives of their kin and of the Wise. A great Wise man stands atop a large mountonous plateau," trying her best to monument this great man. "With a spear in one hand and the dying brother of his father in the other, the hut burning a blaze and the man had the vicious attacks in simple sight. This caring wise man knew only one thing to do." pauses as she draws aw from the children. "Vengence!" she cries "Vengence for his kin, he knew the magics that had been casted upon his greatuncle's home and knew they were not natural. The human magic makers stood emotionless and continued to cast their spells at the dying man and that was when he pounce forth. This man was known for his fast and cunning attacks, he was named Ichitan for such great things, Ichitan for the sake of his daring bravery. Ichitan ran forward with his goad ready and spun it into the side of the most terrifying of the two attacks and was swarted to the side, for brave Ichitan was just a boy then and knew only the teachings of his dying greatuncle." she wavers a knowledgable finger to the children. "He was pushed out of the lions mouth and right into it's paw, straight down the mountain side." adds another dramatic pause. "But Ichitan knew this mountain well and how to avoid the dangers of harsh winds. He rose from the large cliff a half moon later to find his greatuncle savaged and left for the vultures. Ichitan could not bare this. His greatuncle was all he knew and all he trained with. Ichitan knew what his greatuncle would have asked him if he had a chance and Ichitan knew that was what he would do at all costs. And so he came back from the far away hut of his greatuncle and to his father's side. He asked for a great favor at his own ritual of change. The elder's considered his words and knew his disposition. Ichitan told them certain untruths that might swade them. The elder's knew well of his true plans and rightly allowed him passage from the great lands with respect from his people." she leans into the children. "So do not lie to your elders, for they will know what you truly intend." Sits upright and puffs once more before continuing "The once young boy sets out with all his supplies and knowledge. He ventures to Mistone and finds himself in touch with a dragon's calling. For this great beast warned many people and needed much assistance from the evils that lay before the land. Ichitan used his wisdom and promised himself to assist the dragons calling when he could. But as he left the dragons realm he came to the town of Hlint and knew little of his common speak. He troubled much learning the simple language however quickly found many tasks and many jobs to complete to help the townsfolk, as many such good willed Wise would do. He promised to the  local poucher the skins of the strongest animals he could find. Ichitan brought this man all sorts of animals and the poucher was pleased. However he requested for an even greater beast. The great bear of the forest."

"Ichitan knew the powers of this bear and made agreements with the poucher. For Ichitan knew that if he was to conquer such a fearsome beast without the help of others he would truly be at his full strength. And so Ichitan left for the deep forest and brought nothing but his armor and a spear. He knew this beast would be cunning and quick. Ichitan wandered for days to find this elusive beast tracking every step to another hidden trail until finally there it sat. Feasting on the carcass of a giant twenty feet tall. However this did not give fear to Ichitan for he was Daring and charged forward thrusting his goad into the bear's chest. The spear went in and the bear lunged forward unflinching. The bear was atop Ichitan and had his mouth an arm's length from Ichitan's head. The spear was in the bear beaing pushed into the ground, all that kept Ichitan from being another appetizer, he was quick and smashed his hand into the bear's eyes, pulling one out and leaving the other to dangle and confused the massive bear, Ichitan rolled away and cirlce to the confused monster's back, the bear would not give up any sooner than Ichitan would. With his spear already inside of the bear Ichitan had no weapon except his great strength. He used this and tackled the bear sending it flying into the open carcass of the giant. The bear was still crawling toward Ichitan and this had Ichitan worried, for if his great strength could not stop the thick skinned beast what would?" she shrugs and leaves a momment for the children to decide before she shouts. "And he saw it! The club of the giant sat right beside him. Even the greatest humans did not have the power to lift a club of that size however Ichitan roared as loud as the blinded bear did and lifted the club over his head and smack down onto the bear." she smacks her hands togeather and pushes out a wave of smoke from her pipe. "The bear was motionless. As Ichitan approached with his knife to remove the precious thick fur he was caught off gaurd by the bear's last ounce of strength he bit with all his might into Ichitan's leg, normally this would have severed the leg of even the greatest of warriors, however Ichitan flexed his might muscles and pushed the fangs off and broke them into many small peices of jewelry that he later made into a neclace. And now with every piece of the fur he made Wise use of all of the magnificent beast with whom he fought. Days later Ichitan came to the poucher told the poucher the story. This poucher was so amazed he promised Ichitan a well fitted suit of armor just for him, made of the bear. Before Ichitan knew it he had become the beast he honored so greatly with death. The head of the beast was his own and the words of his greatuncle echoed in his mind, greatuncle always said 'The strongest warriors, know best their enemies.'"

By this time the candles had run out of wax and the room darkened "Next we meet we will continue the Daring Story of Ichitan Youbli."


RE: The Daring life of Ichitan Youbli
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 06:44:00 pm »
The flames of the candles are lit once more however with only half the power. The children are already waiting when Elder Spinningleaf arrives in an unlikeness lack of punctuality.

She sits without hesitation and without her tabacco. One deep breathe "Ichitan Youbli spent a mere few days before the body of the bear that he wore became his home among the wilds. He knew nothing of fear and the hunting Ghosts of the forests were amused. In sleep, the powerful bear spirit around him grew to such strength to communicate to with him. The bears were without food and warmth. Without these things they had fear. Fear not for our hero's strength. This fear was for the darkness of the wild north." With the word Darkness the wind blows in, she throws her hands in the air and for a second the room is almost completely black. "These messages were not clear to Ichitan. His tall-folk companions led him into the cold falling sky leaves of the northern islands. Warriors of the bears fought here. Against all others these warriors believed in themselves and their strongest hunt. The spirit inside of Ichitan acted out and guided him to a ritual. This ritual is not like the naming and he is given no tatoo." she waves her finger back and forth. "The great power of the bear after it has been strengthened by Ichitan must be defeated once more. After the companions sat around a huge fire of oak to warm the bear and ate the vension to feed the bear they slept to rest the bear. As if a dream all of these strong warriors were awoken and ambushed by the strongest most fiercesome Ghost in all the wilds. With several severing blows the bear is put to rest with a gleeful roar. Each one of the companions saw the face of the bear filled with a smile as he turned to dust. The warriors all felt the power of its falling and lost their breathe, forced to suck in the dust of the bear where it will forever stay inside them." she stand and takes a deep breath of air "This is why we must always hold our breath before meals. So as to say thanks to the many ghosts who bless us with their powers."

She waves them all out at the exact time the candles falter being consumed by wet wax "The story does not end here children. You will return for the rest I am sure."

