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Author Topic: Home - Tath's Return to Gionda  (Read 80 times)

Jearick Hgar

Home - Tath's Return to Gionda
« on: August 26, 2007, 09:16:01 pm »

He took a step off the boat. It had been three years since he left Gionda. He left as an outcast amongst the warriors. He remembered the pain he would feel as he was made fun of by the others in training. He could see the faces as he stood there on the shores of Gionda. In his mind he saw them pointing and laughing as he tried to catch a fish within the waters of the sea. He was bigger than them, but they all knew he would never swing the first fist. He wasn't a warrior at heart. He was too soft, for all of his gifts given to him by Gi'jiam, he might as well been a woman. They called him the stone N'!oko, As any N'!oko he was tall, strong, and fierce looking, but just as a stone statue, that's all he was.
      He looked across the tree line, he couldn't see any of the Zo'kodum but he knew they were there. They always were, that was their duty to always be there. He waited for them to come to him and question his wearing of a Giasuma, and he would show them who he had become. He was now, Tath Zo'layum Zo'kodum of the Ziambii Ki and Bear Warrior of N'i!a. He would challenge the Zoko to a duel and win. He was strong, he would lead the Ziambi Ki in the battles to come against the N'!okos, the Three tailed cats, and the Guatumas. He would help them hunt by being an animal amongst animals. He would show them, he would bring pride back to his father's eyes.
      He stood there waiting, his crab shell shield and Ch'kra on his back. He was completely wet, but the cold did not bother him. He had spent half a year in the barbarian islands with no fire and only a cave for shelter with almost nothing on his back. He could endure a little sea water. He watched the tree line and still nothing, no one came to question him. He took a step, still nothing. No one was at the tree line. He frowned beginning to walk at a hurried pace. When he reached the tree line he began sprinting. He couldn't see anyone in the forest, even in the darkness the Zo