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Author Topic: Journal of Stygian Achnuman  (Read 7141 times)


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2009, 04:54:48 pm »
The agent I hired to find the Slave Master has returned some very disappointing news. After great expense in coin and time the identity of the Slave Master has been discovered, but it appears he has been killed. *Grimaces*

I finish scratching a message onto the parchment, fold it in half, and seal it with a blob of hot wax. I take out a silver skull signet ring and press it into the pliable material. I snap my fingers and a small red devil materializes from invisibility next to me, it's long forked tail whipping back and forth slowly. There is a long silence as I stare at the folded parchment and contemplate the ramifications of sending the message. I would be placing myself in league with one of the most powerful and evil beings in this world, a destroyer, and a creature capable of ascending to god-hood if he chose to focus on that path. After what seems an eternity I hold it toward the red devil and say in a low voice, "Take this to Milara's Throne."

The red devil immediately freezes, no movement is discernible. After several heartbeats it moves forward to take the parchment, and disappears into invisibility again.

//PM was sent to "L". I believe he originally was the one playing Milara when the three tasks were given to me.

Agent hired that provided the information was Xaltotun's  character Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2010, 01:19:44 pm »
Two large cargo vessels, escorted by three military vessels anchored just outside of Port Hempstead's harbor. They bore the overly familiar banners of Rael. A smaller vessel was lowered into the water and a representative accompanied by several human guards made their way into the city to talk to the authorities. A few hours later, food supplies were ferried ashore, enough to feed many a mouth. I heard some of the hungry mutter thanks to Lord Rael the Benevolent, and this sickened me. When the weak turn to one more powerful in their time of need opportunities can be created, but in this case nothing but trouble would be the result, for me anyway... My business operations in Prantz are difficult. Rael rules with an iron hand, and his troops are nearly incorruptible fanatics. He also imposed restrictions on use of the Al Noth. A pain in the arse.

A few days later, the ships departed, yet nobody saw the emissary return to the ships... Rumors about an ambassadorship soon surfaced. I have decided to nip this problem in the bud, for lack of better words. I contacted my best agent, Ma Baker and have taken out a contract for the assassination of the want-to-be ambassador. I have requested it to be very public and messy.

Roughly a week later Ma Baker set up a meeting. Interesting enough she was seeking information on my Corathite ritual. She must have connections to Naster, and I made a quick mental note. I gave her a little tidbit, stating it was religious in nature and refused to answer more.

She informed me that the assassination is preceding and they are in the intelligence gathering stage. This indicates she has access to resources that may prove valuable in the future. She asked about other agents and I merely told her to consider them as competitors. If they fall they were not worthy to be employed by me. She seemed to enjoy that response.

She informed me that she goes by another name for this type of work... "Duchess." I reciprocated and gave her my business name. This may prove to be fruitful if I can begin opening up a market with some of her underworld contacts for goods and services.

As of now, I eagerly await the results of these actions. The sense of power one gains from ordering the death of another is proving to be somewhat... intoxicating. *chuckles*


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2010, 01:28:28 pm »
I heard a voice in the air. It was unmistakably arcane in nature, if it was real. A barmaid at the Harpy was standing no less than two feet from me and gave no indication of hearing anything. It raised the hair on the back of my neck.

"You suppose much, nothing is impossible. Send this agent."

I knew it was Milara. With these words I thought I detected the faint odor of decaying flesh, but then it was gone. I contacted Ma Baker soon afterward and informed her that her presences was required at the Throne of Milara. If she survives this she will prove to be a most capable agent indeed. If she survives...

//PM received from "L." PM sent to Xaltotun.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2010, 01:04:54 am »
I leaned on my crystal skull-topped staff in the shadows of Vehl, watching and listening. The crippled and limping figure that was the focus of my scrutiny had just scarred a band of young thugs away with a small warping of the Al'Noth... a cantrip. The young man seemed to show some amusement at their fear and hasty retreat. Without looking down to my left side, where I knew the invisible red devil also watched, I whispered "Follow him and watch. Report back to me in two days."

