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Author Topic: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land  (Read 16165 times)


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2005, 04:22:00 pm »
Ilsare shows love at strange times...

A good friend of Roxx's was taken by the Soul Mother yesterday. Bopthor was his name. I never met him...and from what I hear he was a good man. And...a friend of Roxx is certainly a friend of mine. Ferrit and I are planning a wake for Bopthor...even though neither one of us really knew him. We do this for Roxx...because he is a good friend of ours. This makes 3 souls claimed by that...that...::Elven expletive:: in less than a month.

But there is good that comes out of this day. Ferrit and I went outside to get some air and to talk. We found ourselves by the docks where the sea air and the cool breeze was enticing. We talked about the sea...our families...the war which brought us to each other. And we sat huddled together against the cool breeze off the water...we expressed our mutual feelings for each other. And we shared soft...passionate kisses. Now...I have been attracted to other women before but with is different. in love with Ferrit. Strange time for Ilsare to bless me with Ferrit. But who am I to question it?

Ferrit started to feel a little guilty about sneaking off on Roxx to steal some time together with me and we returned to the house...after one final kiss. Her kisses make me feel like my heart is on fire. A fire that will not be quenched. Thank Ilsare for her.

I needed to head to my room in Harmony Grove. I have some furniture to place there so I may have a place to call home. It needs a woman's touch. Ferrit will just have to pay a visit...



RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2005, 06:50:00 am »
Theft at the house...

Someone has been going into the rooms at the house in Leilon. This has everyone a little on edge. That one of us is stealing from the others is unthinkable. Who among us would want to steal when it would be given to them?

But Ferrit...thinking they are suspecting her...has run off. Cleared out her room at the Leilon Arms and left. I tried to follow her...but she is too quick. Dear Ilsare...I need to find her...tell her that no one thinks she did it. It is tearing me up inside.

I care deeply for her...I don't want to lose her...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2005, 09:24:00 pm »
This has been a special day...

All is well now with Ferrit and the group. She now knows that she didn't steal anything and is back in the group. It was all a big misunderstanding. And Ferrit is relieved. I am too.

The Leilon Arms was slow tonight. No...not slow...deserted was more like it. Some Mistone Alliance guards were there taking donations for the war effort against Bloodstone. I gave them an old copper half plate I wasn't using along with a couple of daggers. know...those Alliance guys gave me the creeps. Guess that's why the Arms was empty tonight. They scared the customers off.

So...Ferrit and I went to the group house across the street. We had a little party of our own...after bathing to get the smell of stink bugs off of us. I fed the jukebox and we held each other close as we danced around the common room...sharing more soft kisses. She is very light on her feet. I cherish these moments alone with her. I am deleriously happy when I'm with her.

She was getting sleepy...from all that Ear Pilsner and some stuff called Jumpin Juniper Bock we were drinking. I would have gone to my place in Harmony Grove...but Ferrit didn't want me to travel the High Forest we spent the night in her room at the Leilon Arms. She is so beautiful...and she is so soft lying in my arms...

I love this woman...dear I love this woman...



RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2005, 08:12:00 am »
A not so perfect foray...

I seem to be known around here. A fellow named Glenn Thendor met Ferrit and I outside the Craft House in Hlint. After being introduced by Ferrit...Glenn says..."Oh...your that Kyle...". That Kyle...wonder what that means. I half-jokingly said..."Good things were said about me I hope..." and he said that at least nothing bad was said about me. Hmmm...that has got me thinking too.

Then the family as Talon calls us went on a not so merry trudge around Mistone last night. Just to hunt and a little gathering of things. wasn't like the last time. Trying to get through the Fens near Port Hampshire...I fell along with my beloved Ferrit, Ash Willo and Roxx. My death was partially my fault becuse I didn't see the Lizards guarding Roxx's death sight so I fell in a hail of arrows. Last thing I heard before going to the void was Daemon say something about being foolhardy. I don't think I like him.

And from what Ferrit told one was watching her back as she was looting the corpses and was killed too. Then Ash fell. And Ferrit fell again trying to get back by the claws of a griffon. We were able to recover our bodies. But death took a toll...not just our bodies...but all the gold coin collected was gone too.

Talon blamed herself for the whole mess. I tried to tell her least in my case...that I bear some responsibility for the deaths...but she would have none of it. Now...she will not go until the last one of us has left the area. We call it a hard lesson learned.

Azaria wanted to talk to Ferrit. Ferrit is a little anxious...and I am as well. is probably nothing anyway....


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2005, 04:11:00 pm »
I am afraid...

Ferrit fell on Dregar and was visited by the Soul Mother. This has gotten me anxious and afraid for her. I...don't know what I'd do if the time came that the Soul Mother keeps her from me. To find love and to lose it...I don't think I could handle it. I love Ferrit so.

