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Author Topic: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime  (Read 505 times)


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    Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
    « Reply #20 on: October 30, 2006, 04:00:42 pm »
    Well, I had no luck finding a ranger to teach me the finer points of combat, but all is not lost. I have been practicing a lot of fighting with two weapons, and I've finally gotten to the point that I am basically ambidextrous and do not suffer so much in my accuracy. I am looking forward to testing out my newly acquired prowess, perhaps the orcs north of town should be thinned out a little bit for the safety of Hlint's population...

    I can also finally wear the gloves that I received in payment for aiding Thrain and the Ulgrid king. They are very nice, and will serve me well I'm sure. An amulet of agility to go with the two rings of agility I have bought should round out my jewelry quite nicely, and will go great along with these gloves.

    Tilli has recently joined me in Hlint, and it's been great having her around. She is progressing quite nicely as a priestess of Deliar, and I'm sure she will be quite effective in his name in due time. She has also been working enchanting to make holy water and healing potions, as well as learning the baking trade. I think she wants to open her own pie shop like mom and dad's.


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      Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
      « Reply #21 on: November 05, 2006, 06:45:47 pm »
      Today is a dark day. It seems the little bit of contact I had with Kyle Pandorn was a little too much. I just wanted a new dagger made of iron, and it seems I contracted the disease that was brought on Hurm by the rudely awaken dragons. Funny I didn't notice anything, but apparently I've had some broken skin in my underarms, the beginnings of the disease I was told.The Aeridinite healer in the ranger's grove of Sielwood forest also told me that a cure was known but had to be recovered, so I should quarantine myself for a few days. Since Krandor is already quarantined, and the Pandorn's have a house there, I figure that's a good place to camp out. Even if I can't get into the Pandorn's place, the town is under quarantine and I shouldn't have to worry about infecting anyone else.

      Tilli was in the mines with Kyle and Rain, but was lucky enough not to have contracted the plague. She was sad that I had to leave, but  knew it was for the best.

      Oh great... once I'm well again I'll have to buy or make some fresh clothes. I hope I can find some way to cleanse my armor. It is very nice, and also a gift from Miriel. It would be a shame to have to burn it as well.


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        Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
        « Reply #22 on: November 09, 2006, 08:59:23 pm »
        Well, Praylor delivered me a dose of the cure today, much needed in fact. I'm still feelin a little down from it, but I'll recover. Praylor also asked me to gather some garlic and witch hazel. The witch hazel is part of the cure, and the garlic is part of the centaur trade I guess.


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          Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
          « Reply #23 on: November 20, 2006, 08:40:15 pm »
          Been a while since I've written anything. Nothing too exciting has been happening, but I have made a full recovery from my little plague bit. Gotten a little better in my woodworking and poison making, been on a few adventure trips. Got a new compound bow, a fine piece of work by Dalan Stoneaxe. I'd like to forget how much I paid for it so I won't write that here, but it was worth the cost. Hopefully I'll have more to write soon.


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            Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
            « Reply #24 on: November 24, 2006, 01:03:31 pm »
            Me and Hrothgar spent a couple solid days mining and smelting in the Seilwood and red light caves. I've advanced significantly in my smelting ability and can now produce nice, clean ingots of copper on about 3/4 of the attempts I make. This is a great help as my tinkering and woodworking will only benefit from the potential of a larger supply of copper. I think I may start trying to smelt ingots of bronze when I can get someone to do the mining work for me. It is a little tougher to accomplish, but I learn quite a bit more from each success.

            With my share of the smelted copper, I started work on making gears, springs, and wires. After I had stocked a few I got some holy waters from Tilli and made a couple of holy traps. Those are significant lessons in my tinkering, even if I'm unable to use them. I am still undecided whether I will do any training with them as I usually find myself too rushed in combat to ever have the opportunity to set them. They would be useful if I spent more time alone hunting enemies, but generally I would be overwhelmed by any enemies that were not of little challenge to me. Perhaps if I were to spend a lot of time and became able to make much stronger traps they could be useful. Still, I do not spend much time out alone where they would be useful.

