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Author Topic: Kywin Is'alde  (Read 231 times)


Kywin Is'alde
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:52:03 am »
From a young age, as long as Kywin Is'alde could remember, he had  traveled with his father's merchant caravan. He had no memories of his  mother, his father said that she had died shortly after he had been  born. His father was a simple man, with no complex tastes or hobbies,  aside from perhaps the slightest level of magic his father was able to  achieve if he set his mind to it. His father said that maybe Kywin would  inherit the ability, someday.
Kywin dared a glance over his shoulder as he leaped over a fallen log. The bear was still following him, and it was gaining.
His father, Al'lnaria Is'alde, had told him that there were bears in the  Dapplegreen woods. He had told him to stay with the caravan and don't  wander off. But he had. Kywin was only a 76 year old rebel, his natural  child instinct was to do what his parents told him not to do.
Kywin regretted that choice now. He could hear his heart pumping in his ears, leaves crunched under his feet as he ran.
And then he came to the gorge. It was to deep to climb down, and to wide  to jump. A small stream ran across the bottom of it. He grabbed a long  stick from the ground, and turned to face the bear. He swung it around  towards the bear.
But what happened then was unbelievable. Flames leaped from his hands  down the branch, of the end, and into the bears fur. It reared onto its  hind legs, and fell still.
Kywin stood there, in utter shock. He had just summoned fire, from his hands, to kill the bear. He had to tell his father!
Running hard for almost an hour back towards the camp, on pure  adrenaline, he reached the caravan before nightfall. Or at least where  the Caravan should have been. Are there was were old fireplaces and  wagon ruts, with a few discarded canteens and such mingled amongst it.  His father, and his merchant caravan, had left for the next town. And he  was on his own.
He was only 76, but his father had taught him some basic things to know.  The first thing he did was search the place that the caravan had  stayed.
    There was little to find. A few gold here, a canteen there, a  walking stick over there... there was little that would be of use to him  aside from the rapier, which he strapped to his belt. It was far  oversize, and it scrapped the ground when he walked.
     And so he walked down the path cleared by the wagons, to find his father, or at least civilization.
    Of course, he hadn't counted on the fact that the tracks would  disappear in a matter of days. As soon as they dissipated, he was  hopelessly lost. In the middle the woods, he was lost. He had no  knowledge of where the caravan would be going next, so he would need to  find a settlement before he could go after the caravan.
And then the mercenaries came. It was over a fortnight after he had  killed the bear, and he had almost found a way to call on his fire power  on command. But he was not ready for the attack that came next.
He was sitting on a stump, sharpening his sword, when he heard a small  sound in the woods. He stood, and walked over to where it came from.
The dwarf leapt up from behind the bush, grasping Kywin and gagging him  with his glove. Kywin grasped desperatly for his power, but it would not  come.
That's when he remembered the sword. He drew the long blade and swung it  towards the dwarf. Kywin was no swords master, but it took the dwarf by  surprise and caught him in the shoulder. The mercenary yelled and  released Kywin, and he ran. Right into an elven mage. But he was still  larger then Kywin, and he kneed him in the chest and sent him hurtling  backwards.
Nose bleeding and probably a cracked rib or two, he managed to get up and run.
Although he grew more able with his power, he knew that it would not be  enough if he were to get attacked again. He would need to learn about  his rapier as well. Unfortunately, he was still young, and he could only  practice each for a short amount of time. He had little patience to  learn what would likely take a very very long time to figure them out.
After a few weeks, Kywin found a small town and decided to stay there,  just outside of the borders of the little trading village. He went in  for food and such, trading items of little value to merchants. He had  inherited a silver tounge from his merchant father, as well.  Unfortunately, news reached his ears that his fathers caravan had been  attacked, and his father was preparing to move to Pranz to start a new  caravan in a new location. With a heavy heart, Kywin decided to stay in  the town.
Then one day, his power came out. He did not mean for it to, he had no  intention of burning down the tent of the merchant he had been trading  with.
But it was enough for the city gaurds to come after him, and tell him  that if he could not get his power under control, he would be forced to  leave the town and its perimeters.
With a heavy sigh, Kywin left the town after only twenty years, not much  in elven terms. He had learned a few things in that time, but he was  not practicing regularly or very hard. It would be a long time.
He went from town to town after that, looking for anyone who would help  him with his gift. But he also searched for people who would teach him  the art of swordsmanship. His old rapier became old and overused, so he  had to get a new sword. But the master he was currently studying under  claimed to be able to teach him to fight with two swords, and Kywin  accepted the extra edge it would give him if he were to be attacked  again. That master also taught him the importance of nimbleness and  quickness in battle, rather then the clumsy armor so many men wore.  Working with masters, Kywin began to develop a quick, dextrous fighting  patern, but he was not very skilled in it and he caused much annoyance  around his master's homes when he was bored, so he could never practice  with the same one for very long. Still, he found many cities to practice  in, and almost two dozen years of his life were on the road this way.
But Kywin found the roads a lonely place, with nothing to do. He needed  excitment, he was now a 118 year old elf and was very bored with travel.  he needed some way to entertain himself while traveled.
And then he remembered the mercenaries. He had been able to get away  from them, and he didn't have a clue about swordsmanship then. Now,  though... He could stand a chance. If he could develop his skills into  more then self defense, and into the kind an adventurer possessed, he  would be not only not bored, but possibly respected for his knack for  sorcery and swordsmanship. He decided to put his full heart into his  studies, and try to stay with one master to learn all of the tricks,  since his pattern of flipping from master to master had not taught him  much.
And so he set out to find something that would challenge both his Arcane and Sword talents. And, possibly, his father.


Re: Kywin Is'alde
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 11:57:56 am »
*Kywin sits down on a bench in center and pulls out his newly bought book*

I figured that, as long as I would be studying my sword and my talent with magic, it would be a good idea to have somewhere to place my drills that I am practicing so I don't forget them. Although I have found that the real world is the best place to learn both of my knacks. I have come across a town known as Center, and I have learned much there. Many people have jobs I can do for them, so I can both increase my talents and make some gold to buy better equipment for my journeys.


Re: Kywin Is'alde
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 10:04:22 pm »
*a series of sword drills are written on this page, with a small note added at the bottom*

I met an old half elf today. You don't see many of them around anymore. Anyhow, she seemed to know a thing or two about swords and magic. She gave me a few pointers. NOTE: KEEP LEFT BLADE HIGHER