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Author Topic: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call  (Read 534 times)


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2007, 02:16:45 am »
*Clarissa begins a pilgrimage from temple to temple starting in Huangjin.  She conveys the message of her miraculous healing by Toran's own messenger and praises Toran to the congregation.  She also humbles herself and conveys his displeasure with her behavior relating to those who follow deities to whom Toran is opposed.  In each congregation she exhorts the followers to keep faith in the All Watching and to not waver.  She also acknowledges his mercy for not casting her away all together but rather giving her the opportunity to make ammends and correct her ways after a time of his withdrawl.  She leaves each place with a positive message of faith in the one who is truly All Watching.  This pilgrimage will cover every congregation of Toran's faithful in allof Layonara.*


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2007, 12:08:45 am »
I met with Michaelis in the temple in Huangjin and we had a long talk about what I need to do to become the champion I want to be.  We spoke of a delicate balance between compassion and standards.  I have been trying too hard to undo the terrible reputation of Toran's paladin's for being arrogant and proud but at the same time I have forgotten to stand for what matters to Toran rather than myself.  I will strive to rise above the bonds of friendship or any other distractor.  Michaelis said I must see myself as expression of Toran's will on Layonara.  I will do so.  I need to think about how this impacts many things.  I need to judge all things through Toran's eyes and no others.  I will be his hand!  I will be his will!


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2007, 03:12:07 am »
As I make my way from town to town and speak in the temples I have noticed that the Toranite militias do not seem to be the standards of protection that they should be.  They people should see Toran's paladins as there to protect them.  I will add this to my message and encourage the local troops to redouble their efforts and disregard awkward looks as they make the lands safe for the people.  It is the people we serve not our own pride.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2007, 01:57:50 am »
Deception and more deception.  Well of course the enemies of Toran are not open about their faith.  Embarassed I suppose to expose the truth that they follow those that breed chaos and disruption.  A shining messenger of Toran appeared to Rose and I today and rather than restoring Toran's grace as I hoped for a mere moment, he declared, to my horror, that one of our company was a follower of an enemy of Toran.  As we examined our company we discovered that Beasty was a follower of Mist.  I was so disappointed.  Even as he stated he didn't know much about the gods he refused to renounce the Lady Doom.  He parted our company and as long as he maintains his allegiance we will no longer be able to bless him with Toran's light.  My conversation with Michaelis is becoming profetic.  I will forsake the bonds of friendship in the name of Toran.  Storold has demanded that I publicly appologize for calling Lucinda moody, arbitrary, fickle, and unreliable.  I told him that I would be dishonest to say that I did not feel those to be true descriptions of the Lady of magic.  From the tone of his letter I feel he will not abide my presence further.  So be it.  Toran will always remain by side as long as I uphold his standards.  I will have to ask Rose to start screening all who accompany us when we adventure to ensure we are no longer decieved by Toran's enemies.  I wish Toran had granted the gift to me to determine others allegiance but I must rely on Rose for this.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2007, 12:36:55 am »
My pilgrimage goes well.  I have enjoyed the looks on the people's faces as they hear the tale of Toran's message to me.  The wide eyes as I mention the appearance of his holy messenger and the introspective looks when I tell of how he knew what went on even as I sought help elsewhere.  I warn others of wavering in their faith and see in their faces a strengthening of their resolve to stay true to Toran.  As I was travelling through Fort Homestead recently I encounter Caidgh a paladin of Rofirein.  He was on a treasure hunt of sorts.  I enjoyed his company as we followed the clues from place to place ending at the shrine of Rofirein in Huangjin where he found a fine amulet that had been left for him as a gift from Storold and Mylindra.  This sparked a conversation about Lucinda and Storold being mad at me.  Caidgh was very understanding and felt similar to me on many of the issues involved.  It was good to have a friendly ear to listen.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2007, 08:31:18 pm »
Evil never rests.  Regardless of Toran's withdrawl I will continue to stand for him.  Ellena, a young warrior, was bitten by a werewolf.  She is infected to be sure but not converted.  We pursued a wolf into the Silkwood and found a werewolf the likes of which I have never seen.  He moved faster than anything I had ever seen including Krys and Jennara.  Destroying him did not seem to remove the taint from Ellena as it should have if he was the one that bit her.  The one that bit her must still be at large.  I will seek a sage that she mentioned named Harigan.  Hopefully he can shed more light on this particular beast.  It must be put to rest for Ellena's sake as well as all of Mistone since the sickness seems to be spreading.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2007, 06:05:37 pm »
We made it out the hole that Drea cut in the ice and found that we were in Lyn.  Storold, Mylindra, and Tobias were there.  The townsfolk thought giants were attacking because of the hole in the ground.  We figured out that we were the giants and that the hole must have been a way that Gilderad had used to access the caverns.  We explored more of the caverns guided by Emwonk being pulled by the weave and we reached an area with fire elementals and sulfurous gasses.  that led us to a shaft where smoke was coming out and we decended into the shaft.  The heat was sweltering and when we reached the bottom Corba said that it was where the machine had been but the machine was gone.  The corridor out of the room we had entered was guarded by fire genasi and it was a good thing we decided to talk to them instead of fighting.  They were servants of a red dragon named Emberblade.  We were escorted into her presence and she asked us what we wanted.  Corba and I tried to explain but what she wanted was a tale.  Acacea stepped up and through wonderful word pictures she got the dragon's interest and told of the life of Ezlab being like a dying flame that should be revived rather than let fade.  Emberblade was intrigued and made us promise to return and tell her the rest of the tale whether good or bad when we finished the story and she let us into her hoard where the machine was located.  When we tried to move the machine it fell to pieces from age and we picked up and bagged all of the pieces and took our leave.  On the way out our passage was blocked by who else but Gimbol.  He wanted us to give him the parts.  he can speak now and is seperated from the song.  We refused and he bagan to attack us.  We could not reach him since he had a wall of stones around him but Storold managed to stop him from casting and frustrate his efforts.  Then we heard the song and Acacea recognized it.  It was like Ezlab was there and Gimbol said:

