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Author Topic: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land  (Read 16167 times)


Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« on: October 15, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
I woke up this morning on the ground...staring up at this strange stone cross. I looked around...clearing the cobwebs from my find I was not in North Hampshire anymore. And Cardiana wasn't beside me.

The people I met so far talked about this being a town called Hlint...and everyone had the same dream of a dragon who drafted them into a war with this Blood guy. This seems has been doing this for a while conscripting people against their will...I guess. It took me away from my family...Cardiana.

Cardiana...sweet Cardiana. Never got to tell you I love you. And now you may never know. If killing this Blood will bring me back to you...then he dies....


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2005, 08:44:00 pm »
Rats...back to training against rats...

I haven't done any rat catching since I first started training with Cardiana. It was the first time she let me use a blade. This man Johan...his wife was ill and he needed someone to go get some rat pelts for him. And...the accountant at the Courthouse...lost the city's tax records. I had to get them from a 'Ratman'. If Cardi could see me now...she would laugh her head off. I miss her. When I lie in bed at the Wild Surge...I close my eyes and I can see her she was right in front of me. I go to reach for her...but only get air. Then I get angry.

What was the surprise that she had for me? If only that blasted dragon hadn't taken me from her...

After I get done here...that dragon owes me big...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2005, 10:36:00 am »
I helped with the rats again...

But this guy...I forget his name...kept running off...getting killed. He won't last too long if he dosen't learn patience. That is something Cardiana taught me. I would wade into them...and get pretty banged up doing it. Cardiana would just let them come to her and take them one at a time...never getting surrounded. After many bandages...and bruises...I learned not to run into every battle head on.

His companion...Selena Tiriel...was with us. Now that is a warrior. She swings a mean Greataxe. She reminds me of Cardiana. How she would just wait and be patient...even when we cleaned out the undead in the crypts..she struck with ease.

I will learn a lot from her...if she doesn't mind the company...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2005, 12:45:00 pm »
The days just run together. I do the odd job here and there. Now...Johan needs a boar's pelt. While this allows me to use my skills are not progressing as it did when I was with Cardiana. I need to find someone versed in katana to help me. But none may come as close to being like her.

Cardiana...Cardiana. Do you miss me? Do you wonder where I have gone to? You don't even know how I feel right now. I'm so alone here.

Well...time to find that boar's pelt for Johan. And that wagon master...Ronus...needs someone...I'll see him too..


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2005, 04:19:00 pm »
There have been attacks by this Blood's armies in and around this place. And they were beaten back by the hearty souls here. I wish I was trained enough to join them!!! It would give me some small bit of satisfaction...since it is because of him...that dragon has taken me from all those I love.

I'm still not acclimated to my surroundings...I find myself lost and not knowing what to do.

Cardi...I wish you were her to guide me as you always have.



RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 09:48:00 am »
I saw Ranewin again today. I had met her when I first came here. She looks very different now. Some kind of curse was placed on her after she destroyed this necromancer's hand. The young vibrant face she had is now a weathered aged that on my grandmother. The price she paid to destroy an evil artifact. There is a cure...if you could call it that...that would conceal the effects and restore her to a somewhat normal state. I hope she can find this. She is a kind woman. would like her...she reminds me of you...I hope the letters I send are getting to you. And I hope you are writing back. I miss you so...

I went with some others to a place called Haven. Their mines are crawling with Ogres and we dispatched quite a few of them. You would have been proud of me Cardi. They didn't even scratch me. But that's maybe because my companions are better at combat than I...but I got my strikes in.

I must start to craft a katana. You were just about to teach me how before I was taken from you. It shall be a weapon that is worthy of a Master. Then...I will return to you.


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2005, 12:00:00 pm »
Met someone new today...

Mara is her name. A dark-skinned Elven woman. However I don't think she is Drow. Her mannerism aren't Drow-like...if there is such a description. She needed help getting salt and since I was just sitting there she asked me. As I had nothing to do...I went.

I suspect she really needed some company...she took care of those Goblins like she owned them. She is a deadly shot with the bow. She didn't really need my help. But...I was glad to have some company. I was feeling so alone. We gathered all the salt we could find and headed back. It was then I remembered the bard in the Wild Surge who lost her necklace. I asked Mara if she would take me to the cave in the Sielwood(?) to retrieve it. She smiled and accepted without even hesitating. However...the goblins who had the necklace did not return to the cave we abandoned the search for now. She is an interesting one...I do hope we can come back and finish what we started...

I really need to start crafting my own katana...the Seilwood cave has ores...maybe I can start there...

No word from Cardiana...I am worried...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2005, 05:46:00 pm »
Finally got that necklace. Had some help from Armin and a few others. The bard was happy enough to get such an heirloom back.

Then I saw Talon again. She and this Azaria say thay are sisters. Must be a girl thing because Talon is an elf...and Azaria is a halfling...women.

