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Author Topic: Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling  (Read 296 times)


Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling
« on: May 02, 2006, 04:02:15 am »
Friend Jamesan use book all time, make notes and things. Jamesan wills one day write Ballad of Karana so needs know much about Karana. Here Karana write so Jamesan know what happen when hims not abouts.

Note to self. No use this book for tinder. Use other book for that.

Karana be givings much golds to friend Dulan recently. Hopes to buy house withs groups of friends, if ever find house.

Jin give tour of him home to Karana. Is even better than tavern. Karana hope gets home like Jin and Tegan. Is nice, especially nice havings boxes to store things.

Karana spend much times on Dregar with the Loom brothers and with Pig and Allgo and witch lady Lin'da. Karana enjoy and learn much, but prefers travel with Dulan, Quilus and Sh'anda. Is more relaxed pace withs them and Karana can be self.

Karana is thinking more and more abouts father recently. Dulan takes Karana to Krashin other days. Make Karana think of promise to self. Needs tinks about is

Must finishes now. Needs go dig copper for Jamesan.


Re: Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 02:39:08 pm »
//This entry has been written in pencil so hard that it almost has ripped the paper. In addition blood is smeared upon the pages as if the writers hands were covered in blood.

Karana is angry. Is Verys angry. Karana thinks Dulan is friend. Oh he accept 8,000 gold from Karana to puts to him house one minute, but won't even talks to Karana another minute. Hims go off with Odi, Gaibun and Lancur offs on own. Nots discuss or acknowledge Karana. Karana thinks thems all was friends. Is not no mores.

Karana spends early life being ignoreds by men. Learn hatreds of them. Thems not feel Karana equal to them. Is nots true. Then Karana come to Hlint, meets men and Karana thinks thems is different, nots like men of tribes. Mens in tribes never lets Karana go on hunts. Not thinks Karana nothing but ugly slave used for cooking and washing. Karana thinks men likes Dulan and Odi different. Quilus too and Jamesan. Now Karana see is all lies. Karana hates.

Dulan choose other clerics of other faiths and sneak over fellow Taronite and warrior. Karana think she one of Dulan's congregation but realise is lies. Karana think Dulan false priest and no talks to him no mores. Nor will share house with him. Karana go gets all money she gives him.

Whens they leave, Karana go out on hunt. The 'Rage' fall upon Karana and remember nots much but the bloods and the deaths. Karana remember bits. Remembers killings goblins, kobolds, bugbears, cubes, spiders ogres, elves, dwarves and halflings. The 'Rage' is absolute anger. Make Karana strong and no feel cuts and pains. The rage is everything and the bloodlust musts be obeyed.

Needs rest nows has spilled much blood, both owns and others. Karana see Dulan tomorrow and expect the rage to return


Re: Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2006, 10:40:42 am »
Karana, proud warrior maiden of the Elksoul tribe of Krashin wondered what she had done to deserve this. Dulan, cleric of Toran was supposed to be her friend, and yet he was punishing her. He had sent her to this hell and she was ill-equipped to get out.

She was stuck in a maze of confusion and lies. A place where corridors lead everywhere to rooms that seemed to have no purpose. She had gone upstairs and downstairs on her quest and now she neared the end. Her palms were sweaty, yet her mouth was dry. She gathered her self together and took a step forward, a step to her destiny. To her fate.

She looked at the heavy door in front of her and read the sign upon it once more, it read, “Pranzis City Hall, Office of Guild Registrations”. This was it. Karana had wandered these halls for what seemed like an eternity, collecting the various bits of paper and getting the numerous required signatures in this large building, all staffed by people who would make demons look helpful and cheerful. In fact Karana knew she would rather fight demons than face bureaucracy again.

Karana knocked on the door and was met with a gruff, “Enter”. She opened portal and spied the officer of Guild Registrations sat behind a heavy desk. He peered at her over the top of his spectacles, a faint smile upon his lips and he twirled his thin moustache.

Karana placed various bits of paper upon his desk and with out a word the man went through them. Karana noted two large stamps sitting upon the desk, but was unable see what the stamps were for. The man picked up one of the stamps and pressed it onto an ink pad.

Then with a speed that startled Karana he brought the stamp crashing down upon her paperwork. The paperwork for her dream. The dream that her and the others had spent the last 6 months fighting to make reality. The decision would either see that dream come true or bring it crashing down around their ears.

Karana was hit by a flash of memories. The initial discussions to try and work together to make their own trading company, memories of the hours she had spent practising her crafts, the hours mining, trying to squeeze her large frame into the deepest smallest corner of the mines to eke out the last bit of ore from a vein. The hours of toil spent smelting and pounding the ore to produce a piece of armour or sword. The gut wrenching disappointment if she failed to make a blade, the giddy excitement of the first time she made a suit of iron chain mail armour.

Also was the memories of the battles to raise the money for house, she remembered the strokes with which she had felled ogres and giants. Also she remembered the blows she took, the ones that had drawn her blood and on three occasions had called the SoulMother to her.

And then a lighter memory, the discussions and the utter failure to come up with a name for the guild. In place of any other options she had started calling it “The Un-Named”. And now the others had also agreed, the new guild would officially be called “The Un-Named”, as long as the powers that be approved.

Karana looked down at the papers on the desk as the stamp was removed. The stamp read.....



