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Author Topic: Journal of Leone  (Read 849 times)

Lord of the Forest

Journal of Leone
« on: July 05, 2007, 12:31:50 pm »
*This book is bound in black leathers and is about average size for a book. The book itself bears the title 'Journal', written in elaborate silverish letters. The pages reaveal a simple handwriting, mostly written by black ink on the rather grey pages.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 01:07:08 pm »
*Leone find a quiet spot under the monuement in Port Hempstead, takes the journal out of her bag, opens it and looks up into the darkened skies. After a few moment she takes out her ink and writing quill, beginning to write*

-Tunar, Novlar 10, 1418

The ship left the port short after I jumped on it and we sailed towards Port Hempstead. I don't know what Dylan has to do in Hurm, but I know he has to deal with it on his own. Seeing all those people on the ship made me think about some things. All have their own lifes, their own dreams and future. All on the ship were walking on he same path for a few days, maybe new friendships were born, sometimes even not. He same goes for Dylan and I. Our ways parted for some years now but it came the time where we had to say good-bye, at least for now. I am sure I will see him again, one day.

The seas were rather rough on the route to Port Hempstead but I guess this is natural, giving autumn almost past and winter lies ahead of us. It became stormy and it feels different than as it feels like in the woods or when Dylan was with me. Now I know I am alone, on my own. For now Dylan is not around to help me when I underestimate an opponent and might fall in battle.

So after the rather rough ride the ship eventually arrived at Port Hempstead. As in the night I could see the fire burning up in the lighthouse and some lights of the city itself. Even though it was night some citizens were still up, as well as the guards. Close to the port I found an inn, called 'The Scamps Mug' so I entered it for some gossip and to get some informations about Port Hempstead and its surroundings in general. It seems thatPort Hempstead is a rather wealthy and noble town and not like Fort Vehl. Vehl should be somewhere close to Port Hempstead but I did not really ask for the route.

Early in the morning I left the inn again, exploring the city. As I left the inn I found myself in a busy town. Merchants were heading towards the port and citizens were doing their supplies and jobs. So I wandered around in the town. Besides the inn at the harbour I already got to know I found a big merchant building where I bought some supplies I need for my future days. I did my buisness with the local merchants and purchased a scimitar made of copper, as well as some leather armor for further explorations. Being stocked up for the moment my purse is rather empty now. Knowing what I have to do I was looking around in town if someone needs help with anything as Dylan taught me. It seems there is a tribe outside the town which troubles the guards and I heard something about a rat problem. I offered my help and deals were made.

But for now I should explore the this town a little more and might find other adventurers around or others that might help me with some jobs. Now where I am sitting here under a monuement in the heart of town I see some folks running around that look different from the local citizens. I might ask them for some directions as I am still new to these lands.

After all I miss my sister. I know she would have loved Port Hempstead. Maybe I should travel back to Dregar one day. Only if I feel ready for it and made enough money so I can afford the ride by boat.

However, this new chapter in my life seems to become intersting. I hope I can improve my ways in fighting and become as good as Dylan is so I can offer mentoring to others as well.

*she closes her book and puts it together with quill and ink back into her bag*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 10:46:24 pm »
*After a long walk back to the Scamps Mug in Port Hempstead from a small town called Hlint she sits down at one of the tables and orders her dinner as well as some juice with it. While she is waiting on it she takes out her journal and starts writing.*

 - Mulnari, Novlar 16, 1418

The past few days were very eventful. After I finished writing my last entry a dwarf showed up at the monument. His appearance almost screamed 'I am an adventurer.' However, he introduced himself as Garnet and was very kind. As he saw I was writing he told me not to bother about him but I just finished my writing anyway. He asked me if I need any help and I told him I'd like to see more of Port Hempstead so Garnet showed me around a little. As I already saw the merchants' building and the Inn he showed me where a so called House of Magic is located as well as two crafthalls. One is an advanced but right now I have no idea what that is, an advanced one. Sadly they did not let me enter as I did not posses a badge that allows me to use their tools.

As I offered my help to take care of the rats Garnet joined me. I have to admit I was very excited about it as it was the first time I did a job while Dylan was not around to take care of me. I did well. Well okay, Garnet was around as well but he let me do what I could take and assist me so I could learn by doing, not by watching. Alas watching him was quite impressive as he is pretty fast with his fists and feet. Simply amazing. After we eventually resolved the matter we took a proof with us so we could walk back to the woman. The woman was very kind and gave me my payment. Down there I saw some strange creatures as well, they looked like a combination of a frog and a human, strange creatures indeed. I will simply call them frog-men.

I learned from the trip. As we were surrounded by big rats I had to keep my mobility and try not to get hit. Who knows, maybe I'll become ill if they bite me, you never know. So while being surrounded by them I learned to foresee their movements so it was easier for me to evade their attempts to bite me. Even while we were surrounded and their fast movements I improved my accuracy with the scimitar. Due to my training I am now able to miss them less than before I entered this stinky place. I tell you, it smelled very bad down there. So after I received my payment I went for a little rest.

After my little rest I wanted to see the surroundings of Port Hempstead. I left town and after a short while I arrived at some fields where I even saw some oxes around. While I was walking down the road I met an elven girl. I've seen some elves before on my travels, mostly mercenaries but this one differed from those I got to know back on Dregar. You could say she was very closely connected with the lands surrounding her and was even able to call a lighting down or even flames. However she introduced herself as Aryanna. She is quite nice but her common is not very well. She asked me to help her with some kobolds so I did.

