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Author Topic: Journal of Kesa Briams  (Read 209 times)


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    Journal of Kesa Briams
    « on: May 01, 2006, 01:31:04 pm »
    I finally decided to take the time to write down all that has happened to me since I arrived here.  Time goes by so quickly.

    My very first day started out in a good way. I met Kyle and Ferrit Pandorn. They helped me learn how to fish as well as accompany on my first steps towards learning how to use a bastard sword like my father.  I also met Jeremy that day, little did I know that he would bring joy and pain to my life.

    Jeremy and I became fast friends adventuring together. We shared similar interests and got along well.  Before long we fell in love with each other but, it was not meant to be.  I hardly ever saw him and I know that to have my dream of marriage and family come true, I need someone who can be with me more often.

    A halfling I met, Jennara(sp), introduced me to a weapons master by the name of Cole Norseman.  He took me adventuring to see what I could do with a sword so far, then gave me an assignment.  The assignment was to go to Willow's Weep by myself to find out the name of the guard captain.  I haven't decided if I will do this or not.  I think he's trying to test my skills further but, I'm not sure.  Someone gave me directions on how to get to the place by either taking the long way or taking a portal.  The long way would involve some fighting, the portal would not.  This man also reminded me that part of being a weapons master is knowing when to fight and when to talk.  A point I have taken to heart.  I assume Cole knows both ways of getting there so, why send me if he knows I can get there without fighting?

    I've also met a cleric of Beryl by the name of Voon. His brother Boon is a weapons master as well.  Recently I had the chance to go adventuring with both of them.  Watching Boon go into battle was a huge learning experience.  I kept back to use my crossbow and also to take careful note of his stance, how he holds his weapons as well as some ways to attack your enemy.  I look forward to the chance of adventuring with them both again.

    My skill with my sword is growing with every day that goes by. My movements are more fluid, my attacks more sure.  The sword grows more and more comfortable in my hands.  I know that my learning will not end if I do become a weapons master.  If anything, I will be learning even more. I expect it to be never ending.

    When I haven't been adventuring, I've been learning how to mine my own ore to smelt into ingots so that I can one day make my own armor and perhaps make a little extra coin on the side.  Gem crafting is another skill I've been honing. Watching the beauty of the gems come out is so relaxing and peaceful.


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      RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
      « Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 01:41:29 am »
      Things have been rather busy the last little while.  I've been training quite a bit with Voon, along with some others.  I've been learning to strategize more regarding when to fight and how.  I continue to realize that part of becoming a weapon master is learning to control yourself when it comes to going into battle. Just rushing in swinging can quickly become very dangerous.  One must exercise self-control.

      My relationship with Voon continues to blossom.  We've both declared our love for each other, along with our plans for the future.

      I hope to begin work on some new amulets soon. I just need to get the clay to make the moulds.


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        RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
        « Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 11:27:10 pm »
        Had a good talk with Boon Loom, Voons brother and a weapon master himself.  He taught me much about fighting positions and strategies to use.  We then went to the mine in Haven, where I once again had the opportunity to fight along side him and to see him put into actions what he had spoken of earlier.

        My feelings towards Voon continue to grow deeper.  He has told me that it is the same for him.  We spend as much time together as we can.  It's becoming more difficult, with each passing day, to have to be apart from him.

        Collected many raw gems today. I'll get to work on them very soon.


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          RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
          « Reply #3 on: May 06, 2006, 04:37:01 am »
          I decided to head to Leilon to see if I could find Cole Norseman there, to see if he had

          received my letter about completing my first assignment.  Cedric and I had been talking so,

          I asked him if he would like to walk there with me so we could catch up with each other.  

          Cedric seems to be doing well.  We both agreed that we should do some exploring of Mistone


          Met up with Cole at the Leilon Arms Inn and Tavern. He had received my letter. Cole was

          pleased that I had decided to take the portal to get to Willow's Weep rather then take the

          long way.  I asked him to tell me what the purpose of the first assignment was.  He told me

          it was to teach me to always research a task before completing it.  Once again I am reminded

          that it takes using your brain as much as using your sword to be weapons master.  While with

          him, he gave me my next assignment.  I am to retrieve a raw topaz mineral for him.  Once

          again he is not concerned with how I get it, just as long as I do it alone.  For this

          assignment, I will ask around to see if someone can sell me one.  I know that I could not go

          to where the topaz are alone safely.

          While I was at the tavern I met up with Kyle Pandorn.  I was finally able to pay him for the

          sword he made me.  While there, I priced some bronze full plate with him.  He promised to

          hold onto the armor for me until I am able to come up with the money.

          I also let him know that I was no longer seeing Jeremy, as he had asked about him.  It still

          saddens me that things didn't work out for Jeremy and I but, I realize now that it is for

          the best.  Voon makes me very happy.  We both know the importance of a home and family.  We

          compliment each other when we travel and adventure together.

