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Author Topic: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land  (Read 16166 times)


RE: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2006, 09:23:00 pm »
Well...we're just about set for the wedding...

I have plenty of fish...Ferrit made plenty of refreshments...Now...just to get some booze and get everyone to Blackford Castle...

But it was a hard day's work. We almost fell to an overgrown buzzard on Rilara. I need to hone my skills with the katana. Must find me a master who would train me. I couldn't injured the fat overgrown pidgeon of a griffon enough. We nearly perished together there. But Ilsare must have blessed us...we were only knocked unconscious but very bloodied. We picked ourselves up...and healed ourselves at Lake Rillon. Took all we had in healing supplies to do it.

I haven't seen Marcus in a while...hope no evil has befallen him. I must tell Ferrit about him. Maybe tomorrow...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2006, 10:11:16 am »
I told Ferrit about Marcus...

She likes him and that is good. It also meant the time was right. I told her of his Drow heritage...of how our mother was abducted by Dark Elf slavers and violated repeatedly begetting Marcus. I told of how our mother tried her best to shield him from their influence. And that for 1 1/2 years (according to mother) he was happy. Then I told her of how Marcus was taken by his father after a party of rescuers freed our mother. And that for 5 years...we never seen or heard from Marcus. I don't know what went on then...but with the Dark Elves...

Then I told Ferrit of the day that the Captain of the North Hampshire guard...Cardiana's father...rescued Marcus and re-united him with us. He was raised with us since then..until the dragon changed that.

But he still shows that cruel streak at times. I must stay on top of it...I always had a calming effect on him. This I also told Ferrit. And she said she understands!! I am truly blessed with a wonderful woman.

I cannot wait until we are married...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2006, 11:41:56 am »
I finally met Jet...

But unfortunately he is not taking on apprentices right now. In the future he might...and I am free to join him on any ventures he may be going on. I will take him up on that.

And with good reason. Ferrit, Marcus and I went to Rilara to deliver a package to Fort Himlad. The cow herder had lost his cow again and we went to find her. It was the worst day of my life. A griffon...a huge griffon took Ferrit from me. I tried my best to save her...but the *Elven expletive* buzzard felled her in one stroke. After ridding the bird of its life...I sat at the stone and cried...praying the Soul Mother would leave her be. My heart leapt for joy when Ferrit reclaimed her body and said the Soul Mother wasn't interested in her this day.

Still...due to my lack of training...I watched the woman I love...the woman I will marry...fall to a dumb bird. Never again. I will train hard while I'm with Jet. My life...depends on me...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2006, 11:09:17 pm »
Only one more day...

And tonight...I will be lonely. It is considered bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. So I must be without Ferrit for the first time since we became engaged. Sleep love. For tomorrow we will be together always.

I made two more iron daggers to sell at Leilon. Also bought Iron Half Plate from Katrien Hommel. I will sell the Iron Chain Mail to recoup the price of the Half Plate. And it needs a dye job...a little too...white for me. But it is a fine set of armor. I'm glad I bought it.

Ash finished Ferrit's wedding dress and now I wait for Vestlyn to finish my suit. He will have to show me tomorrow morning. It was looking good I must say. And I can't wait to see Ferrit in her dress. Ash assures me it will take my breath away. As if that would be hard to do. Ferrit always takes my breath away.

Not much to do now but wait. It will be a long day tomorrow...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2006, 10:31:27 pm »
This is a day of celebration....

First the big news of my life...

Ferrit and I are now Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Pandorn. It was a small but nice ceremony...topped off by the fact that my brother Marcus got to be Best Man because Zandor didn't make it. I'm sure Zandor had a very good reason to stand us up. Vestlyn did a fine job in presiding over things and I think he was more nervous than either Ferrit or myself. After the ceremony...Ferrit and I stole away to Lake Palden...where we had our first wonderful night as husband and wife. And Ilsare willing...there will be many many more.

And better general news...

General...appropriate word. The word is that one of Blood's generals...Xandrial...has been defeated!!! A major victory in this infernal war with Blood. This weakens Blood's forces and turns the tide of the war in our favor. But...we cannot rest on this one victory. I must still train hard...Blood is still out there...and has a few more generals under his command. He certainly will not be delayed for long.

And now...I train not only to be prepared for that...but I train for my wife...I train for Ferrit. Time to seek out Jet and travel with him...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2006, 07:21:16 pm »
Ok...I have potential...