The young man looked angry, and if he harbored the small spark of hatred I knew must smolder within his heart, I might be able to fan it into a consuming flame that could mold him into a valuable tool.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2010, 01:11:30 am »
After two days I located the young man in Fort Vehl and approached him. After some cursory questioning and conversation I determined I was correct. He did indeed have that small spark of hatred. I sowed the seed and now wait to see if the sprout unfurls... If he shows up in Haftlake with his possessions, his feet will be directed onto the path of the Dark Lord.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2010, 08:49:49 pm »
Stygian lounged in the chair in front of the fireplace in his Haft Lake residence deep in thought. The nubile and curvy body of his consort was stretched out on a rug close to the fire, thin bat-like wings wrapped around her body to hide her nakedness. She pulled a small red hot cinder out of the coals with her bare fingers and flicked it at the small red devil perched on the edge of the wood pile. She laughed softly as the devil hissed at her and jumped away.

Stygian says in a quiet voice, almost as if it were for his own benefit only "It appears our cripple who exhibited so much promise does not have the courage to tread the left hand path. A shame."


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #46 on: February 17, 2010, 10:38:00 pm »
Stygian pursed his lips in thought. He was somewhat at a loss. Any indication of who Naster was had eluded him thus far. It appeared there was no reference to his insignia in any known library he had access to. Vacha, his most recent servant and consort had walked into the room. She was dressed in a flimsy night dress that barely concealed her form and she chuckled as she put her arms around Stygian's shoulders.

Stygian ran his finger a long the side of Vacha's face, moving a strand of ebony hair around one of the small horns jutting from her forehead. Her body was voluptuous and curvy, in all of the right proportions. In darkness she could easily be mistaken for a beautiful human woman, if one were able to overlook the small bat-like wings sprouting from her back and the obvious cloven hooves.

"Vacha, There is one who goes by the name of Naster He can often be found in Vehl. He has accepted a contract of sorts from me and I wish to collect. He knows me only as "Adder." The subject of this contract is an elven prisoner. I wish you to find him and take possession. Also, while you are there and interacting with him, use your wiles to get as much information as possible about who he is." *Stygian looked her up and down meaningfully* "He wears the insignia of a Dragon or a Demon devouring a withered head." She smiled and purred like a great cat and responded in a throaty voice. "The task will be a pleasure." Stygian turned and began to walk away, but stopped, and said without turning around. "And Vacha... Do not fail me. Failure will have dire consequences. We wouldn't want your heart ripped out of your chest for sacrifice to the Dark Lord... would we? She chuckled as she opened the door to leave. "Of course not my master... of course not."


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #47 on: April 01, 2010, 12:56:00 am »
Vacha opened the front door to the Haft Lake location and walked into the entryway, a slight frown on her voluptuous lips and a long bundle resting on her right shoulder, wrapped in a dark blue wool blanket. The boots hanging out the lower end were a good indication of what was hidden from view. She thought to herself that normally her best course of action would be to flatter and tempt a mortal and buy herself some time, but Stygian was not a normal mortal. His intellect was sharp, bordering on genious. She would have to play it by ear and see where it would go. Stygian was not one to brook failure lightly. She would figure out what to do later... all she needed was some time.

Stygian heard the door open and the tell-tale sound of cloven hooves. He knew Vacha had finally arrived. When he walked around the corner he caught sight of her curvy form and smiled to himself. She dropped her package unceremoniously onto the wood floor and smiled broadly as she nodded her head and said "My master." Stygian nearly purred as he kneeled to examine the corpse, "Very nice. Naster is proving to be very competent. And how did you fare in your assignment?" She paused, Stygian could sense her fear. He savored it and nearly smiled. She said softly, "Naster's men delivered the package. They said he was away on business. I did not have an opportunity to ply my talents" Stygian stood and looked at her for a long moment. For Vacha the seconds seemed like very long minutes. "Then you did not fail." He waved his hand dismissively. "Go." She pulled her hood over her head and quickly left the building, letting out a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind her.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #48 on: April 01, 2010, 01:36:06 am »
Stygian grabbed a heel of the elven corpse laying in the entryway of his house and commenced to drag it to the kitchen. He hummed softly to himself as he picked it up and laid it on the long wooden table. Rigor had already come and gone, and there was some slight bloat beginning in the body cavity. Still humming he retrieved a rolled leather satchel from a nearby shelf and unrolled it on the table holding the corpse. It contained a large number of wicked looking knives and cutting instruments. He pulled out one with a short thick blade and commenced to removing the front part of the skull from the body. After a few minutes the face was removed.