We fought well together and I feel I got better and better with my scimitar while facing the kobolds. One of them even had wings, what a strange sight. However, after we took care of that flying kobold we ran into another person, Eander. He is quite nice as well and it seemed Aryanna knew him from an expedition they were on together. So we moved out of that place before reinforcements of the kobolds would show up. Not that I mind them, but they have some casters among them and this might hurt.

Aryanna wanted to travel into the Gloom Woods. It was the first time I heard about these woods and she told me it is cursed somehow. Eander and myself accompanied her. Eander used his bow and I used my blade. What we met were mostly zombies and some other strange creatures. At a camp within these woods we took a rest and prepared our further movements.

As were set and Aryanna pleased with her cleaning we headed to Fort Vehl. I have to say most of the gossip I heard at the inn seems to fit. It is not a very nice town but I've seen worse on my travels. We were heading into a crypt just to face more undead. However the expedition went well and it trained my senses and intuition as well. While being surrounded by those half rotten creatures I sharpened by senses that way that I can dodge all their attacks if I am chasing after one of them. Naturally they can hit me, but they wont get an opportunity anymore while I am moving in battle.

After we headed out again Eander suggested to head into the mountains close by. Seen more strange creatures, some of them looked like white furred humans, odd. They were strong so we had to turn around again. Even though I just purchased myself a half plate made of copper in Fort Vehl we were not able to defeat them. So after a small break at the stables Eander departed and Aryanna wanted to show me around a bit more so we headed further. We moved to a small town called Hlint. Aryanna was fighting with another guy who never introduced himself and well, they really fought. I mean, it was indeed not nice of him to throw stones at her as she was simply sitting at the campsite out of Hlint. At the campfire I was introduced to an old friend of Aryanna, a ranger in training. His name is Ron and he is quite nice but I guess he is slightly in love with Aryanna. At least they used to tease the other all the time.

Ron told us that he heard something about a ladies night at the Wild Surge Inn, the local inn in Hlint. As it was a ladies night Ron departed and I headed there with Amaris and Aryanna. To our surprise we only met local drunkards inside, no sign of any special event there. So we simply sat down at a table, chatting a little and I eventually passed out from exhaustion.
As I woke up again they were gone so I walked outside to catch some fresh air and needless to say I found them outside as well. It seems that I missed something in there while I was sleeping. A man was murdered in his room there. As far as I got it his name was Matthew Smith. Well, murder happens on a daily basis but from what I heard he was a simple commoner so that makes it quite sad. Some of the people present want to investigate further but I will leave it to them.

Some people just ask you for strange jobs but I am used to either say yes or no and don't worry too much about their whereabouts after all. I know I won't be willing to take any job as I don't want to loose my face after all, something Dylan taught me. If he could see me know and the progress I made I am sure he would be proud of me!

So I wandered back from Hlint to Port Hempstead where I am now sitting in this Inn and am waiting for my dinner. But I know that one day I will master my blade and that I will see Dylan and Alicia again. I hope they are both alright.

*Leone closes her book, takes her quill and ink away and looks around in the Inn, seeing adventurers come and leave, eavesdropping to conversations to get a hold of the newest gossip and eventually her dinner gets served...*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2007, 08:49:46 pm »
*Leone walks after a long day of explorations back to Fort Vehl whereas she heads into the local tavern to get the newest gossip around the region and might hear something about a job. While there is nothing else to do the watches a group of mercenaries planning a trip into the mountains close by. She takes out her journal, quill and ink and starts writing, absently listening to the gossip around her.*

- Mulnari, Decilar 2, 1418

It seems I am slowly getting used to the people and lands I am wandering around. For the past few days I explored these lands some more and found out about some interesting places but I decided to look for some company fist. It is always better to explore unknown places not on its own. I know what I am talking about as these orcs were chasing me through the Singing Woods back on Dregar. I was quite lucky I ran into Dylan. If he was not around that time I could not write these lines now.

Lately there were not many jobs around, at least no bigger ones. Maybe the citizens of Port Hempstead are eager to do things on their own at them moment as most of the local population is busy with its own business and I am just a stranger to them. Now where I did not find much work to do I spent some more time to improve my skills with my blade. I am getting better and better with the scimitar. Through endless hours of devoted and hard training I now seem to aim better, the scimitar slowly becoming the extension of my arm. Or might I say my two arms?

Back on Dregar I used to fight with two blades which made Dylan laugh from time to time as one has to focus on two blades at the same time and that requires a lot of concentration and training. However I seem to have improved. Not much but I am still doing steps forwards, even if they are slow at the moment. As I have to focus on two blades the accuracy of my first blade suffers as well, yet. As I am right-handed my left arm is a bit slow and well, my accuracy is still not very good and I can't be pleased with the results of it. I know I need to keep up my training with two weapons instead of one and maybe one day I will be able to duel Dylan this way. He's quite skilled, even with two blades though he preferred to fight with one as this way he was able to block most of the hits with his shield. I know I will head this way as well, knowing if my opponents are strong then I will use my shield or if it is to expect their aiming is rather bad I can fight with two blades without any hesitation.

But naturally it depends on my practice and experience as it is only matter of time and I will get to know if I will be able to fight with two weapons, without hurting myself or if I have to go for one weapon. The coordination is not as easy as with just one blade after all. I know that I used to hit myself a few times back on Dregar and Dylan always was concerned when I put out two weapons for my training lessons with him. I am just glad he taught me how to tend my wounds on my own.

So well, I think I should have some juice and dinner while I am staying here. Might as well get something important to know for the time I am staying in this inn or in Port Hempstead.