Ferrit bade me ask Derrick Loadson about Weapons training. He is a Master...I'm told...and I need a trainer. He tested me...and took me to kill some mercs near Haven. 'Ya show potential lad....' he smirks at me...'but ya need a little more practice...and gather ye wits some more. See me when you have done that.' So...I practice some more.

But...Derrick gives me a feeling of uneasiness. But...I must do this so that I can protect those I've come to call friends. And protect the one I love...Ferrit.


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2006, 07:03:34 am »
Ozy is sure the flamboyant one...

Last night...he told us of the heroes who defeated Xandrial and turned the tide of the war a bit in favor of the world. It was filled with colorful descriptions and embellishments...but that's what bards do. It gave everyone there a sense of hope...and that's what everyone needed right about then.

Some fool the other day...lead the mercs who hang out near Hlint into town and near the Craft House where he killed Ferrit's ox. We lost everything that was on it. Everything. Fool. Now we must start over again. Ferrit was saddend almost to tears. All the hard work she put in...gone. It took some affectionate consoling from me to lighten her mood. I hate to see tears in her eyes.

We went to Haven to get iron and hunt some ogres. We went a little further than usual with 'Wolf' Williams and a follower of Aerdin...Thalis. Bad move. We got ambushed by Ogre Berserkers and Wolf...Thalis and I fell. I slowed them down to allow my Ferrit to escape. That's when a Beresker took me down. Thank the gods Barion was around to help us get to our stones. And thank the gods the Soul Mother doesn't seem to be interested in anyone right now.


He had broken up with Ash. That is a shame...I had thought they were getting along so well...Barion was so happy. I feel for the man. I will say a special prayer for my friend...that Ilsare's light will finally shine in his heart and he finds the love he seeks. As I have found with Ferrit.

I must warn people of Aerdin's Grove. I went there for healing and I found the Healer beinfg attacked by two werewolves and a Render beast. I lended aid as best I could falling to the Render as I did. Ever since Xandrial's defeat...strange things have been occuring.

It is different time we now live in I fear...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2006, 04:27:59 pm »
Ferrit and I are quite a team...

Not just because we are spouses...but we can now get to the iron in the Haven Mines with just the two of us. She is the bait and lures the ogres one at a time to my waiting katana and death by her arrows. I think we fell only once since using this tactic...and my weaponscraft is now starting to move along again.

Marcus has been conspicuously missing. Haven't seen him since our wedding. I hope he is alright. I miss him as does Ferrit.

We went along with Reventage D'Vinn to deliver the amulet to the Shifter. Now there is an empty stone in it that needs a soul. A soul that the Shifter says is here. We don't know exactly whose soul it is...we'll just have to wait and see...

Roldem is being re-taken according to Victor Firefall. The rebuilding could take a long time...but now things are starting to go our way. With Ilsare's blessing we can hope it continues.

I must go...I need to practice with my katana some more...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2006, 11:11:34 pm »
If anyone would doubt the power of love...come speak with me...

Ferrit and I were returning to Hlint after gathering hear the sounds of battle coming from INSIDE Hlint. Demons were attacking and the people inside were defending the town. Naturally...Ferrit and I joined the fray. We were doing well...until this one demon wench came through and cut down everyone who stood in her path. My katana couldn't even scratch her. Then...everything went dark...

I was floating in a vast emptiness that was cold and lifeless...when I heard a voice. It was a voice of sorrow and anguish. It was that of my Ferrit...crying and praying over my fallen body. Praying with all her being that Ilsare would return me to her. The love in her heart must have stirred Ilsare because I started to move towards the sound of Ferrit's voice...

And then...I was standing next to my beloved Ferrit. She said that the Healer from Ilsare's temple brought me back. But...I beg to differ. Ilsare had heard her loving cry...felt the love that we have for each other and brought me back to her. Ferrit was so overjoyed that we spent the rest of the night in each other's arms. I will never leave her.

Not even a demon could keep us apart...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2006, 04:21:53 pm »
We are starting to test ourselves...

Because I need oak to make a quarterstaff for one Alynderil Wilsomin. There are 2 places I know of where oak trees grow. The Broken Forest where the undead wander...and The High Forest which are swarming with spiders. Ferrit wanted to try the spiders rather than the undead. Not too successful. We fell twice to the bugs.

We fared better against the undead. We got a little beat up...but at least we could out run them. I cut some oak and had little success in making the staff.