In mid hum he stopped and began to chuckle. It was humorous how events transpired to bring him to this point. It would have been fairly simple for him to murder an elf and obtain the front portion of the skull to make a ceremonial mask for his Corathite rites... but this made it even richer, more perverse. He had brought others into the act, weaving a web that connected many different beings into the murder and intrigue. Their acts were unknowingly for the glory of the Dark One. Soon he would have more materials provided in the same way. The masks would be needed for the Maligare he was planning to form, and over which he would preside as Stipacio.

Without looking up from the half skull he was now shaving flesh, skin, and brain matter off of he said "Gimp, take care of the mess." A small red devil with a long forked tail materialized on the table and began chewing chunks of flesh off of the corpse. It would be consumed within the hour.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2010, 06:59:48 pm »
I have woven a tangled web, intricate and beautiful. Many others have been drawn into it. I have contracted for the creation of a masterpiece. The skull of a Toranite priest will be taken to create a lacquered mask for use in my greater rituals to the Dark Lord. I have put Naster's group to use for this, particularly Solena his spiritual adviser. She has been bound to the task with an advance of enchanted jewlery. I noted she was cautions and she checked the pieces for any black magics at the exchange. I sense they are a dangerous lot. At a previous meeting I caught a glimpse of hand signs from her to Naster. Although I did not know the meaning, my knowledge was great enough to suspect a sign language frequently used by Dark Elves. Deciphering anything from it is beyond my ability. All research has come to dead ends as it appears to be a well guarded secret knowledge. In hind sight it is an interesting observation that Naster, Solena, and Ma Baker are all well covered and hooded. They also do not meet in hours of sunlight. Perhaps my curiosity into the insignia on Naster's armor should be directed into the Deep...


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #50 on: May 23, 2010, 12:57:09 am »
Opportunities must be seized.

I dropped a few coins onto the countertop of a small roadside inn near Northpoint and asked for a room, pulling my hood low to my brow. I had heard of a recent massacre from agents of The Ram. I knew I had to work quickly and make my way out of the area with all due haste, for rumors of the imminent arrival of Toranite paladins was passing from peasant to peasant wherever I was in a position to overhear conversations. The place was ripe for the work of the Dark Lord. That was why I was there...

The old wooden stairs creaked as I made my way to the rented room upstairs. I closed the door behind me and waved my free hand over a candle on a small table, muttering a few soft words. The candle ignited and gave off a feeble light. I sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the burlap cloth from around the box I was carrying in my free hand to reveal a small cage with three fat rats in it. I looked at them and smiled, my fingers weaving an intricate pattern over them while dark and forbidden magic issued from my lips. Disease entered their bodies. I then whispered a few more arcane words and they dropped to the floor of the cage, dead. The final syllables I uttered raised the animals into a state of undeath. The cage door was opened and I told them: "Go... perform the work of Corath." The diseased undead scurried out of the cage, and disappeared into a hole in the wall. The candlelight failed to glint off of eyes already turning milky white.

I cast an invisibility spell on myself and quietly left the inn, not to be seen again...


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #51 on: May 23, 2010, 01:17:31 am »
I stumbled as I was spat from the bindstone in Arnax and struggled to keep my feet. I nearly wretched with the effort, wiped a line of spittle from my chin, and began laughing softly. I muttered "fools." I grabbed a nearby acolyte and instructed him to have someone send a wraith to find Dr. Vensk and give him the following message.

"The deed is done at great cost and effort. Watch for your opportunity. It will come soon."

The chaos was beautiful, but it had purpose. My only regret was I could not have continued to other villages and hamlets to bring the touch of my Dark Lord. Gimli also fell, and even now does not know he played a part in furthering the will of Corath. It is ironic that the necromancer I enlisted him to help us hunt was no other than myself. *chuckles* I was pleasantly surprised to see that the death and pain stemming from this operation continues even now. Gimli was enraged that the Rofies and their lackeys allowed him to be murdered. It was so easy to goad him and enflame his sense of honor. Whispering advice into his ear has prompted him to hire assassins to track down and kill those that interfered in our plans. I am acting as his "go-between" and have contacted Naster to facilitate Gimli's wishes. Gimli is walking a fine road, and it seems it takes very little nudging to steer him down "the left-hand path." I will have to continue with this. He would prove to be a valuable ally, and servant...