Protect the beast.. I'll find a way.. when I have the power...I'll wipe it from the face of this place and all the harmony too.

I think he was referring to Ezlab.

After that the cavern began to shake as the dragon sealed the cavern from below.  She said we would have to find another way to find her to tell her our tale.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2007, 09:09:11 pm »
I have begun to see Toran's wisdom in his withdrawl of his favor.  I see it is both a test and a time a strengthening.  Without his favor's I have been having to rely on different methods of combat.  I have become more proficient at combat techniquest that I would not have otherwise perfected.  When his favor is restored to me I will be much more effective as a result of this time of testing.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2007, 08:59:59 pm »
Toran be praised.  He has once again found favor with me.  I will never falter in my faith again.  As I went through Huangjin on my way to the wind cave and I noticed my sword began to glow brightly and I felt the connection to Toran returning.  I raised my hands in praise and immediately called on his power to aid in my battle with the dark elves there.  It has been so long and it feels so good to be back in his graces.  Toran be praised.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2007, 09:19:52 pm »
I have obtained a green bowl.  Varka found it on some goblins in the Ire mountains.  I hope it to be genuine.  I have all of the pieces now.  I will distribute them between myself and Rose and Kalin to make sure they will be safe and present when we make our entry.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2007, 09:36:27 pm »
*Trying to remember the members names from the Voraxian council, Clarissa mediates on the memory of the event and writes the names and titles as they come to her*

General Superior Haargrim leader of the council
General Deepsnur, of Mistone
General Otek, of eastern Alindor
General Weryglin of the Dragon Isles and Western Alindor
General Arima of Southern Dreger and Vanavar
General Bargor of northern Dreger
General Mournmalk of Belinara

Blik Loremaster of Vorax, Chosen representive by the people at the Council
Azwak Berbera of the scholar clerics
Rhwark Ergar High Elder and of the Scholar Clerics


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2007, 12:42:58 pm »
The Voraxian council is finally convinced.  I hope it was worth the sacrifice.  

