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Author Topic: Argos Axeblades journals  (Read 82 times)

Argos Axeblade

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    Argos Axeblades journals
    « on: July 29, 2005, 03:39:00 pm »
    Name Argos Axeblade
    Class Fighter
    Alignment Chaotic Good
    Race Dwarf
    Deity Dorand Master of Crafts

        Ever since Argos can remember he has had a dream. The dream starts off in a battlefield full of creatures of all sizes and shapes evil and good engulfed in battle. None noticing his presence they fight on. Battle surrounds him longswords hitting sheilds, spears piercing armor, then he notices a dwarf of rather large size, what he can tell, the dwarf is covered in heavy armor and wears a helm, he wields a flaming Great Axe. The dwarf lets out a call to Dorand and rushes in the fray. Argos watches as dwarf and a flame axe cut down opponents one by one at first then the dwarf would jump into a whirlwind attack, and what a sight dwarf spinning and axe cleaving,  and many would fall in its path. Argos stood watching the hypnotizing dance of dwarf and axe and the absolute devastation they caused and then that was all Argos could see. everything else vanished! There stood the dwarf with his fire branded axe approaching him, he stops short and is shocked when the Axe jumps from his hand and floats over to Argos , landing in his hand he immediately notices the feeling of completeness. The dwarf laughs loudly, and as Argos looks to see the source of the laughter hes gone as with the axe. Argos standing in confusion hears the dwarfs voice bellow " Thar be some with a callin, and the Great Axe calls ta ya lad" This is where Argos always awakes.

      As a youth Argos was always at the blacksmith shop or at the guard house (his dad being a guardian of his town) with his dad and brother, his dad was a gifted blacksmith and made many exquisite weapons and armor. Argos would practice with weapons that his dad made( under his dads supervision).And liked many weapons but nothing made him feel like the great axe did, it made his fighting technique complete. As he got older he would work for his dad keepin up with demand and practicing his fighting drills. He learned his dads craftin skills and worked hard on quality. He loves Blacksmithing but there was always a yurn to travel lands and to fight against the evil of the world, that started with the ogres that would attack the town, seemingly endless attacks inspired the warriors of the town  to get the head of the leader. This was triumphant and started Argos on his way, always going further.

    Argos always carries his Mighty Flame Great Axe by his side, he has honed his skills with the axe to keep evil at bay, to right the wrong of the world. And as in the "callin" in his dream, to always better his combat abilities with the axe and become like the dwarf in his dream, A Great Axe Weaponmaster!

    Argos Axeblade

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      RE: Argos Axeblades journals
      « Reply #1 on: October 02, 2005, 06:24:00 pm »
      Argos went to Dregar with Noss and on our travels we met up with good ole Nex WinterGaard a spell caster, at first I didn't trust him ( ya know how Dwarves distrust magic) but he his quite accomplished and has saved my butt more than once , you must respect that. Seen him in Dregar and we were put a hurtin on tha giant population, then we decided ta try a mine , We stated off ok one Giant showed up and we disposed of him without too much trouble, but then went in next room and attacked a small group and the fight became fierce and Giants became many surrounded us and It was all Me and Nex could do was gather up Noss's battered body and run, got out but the damage was done. Every time I go over ta Dregar I get a scar , Yesh.

      Argos Axeblade

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        RE: Argos Axeblades journals
        « Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 07:03:00 pm »
        After this encounter in the mine we healed up and rested then wondered about and rounded a corner and was attacked by Vampire assassins, dont really know how many there was, but Noss's hammer and Argos's Axe struck blow after blow with the flurry of Nexs' magic atttacking its mark, but still they came, Blood thirsty foul beasts over took us and left us fer dead, or was planning a later trip to suck our blood dry, but Argos's will is strong, he rose from the ground, it took all his strength just to put one foot in front of another, then he saw a sight that put holes in his stomach , Noss was laying there and looked lifeless and barely breathing, after that Argos remembers little it was all a blur but Argos remembers laying Noss in his bed, Then Argos went on a search for help for Noss, but you must remember a dwarfs will and stubbornness should never be underestimated.

        Argos Axeblade

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          RE: Argos Axeblades journals
          « Reply #3 on: October 06, 2005, 04:56:00 pm »
          Argos' whole life evolves around weapons. His whole family is blacksmiths that go back for generations, He grew up helping his father and grandfather make their weapons till he stared making weapons himself. His father always said " If ya make a weapon ya must know how ta weild it!" So Argos would train with an assortment of weapons to assure quality and balance of each weapon. Argos liked alot of the weapons he trained with but life changed the day he wrapped his steel forged hands around a great axe oak handle. Argos describes his fighting style as "controlled rage" and it is exactly that, a mixture of calmness or ice in his veins and a pure fury of will and skill. Argos beleives in always better one self attitude his father drilled in his head, his training is neverending, he dedicates hours of his day to training with his flameing great axe, honing his skills and fighting technique to be the deadliest Dwarven Hero ever!
            But of late he has had a feeling of unrest in his soul a pressure on his mind and he cant quite put his finger on the source, he has been praying to Dorand for guidance and a sign to ease the unrest  then one day while on his way to the mines for some Iron he saw a spectacular sight a cloaked human attacking a foul beast, it was quite impressive and watched his skill with the longsword and doing a whirlwind attack that looked similar to his own attack that he had learned along the way, something inside of Argos compelled him to go and talk to the man and asked him about his technique with the whirlwind attack and the man had said he was a weapon master of the longsword, and Argos is wondering  as the man walked away is this his "callin" as his dream has always been, and the sign he has been looking for. Does he have what it takes to be a Dwarven great axe weapon master? He will have to pray to Dorand for guidance.

          Argos Axeblade

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            RE: Argos Axeblades journals
            « Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
            Dougal, a name that will burn in my soul till this evil is wiped from tha face of tha world. This man will face me and my allies with deadly consequences, someday.I vow this!