Bopthor's wake was small. Not as many showed as at Ayla's. But his closest friends were in attendance remembering what a fine man Bopthor was. From the stories Roxx told me before passing out...I wish I had met him...I would have liked him. And Roxx said he would have like me as well.

I must go...I feel I must be with my love...lest the Soul Mother finds her again...



RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2005, 04:06:00 pm »
I hurt Azaria yesterday...

I didn't mean to. It was just that while we were on a hunt...I had said that Ferrit should loot the corpses. But Azaria was already doing that and made the comment that maybe that I didn't trust her. I do trust's just I am used to seeing Ferrit loot that I said that. Azaria wouldn't talk to me for a while. I could see that I hurt her.

So back in Hlint...I took her aside and apologized for making her feel that I didn't trust her. I think that made her feel better because we hugged for a moment before going back to the group.

They were planning a trip to Dregar again but I was feeling a little I stayed behind. Ferrit went on though and upon her return...she wasn't feeling too well either. She is resting in her room a few days as I drop in every now and then. I hope she feels better.

Talon wants to see me. Why...I don't know. Probably to tell me what went on in Dregar...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2005, 10:03:00 pm »
It was just a key...

Talon had changed the lock on the house in Leilon. I found out the hard way by breaking the old key trying to get in. Seems that she doesn't trust Zandor Glowingaxe anymore and needs to keep him out. I never had a problem with him. But I think Talon released him from service. It's her call...

Ferrit is feeling a bit better. I see her trying to keep busy in the craft house in Hlint or down in Haven feeding the chickens. But she is still a little wobbly on her feet...and needs me to lean on to get her back to bed. Not that I mind...I love it when she snuggles up to me. Her skin feels so soft when I hold her close.

She still has to take it easy. At least for the next couple of days.

71 bags of sand delivered to the house. 89 more bags to go. I need a break. The Leilon Arms is open tonight...and I'll be close to Ferrit too....


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2005, 11:35:00 pm »
Now we know who the thieves at Harmony Grove are...

Not exactly thieves...just some mischeivous brownies 'borrowing' our unused items. Nothing we could do about it. Just as long as they don't wreck the place and return what they borrow...I have no problem with it. Guess this let's Zandor off the hook.

Azaria is moody lately. It seems that she is having a crisis of faith about her god Goran. She doesn't think it is right to craft golems as slaves. I don't know what to say to that. I did tell her that if she ever want someone to let her vent some talk to someone about her thoughts...I would listen to her. She is a good friend.

I asked Talia to make a dress for Ferrit. Something I hope Ferrit likes. It will be a surprise once she is back on her feet again. It is very lonely without her. Maybe when she gets better we could take some time for ourselves alone. Maybe our spot at Lake Palden. That is always a peaceful place to go. To look at her with the reflected light off the lake in her just makes me love her more.

Not only the dress...but I made my first bronze weapon...a dagger. Not as big as her rapier...but she is always complaining about the copper weapon she has. Too flimsy...she said. Now she has a better grade of weapon to use. And it's my first...crafted by my hand. That is what makes it special.

I need to go make little rocks from big ones...need to start practicing my crafting...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2005, 05:12:00 pm »
Alnusa is one of a kind...

He was playing with...what was his name...Vergath's...companion panther last night. He had been down for a while...but playing with Pandora...that's the big cat's name...made his face light up like a bright sunny day. He is still wondering what life's all about...but at least for a few moments...he didn't care. He was happy. And the happiness was catching...I couldn't stop smiling.

I mined some more in the Seilwood and found not one...but two sapphires!! An extremely lucky find for me. Ferrit will most definitely want these. I'll surprise her with these along with the dress that Talia is making for her. I can't wait to see her face.

I was practicing my striking forms today. I am getting a little rusty. Need to learn the next series of strikes to be more effective. I need a trainer...



RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2005, 09:50:00 pm »
A dear friend was taken by the Soul Mother...

Roxx Cloudwalker...the sweetest half-giant there ever was. I will miss the big lug. Alnusa and Talia were hit the hardest. Especially Talia. She was beside herself and was shocked when I gave her a consoling hug. We all drank to Roxx in Harmony Grove and got a bit drunk. Azaria and Talia went off somewhere and I put a very drunk Alnusa to bed. I however....couldn't sleep. I walked back down to hlint to hit some metal. I wish it was whatever killed Roxx.

Ferrit is back on her feet again. And earlier that day...we had a semi-successful mining run in the Sielwood. Semi-successful because I fell once to a Kobold shaman's evil magic. But I avoided the Soul Mother again...and recoverd my spirit. Ferrit was sorry she couldn't save me...but that wasn't her fault. No harm done.