//Wanted in the Boyer Kingdom for murders in village of Dasbar.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2010, 12:31:26 pm »
Adder had been watching the boy for most of the morning from a shadowed alcove near the Vehl docks. The young man was practicing arcane cantrips, and it was quite evident he was someone's apprentice. Adder was a little perplexed why he was so preoccupied with the boy, but he knew the Dark Lord often presented opportunities to the vigilant... so he watched, and he waited.

Soon a cruel little smile tugged at Adder's lips. Two larger boys showed up and began bullying the young man. A few blows were landed and some insults shouted before the two hooligans left and disappeared into a nearby alley, leaving the young man on his knees with a bloodied lip. Adder quickly walked to the young man and offered him a hand. "Here, let me help you up. It seems those not gifted with the will to harness the Al'Noth often resort to this foolishness to prop up their own machismo, no?" The young man took his offered hand and grinned as he was pulled to his feet. Adder reached into a pouch and withdrew a thin bone cylinder, uncapped it, and pulled out a rolled scroll parchment. "Take this and use it on one of those louts, it will teach them a lesson." He chuckled lightly as the young man took the scroll from him. "It creates fear. They will think twice before accosting a soon-to-be master such as you."

The young man headed towards the alley and Adder blended into the late morning crowd as he headed towards the city gates. The phantasmal killer spell scribed onto the parchment he gave the boy was sure to kill, if he was able to trigger it. It was important that the touch of Corath be felt by the Indignus, that hatred and anger be fanned into flames of abhorrent deeds for the greater glory of the Bone Lord.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #53 on: June 28, 2010, 12:47:24 am »
The thaumaturic triangles of the containment diagram were perfectly inscribed within the circle on the floor. Stygian had made some minor experimental changes to some of the symbology though. The lines comprising the geometric form flashed brightly and diminished to a very faint glow as Stygian's chanting came to a conclusion. He was pleased thus far.

In the center of the innermost triangle lay a Halfling sized thing composed of sewn together body parts. Stygian began chanting again as he began the casting of a modified animate dead spell. Black tendrils of mist began to coalesce in the containment diagram and work their way into the lump of sewn together flesh.

As he concluded, he watched and waited. After many long minutes the dead thing moved, barely a twitch. The movement became more pronounced after several more minutes. The creature raised its head and looked at Stygian with eyes that had become red pinpricks of light. Stygian issued a command to the creature to stand. After a few moments there was no response. It was obviously not under control.

Stygian outstretched his hands and enveloped the circle with several jets of dense and super-hot flame. When he was done the creature was nothing more than a pile of ash. This would require a considerable amount of contemplation to determine what had happened. It could lead to significant discoveries in the future.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2010, 01:16:14 pm »
Stygian was looking for a foothold in Fort Vehl to use as a launching point for operations in service to the Dark Lord. It seemed a logical step to ply a trade that would give him access to raw materials and victims who would never be missed or mourned. He headed to one of the local mortuaries, 'Goude & Partner, Morticians and Burial Services, intent on submitting an application for employment.
Upon entering the front office and asking for an application a bored and sullen attendant placed a parchment in front of him, with a number of questions on it. "I assume you can read?" He looked at Stygian blankly. "Fill this out and bring it back when you're done."
Stygian took the offered form, laid it on the counter, and pulled out a writing instrument and began filling out the form.

1/ What is your full name and what city, nation were you born in?
Stygian Achnuman. Born in the city of Arnax, Kingdom of Nesar.

2/ How deep must a body be buried to prevent the earth sinking in during the putrefaction and bone stripping phase of decomposition?
This question can have several answers. If the body is contained inside a stone casket or coffin the burial depth is sufficient at 36 inches, as the rigid surface of the container will keep any earth sinking event from occurring.

Most jurisdictions require a depth of 6 feet for burial of linen clad bodies and wooden caskets, which is sufficient to both prevent earth sinking during the putrefaction and bone stripping phase of decomposition... and to provide sufficient weight on top of the body or container to prevent movement in the case of undeath taking hold.

