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Author Topic: Clarissa (quest to be a champion)  (Read 221 times)


Re: Clarissa (quest to be a champion)
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2007, 04:32:59 am »
*sitting down once more she enters into deep meditation more and more easily as time goes by and she grows comfortable with her understanding of her place in the church*

Remain virtuous and honorable in all ways. Do not participate in anything that would require you to compromise your Code. These are the laws of the Paladin, and those who would treat them lightly are not worthy of the title.

This statement is the overarching principle of the entire code.  Virtue and Honor without intentional compromise.  This is what I will give account for when I finally lose all contact with this world and face Toran himself.  On that day if he smiles at me and is proud of how I bore his name nothing else will matter.  This is my goal in all things.

*she sits for a long time with a serene smile on her face lost in some other place obviously in good company*


Re: Clarissa (quest to be a champion)
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2007, 08:35:39 pm »
//This is a vision received as a result of completion of a CDQ to become a Champion of Toran run by Eorendin.

One night, as you sleep, your father comes to you in a dream. His face shows both pride and a slight touch of sadness. With him he carries a Bastard Sword that is very familiar to you. It is the one you have used for some time, the one belonging to your mother. He hands it to you.

As you grasp the sword a familiar hand lands upon your shoulder. Your mother's gentle touch is unmistakable and the voice reassuring.

"Daughter, " her hand gently grazes the sword and it begins to radiate a soft light, "you can feel it can't you? His blessings upon you, they have grown. " The sword's form becomes unsteady, ripples running along its surface as your mother's hand retreats. "This is your path and yours alone but do not be fooled. This is just the beginning. There is much hard work ahead for you."

Before your eyes the sword edges pull back, its guard and hilt melting away until, in your hands rests a finely crafted longsword, an ankh clearly visible at the joining of the blade and the guard. An almost inaudible voice from inside you states, "You are to be set apart. Be my hand in a darkened world."

You wake with a start to the sound of a storm brewing outside, thunder shaking your respite and unmistakable sense of purpose. You have been chosen...