Imagine that...there were a lot of beautiful and eligible women back on Vanavar...but it took a war and a dragon to bring me to the one I love. And I do love Ferrit. More that anyone could love someone. I can't imagine a life without her. And...I know what I must do to keep it that way...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2005, 10:05:00 pm »
This was a strange but wonderful day...

First the strange...

A man needed an escort for his brother Joseph to the Barbarian Isles. But this man was killed by gypsies in a cave not to far from the port. It also appears that his brother had set him up. Joseph was killed the second he entered the cave. His daughter was abducted...but after Joseph was killed they released her. They wanted a ransom and I believe that Joseph's own life was it. We need to look into this further.

Now the wonderful...

Ferrit and I were in the Craft House in Hlint. She was working on making bandages for when we go a hunting and gathering. And with all the souls that never returned...I finally got the nerve. I proposed to Ferrit right there in the Craft House. Gave her the first and probably the only ring I'll ever make as I dropped to bended knee. Imagine the joy my heart felt when I heard the words..."Oh...Kyle...Yes...I will!!!" The tears started flowing as I said I will be her family now. And that not even the gods would separate us. But we need to build up some coin first. The diamond I found should fetch a nice price at market. Would have rather it be Ferrit's wedding ring...but she agrees that we need to get on our feet first.

I love her...and we will live a long and loving life together...with Ilsare's blessing...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
Another victim of the Soul Mother...

Shelu U' of the very first people I set eyes on when I first got here has been taken by the Soul Mother. She too was to be married in a couple of days to Barion. He has disapeared. I hope he dosen't do anything rash. Shelu was a kind and gentle soul and will be missed. Why is it always the good and kind people who fall to the witch? First Shelu. It put Ferrit in a panic about our own wedding...since we have become engaged. I held her close and told her that we will be married...we will grow old together...and we would defy the witch doing it. It put Ferrit in a better frame of mind. We have yet to set a date for ourselves. We should set it soon.

And I learned something about Ferrit. Something she felt ashamed of. She isn't a maiden. She thought that it would have made a difference...but not to me. I didn't care if she wasn't...and I don't. She also told me it wasn't with consent. She fears that it would hurt if we were to lie together. But I would not hurt her like that. I would be loving and tender. She would not be hurt ever again. This I promise...may the Soul Mother take me if I ever hurt her in that manner...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2005, 07:08:00 am »
This is madness...

But it is a sweet madness. Ferrit wants to elope. Just find a vows of love...rings and just slip away for a while. It is is is...perfect. I isn't like we have anyone we'd consider a close friend. The closest ones were those who have betrayed us. I will not even speak their names anymore. They are not worthy to share in a special time in our lives. Maybe we can invite Sen Stranzini. He's a good man. He is closer than most. I'll ask Ferrit.

I never thought life would turn out this way. I would be an Elite Guard of North Hampshire...find a wife...have a few children and settle down. Then that blasted dragon changed things. I would like to say I hate the dragon...but I can't bring myself to anymore. It is because of him that I found Ferrit. It was because of him that I found true happiness with her. The gods have a strange way of doing things.

Now for some dire news...

There is always a down side to every good news. The town of Stone on Rilara has fallen to Blood's forces. Sacked totally I hear. Now he draws ever closer to Mistone. Something must be done to halt their advance. I fear I'm not nearly trained adequately enough to attack such a foe. And I have Ferrit to think about.

We must elope soon...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #33 on: December 25, 2005, 11:02:00 pm »
A horrible thing happened today...

Ferrit was hunting for silk in the Sielwood today...and she fell to the foul bugs. And...*tear stain*...the Soul Mother paid her a visit. That's twice now. And I curse myself for not being there for her. I may have saved her from that. I will not lose her...I can't.

We camped out near the Seilwood after returning with some ore. It was a way to put the Soul Mother out of our minds and that was the only way I knew how. We sat by the fire watching the setting sun turn the sky crimson...and I gave her the ring Zandor had sold me. She was surprised and pleased and kissed me...and she let the kiss linger. I guess it was the brush with the Soul Mother because as we held each other close...we expressed our love for each other. And as she lay sleeping in my arms...I swore to myself that she will not fall again while I'm with her. We must get married soon. And I...must find a mentor. I must be able to protect the woman I love.

The Soul Mother be damned...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2006, 09:18:00 am »
I must have angered a god or two...

Don't know how...but I have had a terrible run of luck. I went to the Seilwood to mine some more...and lost two oxen in there. One to the kobolds and one to a couple of Goblins who wandered near. This is after breaking four picks on the vein and losing my prized Iron Katana striking the vein while switching to it when those blasted kobolds attacked yet again. It was unbelievable. I had to crawl back to Hlint to smelt the ore to make a bronze katana as a replacement.