            That may change in the future though, as I find it increasingly bothersome to be tied to a group where the members do not make plans, and do not follow plans when they *are* made. I have tried to simply avoid those who act that way, but it seems they are the only type who are around and looking for adventure when I am. Perhaps if they were to travel to places that would require tactics or end in death, they would be a little more inclined to follow directions and plans. I think I may have to start spending more time with Uilliam, he seems to know his way around Mistone well, and never seems overly bothered when nothing is happening in Hlint. I could use to learn a bit from him it seems.


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              RE: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
              « Reply #25 on: December 03, 2006, 07:07:34 pm »
              I feel like I've hit another milestone in my personal development and skills. I find it easier to hide, to pick locks, find traps and the like. I'm tumbling through battle easier still, and I've become even better at avoiding damage from traps. I have decided against learning to set traps in favor of simply continuing my learning of my already learned skills. Likely for the best I'd say.

              I've still been working in my crafts, and have made good progress making poisons. not as much progress in other areas, but a little here and there.


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                A seeker of persons
                « Reply #26 on: December 12, 2006, 04:44:46 pm »
                I recently took on a job for Stygian to seek out a mage by the name of Rufus Coldfinger. He has no information as to where he can be found, and says it may be a very dangerous task. Down payment for the services was 1000 coin, and another 2000 to be paid upon delivery of a parcel to Rufus. I think I'll start by asking the mages about Rufus, it may be the best bet for now.  I'll leave this page open for further details about the job.  __________  I've made a little progress with the job I think. After speaking to Rhynn, I learned more of Rufus than I should have cared to know, though the information about him will better prepare me for what to expect should I eventually meet him. It seems he is both a powerful necromancer, and a Black Wizard and Corathite. She did not come out and say exactly where I could find him, but instead left me with a riddle of some sorts:  "You who'se heart is cold as ice, no fire can quell or thall. So forth: live as cold as heart for the betterment of all."  I haven't got a clue what it means, but it's obvious the theme is 'cold.' My first guess is that he lives somewhere cold enough that fire cannot warm it. The only place cold enough to get to me has been the Barbarian Isles, but I hadn't seen any houses out there. I'll have to ask around about other very cold places.  __________  I've now confirmed that Rufus keeps a home in the Barbarian Isles. I didn't so much figure out Rhynn's riddle as I just started asking Canius about all the really cold places he's been to. Ozy happened to be around, and named Rufus as the owner of a house that Canius had seen many times in the Barbarian Isles. I've asked Canius to show me the place the next time we meet, and I'm only being required to supply the tinder to keep us warm while we travel.  I've sent 'S' a letter informing him of the progress, and since the discussion with Rhynn, have renegotiated the job's price due to the level of hazard that may be involved.  __________  Canius showed me to Rufus' house today. Was easy enough to find. I slipped a note inside the door requesting a meeting with him.  __________  I've finally gotten correspondence from Rufus, and will be meeting him to deliver S' parcel as soon as he has finished putting it together.  __________  I've delivered the letter to Rufus, and have been paid in full for the job. S was most pleased with the outcome, and seemed mildly amused that I returned with all of my extremities intact.
                 //Original Post in the Wild Surge


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                  Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                  « Reply #27 on: December 16, 2006, 10:59:43 am »
                  Well, I've finally got a pair of fire enchantments for my blades. I must say, I can't believe I hadn't ponied up for them sooner. I've got a second circle on my short sword, and a first circle on my dagger. Soon as I'm able to wield the extra power, I think I'll be having them both dipped in silver as an aid against the undead and were-beasts I occasonally come across. I figure that will be cheaper and last me longer than saving for a set of adamantium blades. At least for the time being that is. Once I can have similar enhancements on those, I'll have to upgrade. Or maybe just upgrade to a third circle fire enhancement. Who knows. Anyhow, I better put some more use to these things.


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                    An exploration into shadows
                    « Reply #28 on: January 08, 2007, 04:33:35 pm »
                    I've been selling scrolls to a woman named Lalaith lately, and have begun seeing her in town more often. The other day there was an incident involving a fellow Hlintite who was being drained of his energy by something. He said he had also recently been imagining children in his mind, and that they were asking to be fed. Anyhow, Lalaith was around with her brother Talan, and she disappeared to the shadow plane to look for anything that was following the man. She came up with nothing, but told him to be careful and to seek out a competent mage if it happened again.