*Leone leans back on her chair, looking up to the ceiling. Absently she raises her left hand and snaps with her fingers, trying to get the attention of the bartender.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 10:41:37 pm »
*With a sigh Leone sits down on a chair at the Scamp's Mug. After sorting out some things she takes out her journal, quill and ink and starts writing in it.*

 - Wedlar, Decilar 25, 1418

There are quite some strange folks running around of late. I was just modifying some parts of my armor as a halfling simply sat down right in front of me. Well at first I simply ignored him as why should I bother about someone who simply sits down and does nothing? But this got annoying. According to his own words he is a legendary thief. As far as I know thieves don't scream their name out in public for their own sake. He told me that he knew everyone in Hlint and everyone knew him there but I somehow doubt that. Something else was strange about him as well as he was proud that he had a court, accused in eight cases. I don't know as I am not a thief but I would not be proud that I got caught and they got enough stuff to prove I did it. And this in eight cases. I doubt he is legendary as he calls himself. I think he just wants some attention as if his skill would be as great as claimed no one would know it was him in the eight cases and would not tell everyone that he's a thief, not really smart. But well, the gloves I bought from him are probably stolen as well. They are kind of nice, yet still smelling slightly but I will sort this out later.

Other than that I was not as much out and about as I expected myself to be. Lately everyone seems to be busy with other things and don't show up around Fort Vehl or Port Hempstead. Only person I met yet again, Sallozzo. I don't know but he's not very good with folks and won't make many friends that way. We came to speak about throwing stones at Aryanna again and he found it as quite amusing and fun. Oh yes, let us all go out and throw stones at random people. Seems he did not really learn from this incident as he stated that she was trying to flee. I tried to explain him the difference between fleeing from battle and a tactical move backwards. Sometimes it is better not to stand the line forever but to move back and get an actual picture about the ongoing battle so it is easier to prepare the next steps. As if she really wanted to flee she would have simply made herself a cat again and ran like mad.

I somehow miss her and want to meet her again. She's a bit odd but don't we all? I guess she spends much of her time out in the woods or where ever she feels close to nature. Her lighting is still impressive and her ways usually cheer me up.

I might should take some trues away for a new blade. Once in the Gloom Woods Eander told me about the advantages of such an iron blade as I am still running around with a copper one. But right now my purse is almost emptied as there are no jobs around for me at the moment and the people I know I haven't seen for a while now. In the meantime I might as well figure a way out about how to improve my way of fighting so I can take my opponents down with less effort and more efficient.

But I should stop for now as I just heard some rumors about a planned expedition to a town where I did not catch the name from so I might as well sit over with them.

*Leone closes her journal and puts everything back into her back before heading over to the table next to her.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 06:22:26 am »
*While it is heavily raining Aryanna and Leone arrive at the Wolfswood Forest where they find some  shelter from the rain. Leone slumps down under the tree, sighs slightly and pulls out her journal, quill and ink. As she looks around she sees Aryanna curled up to a ball laying next to her. She smiles slightly and starts writing.*

 - Satari, Febra 21, 1419

A lot of things can happen within two months. The last time I moaned about boredom and no one was around but now it seems it comes and goes again. While I just left Port Hempstead for a walk I ran into Eander and soon others were showing up. Belzag had some nice ideas where to head to and so we did. We ventured to a cold place up in the north. I asked the captain who sailed us there and he told me we were sailing over to Krashin. Being used to cold I did not think anything bad about it but I was really freezing up there. Though it wasn't freezing all the time as we got surprised by a rain shower. Wandering all wet in the cold lands was not really comfortable and I hope I don't catch a cold from this. On our way we ran into some kobolds which were attacking us. I did a good job with them. My aiming is getting better and better although I have to admit I was a bit out of practice after a month of laziness.
On our way we found a cave which seemed to be made of ice. The ground was slippery which made it harder to fight and it was filled with kobolds. As amazing as the cave was it was very dark down there and I was glad that I found a glowing fork on a kobold so I had some light around me. I did not fight with it as it looked pretty old and would probably break, not to mention that I am training with a scimitar and not a fork.
As we were climbing into the mountains we saw some kobolds riding wolves. It was a strange sight but we managed to defeat them, but their blades were sharp and our cuts deep so we decided to rather climb down and leave the isle for now and my fingers were already numb and my whole body felt like ice. On the way down we met another group and so we joined and headed back to Leringard. Some of our group departed as they had business elsewhere to do.

After a new group was formed we headed into a cave full of goblins close to Hlint. The trip was quite deadly and I fell. It seems I was not strong enough to hold the line. They are very dodgy which made it hard for everyone of us to hit them. I had a few good hits on them before they took me down. I really need to improve myself to take them down before they do it with me. I got my revenge and we pressed on further down where most of the entire party were killed. I was able to hide in another chamber and they did not look after me there. Glad we had some magickers with us so we moved out invisible again. The goblins are still to strong for me to take them. I will need some more exercise with them.

I took a walk out in the Silkwood and as I came back I met two other adventurers at the campfire. Arandwen and Tielle. It seems like they both had some bad experience with the goblins as well. It seems that the goblins got much stronger during the last years according to Arandwen. Sounds like they got some proper training and learned from mistakes in the past.

