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Author Topic: The Writings of Leuse.  (Read 132 times)


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    The Writings of Leuse.
    « on: February 15, 2005, 11:25:00 am »
    Leuse's Journal is composed of a large tome that he scratches in now and again. Here it is in full:

    My rigorous days of training with Atli seem to wear on and on. Atli says I remind him of himself in his youth. There is an exuberance he says I have, that is not present in some warriors...

    Atli is a curious fellow. He does not uphold the utmost righteousness of goodly beings, but he would never side with evil. He has his own set of morals and honor. I've even heard him speak of a drow that he has traveled with. Most odd...

    I seem to have the proper skills to weild a longsword, and I am solely focused on training with this weapon. Atli insists that I try his father's scythe to practice with, but I have turned him down many times, only to use my copper longsword. I am torn between these two weapons...

    Today, I have ventured into the undercity with a man named Bram. He seems to be a noble warrior indeed. He has the physical strength I lack, but cannot cast spells. We were having a bit of a duel, with both of our longswords. I seemed to have been the better on the first battle. But I am assuming this is just my good luck... too bad there was no betting involved. Yes, well we ventured down into the depths and killed some type of rat lycanthrope. It is a good thing that we ended the poor soul's life. He happened to carry some important documents and we returned it for a monetary reward. That was my first bit of combat experience, outside of target practice and dueling my tutor, Atli.

    A momentous occasion occured this day. A goup of veteran adventurers accepted me into their Company. We traveled through a corrupted forest, where the population of undead is larger than the number living folk that dwell in many small towns. The dead seemed to seap out of the earth wherever I stepped. Here, my physical prowess was useless. I had to rely on the veterans, and I fired off a few spells of my own...

    Instead of continuous physical training this week, I have decided to hone my mind in preperation for my emerging spells. In the back of my mind I have noticed energies lurking that werent there before. I must learn to harness these powers...

    I have now found the power to cast greater numbers of spells. My two major spells--Shield, and Magic Missile, require less time to prepare and are more potent. As are many cantrips I can call forth from within my being. Also, I have been studying the effects of minor enchantments being placed on my longsword. For short periods of time, I can cause energy to run through my sword. Do not fear, the touch of this sword with my enchantment placed lasts less than ten seconds, and will give you a small static jolt. Like touching a doorknob and getting zapped...

    It is interesting how I am seen in hlint. Does the populace see me as a strange halfblood, or a purveyor of good? I have not yet recieved a comment about my unusual looks, nor have I told anyone of my lineage. All but Atli of course. He seems to take the fact that I am not wholly born of this plane in stride. I am blessed to have such an accepting guide.

    Today has been very strange and wonderful indeed. I was doing my daily walk of hlint, and attempting my first try at fishing, when I encountered a human and a dwarf . I remember my old studies of my teenage years, and upon seeing the creature that layed before me--I recognized it as a mephit. The tricky creature then stole the armor of the fine genledwarf I was speaking to! It then dissapeared. Ronus the Wagoneer then told us that this creature was in it's mating season; preparing a nest for it's wife. It then promtly stole MY clothes. Luckily I had an extra robe. There was a passerby, who was cloaked and I never really saw his face. He came and helped a great deal. We ran to my old home, fort Llast, where the local mage got HIS clothes stolen, and told us to seek out a man named Sin'Dolin that resides in port hampshire. On the way out of fort hope, my last clothes were stolen. What a dreaded fool I felt then. I had to walk all the way into Port Hampshire without anything to clothe me. We then found Sin'Dolin...

    well, since I was still nude someone bought me clothes. Of course it was that wretched, pompous, filth by the name of tanth (the hooded man). He brough me the most terribly revealing set of clothes I have ever worn. The guy is insane. What was I to do? Walk around nude, or in the outfit he gave me? A hard decision...

    Well, with everyone in the city staring at me, not to mention giggling by the female guards, I just had to buy ANY set of clothes. So with the party moving foreward without me, I headed into the local genral store and bought a set of clothes. That fool waited for me.

    We eventually talked the mephit into giving our posessions back, and began the long walk back to Hlint...

    By the time I was home, my head began to throb as if there was a vise on my brain, and it tightened every time a my heart would beat. I meditated to ease the pain as I sometimes do when this happens, and I came out of the trance invisible! I can now walk about unseen by enemies!...


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      RE: The Writings of Leuse.
      « Reply #1 on: February 16, 2005, 06:20:00 am »
      As another day passed slowly in Hlint I began to to think. What if I were to find a way to bypass the dampening effect armor causes to magic users? As I have learned in my studies, wearing certain types of armor (except the rarest) interrupts the magic flowing through the caster. This effects how spells are cast greatly, depending on the armor weight and substance. If I focus my mind correctly while a spell bursts forth, I can externalize the power and make it flow through my clothing, as well as my flesh. This is a rough beginning, and will take a few months of practice before I can make the energies flow through thicker substances like leather. I expect the hardest of the materials to harness my powers in is a suit of any metal. Leather was once made of flesh, and it is stitched out of mostly organic material. Although metals conduct heat and electricy, they serve as the opposite to magic....

      I awoke to find Atli gone. Usually he is eating breakfast in the inn, but I doubt he will be back anytime early. In Hlint, I saw a group of adventurers seeking the head of the Goblin Overlord of the Red Light Caverns. Apparently Ronus is having problems with goblins on his trade route, and we fixed that for him. I used my invisibility spell to it's full effectiveness in the caverns; since I am exposed to physical attacks. When the warriors go into position, I fire off as many magic missiles as I can, and send Ceilur into the fray. To bad I cannot yet use my longsword. Atli has said that I am not ready physically to fight hand to hand. I must begin my training as a fighter soon, and condition my body to take hits. And give hits for that matter.

      When I returned to Hlint I met two people of note. Celgar, a seemingly odd gent, but yet a very powerful cleric of Lucinda. He is able to summon forth earth elementals. Another, is a woman by the name of Brisbane Woodmaiden. She is very stunning, but sadly she will be married soon...

      Towards the end of this week I started my fishing career back up again. It was somewhat prosperous. I caught a two carps, and cooked them. No more rations for me!