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Author Topic: From Slave to Hero, a story of a Svirfneblin named Twixel  (Read 123 times)


From Slave to Hero, a story of a Svirfneblin named Twixel
« on: April 30, 2005, 04:54:00 pm »
*One day while sitting and watching the people of Hlint perform their everyday tasks, Twixel's mind starts a new thought process*

" These nice folks live day to day struggling to survive, some never remembering the past nor caring what the future holds for them. Those that are remembered are the great heros that have wonderful stories and histories written about them and tales passed on by travelling bards and skalds. Here I am, struggling day to day to help all these nice people and not a letter to a sentence has been inked in my name. Ahh, but that is being selfish, twere it not for my miraculous rescue from the slave camps of the dark elves, I would not be here to give such aid willingly." *Sigh*
*Lightbulb* " I'll write my own stories, tales of my own misadventures and how I search to know my rescuers and seek retribution on those that took so many years away from my life and family. Yes! Someday, it too may become as popular as those stories of the great heros of yore"

*He jumps from his seat and runs to the general merchant, with a gleam of excitement in his eye, to purchase materials and prepare a leather bound journal. Using his tinkering tools, he fashions a simple brand and burns the large letter 'T' onto the cover. It is ready, may the stories be plentiful.*


RE: From Slave to Hero, a story of a Svirfneblin named Twixel
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2005, 01:55:00 pm »
*All entries will be in the gnomish script with the Svirfneblin dialect*

    "Clink" "Clink" went the mining pick as the drow slavers's whip went "Snap" Snap". Those are some of the memories of the underdark that sill haunt me, yet they are the very memories that keep me going strong day to day. Most my life I have been a slave to the wretched dark ones but there was a time I believe I was not, its but a flash of a memory. I remember looking up at the smiling face of a female svirfneblin as she looked back at me with a smile and gleam in her eyes that only a loved one could give, she was even polishing a fancy gemstone when giving me, yes me, that look. Then darkness and screaming, when I could see again it was a most horrid sight of nightmares. It was a hideous figure, a creature with the large bulbous body of a great spider and the upper torso of a dark elf, huge glowing red eyes and large venomous dripping fangs and it was coming for me. I could feel myself screaming but it was too late, the drider had me. I then spent the remainder of my life as slave 1984 of a great house in the underdark city of Olath Chath.
    As a youngling I served the Archmage, learning never to speak unless commanded too and not to ever look up, it was death to look into the face of a noble. I saw many friends of my kind used in dark rituals to summon evil creatures from other realms as well as many put to torturous deaths for the whim and fancy of the wretched dark ones. As I grew older and the inherent resistance to simple magics started to gain strength, the Archmage placed an order for my death as a sacrifice for some vile ritual. The Matriarch stepped in though and had me sent to the mining caves, the family was in need of good miners to keep the gemstones flowing. I then had the slave bands, that I still wear today, placed on my forearms and was sent to the caves. The bands bore my slave number and somehow prevented my inhernet abilities, it is a magic I did not understand but was somehow broken during my rescue.
    The years passed past quickly for me in those caves, fifteen years serving the archmage and forty in the mines. The scars are plentiful as are the memories, everyday was a constant struggle for life. Besides mining the precious gemstones, many days where spent dodging attacks by the creatures of the underdark, giant spiders, illithids, elementals, kua-toa, minor demons, as well as the mere enjoyment of being tortured by our slavers. Year to year, day to day, back and forth from the mines to the great city hauling the stones of wealth, to be polished for the great house or used for trade with the druegar.
    Patience is a virtue soon rewarded, for one day while mining in a remote cave site, the Deep Mother came to our rescue. What I thought was another raid from the creatures of the underdark turned into a battle between the dark elf slavers and our would be rescuers the surface dwellers. Beryl must have guided their way. There were humans, dwarves, and light elves welding weapons and magics of power that over came the dark ones, it was during this battle that my life changed and Beryl placed me on the path I am now on. The great magics flying around the mines where causing many stones to collapse as well as the binding power of the armbands to fade. When I realized this I tried to sneak away into the darkness, away from the battle so that I may live and not die like many of my fellow slaves, but I was struck by a stone from a cave in and lost consciousness.
    I awoke to the sight of a great dragon looking down upon me. My life is over, to escape slavery and become but a mere snack to a dragon. But instead, it spoke to me. It told me that my resolve and strength of heart would be needed in a time to come, go forth and learn skills in battle, stealth, and magic to aid in the fight against Blood and in striking against him you will find aid to strike against your slavers. It must have been a dream from the shock of the battle, I awoke in a room in a tower outside the town of Hlint. I was blinded by the great light, but I soon became accustomed to the darkness of night. I was taken in by the great mage Moraken who had found my body laying at his doorstep, how I arrived there is still unknown but it must have been in the great scheme of things.
    I was in shock for many days, not understanding anyone around me nor even knowing where I had ended up but something from the dream must have stuck. I met a gnome apprentice that I was able to understand and he started teaching me the ways of the surfacers and my surroundings. I walked around in dark hoods and guaze wrapped around my eyes so that I may see somewhat in the light. I was fitted with clothes and given food and taught some minor crafts, I then repaid my debts by becoming better in my crafts but found that unlike a slave I would be paid for my makings. This was amazing, I can earn my way! I started learning the common tongue and was taught how to use a sword by a young military person named Toran and with the strength of my inherent skills growing, I took apprenticeship and studied the ways of magic.
    Fives years have passed and I have become more fluent in the commong tongue and accustomed to the surface light, though some days it is still too bright. I venture forth on my own, repaying my debt to those many citizens of Hlint and meeting many new friends. These are stories though I have yet to add.

