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Author Topic: Kelvaron's Assassin Training  (Read 457 times)


Kelvaron's Assassin Training
« on: April 04, 2015, 10:06:12 pm »
Kelvaron sat down in his inn room. Thompson had promised the finest accomidations, and he had not lied. His job that day had been a success, although perhaps not the most glorious. Executing a halfling in a muddy stable is not the most exciting job, but it lead to future contracts... the dwarf, Kaerngully, has increased his opperation, or so it would seem. He has assembled an entire team... and this time, his job was a bit more exciting. No petty book forging... A real job. Taking out a halfling who had disappeared with a parcel of diamond dust. Of course, Kel had caught him at... one of his less fine moments. But the job was done just as asked, and payment was recieved. Now, Kel was anticipating the teachins of Mikhail, the dwarven assassin he would be working with. 


Mikhail was sick,
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2015, 02:14:39 pm »

Mikhail was sick, undoubtably. Rutger had said that he was infected with blood spores, a deadly poison used by those from the Deep. Perhaps that was why Kel was being trained... As a replacement for the dwarf. Mikhail had survived a miraculous two decades with the disease, the longest one can be excected to survive is a mere two years, a matter of days if left untreated.

Kel had also executed a flawless assassination of a pair of brothers, and destroyed their stash of luhix, a drug that seemed to turn the members of their cult rabid. However, on his way out, he encountered an elven assassin. Kel was shot in the shoulder by a poisoned arrow, but managed to defeat the assassin by lighting the tower he had been hiding in on fire. The assassin escaped, but Kel found one of his arrows left behind. Perhaps the arrow could be used to track down the assassin... Nobody gets away with sticking an arrow in Kelvaron.