Also, earth composition should be considered. Loose loamy soils and aggregate materials are more susceptible to settling, thus may require greater depth then heavy clays.

3/ Have you worked with dead bodies before? If so where and why?
Yes. I worked for five years as an apprentice mortician to a Nester Bondalavalin in Arnax. I also worked as an assistant to a Reedlin Stirelin in Arnax for another 6 years.

4/ Do you have any references? If so, please provide at least two.
Nester Bondalavalin -- Deceased. Plague was cause of death.

Needlin Stirelin -- Deceased. Taken by the Temple of Corath.

I am also proficient in standard burial, embalming, mummification, and cremation. In short, I can probably answer any question you have or demonstrate any procedure required. And yes, I can read very well.

5/ Do you have a particular faith you ascribe to?

6/ Do you have a fetish about the dead?
No fetish. Necrophilia is disgusting, if that is what you're getting at...

When complete, he pushed it across the counter and stared at the clerk with the same blank look he had received from him earlier and waited....

The attendant looked at Stygian several times after reading the form, then excused himself and hurriedly headed into the back of the office through a single door. Moments later he returned with a tall, lanky man in a dark embroidered suit. He approached the desk with Stygian's application in hand and looked at him for several minutes. When he spoke, it is with a slow drawl and soft demeanor.

"You have some experience then, you are fortunate. My last mortician tried to rob a corpse he was supposed to bury two weeks ago. The father of the woman who died caught him and killed him with his own spade. I too knew Needlin in Arnax, he was very skilled." Without letting you speak further he continued.

"I will give you a three month trial. You start tomorrow. I am Vilhelm Goude, your new master."

Stygian worked diligently in his new position, ever conscious that he was under the scrutiny of a master of the craft. Many months passed, and those months turned to years. From time to time the occasional street urchin, addict, or beggar would disappear, never to be heard from or seen again. Although he had to often leave on "personal business" for short periods, he always returned to provide services for his employer and delve deeper into the knowledge and practices of the mortician. He was hoping that soon he would be in a position to be declared a Journeyman mortician and licensed to practice in some of the smaller outlying towns and villages....


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2010, 11:30:24 am »
Recent activities in Arnax and Nith

News reaches Adder via a messenger wraith from an ally in the Arnax temple. He immediately journeys to the city through a portal and heads into the dock districts to investigate, using various scrying techniques. He sends his imp into the alleys to search out evidence and questions any who may have seen something of importance.


When you arrive in Arnax, debris from the wrecked ship and docks is still being removed.
You are not surprised to find various other mages and Clerics of various faiths, also attempting to discern the nature of the attacks and their origins.

All you are able to sense is a lingering taint of Conjuration magic... as though a portal had been opened here... or something of immense power was summoned, strong enough so that its taint still lingered after such a long time had passed since it had left.

Your imp finds little news, mainly due to the fact most are unwilling to talk to the little critter, but what it does learn is this...

.. A ship had recently docked, infact, it was the very ship which burnt and sank on the dock. Not moments of it docking, the mist rolled in across the docks area... and splitting screams of pain and terror filled the air.

The creatures, which seemed to crawl on all fours, attacked any in their path, but it was noted they were restricted to the mist... they did not venture out of it.

Eventually the mist cleared, leaving bodies dead on the docks and in the water.. and a burning ship in its wake.


Adder makes his way to the Harbor Master's office in Arnax and inquires into the name of the destroyed ship in the harbor, where it hails from, and what it's manifest lists as cargo. He is interested in who holds ownership interests and where they are from. He is willing to offer a substantial bribe, or resort to threats and intimidation, whichever is most appropriate. He will also conveniently make a Corathite holy symbol visible briefly if the harbormaster balks... with the threats behind that action left unspoken, but abundantly clear.*

Adder makes further discreet inquiries in the Arnax dock areas as to anyone who may have seen a group of people removing a body from the wreckage, if any of the individuals doing the removing were known or recognized, and if their destination after leaving the docks was known. He also inquires into anyone being asked questions by officials claiming to be representatives of the Arnax Council.