Another trip will be necessary to get more oak. The undead are decicedly easier than the spiders...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2006, 10:26:53 pm »
The practice is paying off...

We needed some more iron. Ferrit and I met up with Michel Mordecai and a man named Asher in the Haven Mines. We traveled to the lowest levels to mine iron and platinum and coal. In one of the battles with the ogres...I managed to knock one off balance. He didn't fall...but it was enough to get a killer blow in. Seems my blows are becoming harder. Just the kind of thing a Master should have.

I also had some success in making oak quarterstaves. Made 3 of them. Now if only Alynderil Wilsomin will answer my post so I may sell him one. But I haven't seen him since he commissioned me to make it for him. Someone will buy it...I'm sure.

The Weave burped...

And we lost all we made. Everything. The iron daggers...the armor...Ferrit's fine leather armors. That's what prompted the trip to Haven. And a trip to Port Hampshire and Fort Velensk. I lost the nice iron scimitar I had forged and hoped to sell. I'll need to make another. Good thing the quarterstaves survived it.

Oh well...back to the drawing board...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #51 on: February 11, 2006, 10:34:44 pm »
I made a replacement scimitar of iron...

Which I immediately sold to Ash. It was my first sale since I sold Jako Stonehill a bronze katana. Gave Ash the scimitar for half price. She is a friend after all. But there is something bothering her. Something she is reluctant to tell me. All she would say is that it involves a friend of mine. I wonder who it is. I told her that if she ever wanted to bend an ear...that Ferrit and I would listen to her. We consider Ash to be a friend...and Ilsare demands that we help a friend.

My smelting skill is becoming greater and greater. Iron is becoming easier to manage now. Gold is next....but I will wait until I can make weapons and armor out of iron first. I don't know where to find it would be smart to stick to iron than risk getting something I can't work with yet.

Maybe the Weave will behave from now on...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2006, 09:41:49 pm »
Ferrit and I threw caution to the wind today...

We went exploring Rilara. Just to see what was out there. And it was a facinating and productive trip. We found leopards for Ferrit to skin...a hill hound which we skinned...and gold!! But I paid a price for that gold. The leader of some bandits...a tough cuss...took me down there. Luckily...I returned the favor...reclaimed my body...and got rid of the bandits and mined the gold in thier lair. takes 2 nuggets of gold to make one ingot. I definitely need to work iron more and get more skilled so I can take care of the bandit's next leader.

But the trip was worthwhile. As long as my beloved Ferrit is at my side. It is so that I can't imagine her not being at my side. And I will never be anywhere else...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2006, 08:54:53 pm »
We now have a place to call home....

Lia Di'Makiir was kind enough to rent Ferrit and me a room in her house in Krandor. We received a discounted rent provided we cook the meals for her. A bargain to say the least. It is a huge room. Ferrit and I...though we enjoyed sleeping under the stars...need a roof over our heads and a place to keep our belongings. And now we have one. A home of our own...

Home...never thought I would call anywhere but Vanavar home. I thought I was set in North Hampshire. I would inherit the family house and live there till I die. But fate...and Ilsare had other plans. home is with Ferrit...and I am happy that it turned out this way. Ilsare willing...I will grow old here with my beloved Ferrit by my side and watch our children and grandchildren grow here. It is a wonderful feeling.

And now...I train even harder. To protect the place I now call home...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #54 on: February 19, 2006, 09:47:28 am »
Armorcrafting is getting easier...

Or I'm just extremely lucky. I made an Iron Kite Shield today. Such a good job too. The extra protection it provides is a blessing. Now...if I can only make that plate armor for Jako..I'll be happy.

Ferrit is spending more time in Krandor...figuring out what we need for furniture. I also replaced the oak bow she broke in battle. It was amazing how the shaft of her old bow just snapped in two. Must have been weakened by use...the wood just wore out. She was happy when I was able to give her another one. It gladdens my heart to be able to make her happy.

And I found out something about Krandor. The crypts there are crawling with powerful undead that sometimes encroach the streets. Wonderful. At least the dogs keep them penned up in there.

Well...time to go out behind the house and practice my katana strikes. I feel I'm getting stronger every day. Hmmmm...maybe I'll grab a priest and see about the crypts. Nah...from what Ferrit and Ash tell would be suicide. I'll just practice my sword katas for now...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2006, 11:47:14 pm »
If there is one thing I cannot stand is a waste of time...