Anyway...they needed some sage and we went to this place called the Broken Forest. The place was crawling with vermin undead and ogres. The Ogres...had a really bad experience. One struck me from behind and everything went dark.

I was floating in this darkness...a Void that had no horizon. Just as I resigned myself to never seeing Cardiana again...I found myself back in Hlint...very weak and very...incorporeal. This priestess..Ayla...said that that is what happens when you are struck down and after some regain your strength. That is good. I don't think I would want to wander the world like a ghost forever. I must be careful next time.

The mail came and still nothing from Cardiana. I am getting really worried. I hope she doesn't think I'm dead...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2005, 10:19:00 pm »
I can now go into that cave in the Seilwood to get some copper ores to craft into weapons. Thanks to this helm I got from that Lieutenant in Fort Llast...I can stand up to the kobolds in there and get to mining.

I still need to find someone willing to take an apprentice for training in the katana. It won't be much use to make a quality weapon if I can't wield it properly. There is a bulletin board in the Wild Surge Inn. Maybe if I place a request...someone will contact me. It won't be the same as with Cardiana...but she is in another place. Worrying about me no doubt. There has been another mail drop today and still no word. I hope she got my letter.

I am starting to get the hang of smelting ore. I have a few copper ingots in the vault and as soon as I get the molds for weapons...I can begin making katanas. But it will take time to work the real quality metals.

There is nothing else I can do for the moment...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2005, 06:16:00 pm »
Made a new friend today...

Supintaltha Kilortinlathan. tongue tied trying to say it. She just wants to be called Supin for short. She needed to go down into the crypts for essence for Erag. I swear he must be addicted to the stuff. She is also a capable warrior...wielding twin scimitars. That's what I may do....wield twin katana blades. I would look forward to adventuring with her again.

Ranewin also got a hold of me today. Wanted to go to the Grey Peaks. Since I need to get this Oil of Vukas for this girl in Fort Llast...I went with her. Things went bad fast...I got sent to the dark horizonless Void again...but this time it felt a little someone or something was looking my way but didn't see me. I wonder what that is all about.

Well...I'm going to be resting up in Hlint again. No word yet again from Cardiana. And I really need to find someone who would train me in katana...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2005, 01:57:00 pm »
I seem to be making friends easily here...

And all it took was to become a ghostly figure. Aries had seen me wandering Hlint in my ghostly appearance and offered to take me back to where I fell to reclaim my body and soul. She was genuinely concerned about it. Then Angela Swann joined us...then Ranewin and her lover Trysk. I don't blame Ranewin for me becoming a spirit this time...I joined her willingly when I could have stayed in Hlint. So it is really my fault I ended up that way. Then this giant Glokk joined us. Then a few whose names escapes me now. I'll remember them next time I run into them.

We went back to the Grey Peaks where I fell...and as I touched the spot where I fell...I felt divine energy flow through me as my spirit reconnected with my body. It was good to feel whole again. I must remember never to travel through that area again until I am particularly well trained. If it weren't for my companions... I would have had to wait a while for my spirit to reclaim my body on its own. I fell two more times due to my weakend condition. Thanks to them all for their help.

No mail came today...this not hearing from home is getting me crazy...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
I saw Talon again today...

We were walking towards the Craft House...when she asked me to go to a party at the Leilon Arms Tavern with her. Since I was curious about the Leilon Arms anyway and Talon is a beautiful woman....I accepted. She smiled brightly as I said I would accompany her. A smile that was a glad smile.

No sooner than we meet at the Leilon Arms that Azaria shows up...again. Then Talon wanted to leave to take care of her 'sister'. This...after wanting me to see the room she had rented there. She kissed my cheek and promised to come with me the next time the Arms is open. And then she left with Azaria in tow. I spent the evening trying to beat Acacea in the old game of bouncing the coin in the glass. I lost. My mind was still on Talon.

I don't know what to make of Talon interested or not? I'm getting confused.

Word form Cardiana is way way overdue...something has happened...I feel it...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2005, 11:30:00 am »
Another venture into the crypts...

This time it was to help Nim'Sy'Amandil and Ferrit get more essence for Erag. Nim is searching for her daughter...Sy'Ravenne and is really worried for her. Seems that Sy'Ravenne is close to having the Soul Mother take her for good and Nim wishes to see her before that happens. It would be sad if they don't get together before then. I hope she finds Sy'Ravenne before the end comes.

Ferrit is excellent with a bow...just like Nim. They hit their targets with precision at point blank range. And Ferrit can drink...after we got the essence we downed a few at the Wild Surge. She was getting annoyed at the attention the drunks were giving her and I had to keep her from cutting one. Can't have a murder rap for a drunk. She interesting woman...