So while we were chatting at the campfire Aryanna showed up and joined our chat. Shortly after Tielle had to depart Sallozzo showed up again and really, I don't really get what he is after. I thought I could lean back a bit and watch the show but seems I must have dosed off a bit. Apparently he wanted to hand her over a gift of some sorts and oh wonder, it did not involve stones or throwing things after her. He ran off again and Arandwen had to depart, finding a quiet place to rest, so Aryanna and I were traveling further east into some swamps. It is hard to move in them I have to admit and it slowed the whole exploration down. We had to face lizardmen and some glowing lighting bolts. They were indeed hard to hit, flying all around. Facing the lizards taught me one thing. Don't ever get surrounded. Well they did, standing around me and no way where I was able to escape and Aryanna was busy with such a glowing ball. As there was no way out I thought I could risk it. I did not care for my cover just a moment, dodged a few attempts to hit me, jumped up rotating, holding out my blade to harm them all at once. I have seen Dylan using this technique if he gets surrounded and there is no other way to get out alive. In my training lessons I always failed to either control my blade while rotating, loose it or even fall down if I want to hit on the ground again. So now it was the first time I eventually succeeded. I know Dylan would be proud about me as he would see I grow stronger and stronger with my weapon. Being trained more with my weapon now I now know how to hit them harder, not by brute force but by knowing my weapon better than any other blade. My scimitar becomes more and more to an extension of my arm.

We then took a way through a forest to get to Leringard where Aryanna wanted to show me Alindor. The forest was new land to me and I did not really asked for the name but I know there is a temple of Katia within. We stayed at the grove for some time and she taught me some things about the Longstrider, the god she follows. She really seems to be closely bound to nature.

As we just arrived in Leringard Sallozzo showed up again and I wish he did not. He told her that he prepared a surprise for Aryanna and therefore lured us out of town again as I was following her. Indeed he found quite a small little, yet lovely island outside of Leringard and wanted her to swim over there with him and she did not want to. I can understand her though. But what he did then almost made me slapping him and I am surprised Aryanna did not. She was probably too shocked and confused about what was going on, yet angry. He grabbed her by her wrists and forced a kiss on her lips. That was simply disgusting. If someone did that on me Dylan would probably hurt him badly as this was clearly against her will. Sadly my reaction was too slow so I could not interfere and avoid this disgusting action of him. Aryanna ran away and I had a word with Sallozzo. I really think he is childish as he did not see what was wrong about that and told him Aryanna never wants to see him again and that if he really loves her he should let her go. And then he told me that he doesn't want to see me again. Right. Because I was right and he wrong? After all I don't care about him any longer and will try to get him and Aryanna on distance but I fear he will probably show up again, either to complain about me being so unfair or trying to pull a stunt on her again. If he does he needs to get rid of me first though.

After he eventually wandered off we took the boat to Alindor. We did not see many towns and we mostly wandered through woods or plains. A note for myself, scarecrows are indeed scary. I don't mind if they just stand there and do nothing but these attacked us. I was more running and screaming than fighting them so I am glad Aryanna was around as she did not fear them. We continued our travels and had to face a huge and fat bird. Fighting birds is difficult as they just don't sit around and make it easy for you to hit them. No, birds are attacking from the air and that makes it hard as you only have one right moment to attack and yet be careful not to get hit. It seems like jumping up and whirling around helped a bit. So after a few jobs we returned to the Wolfswood, the place where I am just writing into my journal.

It have been quite some eventful weeks and I hope I will become as good as Dylan in the ways of battle. I know I am way more experienced with my blade than when I arrived in Port Hempstead but I know there is still a lot do to but I know that I will focus on my scimitar and improve my style with it so I will become more efficient with it. A scimitar is a fine and well balanced weapon and I guess I now gathered enough money to eventually purchase an iron one. I will have to seek the merchant out I met like nine days ago.

But before I can continue my training I will my well deserved rest and will chat with Aryanna a little more the next morning before we return to Mistone. I know that she is going to protect me and I am her, I can call her a close friend.

*With a smile on her lips Leone closes her journal and stuffs it together with quill and ink back into her bag and looks after Aryanna. Aryanna is still curled up so Leone gently places the cloak around her before she lays herself down under the tree whereas she uses her bag as a cushion and covers herself in her cloak which she wraps close around her. Looking up into the canopy and darkened skies she enters the realm of dreams.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 09:14:57 pm »
*After some rather exhausting days Leone sits down at a stream in the Whitethorn Forest, takes off her boots and tucks her feet into the water, a sigh or relief escapes her. She lays back and looks into the darkened skies. After moments of inner peace she sits up again, her feet still in the cold refreshing water and takes out her journal to write another entry.*

 -  Tunar, Mar 3, 1419

After I took a rest from my latest wanderings I now offered to help a lady with delivering packages. I did not know that she was sending me around on whole Mistone! If I knew it I might not have helped but she paid well and I somehow wanted to help her, and once accepted I cannot turn back a deal. I have to keep my honor after all, promise is promise. Needless to say this journey took me more than a few days. Some people seem to be strange but well I only had to deliver the packages, not hugging them calling them friends after all. As I was on my way to deliver the last package I ran into Aryanna. Well both of us were in a hurry so it was just saying hello.

Speaking of Aryanna. I hope that Sallozzo leaves her alone. Aryanna probably does not even know what he did to her. I doubt that she is used to people and therefore an act like kissing might be frowned upon her. Else it might be related to her past before she came over to Mistone. I only know she is from Dregar, like I am. I might ask her one day but then I did not tell her overly much about myself as well. I trust her enough but does she trust me as well?

I need to contact that merchant and purchase myself two scimitars made of iron as I am getting more and more skilled with two blades even if I still miss some good hits on them but as I said, I need to work on my concentration and let the blade become an extension of my left arm as well. There is one thing I figured out about whirling around in the air. Even if I manage to hit a few opponents distance is still a fearful factor. If they are too far away they are out of my range and if they stand too close I cannot get enough power into my hits and I will hardly even get through their armor.

But this way I still require training and I know that I will only master my blade when I work really hard for it. Maybe one day I will become as skilled as Dylan is. I doubt I will ever stand a chance against him in a duel but it is something I can look forward to. Only time can tell after all.

