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Author Topic: Redwing Browne's Notepad  (Read 66 times)


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    Redwing Browne's Notepad
    « on: November 30, 2006, 09:53:05 am »
    [SIZE=13]What a strange journey from Port Hampshire I've had. After the breakup with "she who shall not be named" and the loss of my position within the guild I determined to move north and seek new opportunities. They know not of Redwing Browne and care less.No aggrieved merchant house can ruin my good name since here in Hlint I have no name to ruin. I must start over and begin anew building my character and reputation.I had a strange nighton the last dayas the caravan arrived in Hlint.Dreams of long roads and odd memories filled my head upon waking up just outside the Ilsare Temple on our arrival. I will now call Hlint home at least for the time being.[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=13]The first week has been spent learning my way about town and performing odd jobs for local merchants and the guard. I have little money for proper equipment but will make do as always. The sewer rats here are vicious and hunt in packs. I was scolded by a local official aftersome followed me back into town as I ran for my life. I will not do that again as I've no desire to land in jail.[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=13]Later entry---[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=13]I managed to kill a few rats with help from a kindly stranger and then a few goblins for the guardsmen. This netted me some coin and enabled me to purchase some propermailto enter into battle. I also helped a merchant mine some ore in the local cave. Hard work but I'm used to that. With my trusty hammer and a stout crossbow I'mready for more dangerous work now. Oddly, when battlingthe last remaining goblin in a pack last night I blacked out and awoke back in the temple. I have little memory of theminutes before blacking out but I know I was battling for my life. I should be more careful and travel with friends outside the town walls. Once I make some friends that is. [/SIZE]
      [SIZE=13]Most people here seem to know each other well. Must be a tight knit community. It may take me some time to get to knowothers.Although I've seen much in my life, I must say there are some odd coins hereabouts. I'm trying to locate someone who posted a notice at the local inn. Said he was trying to arrange ameeting of newcomers. I will continue to look for him. Perhaps a group of us newcomers could band together andtry to accomplish something significant. That would perhaps garner some notice and respect from the local crowd and ease our entrance into the Hlint community.[/SIZE]


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      RE: Redwing Browne's Notepad
      « Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 09:32:43 am »
      Met an interesting barbarian looking fellow with weights on his wrists by the name of Grut (I think).  We explored the crypts of Hlint together, killed a few of the walking dead and found a few coins for our troubles.  Grut was badly wounded so we returned to the Inn for some well needed rest.  

      Afterwards, we also met a man who offered to lead us all the way to Fort Himlad to deliver a letter for the postmaster.  We went thru towns, woods, and plains, mostly following the road.  We took a boat from Port Hampshire to Milara and then traveled farther on foot from there.  We never could have fond the place without his guidance.  There was no combat involved.  Unfortunately, he had to lend me 200 gold coins to afford the journey and I must pay him back 250 for his trouble.  Right now I'm a few coins short.  Hopefully I'll have them before we meet again.  Perhaps some more Crypt exploration is in order.  Never know what you might find down there.  

      We also met the mans' friend Blue.  She's an elf of some kind and her skin is actually tinged with blue.  Very odd.  

      I've returned to the inn for a drink and a good rest.


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        RE: Redwing Browne's Notepad
        « Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 10:36:03 am »
        Spending some time at the Inn after the past long trip to Milara.  Saw a note posted by Grut on the wall looking for work.  Didn't see him post it but maybe I was sleeping or having an ale at the time.

        I'll tack a note up beside his and see if we can work together again. I still need the coin for the guide.