I found Brendan Raign wandering around Hlint as a spirit. He had fallen in the second level of the Haven Mines and asked Ferrit and me for help. Being the helpful souls we are...we went. I needed some iron anyway...and Ferrit and I can get to the second level by ourselves so getting Brendan to his stone would be easy.

Yeah...right. We get to the mine only to be talked into going to the third level by Curtis Simon Orcult...Justain Leonar...and a few others. This little foray got Brendan killed on the third level this time. This after just recovering his stone. A wasted trip since I couldn't mine much iron due to the constant attacks by the ogres. We burned through most of our healing supplies trying to get back out to Haven itself.

Brendan is a likable guy...but I think I'll talk him into resting his way back to wholeness. He will certainly catch the attention of the Soul Mother if he keeps this up...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #56 on: February 25, 2006, 09:20:24 pm »
Today has been quite eventful...

Ayla Bineau asked for my help today.She needed bodak's teeth for potions and she wanted to go into Storan's Crypt to get them. Now...if it were anyone else but her...and maybe Ferrit and Ash...I wouldn't go near Storan's. But Ayla is a good friend and she can cast wards to protect us so we went...bringing Wolf Williams and this other man whose name escapes me for the moment. It didn't go well at all. Sure...the ward protected me from the death gaze of the bodaks...but the rest of the undead overwhelmed us and Ayla, Wolf and I fell. Not even the new electrical enchanment on my blade could kill them quickly enough. We recovered our graves and abandoned the errand for now.

Ayla and I then went to Pranzis for a meeting. This was to learn of the progress of the search for the soul to put in the gem that we showed the Shifter a while back. It turns out they found the soul of a benevolent lich and he willingly went into the gem. We also learned that there is another soul in a gem. And there is a third gem and soul yet to be found. I could be wrong but my understanding is that only one of the 3 souls can be put into the sword and that will determine the moral bent of the sword.

We also heard of a ship. A ship that was carrying the third gem. It went down near the other end of Roldem. All that was recovered was a mirror that is believed to point out the real location of the gem. It still leaves the question of which soul will be used in the Shadow Blade.

Who is to determine that? Who has the wisdom to make such a decision? And who would give up his or her soul willingly when it means certain death for them?

I pray that we can come up with the right course of action...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2006, 10:10:05 pm »
We met a very nice half-orc monk...

Honora is her name. She is very outgoing...friendly...and good at bare-handed fighting. Even better at it now that Ferrit gave her some lion skin gloves to wear. We like Honora. We will travel with her a lot.

The marriage certificate came finally...

And there it is in black and white. Kyle and Ferrit Pandorn. Has a nice sound to it if I do say so. Ferrit went around all day testing it out. It made me smile to hear her say it over and over and over again. And it's a gift that only I could have given her. My family name. A family...period. Maybe someday...we will go back to Vanavar so Ferrit can meet her new family. It would be wonderful.

Lia needs bronze...

Lots of it. 44 ingots to be exact. It will be no problem getting the bronze....but what in Mistone does she want with that much bronze? should be able to pay for a few months rent on the room with some left over for us.

Better get cracking...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #58 on: March 04, 2006, 03:03:03 pm »
I hope this was worth it...

Xora got a hold of a gem that is of better quality than the one holding the soul. And needed to get to Silden in Roldem to make the transfer. This place was supposed to be the weakest spot between the planes...according to we set out for it.

Seems that we weren't the only ones interested in the soul. An army of demons attacked us and attempted to disrupt the ritual. We fought hard...but they were overwhelming for Jako and me. We fell to the demons onslaught. This is after Vin Oxyshade cut the rope keeping the demons...and us...from disturbing the ritual. Only Ilsare's love and grace...and Quantum Windward...brought me back. Ayla Bineau said the transfer was a total success...that our falling was not in vain.

I sure hope she is right...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2006, 10:00:44 pm »

That's what Lia needed the bronze for. So I sold the whole lot to her for 5000 gold coins. Lia was surprised that I was able to make all the bronze so quickly. And happy...she was literally humming as she made her way to the portal to Hlint and the crafting house. I'll never understand the mind of a mage...

I must get back to practicing my katana strikes...It won't be too long until Derrick will consider training me. I don't feel as uneasy as I did...because Ireth Telrunya told me that Jet was trained by Derrick and that I would do well to have him as a mentor.

I do hope that she is right in her assessment....