But for now I should make my camp here at this river and stay here for a few days. Who knows what the other days will bring and it is better to be well rested and to be prepared. At least my feet were not bleeding after all this deliveries though they need a serious rest now, as I do.

*Leone puts her journal, quill and ink back into her bag and lays back again, looking into the sky, smiling slightly. After a while the takes her feet out of the water again and closes her eyes.
As it is already night she wakes up for a moment and looks around. As she sees nothing in the darkness she takes readies her small tent for one person and falls asleep into a deep slumber.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2007, 09:59:35 am »
*After a long walk back to Port Hemstead Leone sits down at the monument and looks into the skies, filled from dust and debris. With a sigh she looks around, watching all the merchants, mercenaries, citizens and adventurers passing by. While she is watching them she absently takes out her journal, quill and ink and after moments of watching she turns her attention back to her journal.*

- Tunar, Apreal 3, 1419

My stay in the Wolfswood was longer than I actually ever expected to be. The woods are awesome but yet dangerous. But I know if a battle can be won or not so I stayed away from the giant camps as rumors say there are giants around. From the very far distance I saw such a camp but I am smart enough not to just storm it. Giants being giants can hit you very hard, at least that is what I'd think if I see them. These giants are at least thrice my size. True, my ability to dodge them while watching the movement of my opponents has proven important to me but there's much more than just dodging.

As for one I need to stand my ground, trying to foresee their action and focus on my reaction rather than my own attack. This makes it hard to concentrate on my attacks as they are used to be but sometimes it is more important to either parry or dodge their attacks. But right now I don't feel ready for it, yet. With ever won fight and training I get more and more used to my weapon, become one with it.

I have watched the rangers in the Wolfswood for some days and their way of battle. Most of them use two weapons, mostly a long-sword plus a short-sword in the other hand. They are quite skilled with two weapons and probably had a hard training to attack with such a speed and accuracy. I can't help but I think it is more difficult to fight with two unequal weapons as I compare the range of a short-sword with that of a long-sword. The blade of the long-sword is like thrice of the short version. Indeed, they could use one blade to block hits and the other one to attack but it seems they prefer to attack with both. But seeing this disadvantage in battle they must be quite agile and mobile to make use of it. In example making a fake attack with the longsword just to hit with the shortsword. This technique is dangerous but they seem to be tough.
But I can only talk for myself here as they might see it different but coordinating two blades seems of the same type and blade seems to be easier to me. This is why I will continue with two scimitars and not change it as I feel this is better to me, besides that I always fight with my scimitar and it has  proven worthy.

The blade is quite balanced and that's why I will put my focus on it and not train with various blades. Dylan once told me that I should train myself with other blades as well, just in case one day I wake up without my blades and the closest weapon close to me is an axe.
Each weapon differs from the other, may it be handling, weight or balancing. I know that compared to my scimitar my aiming will suffer from it as well as the power of my blows. But I have chosen to focus on my scimitar after all.

Speaking of my scimitar, I hope the merchants will send me a letter as soon as they are forged. I have all the trues to purchase two as I will get a little discount. The blade will be made of iron. From what I have heard it is better than copper, balancing and weight wise. Made more for battle than copper or bronze.

I know that one day I might be able to forge my own blades as I know my weaknesses and forge the blade that way to protect me as best as possible.

Now while I am around Port Hemstead againI should seek my friends out again and I hope they are still alright as I received no word from them while I stayed in the Wolfswood for a while. The stay was worth its time anyway and I learned quite a lot about other techniques and my own way. I know I will continue to train with my scimitar and fight many battles with the extension of my arm if required. Only time can tell when I meet with Dylan again and I want him to be proud of me. But the world is huge and more and more adventures are waiting for me, I just have to watch out for them.

*Leone stretches slightly on the bench, putting her journal, quill and ink back into her bag. After a moment of watching her surroundings she eventually decides to leave the town gates to take a rest at the lake out of town.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2007, 12:10:03 pm »
*Heavily muttering Leone walks into the Scamp's Mug and gets a room for the night. While she mutters she takes off her clothes and crawls into the bed. She turns around and opens her bag, taking the journal, quill and ink yet again.*

- Wedlar, Apreal 4, 1419

Adventuring can be quite dangerous from time to time. As no one came by the lake for a chat or some practice I decided to head to Fort Vehl as there is usually some good gossip and rumors about. Well, I stayed in the inn for a while but I heard nothing that could be interesting for me, just the usual local gossip like this one is now with her and the like.

So I decided to improve a bit certain situations, such as if you are surrounded by opponents or how to foresee their movements to dodge certain blows if their aiming is pretty good. To this case I decided to test myself with some skeletons. Quite bizarre undeads, they even continue fighting with their head off. I guess it has something to do with the necromancy they were “reawakened”. Seeing this I can put them back to their rest anyway.

Needless to say they surrounded me and again I was put into a situation where I only saw one way out. Observing their movements I dodged them, ducked their swings with their axes and jumped into the air, whirling around, trying to hit my opponents with the blades at the same time. The more I fought the better my concentration became. It is hard as you have to keep balance, observing their movements and try to hit them at the same time. On your way up as well as on your way down.

Skeletons were not the only things I had to face down in that hole. As I went there a few months ago with Eander and Aryanna they called them ghouls. Their skin is somewhat green and their appearance looks a bit dried out from what I saw. I never saw them wielding weapons, instead they attacked me with their claw-like hands. As I saw they left scratches on my copper shield I decided to take a more defense stance to avoid getting hit. I did pretty good until a second ghoul showed up and hit my arm. After it hit me I screamed in pain and took them down, before I sank to my knees, breathing heavily and dropped my scimitar to the ground. I tried to clean the wound as best as possible but it did not help much. The wound hurt and was swollen after a short moment so I quickly bandaged it and carried myself out of that place.

