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Author Topic: Is it all worth it?  (Read 142 times)


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    Is it all worth it?
    « on: February 09, 2005, 12:15:00 am »
    Novan walks up to a tree in the forest and falls next to it, leaning his back up against it. He wanders why he is such a failure. He is lonely, sad, angered. He has no family, no real friends. Blood from lost another lost battle runs down his face and onto his leather armor. It slowly begins to dry, slowly darkening. Pain is running through his body. Thoughts of death come upon him, wanting to take him away from this world that hates him so much. Tears begin to buildup in his eyes. It burns the cuts when the salty water runs down his face. He knows he is weak.

    His arm begins to lose feeling. The red liquid gushes down his arm. The dizziness of blood loss makes him slide closer to the ground. The tears fall begin to fall more often. His pain grows, both physical and mental. Blackness seems to twirl around him, beginning to overtake him, yet he is not afraid. He welcomes the darkness, believing it will bring him some peace. He keeps losing blood at a fast pace, and it gets darker and darker. He begins to fade into and out of consciousness. Finally, he blacks out.

    He awakens to extreme pain. Losing much of his blood, he is very weak, but somehow gets the strength to sit up, and then stand. He tries to walk, but falls to his knees. After waiting for awhile, barely moving, only to breathe, he gets back up. Slowly he begins his walk back to town. Still bleeding, he rips a piece of cloth and wraps it around his arm. He begins to think his life over, remembering his mother. Remembering the day he found her killed. It still hurts him, leaving a hole in his soul. Still somewhat out of it, he begins to daydream while walking. Memories of his childhood among the wonderful wood elves, and how much he loved his mother, even though she wasn’t his real mother, begin to fill his head. But to him, she was his real mother. Fire begins to cloud his thoughts, the fire of his village being burned down, the fire of hated and revenge. Bandits killed his mother and burned the village. He remembers also the promise he made to himself and his mother that he would revenge her death. He decides that he will continue.

    He straggles to Hlint, leaving blood along the way. He uses all his strength to open the gate. Struggling to the benches, he sits down, watching the sun rise over the gate, hoping for a better day.

    And, he decides it is worth it.

