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Author Topic: Reflections in Silver  (Read 59 times)


Reflections in Silver
« on: December 19, 2007, 10:16:12 am »

Original App

Silver flashes from an angry gaze as the dark-haired man tears through his meager accommodations in the half-rate inn he'd quartered for the week, bits of rope, bandages, and little component pouches flying. With a muttered word and a flick of a hand, the half-full pack lying on the bed upends itself, spilling what remain of its contents onto the straw-ticked burlap. Beside the bed, on the only uncluttered surface in the room, lie the various disassembled pieces of a fairly well-made hickory crossbow... Sans one.

"Where in all the Coil could I have put that grace-forsaken trigger!?"

The man's musical voice does not seem fit to hold the frustration it quakes with, and is rarely heard in his rampage throughout the small room. However, after this outburst, the faintest of sounds tinkles like tiny bells in the air - a quiet, miniature giggle.

Freezing, the man's quicksilver eyes slowly sweep over the ransacked room, seeking out nooks and crannies where, now that he knew his antagonist, he was sure he would find it. Indeed! There! A movement, turned glowing blur, streaking towards the poorly-hung door and the crack at the top. Unthinking, lightning springs to the man's fingertips, and arcs out in the path of that sparkling winged thief, but just barely misses, scorching the doorpost and leaving the now-uncovered pixie unharmed.

Bursting from the door, he shouts after the fey, hurling tiny bolts of force as he chases her around the halls of the upstairs of the inn, cursing and jumping to grab wildly whenever he got close enough. But the pixie, clearly a woman or girl, stays well out of his reach, laughing at his clumsy human attempts.

After a few minutes of this, though, she grows tired of the game, and throws the heavy chunk of metal down at the silver-eyed man, starting to pull the mantle of invisibility around her as she calls down to him.

"Loli think Mercury take self too serious! Loli teach to live, eeeeeven if kill him!"

Left standing there, trigger in hand, Fortun stares up at the empty space where the pixie had been, chewing the inside of his cheek in frustration and bemusement.

"Mercury," he mutters.

"Wonder what she meant by that."