On my way back I got attacked by some skeleton again and even under pain I took them down. Somehow I managed to drag myself back to Port Hempstead as the Inn there looks cleaner than the one in Fort Vehl.

Right now I am feeling rather ill so I hope some rest will do. I will stay here for a few days now and hope it will be cured eventually. Maybe Aryanna can help me with this as she healed my wounds more than once. I should seek her out again.

*With a sigh Leone drops her journal, quill and ink back into her bag and falls to slumber, shivering slightly*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2007, 09:08:46 pm »
*Leone comes back into the Scamp's Mug after some weeks, getting a room again. She orders some dinner as well as some juice and takes it to her room. Once she is in her room she makes herself comfortable and lays two scimitars on the table. Leone crosses her arms in front of her chest, tilts her head and examines the blades.
After a while she hums and takes out her journal, writing into it.*

 - Sunra, Mai 8, 1419

I eventually got my blades forged. I was just sitting around in port Hempstead as I got a letter, containing that my blades were forged and I may be able to pick them up at their guild hall. So I did. I went there and found a kind man standing in front of it, already waiting for me. In exchange for quite an amount of trues the blades were handed over to me. I wielded them, swinging around several times just to see if they were well balanced. I have to say they were finely made and their handling is alright.

After I received them I had some adjustments to do as everyone has a different style to wield them so now they are a perfect extension of both my arms. Naturally swinging the blade differs from testing them in a real combat so I went into the woods around Vehl to get used to them. Besides I remember that Eander once told me that I could not harm certain creatures with my old bronze blades as they'd never bee as sharp as an iron one for example.

Of course I tried to see if I could get through their skin and armor now. To my surprise it did. Even though my opponents were rather slow, half rotten and foul they managed to surround me. I did well and defeated them. On my way deeper into the woods I saw a strange animal. It looked like a jaguar with additional long “arms” attached on its shoulders. While I was taking care of its attack with its pranks and dodging its bites I underestimated the additional arms and fell to that creature.
The next thing I can remember is standing in the mid of Fort Vehl.

It took me some time and effort but as I came back to where I fell the burden of my defeat was no longer present and I regained my courage. Even though I felt better I decided to continue with my training elsewhere and headed down into the crypts. It went quite well as I observed every single of their movement so they had a hard time to hit me.

As I was satisfied with my training I went out into the world for a walk. After all there are a lot of things that need to be thought of. Like for example the issue between Aryanna and Sallozzo, whereas I did not see either of them around recently, Alicia and Dylan. I hope they are all doing alright. From time to time I miss my sister badly, but then again I touch my pendant and know she is always with me.

So as I walked around I came to a Fort and asked the citizens for a job or even two but most were busy with their own stuff and did not really care about me. So I sat down at the wall and sighted slightly, resting my head against the cold stone. After a while a Lieutenant came by and saw me. At first I did not bother to ask him but curiosity and my nature beat me here again and I could not hold back to ask for a job. To my surprise he had some work for me to to and I gladly assisted him. As a reward he handed me some trues and a helmet. He told me that it bears magical powers but I yet have try it. I am not one that plays around with magic yet the power the weave holds is quite impressive.

I should not bother about it as I can always rely to my two blades and defend myself as well as my friends and all those who need my hand. But I am no help if I am not rested and not in my usual form so I should take a little break.

*Leone rest back in her chair for a moment, closing her eyes before she stretches a little. After some moments of solitude she puts her journal,  quill and ink back into her bag and turns her attention to her dinner.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2007, 06:32:51 am »
*After some days Leone enter the Wild Surge Inn again and sits down at the table in her favorite corner, ordering some juice. After a while she takes off her pendant and looks at it while she holds it up at the leather string which holds the pendant. Carefully her other hand moves under the pendant and she drops it into it, closing her hand. She sighs slightly and holds her closed hand to her chest, remaining silent for moments, her thoughts far away.
With a slight smile Leone attaches her pendant around her neck again and takes out her journal, quill and ink and starts writing.*

 - Tunar, Mai 17, 1419

I know that for everyone comes the time to think about settling down, living with a family and have a good life. This might be a desire by many but there is no place I could call home now. As I came over from Dregar I was new to these lands and everyday I saw something else, something new. I know that there are still a lot of places to see and to wonder about yet I have not seen any place I could call a home, yet. Maybe there is such a place on Mistone or even in the world.

As I traveled in the northern Dregar together with Dylan I knew I had a place I could call home. It wasn't a place like a house or a certain place. The place I could call a home was Dylan. As I was around him I felt safe and warmth even if we were in the coldest places I've ever been on Dregar. But now our ways departed and I don't feel such a place here even if I know that Dylan is still alive. I can still remember the times after I joined him on his travels. I was new in this world, in his world. I listened to his tales of battles and hope while we were sitting at the campfire, warming from the cold, yet in my heart I never felt any cold as I knew I had a place I could call home, a shelter from a dark and cold night. We lived in the rough north but we did not care about it. The weather was rough and the lands dangerous but we lived. There was not I was able to do and I decided to live as Dylan used to do. I'm no fighter, but I did my very best. Dylan knew it was a hard decision for me but he respected it and saw in me someone like himself, a lonely soul with no place to call home.