After all of this he tasks his imp familiar with diving and exploring the underwater wreckage in the Red Rabbit's docking slip. He then secures passage for Lor intent on further investigation.

The ships name was the Red Rabbit, a small passenger and cargo ship from Arnax, that frequently makes deliveries from Lor to Arnax and Nith and then back again.
The owner of the ship was a Captain March, who it seems died during the attack, and aside from the Captain, no one else has stepped forward to make a claim.

The Dock Master does mention however, that one of the passengers was missing. He claims that during the confusion, a group of people claiming to be from the Arnax council removed a body from the wreckage.
Where they went to and why is uncertain, as to who's the body was, as several of the victims were so badly burnt and mutilated, it makes it impossible to deem who was who.

It's at this point, where you come across a ships captain who states he took the individual's who removed the body on board his ship. Although he didn't know at the time, after returning to dock and learning the story, and considering his own encounter he had with them, he puts two and two together.

He claims the group sought passage to Nith, but half way through the voyage, some kind of powerful creature made of metal appeared on their ship, told the group to move closer, and then pooof! Like that... they were gone.

One of the sailors briefly recalls them discussing a Contract and a Grey Beard, but they kept to themselves away from the crew.


When Adder arrives in Nith he steps off the ship and glances into the skies briefly, well aware of rumors circulating concerning dragons and other troubles around the borders to the North. He mulls over a couple of ideas unrelated to his current endeavor and smiles. There could be many opportunities to further the will of the Dark Lord here...

He soon finds a small seedy tavern and inn near the docks, rents a room, and plans out his next course of action.


Later in the afternoon he instructs his imp to roam the dock areas and local inns under magical invisibility and seek out rumors or word concerning a "greybeard." He is to listen only and not show himself. An immediate report is ordered to be delivered if he finds any promising leads. At the same time Adder makes his way to the Harbormaster's office to inquire into obtaining a copy of the passenger manifest for the Red Rabbit. He is prepared to offer a generous bribe if required. He is also interested in any information concerning groups booking passage to Arnax in the last month or so, and their stated identities if any are recorded. He also wanders around town discreetly scrying and looking for indications of residual conjuration magics. He will also stop by any shops carrying spell components and inquire into any large purchases of items related to conjuration.


Adder had a fairly short conversation with a dark figure in the dock areas of Nith and was handed a folded parchment. He shook his head in the affirmative once and the dark figure turned and walked into a nearby alleyway and disappeared into the shadows. He smiled and chuckled lightly, whispering to himself, "The Dark Lord works in mysterious ways at times, but he always leads his faithful to the most opportune places to plant their seeds of death and destruction. I suspect this is a grand scheme Oraculum..."

Adder continued his investigation for the purpose of finding out who knows what. He planned on "tying up some loose ends."

Adder had been waiting in Nith for several days. The ship Captain he had obtained initial information from in Arnax was due to pull into port any time. He did not have to wait long. Late afternoon the ship had docked and he found Captain Hroth on the pier directing his crew in the unloading of cargo.

Adder approached him smiling and greeted him as if he were a business associate in good standing. The Captain did not buy the facade remembering immediately the dark cloaked person from Arnax, a city where the weak and gullible often ended up on the altar, or missing. The Captain was unsuccessful in hiding the grimace that appeared on his face.

"Captain Hroth! Good to see you again! I'm Adder, the gentleman you spoke to in Arnax concerning the strange occurrences on your ship..."

"Er, right. I remember. What ye doing here?"

Adder smiled again. "Can I have a few moments?"

"A few and no more. I've got work to do, if you can see."

Adder replied without hesitation, "I'm employed by an insurance company with a contract on the destroyed ship... The Red Rabbit. My investigations have brought me here to Nith and raised some more questions. I was hoping to get some clarifications on what you saw and record some additional information." He smiled again. "I can pay for the time...." Adder jingled a pouch heavy with coin.

"Insura-wha- oh, alright, ifn' there's coin in it, why not."

"Perhaps your first mate can handle the unloading and we can go somewhere more private. Your time might be worth what? A thousand true??" Adder smiled again broadly.

The Captain balked at Adder's's offer, glancing around a little warily. Sensing some apprehension Adder said: "There is no harm intended, I assure you." He jingled the purse again seductively.