We met a scout working for the General and proceeded to explore the Barbarian isles starting in Raven's watch.  Along the way we encountered some barbarians camped and asked them if they knew anything about the white dragon.  They said that if we knew anything that their leader would be interested.  We went to see the leader "The Maul" and it turned out to be a trap.  We were surrounded by 30 or so barbarians.  He demanded tribute in return for proof of the dragons existence and asked Rose and I to come to him and kneel down.  He shaved our heads bald with a knife and then took a large sharp tooth and touched each of our heads.  When the tooth touched our heads a mark that looked like the tooth appeared.  He explained that the dragon would know anytime we entered the barbarian isles and that we should not return without tribute or permission of the dragon.  While that was going on the dragon flew over but did not land so the scout got an eye full.  They let us go and when we got back to Raven's watch General Amira was there and said that the council was convinced but still had no resources to do anything about it so they were just going to leave the isles alone.  There was a discussion about appeasement and the coming conflict and we left with everyone aggreeing that it was good that we knew the extent of the dragons influence and that the information would be helpful in any future conflict.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2007, 11:18:42 pm »
*Clarissa reads a letter recieved from a high noble.  After shaking her head and looking confused she rips up the letter and throws it away*
 Lucindites, bah.  Always having problems, never wanting to share what they know and never grateful for help.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2008, 08:13:31 am »
It's been a while since I recorded my thoughts.  So much has been happening.  I haven't had a chance to sit down and think about it much.  
 We managed to stop Gimbol and restore Elzabeth.  She could no longer stay in this world for long but she left us with a wonderful crystal to remember her by.  Gimbol is in a coma and the lucindites think that his soul may be permanently damaged due to all of the energies he tried to tie to his soul that are now drained.
 The conflict with the vampires are groing.  We have ended Veira and her assistant but now there seem to be even bigger threats.  Some of the Lucindites will be trying to gain some information, maybe they will share it with the rest of us.  If not I will not be surprised.  Once we get all the information we can then I will urge a mission to destroy the lair and lab that harbors and empowers these beasts.
 Investigations into some ancient artifacts that Jennara has discovered have led to an effort to build an observatory to view a comet that will be coming in a few years.  There is also a book that is apparently hiden in the Broken halls on Mistone.  I am very interested in the contents of this book and why the elf that is looking for it is so interested in it.
 I will be meeting soon with the leadership in Huangjin to introduce the idea of building a university there to conduct education from the lowest levels of freed slaves to the advanced studying in combat tactics and dragon Lore to prepare for possible threats in the future.
 Toran strengthen me for the challenges ahead.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2009, 08:17:31 pm »
Finally, I have returned to civilization after so many years in the dark places. Toran's mission was necessary and vital but I missed my friends and in my absence dark forces have been gathering against the people of the lands.
 I am glad to see my friends again. It is also a blessing to see that Toran has been working in the hearts of new followers who have now grown in power and capability so that there are many more of us to do his work.
 I met with Daniella, a new Champion of Toran, and we immediately connected in a way that makes me feel that we will be fighting at each other's sides for many years to come. The bond we share in Toran is strong and I believe it will continue to grow.
 Toran fill me with you power, compassion, and wrath against evil.


Re: Clarissa - Pursuing the Call
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2009, 10:37:57 am »
DIsturbing news has reached me about potential corruption in the Gallant Gauntlet.  Daniella and I spoke to Ortheus and he gave me leave to investigate the confession made by one of Gallant's subordinates.  If the accusation is true there are some serious issues that must be dealt with.  I am remaining objective and hopeful that this is all a misunderstanding but something keeps the hairs on the back of my heck feeling a bit strange.  Toran grant me wisdom and discretion in dealing with this situation.