A home. In the settlement I did not feel home even though my sister decided to make this settlement to her home. I hope she has a good life but I could not imagine such a life for me as well. I was aways curious to see new places, to adventure around. There were so many places to see. A place I could call home, where I felt save was Silianna as I was still a small child and if there still such a place exists I now cold call home then it is the Greyhawk Lake. But without Alicia it would not be the same anymore as we always were there together, laying on our backs and looking up into the skies, filled from dust and debris. Maybe one day I should return to this place, lay myself down and look into the sky.

But before I head there I have other things to do. Aryanna tries to get some adventurers and friends together for an expedition up into the mountains. My curiosity led me into the mountains once as I was on my way from Fort Llast to Hlint. On my way into the mountains I spotted some undead creatures, half rotten. I took a more defense stance and defeated the zombie with some effort as I was still unexperienced. I climbed my way up into the mountains out of curiosity. What I have seen there made be turn around again. I saw giants which seemed to be able to carry rocks with ease. I did not feel ready to face them yet and I still fear I will fall in battle with such a strong opponent. I did not see these giants fight yet but from what I have heard they are strong and smash you to pieces if you get to close to them so I better not underestimate them and train for them. The more experienced I am with my weapons and my ability to wield them properly I should stay away from the mountains. On my way down I got ambushed by ogres and it took me some effort to get out alive, yet I made it eventually, cuts and open wounds everywhere and dragged myself to Hlint.

Now where I mention Hlint. I met Aryanna like four days ago out of Port Hempstead and she wanted to get some leafs and I offered her my help. As myself she grows stronger and stronger and with the help of the lands around her she is able to aid us or harm our opponents whereas her lighting is very impressive. So as she got her leafs I asked her for assistance for a certain task. It seemed that a bard lost her necklace in a cave and I offered her my help. With Aryanna's help I eventually found the cave and I found what the bard lost in there. Strange place for a bard to spend her time. I mean the cave itself is not very dangerous but there are strange creatures inside. A slimy big green cube that eats everything is just one example of it. Our ways departed at the campfire out of Hlint and I headed into town to get a room for the Inn. I spent some more days around Hlint. From other adventurers and some citizens I got to know that Hlint once was a town full of adventurers but most of them left Hlint nowadays so now it is just another small town like every other town as well.

I think I rested enough for now and should get more used to my blades though I am getting more and more used to the better balance and the handling. It seems my aiming gets better and better but that's not only because of my new blades but from my hard training as well. One day I will have a duel with Dylan and show him my progress. He will be proud of me.

*With a slight smile on her lips she closes her journal and look at the title for a moment before putting it back into bag with her quill and ink. She purchases a room for one night. In the room she makes herself comfortable and readies her gear for the next day before crawling into bed where she falls asleep.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2007, 10:03:48 am »
*Leone slumps down under a tree in the Wolfswood Forest and takes out her journal. For quite some time she looks her the black book laying in her lap before she takes out quill and ink and writes a new entry.*

 - Tunar, Mar 17, 1421

Almost two years have passed since I wrote the last time. I don’t know why it has been such a long time, nor do I know why I forgot about it. Reading all my previous notes makes me smile. I have come a long way from home to who I am now. If I compare myself now to when I left Silianna, I prefer me now even if I miss certain things of my past but the path I chose does not in involve them.

I can still remember the days where I spent the day with Alicia at the lake, watching the darkened skies and crossing our fingers for the time to come where we could see the blue sky again, together. I don’t know what happened but the skies are not darkened any more. What I know is that something quite powerful has happened as it did not look like the dusk and debris would fade away naturally these days. So I spent most of my time in the Inns and taverns and looking for rumours about it. Indeed there were a lot of rumours but I don’t know which ones are proven right and which are simply wrong.

Maybe Aryanna knows more about what was going on. She is closely bound to nature so I guess she would know about it after all. Well, at least if it was natural or not. I miss her to be honest, her nature, her ways how she acts. I did not meet her for like two years now which is quite sad.

As I arrived at Port Hempstead a few days ago I met Eander again and he was in need of some oak as he tries to sell arrows. He asked me to help him and agreed. So we went into the woods where he found some good branches on some oak trees. Everything went fine so far. Some bugs and spiders were lingering around his chosen trees so I secured my stance and focused the parry their attacks and let Eander shoot them. It was good to fight side by side with him again, after these two years.

We just got enough branches for him and turned around as bugs and spiders fell down on our heads from the canopies above us. We fought very hard and it took me some effort to hold the line. Unfortunately they killed Eander and almost me as well. While I lost my consciousness they were still lingering around me so I tried to carefully crawl away from them and ran back. Still weakened from the poison I tried to find Eander again and I found him in Fort Hempstead, weakened by his recent death. I felt sorry for him but he said he was alright and heading for a rest. I hope he is really doing alright, as I hope for Aryanna as well.

I only have little progress with my training and I am to the point that it might be better to focus on improving what I already learned than to learn something completely new as I will be unused to new techniques for some time. I wish I could ask Dylan for some advices about the ways of battle butt I will have to find out on my own.

Only time will tell...

*Leone sighs slightly and looks up into the sunset. In thoughts about her sister and Dylan she slowly falls asleep, mumbling in her sleep.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2008, 08:13:14 am »
*After Leone spent the night in Leringard, she heads out early in the morning again. A few bandages still cover the wounds from her adventures. After a long journey she eventually arrives at the Stormcrest Crossroads where she sits down in front of the campfire, sighs softly and takes out a book, bound in black leather. She skips the already filled pages till she finds a blank one, takes out her quill and ink and looks down at the blank pages for a moment before she eventually starts writing.*

- Tunar, Mai 17, 1427

It is quite amazing how time moves on and when we look back we sometimes cannot realize such a long period already passed. It is the same with me at the moment as I just saw my last entry is about a journey six years ago. But did there anything happen in such a long period?