"A thousand?" *his voice was hushed* "Aye, that could be worth it. Just not so loud, alright?"

Adder held out the purse. "I can even pay you in advance." *He smiled again* "And if your information is good, there may be more..." He then motioned the Captain to follow, handed him the purse, and headed away from the docks. The Captain followed warily, looking over his shoulder long enough to yell at his men, "Alright! Get this ship unloaded and quick! I'll be back in a short few, and when I return, this boat better be ready for the next haul!" He looked back to Adder. "Where we going?"

"I have a quiet place prepared over here... I will be doing some art renderings of the strange passengers based on your memorized descriptions..."

"Um, yeah, okay."

Adder led him to a secluded place behind some houses. He pulled out some parchments and ink. Set up a quill stand on a rock and said, "Ok. How good is your memory?"

"Good enough." He squinted at Adder, obviously uncomfortable.

"Can you remember the details of what personal affects the passengers had on them, smells, eye colors, skin tones, clothing types, styles, etc?" He readied his quill and paper, watching the Captain intensely. "If not, I can prepare a small enchantment to aid your memory."

"Eh? You said nothing about no magics. Look, I just tell you what I know, you give me the money, and we call it a day, yeah?" He took a step back and said, "No magic, and I'll settle for the thousand."

Adder knew he was getting ready to lose his prey. He quickly began chanting an incantation, dropped his quill and parchment, and reached for the Captain. The man jumped back and attempted to flee, but not before Adder's fingers brushed against the frightened man's arm. The Captain crumpled to the ground in a lifeless heap and a muffled cry as his life force was ripped from his body by foul necromantic magic.

Adder looked about, listening intently. The dying man's cry did not draw the attention of anyone. That was good. It would have complicated things greatly. Adder bent down, retrieved his coin purse, and grabbed the Captain's head, tilted it up, and looked into his dead eyes. He smiled and said, "Loose lips sink ships my dear Captain." He left the body where it fell, unconcerned over who would find it, and packed his equipment.

Satisfied that a loose end was tied up he headed to the Dock Master to make further inquiries. A hefty bribe gained him visual access to the passenger manifest for the Red Rabbit. Seeing that nothing out of the ordinary was contained therein he assumed the passengers were traveling under false names. A short while later he was in a secluded area that allowed him to cast an invisibility spell and teleport out of the area.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #56 on: November 13, 2010, 09:49:17 pm »
PM sent to Geloooo's Ni'haer Helvivirr

*While tightening the barding and saddle on your horse outside The Harpy, a voluptuous female figure walks from the shadows, her alluring hips swinging seductively. You raise an eyebrow in amusement until you see a reptilian barbed tail swish under the edge of her cloak, and small ebony horns high on her forehead nearly covered with long black hair. Your disgust for pit creatures and those relying on them immediately becomes apparent. She speaks in a silky and soft voice...*

"My master Adder sends me to deliver a message. He asks that you remind your "Spiritual Advisor" that she is still indebted to him for providing a set of enchanted jewelry. He asks only that she remember the bargain, and he demands no timetable. He is in no hurry, but he does not forget. He sincerely hopes she is capable of performing the task, and that he did not overestimate her abilities."

She turns to walk away, and then looks over her shoulder. She smiles while displaying her mind-blowing curves. "And he again offers me as company if you so choose. I'm sure I would offer better entertainment than your own kind." After a couple of seconds she continues walking away and disappears into the shadows.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #57 on: April 03, 2011, 03:03:07 am »
Stygian dipped his quill into the ink well and again began scribing in the small black journal. Candle light threw odd shaped shadows on the walls. He smiled lightly. Plans were on track, and his personal power was increasing by leaps and bounds. Stipatio of a Magilare of the stature of Mesgard was quite an accomplishment, even if it was secured through guile and deception. Victory in the bloodstand was ensured. The old woman offering aid turned out to be a creature of the pits, and obviously had a vested interest in both the Magilare and the church. The price was souls, imprinted on soulstones. She may prove to be a valuable ally, or deadly advessary. Only time would tell. If she planned on using him as a puppet, she had her work cut out for her. He would have to do some research to see if he could find out more about her.