There is still nothing from home...if word doesn't come soon...I may have to try to get back to Vanavar but I don't think that dragon will let me I wait...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2005, 07:48:00 pm » wasn't meant to be...

Talon and I will just be friends. I thought I wanted to explore a relationship with her...but it would have been wrong. I felt that it wasn't right...I think that it was my missing Cardiana that was drawing me to her. She does remind me of Cardi. In fact...Talon's heart belongs to Glenn Thendor. Fortunate man he is. I wish her happiness with him. And I still miss Cardiana back home. But the silence from home is unnerving...

I must post to the board in the Wild Surge. If I'm to be ready for Blood and his armies...I must be trained well. Time is a wasting...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2005, 06:23:00 pm »
There is some bad news today...

Nim's daughter...Sy'Ravenne...was taken by the Soul Mother yesterday. I never seen this Soul Mother...but from what others have told is not a pleasant thing. Once the Soul Mother takes don't come back. I guess I am lucky...the two times I was in the one came to see me there. But my luck won't hold out I'm told.

No response yet from the Wild Surge. Guess I may have to ask around. Someone may want to take me on as an apprentice. I just have to look.

Gave some skeleton knuckles to Ayla Bineau. Got 4 potions like the one I used to save Ferrit's life the other day. It was fortunate that I had it with me. A griffon almost killed her while we were coming back from Port Hampshire that day. I poured the contents into her mouth and saved her from going into the darkness. I...was afraid I wasn't going to get to her in time. And I was worried. her.


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2005, 09:32:00 pm »
An interesting day...

Ozy Llewellyn regaled us with the story of a paladin...Dougal...who went against the orders of his god and refused to slay some children and became an avatar of Shadisson. More to come later.

Ferrit and I went a mining and crafting. I made her a set of darts as a gift. She used some and she is getting the hang of using them. Her smile lights up the room when she made her first batch of arrowheads...leathers...and things. to see her smile.

We tried to get some more copper from Seilwood...but we both fell to spiders. I had used all my potions the first time around. We are resting in Hlint...and maybe after our souls reunite with our bodies...we will try again tomorrow...before we go to the Leilon Arms.

I look forward to spending the evening with her...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2005, 04:41:00 pm »
Another soul is taken from us...

Ayla Bineau...the priestess I was collecting skeleton knuckles for is dead. She had gone into the mines alone and was killed. Why would she go alone? Doesn't make sense. I didn't know her for long...but she was a kind and caring soul. That's two that I know of. I will miss Ayla.

I need to go to the Arms tonight. A few drinks to Ayla is in order.

I hope Ferrit will come with me tonight. I could use her company...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2005, 09:21:00 pm »
I have joined a trader's group...

Well...I should say Ferrit and I did. We spoke to Talon and Azaria and they have a good outfit going. We get to use whatever is availiable as long as we contribute to the treasury of the company. The Brightstar Traders. Catchy name. I have a room in Harmony Grove near Leilon. A fair hike from Hlint...but it is a decent place.

And the way I see is the only way I could hone my weaponcrafting skills without going broke to do it. I just need to put back what I use. I'm not getting anywhere on my own.

I heard that there is a man named Jet who is versed in katana blades. While I'm getting materials for the company...I can train with him as well. I'll need to seek him out...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2005, 02:34:00 pm »
It was a very solemn day...

Ayla Bineau's wake. I felt out of place with only Ferrit, Talon, Roxx and Azaria the only familiar faces there. But I felt it was the right thing to do to be there. And judging by the number of people in attendance...Ayla was well loved. Geir....her a very kind and gracious man. His grief made even deeper in that he and Ayla were to be married today...instead of mourning her at her wake. A very harsh thing to have happened. I expressed my condolences to him and he thanked me for just showing. Gracious indeed.

Ilsare has blessed me with very special friends...Ferrit. I feel fortunate that I met Ayla...and can count her as a special person in my life...even if it was for the shortest amount of time. Ilsare's love will comfort her in the afterlife.

I...feel the need to hit a rock with a pick. I need to channel some energy...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2005, 04:24:00 pm »
A very productive outing...

Last night...Talon, Azaria, Caeli, Kloss, Ferrit and myself went on a grand tour around Mistone gathering materials. We went around from Fort Hope to Port Hampshire via the Blood Desert. We killed everything that got in our way and the best part of it one died!! Not even close to getting killed. We acted as a team and took our time and took them one at a time. We gathered much and Talon was pleased.

I am very glad to be a part of this group. I can consider them all friends. But Ferrit...she is becoming more to me. We are becoming close. I needed to go to Leilon to put some things in the community chests when she kissed my cheek. It surprised me...but it was a welcome surprise. So I kissed her cheek in return. I hope that there will be many more of those...

I left and made it to Fort Llast without an incident. I will rest here before going on. I will be thinking of Ferrit tonight...