                    A day or so later, she popped up behind me and a few people in town by the bank, and I was able to have an... interesting conversation with her out by the campfire just out of Hlint. She explained that she was able to use and manipulate the very shadows, even during the daytime. She called it Shadow Dancing, and said that the shadows grant many gifts to those that learn to seek them. Or rather, in her opinion, she felt that the shadows seek out those who are to receive the gifts.

                    While we were out by the campfire, She showed me how she could pull the shadows from all around her to summon a shadow to command as her own. Perhaps it was her own shadow that she was manipulating, I'm not exactly sure. She spoke to it in a language I'd never heard before though. Then, just as quickly as it had materialized, it was gone again. She also demonstrated another gift of the shadows, and put a nearby pack ox in some sort of dazed stupor, causing it to stumble around a little.

                    She had started to explain how she moved into the plane of shadows, and compared a slight similarity to the Greater Sanctuary spell, but then we were interrupted by a wandering adventurer come to the fire to rest. I'm intrigued to say the least, and will have to spend more time learning on the subject of this... Shadowdancing.



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                      Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                      « Reply #29 on: January 21, 2007, 06:08:18 pm »
                      It's been a while since I sat down to write, so it's a good time to put something down I think.

                      Tilli has come a long way in her goals to start her own pie business, and has made her first few pies recently. Most have been rhubarb, but there's been an apple one too. She's also been working in enchanting, and is becoming competent in making weapon elemental enchantments, and elemental resistance rods for usage on wearable items. Once I work my way into a few items that will be sticking with me for quite some time, I'll likely have her make me one of each for fire, lightning, and cold. The acid would be nice, but the chance of coming across any emerald dust is pretty slim. I've never even seen an emerald yet.

                      Anyhow, Tilli informed me that I am one of the more accomplished locksmiths in Layonara. From what she was told, I am one of a very few who are able to unlock and untrap a certain gate in the firesteep mountains that gives access to some rather valuable and hard to get crafting items. Well, I haven't actually disarmed the trap yet, but I can feel that I am just within a hair of disarming it. I think with the proper motivational song, the trap will fall to pieces at my hands. And if it doesn't, I'll just push Gimli into it. *he laughs a little bit at this* Not really, although I'm sure he could handle whatever damage it would unleash.


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                        Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                        « Reply #30 on: February 10, 2007, 12:04:42 am »
                        There's been very little to record lately. Mostly I've been spending countless hours at either the alchemist's table in Moraken's Tower, or at the gem cutting and polishing stations in Hlint's pulic craft hall. I've nearly advanced enough in my alchemical studies that I will be able to supply my own oils and acids for working pelts into leathers. Then I will concentrate on my sewing skills, as the leathers are the next big step to work with. Really I'm not sure why I focus on any of the tradeskills. Any equipment that I need, I won't be able to make before I need it. And I seem to have a terrible time selling anything that I do make, so I just don't make much of anything. It's all more practice than anything. It is something to keep me occupied I suppose. Maybe one day I'll be able to make sought after items.


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                          Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                          « Reply #31 on: February 12, 2007, 06:46:50 pm »
                          I've recently refined a technique of dodging between two enemies during a fight, and I've noticed that it helps keep me from getting hit just a little. It's not much, but everything helps at this point. Especially when I'm getting swung on by giants wielding axes larger then me! Along with this technique, I've found that I'm overall slightly more agile than I have been in the past. These two new discoveries have been great for me, and I've noticed that I can also wield both of my weapons with far better accuracy than I could previously.

                          Along with the new developments in myself, I've purchased a hood that not only helps me to hide and sneak, but also offers a small amount of protection. I'm also planning on purchasing [when I can come up with the coin] a full set of diamond jewelry that will enhance my agility. This of course, will be a significant expense, and will likely take me some time to earn the funds.


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                            Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                            « Reply #32 on: March 25, 2007, 03:27:02 am »
                            It's been quite a long time since I've written my thoughts down, and unfortunately, my first for this entry isn't a happy one. I had my second visit from the soul mother today in a giant infested cave on Dregar.

                            In other news, I'm progressing nicely in both poison crafting and gemstone crafting. Not so much in other areas, but a little.


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                              Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                              « Reply #33 on: March 26, 2007, 07:07:30 pm »
                              I had a rather refreshing trip with Hrothy the other day. We took a a few mining picks out into the desert a ways out from Audira looking for silver. It was just the two of us, and not long after I had bumped into the soul mother in exactly the same cave. Needless to say, I was a little nervous about it.