My life moved on, yes. But was there anything of influence? Not that I know about. Certainly, I have been helping various other adventurers and guided them a little in these years across Mistone. But when you don’t expect anything, something will happen.

A month already passed as I was adventuring with some others to a cave in the Gloom Woods. I was travelling with Trith and two other women. It seems one of them had feelings for Trith while the other one was playing her games with it. I have seen this Drea around a few times but I never really felt comfortable around her. And in the cave I got to know why. I doubt she ever cared for anyone else than herself and is a thief in any way.
Anyways, our group explored a cave in the Gloom Woods. Personally I never went far into the cave as there were some creatures I did not really want to face. Slimey and hard to hit. We went inside with ease, even when I was out of training. In the cave we found some undead creatures and a portal of some sorts. We made our way through these undeads and took a closer look at the portal. We found a glowy stick on ist ground and picked it up. As Drea hold it, she vanished from time to time. Just as we were about to leave the cave again undeads showed up through the portal and attacked us. More and more showed up so we had to flee, even as I did not like it but we had no other choice. While we were running around, Drea left the party with the stick and escaped, leaving us alone in the cave.
I don’t know what happened to her and to be honest I don’t really care about her.

A few days ago I met Aryanna again and we went out for some adventure and we found it. A traveller in Fort Wayfare asked for our asistance with a problem and we agreed with him. We made our way down into a goblin infested cave and it wasn’t all too easy. As we were already in the cave we found a bard, called Flynn. We teamed up and proceeded on our way down. We fulwilled the task with joined forces and made our way up again, still being attacked by goblins but we could defeat them.
On our adventure I even found some treasure. Eventually something again to tell a story about. After all I am a treasure huntress.

Our ways departed and I went to Leringard as there was a lottery. Unfortunately I did not win. Maybe some day I will though.

*she shuts her journal and smiles softly as Aryanna approaches at the Crossroads, chatting with her.*

Lord of the Forest

Re: Journal of Leone
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2008, 08:37:35 am »
*Leone sits down at the pond in front of Port Hempstead, wounded from her previous journey into a cave. As she sits down at the pond she takes out her journal, quill and ink again and starts writing a new entry in her black, leather-bound book.*

- Freas, Jular 13, 1427

I have to admit all the adventures and explorations in the past weeks let me pick up my training again. At first it was hard to get into the use of tactics and maneuvers again. It took me some time and Aryanna a lot of bandages and faith in Folian to heal me again so I don’t suffer from them. Aryanna and I were just talking at the campfire outside of Hlint as we met another woman, a cleric of Lucinda apparently. So we asked her if she knew about any good places where one good explore or where some treasure might be hidden. We agreed in assisting on her way to get bodaks as she needed their teeth for something. We found them in a crypt in the mountains and I have to admit that place gave me creeps, especially the mummies who were wandering inside. The undeads we faced were clearly stronger than those I have seen in some crypts around Fort Vehl and other graveyards.

Days have passed and our ways departed again, until we met again this day. I was just heading out of the Silkwood Forest to take a rest at the campfire just to meet another adventurer sitting at the campsite. From his look I’d say he is around 40 years old and quite nice. His name is Chakar. While he uses a scimitar as I do he is able to use the weave at the same time.
So while we introduced each other an old woman showed up who introduced herself as Oma. If I got it right she called herself a witch. From what I have seen she is a spellcaster as well. Shortly after Oma arrived, Aryanna showed up as well. The four of us so went down into the goblin infested cave close by as Chakar had to kill the leader of the goblins which roam the cave.

But every day you experience something new. A goblin wanted to defend their cave, naturally. But as I attacked it tried to run away, screaming for help. I followed it further down but I had no chance to catch up with it before it could call for reinforcement or warn their leader about us. So while we were discussing about how to proceed from here a paladin approached us from the deep inside of the cave and was badly wounded. He said there was a demon inside, or at least rumors told so and he was on a quest to slay this demon. He headed down there alone though and wanted to come back with reinforcement from the Temple of Toran in Fort Llast.

Our group decided to head further down and see what lurks within the caves. We had to fight our way through goblins and some other creatures. We faced hard fights and we often had to take a breather. Most of the group was close to death more than once, already laying on the ground. Even I had problems to stand my ground and the goblins quickly surrounded us and tried to single us out.
After another exhausting fight we headed to a sidearm of the cave and found some more creatures with a demon like inside which naturally attacked us on sight. The creature had wings and horns but it was rather tiny. Chakar guessed it was a Quasit. I had no idea what kind of creature it was, but it looked rather demonic like. As we looked around we found a black barrel with some potions and a stone inside. On the gem there was the symbol of Toran engraved and I tried to remember recent rumors.
Not all too long ago a monk of Toran was killed on the road outside Hlint. It seems the demons and its followers attacked travelers and took their belongings. That would explain how the gem was found in the cave after all.

I told the group that we should head out of the cave and head to the temple of Toran in Fort Llast to return the stone of the monk and not to proceed with Chakar’s quest as the goblins were alarmed anyways.
At the temple we told the cleric our story and returned the stone. The gem itself was pretty much worthless but not for the family of the monk so he wanted to hand it over to them. For what we have done we received 1500 Trues. I took 500 and Chakar the rest as Oma and Aryanna were not interested in Trues.

So now I am sitting here at the pond in Port Hempstead and wonder if or when I will see Chakar, Aryanna and Oma again and we still need to head down in that cave again. But who knows? For now I should take a rest anyways. It has been a few long days.

*Leone yawns heartly and closes her journal before she curls up and falls asleep*