RE: Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2006, 06:23:18 am »
Has beens long times since last writ in book. Was ashamed ofs last entry ins book. Is funny nows, water unders bridge.

Karana do much since thens. Has boughts house, has becomes member of news guild.

Has founds love and is engaged. Is funny never thought woulds fall fors elf. Hims small and scrawny likes runt of litter. Buts Oh how hims makes Karana heart pound when he smile ats her. Q is Karana little bunny and she loves hims to bits. His magics makes Karana feels giddy, when he is calm they is playful and good natured, buts when he defendings Karana hes unleash mighty magics. Hims seems larger than a giant withs fire shootings from fingers and lightning crackling arounds him. He likes shaman gods the ancients talk of. Hims steal Karana heart ands soul.

Is odd used to thinks woulds fall in loves with someone like Boon Loom or Xandrian Mor. Thems boths big strong warriors, withs many virtues, but them nots see Karana as more thans comrades. Which is funny. When dragon first call Karana all she want is to be seen as equal by men. Wants prove is as good as them. Now realise is nots just them who thinks Karana is thems equal, but Karana know realise she is equal to any man. No longer has to prove to others as Karana has proved to self. Thats all that matters. Karana friends know ands accept her. Is all that matters.

These days Karana nots even has to fights people to show them her worth. Seems able to scare people withs just a look these days. Is funny sometimes. Glad thems not know is sometimes scared inside too. And then there is the rage. The rage is still there, maybe evens more thans ever. Buts has learnt to sort ofs control it. Cans channel rage now and use it when needs to. Still nots in real control of its but many enemies gets chopped in two when i does.

Business is doings okays for the Un-Named and Karana realise is lucky withs her fellow members. Quilus of course. Hims just brilliant ands has cutest bottom in world. Every craft him set his mind to him seems able to master.

Sh'anda still bits of enigma. She is always serene and calm. Nothing ever seems to bother her. She is becomings good tailor now buts thinks her heart lie ins her scribing. Such is life as servant of the Lord of Knowledge. She somehow seems restless at the moment, and is talking abouts forming new temple.

Dulan is one who concerns Karana most at moment. His path seems to wander through life and change direction lots. He is restless in his crafts and always seems to be looking for new things. His latest thing is to look after the orphans staying at the freelancers. He has attempted to becomes jester. Instead he is fool. Was very funny though. Nearly widdled self when i firsts saw him in motley. Hims is sorts of reverse jester, is funny because is so bad.

The time I has spent working on orders has takens Karana away froms the Farstriders a little. Misses thems. Miss Xan's stoicism, his quiet strength. Miss Jin's wisdom, misses Armolas' common sense and lust for life and nature. Miss Tegan's dry humour, even though she decide to leaves the farstriders. Hopes she comes back whens her heart and head sorted. Most of alls miss Berilu though.  Berilu always bring out the imp in Karana. We is always laughing and jokings, especially ats Tegan when she being alls prim and proper.

Jins has weird dreams recently. Hims drags us around the world to find outs abouts him dreams. Karana nots understand all of its, buts him was bitten in his dream by wolf or werewolf and bite actually appear on his arm. We speaks to man ins wolfwood. Him say the dreams linked to demons and werewolves of old. We needs to sharpen our weapons and hunt as a pack. Minds you Karana still thinks bad dreams due to eating cheese.

Whiles with Jin and finding his answer we wents to dream reader. She can look at peoples, them dreams and thoughts. She had messages for us all. She says to me - “Blessings of love be with you child...but caution I give you. Be wary of Dreger it may not bring the peace to your soul which you so desire”.

Karana know what it means. As the cold of winter settles across the world, Karana find her heart drawn home to Krashin. Fathers spirit call call to Karana. Even the Great Elk seem to beckon. Is times for Karana to go home. Needs sends fathers soul to the afterlife. Must find his sword. And needs to look after the Elksouls. The tribe must survives the long winter.


RE: Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2006, 02:59:55 am »
Has beens huntings werewolfs by ruins in seilwood forest. Is good practice for whens fights besides Jin on his quest to stop hims dreams. Old tree hugger hims say we wills fights demon ands werewolves. Nots finds demons to practice ons, buts do finds outs much abouts werewolves:

One goods hit can chops them in two.
Them is fast and strong
Thems not armoured so is easy to hits
Thems really nots likes silvered greataxe
Thems very hairy

Oh ands was told nots to lets them bite you. Can becomes the wolf if gets biten. Jin probably becomings wherewolf. Mights need chop him. Be sad. hims Karana friend.

Maybes werewolves with demon be harder than ones in seilwood. But knows way to deal with them is just to be Karana. Use rage and might. We wills helps Jin


RE: Book of Karana - do nots use for kindling
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2006, 05:45:51 am »
Karana feels fool. Just fights worgs nots werewolves withs Jin.

Jin beats demon though. Nots really sure what happens, buts Jin loose light ofs Aeriden. Hims now no mores cleric. Says hims feels empty.

Has mades Karana think of trip home. Whats ifs Karana fail? Wills father wander the earth forever? Musts not fail.

And is confused. Who shoulds Karana takes withs her? Hads wanted Tegan to come, buts Tegan change. She becomes darker as she gets more powerful. Is confused. Wants Tegan, but wants Berilu too. Tegan say she fry Berilu if Berilu insult her. Berilu is just Berilu. Always beings silly. Nots know.