                              We had a good plan though: He can mine the cave clean alone, but it takes him nearly four stacks of bandages to patch up the burns those witchdoctors give him. Since I can easily dodge any of their fiery spells, it was my job to pull the axe wielders away from them and back into the hallways. Once there, Hrothy easily dispatched them, with me ducking in and out to slice at their calves. After the axe bullies were taken care of, I would run at the mage a few steps in front of Hrothy to draw the fire before it scorched him, and then we would finish them off. It was a great plan and we came out with all the silver we could carry.

                              This got me thinking though: If the two of us could do so well with a basic plan, larger groups could likely tackle tougher areas with less casualties by the same pre-planning. I think I'm going to test my theory out in Firesteep. Hrothy needs adamantium to further his weapon crafting, and I need an adamantium short sword. It will help us both out, so I think I'll start advertising to put a mining expedition together.


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                                Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                « Reply #34 on: April 03, 2007, 12:08:27 am »
                                I've been spending a lot of time in the shadows lately. Mostly collecting odds and ends for sales or trades. Normally I'll go out in the evenings or early mornings when the shadows are most easily observed. While I'm out and about, I try to focus on the shadows as I use their cover to gather my items in safety. At times I think I 'feel' them, but being the early and late times of day I usually chalk it up to being less than fully aware. Lalaith said that the shadows seek out those worthy of their gifts... Could they be reaching out to me?


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                                  Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                  « Reply #35 on: April 09, 2007, 11:20:59 pm »


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                                    Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                    « Reply #36 on: April 09, 2007, 11:29:45 pm »
                                    Not five hundred feet from where I was recently visited by the soul mother in that silver mine, I met her again. This time, it was not even the result of a battle gone wrong, but an errant stranger being spotted in the hallway between the silver ore and where I was resting. Of course the stranger made his way down the hall unscathed, but the giant continued on having seen Tilli. I had to try and protect her, but it cost me another shard of my soul.

                                    Regardless, I've come to find myself buried under a heap of giants far too often for my liking, and have decided that I'll be carrying a much heavier stock of arrows from now on. No longer will I be standing toe to toe with anything that can beat half the energy out of me with one direct hit.


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                                      Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                      « Reply #37 on: May 14, 2007, 09:37:05 pm »
                                      I met a strange fellow the other day named Matthias. He claimed to be asking for "donations" for the temple of Rofirien, but I have to wonder if he was just conning people for his own pocket. Needless to say, I think the man was a little touched in the head, as his antics would swing wildly from direct insults to asking for help in his travels. Not only that, but he made a donation to Tilli for Deliar's temple... Strange fellow indeed, I'll have to let Jennara know to keep an eye on him next I see her.

                                      Aside from strange Rofi's, I've felt my skills overall have improved. Along with a new belt that I can finally wear, I now have the skills to use low power spell scrolls fairly consistently. My skills in travelling silently and making use of the shadows to hide myself improve as consistently as ever, and I feel as though the shadows even provide themselves in opportune places for me to take advantage of them from time to time. Now that I think of it, I can't remember the last time I was noticed while lurking through the darkness...


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                                        Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                        « Reply #38 on: May 28, 2007, 11:17:09 am »
                                        It's a happy day! Tilli, Hrothy, and me finally bought a house in Haft Lake near Pranzis! We haven't had much money to decorate with yet, but we've got a couple storage crates so far. I think the three of us will do much better with our crafting once we have plenty of chests to store a larger amount of supplies.

                                        Also, we've decided to have a house warming party sometime soon. Tilli is going to make a few crates full of roasts, bread, juices and ale for the guests, and then once we get decorated we'll have everyone over.


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                                          Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                          « Reply #39 on: January 23, 2008, 06:51:51 pm »
                                          *This particular page is noticeably stained by tear drops, and has become brittle*

                                          It's been ten years since I've been back to my home in Haft Lake. Pranzis has changed drastically, apparently its been taken by followers of Sulterio. Its great walls seem even more heartily fortified, if that is possible. They are taller, if nothing else. I've not spent much time in the city just yet, I was more concerned with verifying that my home was still... mine. Luckily, it has not been repossessed by the state and sold to someone else.

                                          With that worry out of the way, I feel I can return to my adventuring. First order of business will be finding some income. Prior to... returning home... I had spent my life savings on a house and some high end equipment.