This could all lead to more, much more. His fascination with the legends surrounding the Black Wizards had never diminished, and burned just as hot and bright as it did those many years ago when he was under the thumb of Acron.

He placed the quill back into the ink well, leaned back in his chair and contemplated further what could be.... what would be.


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #58 on: April 03, 2011, 08:16:19 pm »
A new employee, always a pleasant occurrence. The opportunities to corrupt a good soul should never go unexplored. The lad's name is Castor Goodshot, and he has been retained as a deliveryman in exchange for room and board. If he only knew where his predecessor was, he probably would not have taken the job. The poor soul was caught in my downstairs area and has found himself pickling in a 50 gallon barrel of vinegar. He might be rather tasty in a few months....


Re: Journal of Stygian Achnuman
« Reply #59 on: April 23, 2011, 01:15:51 pm »
// A general summary of his CDQ, posted in the journal for ease of reference.

Our story begins on Mistone, in Fort Vehl. Stygian, hungry for power and to climb the ranks of a Maligare but uncertain how to attempt it, is approached by an old woman, Dianne, looking to make a deal. She seems to have been watching him and knows both his identities, but offers information on the Gloom Woods Maligare as a show of good faith.

Unfortunately, the Gloom Woods/Mesgard Maligare is currently headed by a very strong practitioner known as The Leper. The next two strongest mages in the Maligare, Hemlock and Vileslash, respectively, would love to take his position from him, but cannot beat him in the Blood Stand, the Cruor Sto. And of course the Cruor Sto allows no magical cheating, and as yet no one has been able to figure out how to beat him.

Stygian tentatively accepts the old woman's help, knowing that it will come with a price later. She gives him a stone known as a Blood Ruby, which apparently is from one of the Pits and very rare on Layonara. Stygian tracks down the place where The Leper hides his secret ring, then manages to disguise the Blood Ruby with magic and swap it out for the more mundane ruby in The Leper's ring. He waits for the Leper to weaken, knowing that Hemlock will challenge him. He also manages to switch out the ruby again before anyone notices, and returns it to Dianne.

When Hemlock is head of the Maligare and The Leper has disappeared, Stygian meets with Dianne again. This time, she demands a dozen soul stones containing various essences as her price. He accepts, and she gives him knowledge of a parasitic creature that lives in a certain part of the swamp, known as a blood worm and how to harvest the juveniles from the mother. She also tells him where Hemlock spends some of his ... recreational time.

Stygian tracks down the bloodworm and harvests the young ones by slitting open one of the mothers he kills. He collects them, then heads for Hemlock's remote cottage in the Gloom Woods, where Hemlock does many of his own private experiments. He finds that Hemlock also has unusual appetites, judging from the dead bodies with flesh removed and gnaw marks on the bones, and the "stew" that is simmering at body temperature for dinner. Before Hemlock comes back, Stygian dumps the vial of larva in the stewpot.

Another Cruor Sto is called some weeks later, and Vileslash makes a grab for Stipatio. He succeeds in beating Hemlock, as the bloodworm parasites have weakened Hemlock considerably. A few bloodworms are seen squirming on the altar and there is a discussion about whether cheating has occurred, but it is eventually concluded that if Hemlock wants to go about indulging his unusual appetites, perhaps blood parasites are just one of the risks, and the victory should be allowed. Hemlock is treated by Professor Celiac, but he warns that the damage to his internal systems was probably somewhat permanent.

Stygian makes a final deal with the devil, and learns her true form. He meets Dianne in the woods instead of in the city, as they had been doing. She reveals herself to be a Pit creature, and makes him swear a blood oath that in gratitude and exchange for her aid, he will provide her with a steady stream of victims as "food" to satisfy her hungers. He agrees, and she gains access to Vileslash and feeds on him the night before Stygian is due to challenge him. As such, when Stygian challenges him, Vileslash is greatly weakened and Stygian manages to squeak out a victory. Duincharith (Dianne's real name) promises to help keep him Stipatio by feeding on any challengers, in return for additional favors she might request of him at any time.

As a side note, this particular Maligare is part of the sect known as Quas Discessum, dedicated to breaking the Astral Locks. They dedicate themselves to twisting forms, corrupting things, and trying to break the locks. Stygian feels right at home.