          A few days later a group of us gathered to venture to the Grey Peaks in search of the oil of

          Vukas that Juanita is looking for.  Our tactics for most of the journey were terrible and we

          paid the price of losing three people along the way. Rather then turn around and go back

          with Karana, I had decided to stick with the others as I knew they would be in trouble

          without my blade to help defend.  It ended up being a wasted trip as we could not find the

          oil anywhere.  Once we returned to town, I met up with Karana and a bunch of others who were

          going with her to help find her grave in the Peaks.  I decided that the least I could do was

          go with them to help her reach it.  We did so successfully.  Our tactics and planning were

          for the most part successful.  This whole experience has taught me that I need to trust my

          instincts more.  Once I saw the trouble we were in when we first fought the ogres there, I

          should have spoken up regarding tactics and turning back but, I remained silent for the most

          part.  ... my shyness.  I really need to start speaking my mind and being more vocal.  How

          else can people know what I am thinking?

          So much to think about now as I turn in.


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            RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
            « Reply #4 on: May 07, 2006, 03:35:40 am »
            Went adventuring with a few others, including Jeremy, to the Blood Desert.  Jeremy seemed to be so much more bloodthirsty then I remember before.  During quiet moments he and I began speaking and I was able to fully explain my reasons for breaking things off with him.  We seem to have cleared the air between us now.  My wanting to see Jeremy happy hasn't changed, friends want only the best for each other.

            We tried to have some sort of plan of attack in the desert however, a half-giant that was with us would always rush to attack, leaving us to run in to help.  Luckily, every battle was a success, we all emerged from the desert in fairly good shape.  We all headed to Spellguard to rest and divide the spoils from our trip.

            Voon arrived not long after so, I left with him and journeyed to Port Hampshire where we met up with his brother.  We met up with Karana and Q and decided to take a trip to the Dragon Isles.  We did well for some time until we grew careless in our tactics and were overwhelmed by some minotaurs.  We all fell to them but Voon, Karana and Q were able to get back to their graves.  Voon then used his gifts from Beryl to raise Boon and I.  Once we reached safety, we reflected on what had happened.  It was a very harsh reminder of why it's so important to act wisely and use caution instead of rushing in to fight.  Once all of us had recovered from the ordeal we ventured back to take revenge on the minotaurs and were successful.  We headed back to Leilon where Karana and Q left us.

            Boon, Voon and I decided to go to Fort Velensk.  All of us had a well deserved break to eat, refill our canteens and rest.  I talked to them about my wanting to buy some bronze full plate.  They recommended that I hold off on buying new armor for the moment.  Instead, they said I should concentrate on buying a better shield and getting some rings and amulets that could be more helpful to me in the long run then the slightly better protection new armor could give me.

            After awhile we decided to go into the nearby swamps to clear the trolls from them.  Once again we took our time, gradually luring the trolls to us one at a time instead of all at once.  We proved quite successful in our endeavour.

            Once we had returned to the Fort, we set sail for Leilon.  Voon and Boon decided to sail on to Dregar.  I decided to stay back to get some well deserved rest.


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              RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
              « Reply #5 on: May 09, 2006, 02:22:07 am »
              I finally completed the second assignment Cole gave me.  It happened quite accidentally while I was at the crafting hall in Hlint working on some molds for rings. Jin and Karana came in while I was working.  I decided to buy a ring for bulls strength from Jin.  We got to talking and I found out that Jin is quite the jeweler himself so, I decided to ask him if he had a raw topaz.  He said that he did but that in order for me to get it from him he wanted a chance to talk to me.  Jin asked me if I knew Coles other name.  I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me that Coles other name is "the Slayer" and asked me if I wanted to be a slayer too.  I told him that if he was asking if I would be someone who mindlessly fights at any opportunity, simply for the sake of the kill, that the answer was no.  I also told him how I have learned that being a weapons master is as much using your brain and knowing when to fight and when not to.  Jin seemed pleased with my answer so, he gave me the topaz.  He said that Cole was the one to teach me how to use my weapon well, but that I should seek him out for learning to use my mind properly.  I personally think that he is one of many who misunderstand Cole for all the teachings he has given me are about using my brain and not just my weapon.

              Later on that day I had just finished sending Cole a letter, telling him of my success at this latest assignment, when I met up with him, Jennara and a few others in Hlint.  He was pleased with how I went about getting the topaz, once again reminding me that fighting although it may be my first instinct to do, is not always the best way.  Cole also reminded me that as someone who will likely be in the front lines most of the time, it was important that I am always prepared with plenty of bandages and healing potions.  Also, he told me that it was important that I always have another alternative to the sword to fight with handy at all times.

              Cole, Jennara, a few others and myself then set out to the Battle Fens to collect what we could to help Roldem.  This time around, I was able to fight along side the cole in the front lines, rather then just hang back and use my crossbow.  The battles were difficult but we triumphed, once again using strategy instead of just mindlessly attacking.  Several times I was complimented on a job well done.  It sure felt good hearing that from my teacher.  My hard work seems to be paying off.