Maybe I angered Ilsare...I did leave Ferrit in Port Hampshire to take care of the chicken there so I could get the ore. She said she would have come but she was tired and would rest in Port Hampshire. Maybe I should have stayed with her...I love her and I cherish the time I spend with her. Maybe I will stay with her more from now on.

Maybe Ilsare is telling me to get with it...

I also need to get with finding a trainer...with Blood's forces near...I must get ready. Or there won't be a life together with Ferrit...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2006, 06:57:00 pm »

Warrant Officer Kat in Haven needs I have been running around Mistone getting them for her. Why are these people in charge of garrisons if they don't have weapons for the troops? Oh...well...4 more weapons to go.

Ferrit and I plan on a Satari evening wedding. Nothing extravagant...maybe just the woods...some food and cheap drinks and our friends. It cannot come soon enough. I'm about ready to burst...

I can smelt Iron now. I need to catch up on my weapon crafting to be able to work it. I got the iron from a very successful foray into the Haven Mine. Somehow...we found new veins of iron one level higher than normal. Fortunate for us...we didn't have to deal with the Ogre Mages on the bottom level.

Oh...well...Kat needs a copper mace now...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2006, 02:01:00 pm »
I am upset...

Last night...I went with a large group to the Grey Peaks to one...get Ash to her grave...and two try to get the Oil of Vukas for Juanita in Fort Llast. The first thing was made moot as Ash's spirit and body re-united in Hlint. I...didn't wish to risk anyone's life for a flask of oil...but I was talked into it by Zandor and Victor.

We took along two women that I am not too comfortable around. Cassandra Demonsbane and Chandra. They are powerful...and I sense a cruel streak in them. We get deep into the Greys when Ogre Mages took down Zandor and Victor..our two most powerful front liners. The two of whom was supposed to be a cleric...did nothing to help them. They laughed at their fallen bodies. I barely said two words to anyone...including Ferrit...all the way back to Fort Llast.

Another detour...Cassandra and Chandra wanted to go into Storan's Crypt. I was uncomfortable with them before...and more so in the crypt. We got locked in with Shadows and a Bodak. And I got no help from them until I slew the bodak for them...almost dying in the meantime. Good thing Vestlyn...the priest of Ilsare who will marry Ferrit and I...cast a ward to protect me from the Bodak or...

I will not travel with either Cassandra or Chandra again if I can help it. And Ferrit agreed. She said that Cassandra had changed...why who knows. Ferrit needed to relax...her shoulders were so knotted and tight that we went to Aerdin's Grove to relax by the fire.

As I rubbed her shoulders...we talked about our wedding...about how upset I was that Zandor and Victor had fallen needlessly...but Ferrit just hugged me and said that it comes with the territory. It was little comfort...but with Ferrit in my arms...I became less upset. We drifted off to sleep after sharing tender kisses. I guess we were more tired than we realized. And I cherish these tender moments we have.

Tomorrow is starting to look better already...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2006, 04:18:00 pm »
I finally heard from home...

And it comes in the person of my half-brother Marcus Canterus. I haven't seen him since I left to train with Cardiana. It seems the dragon was not content with just he takes him as well. Still...I am happy to see him. He said everyone misses me since I disappeared and that they haven't given up hope of seeing me again. Now they will worry for two of us.

He met Ferrit and is pleased that we will be married soon. We taught him how to fish and I hope to see more of is good to have family around.

But...I wonder if he still has his 'blackouts'? That cruel streak he exhibits when he is under stress. I will have to tell Ferrit about that. She needs to be prepared.

I hope she understands...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2006, 10:07:00 pm »
3 weeks...

That is what we decided on. Three weeks to get married. It seems like an eternity...but we will finally do it. Whether it will be in Leilon or Club makes no difference. I would marry her anywhere. I love her so much.

And the best thing is...Marcus is here. My brother. Family. Here to witness the start of another family. Mine and Ferrit's. Ilsare is certainly smiling at us.

We helped Marcus recover Ragrian's necklace again. She has got to learn to keep it under wraps. The strange thing was that not one but five Gel Cubes attacked us in the cave. I must report this to the authorities.

We mined some copper and I will smelt it as soon as I can. I want to give Marcus some more crossbow bolts.

But enough of this...Ferrit and I will be married in three to start planning...


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2006, 09:01:00 am »
It will probably be an outdoor ceremony...

Silool hasn't been heard from in days now...and I'm chomping at the bit. I want to be Ferrit's husband so much it is driving me crazy. We decided to take matters into our own hands. We may get married by the waterfall near Blackford Castle. It is a romantic and peaceful area. It will do. All that remains is getting Vestlyn to do the ceremony. And the food...and the drinks. I have to do a lot of fishing...

Ferrit and I will be together always...this I promised her at the waterfall. Not the war...not illness...nothing will keep us apart. At least not for long. Ilsare willing...we will grow old together and will watch our children grow.

That is a life worth fighting for...