              When we had completed our task we stopped just outside of Port Hampshire to talk and for some of us to part ways.  Cole informed me that he had taught me all he could, that now all my learning would come in time with experience from the field.  He said that one day, I might even rival him in my skills!  I was quite stunned to hear that. It has never occurred to me that that could one day be the case.  I let Cole know that I would be happy to fight alongside him anytime he was around and looking for others to join him.  With that we headed into Port Hampshire, from there we sailed to Leilon.  I join him and the others for a quick drink at the Leilon Arms before I took my leave and headed back to Hlint for some rest.


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                RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
                « Reply #6 on: May 11, 2006, 04:14:32 pm »
                The last little while has been quite busy. I had the chance to watch another weapon master, Barion Firesteed(sp) in action.  He showed me his technique for fighting against giants by using his expertise to knock them down.  Barion told me that he would be glad to give me pointers anytime we adventure together.  He seemed impressed at some of the tactics I have come up with on my own.

                I also met his love, Sabrissia.  The two of them make a handsome couple.  Seeing how they are with each other made me even more eager to spend my life with Voon.  I hope to see more of them in the future. Both are great to travel with and I enjoyed talking with Sabrisia very much.

                Voon had two surprises for me these past few days.  The first was when we were in Pranzis sitting by the pond.  He asked me to take him as my husband!  I was so happy at being asked that I almost cried.  Of course, I said yes!  Another goal for my life coming true... The goal of one day having a family of my own, just as Prunilla teaches.

                The second surprise was that today, Voon and Boon bought a lovely house in Krandor.  Voon has asked me to live with him right away. It's a big step, one just shy of our marriage but, it is a step I'm willing to take so I agreed.  Once the old owner has cleared out his things we will begin the ongoing task of turning it into a home for us.  I have taken charge of decorating the hallway and the main room.  Voon and I will decorate our bedroom together.  I know we will never be able to afford many fancy things but, I hope that I can make our home a welcome, comfortable place for us to share our lives with each other and with our friends.  After all, NOTHING is more important then family and the family home.  I'm a bit nervous at sharing my bed with Voon but, he is loving and caring, not interested in rushing anything.  It will be wonderful to lie in his arms in the night and be able to wake to him beside me in the morning.

                I'm too excited to write more.  Time to start planning for more of our life together.


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                  RE: Journal of Kesa Briams
                  « Reply #7 on: May 20, 2006, 10:18:47 am »
                  I've been too depressed to write as of late. Maybe depressed isn't the right word, lonely sounds better.

                  Voon's been away over a month now. I've had no word as to when he will return.  The things I had been so excited about... the house, my crafting, my training, have seemed less important with him away.  But, I must shake myself out of it and get back to work.

                  I've relied too much upon Voon, Boon and their friends for my company so now, with Voon gone, I have no one really to call a friend of my own.  A few acquaintances but, no friends. It's been made even clearer to me these past few days.  At times I feel I am only tolerated until someone else they prefer comes along.  Although I am not told to leave,  the atmosphere grows tense and a harsh silence falls over everyone.  So, I leave.

                  I decided to get dressed up and go out to the Leilon Arms, to donate to the Roldem cause.  One person said hello and asked me how I was.  I must have said something wrong for as soon as I answered he was gone again and I was left alone. Luckily? for me, Exodus came in and bade me to stay for a little longer.  I downed a drink then went to talk to Jharl.  I had said hello to him in passing before but had never talked much with him.  Seems he works at the Arms so, he automatically thought I wanted something.  I ended up looking over what had for sale there and talking about weapons and the like.  That was it for me.  My big social night.  I went home from there and just went to bed.

                  There is a nice paladin I met by the name of Kinson. He and I get along well and fight well together.  I met him when I was sitting and Hlint near the road and he walked by.  I decided to be nice and bade him good evening.  We just got to talking after that.

                  I find it difficult to get along with others. Too much time spent at home helping my parents instead of socializing with people my own age I guess.  I never know how to act or what to say.  I am told to be myself but, being myself means hardly speaking, remaining quiet.  This doesn't exactly make me seem approachable. I have to work this out somehow or remain a very lonely person during the times that Voon is away. I'll just have to try harder I guess.

                  What little training I have done continues to go well.  I mostly stay on Mistone now.  The last few times I've ventured to Dregar have been fraught with peril to the point of dying or nearly dying.  It's a place best left until I'm stronger or with a decent group of those stronger then I.

                  My deepest hope is that Voon will come home soon. I do miss him so.



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                    Re: Journal of Kesa Briams
                    « Reply #8 on: June 04, 2006, 02:44:45 pm »
                    I've been so busy that I completely forgot to write for so long. Much has happened since last time I wrote.

                    My love has returned to me, though not quite the same man as he was.  He hasn't wanted to do much more then sit around town though, Boons return did cheer him greatly.

                    Now that Voon is back, I have begun to take joy in my training and crafting once more. Proud I am to say that I was able to make him an iron tower shield to replace is old copper one.

                    We've made some progress in decorating the house.  It will take some time to make it just the way we want but, so far so good.

                    Our wedding plans are on target once more. My dress is made and I hope that it looks as it should on our day. I want everything to be perfect.

