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Author Topic: La'ranthia- unanswered questions  (Read 184 times)


La'ranthia- unanswered questions
« on: September 03, 2006, 02:12:22 am »
This mnuscript is written in appears to be written in elvish. But hte flowing scripts is shaky nad unsure in some if the writer was nearing the end of a very long life.

Hmmm...where to begin...truly this is a problem.

I write this journal in the hopes that someday it may help ease some of the burning questions you may have for me my daughter. Although, I fear in my heart it may lead to more questions than I have answers for, or more importantly, I am willing to divulge. Some things are best left alone.

The most important thing I can truly tell you is that even though we have only had a few scant months with which to get to know each other all over again. These twenty years that have passed, know that the thoughts of you safe and away from the vile demon who imprisoned me kept me going.

Please understand that the most important thing I can tell you is that I love you. And that no matter what is discussed in these pages, that is the guiding truth behind all that I have written down.

You will have undoubtably noticed that I have destroyed many of my journals. These contained things for which you are not yet ready to learn and some things that no longer matter as they pertained to the war with Blood and the reasons for my travels.


RE: La'ranthia- unanswered questions
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 06:00:58 pm »
My life began simply enough. A maiden in the house of Sil'Deverin. Our family was considered to be an exceptionally old line whose origins could be dated back to the first foundings of the elven nation.

As all children of the Sil'Deverins I began my study of magic at an early age. It must be said before continuing, that all children of this house are taught the ways of magic whether they have an aptitude for it or not. It has been this way from time immemorial. I would later learn why this is so.

I showed an exceptional talent for the magic. I advanced thru my studies at an exceptional rate. So much so that I was given teachings in advanced magic before i was even 125 years old. I suppose the equivalent that you have here..I would be consisered a mage of 7th circle. This is no mean feat for an elf, as we are not even taught magicks like this until we are at least 250 years old.

I was dedicated to the magic, it flowed thru my veins as if it were my blood. It was all consuming to me. I could here its call, and I could see the weave in the very air it seemed. I was a creature of magic. My masters, teachers and family all expected great things from me.

I loved learning history, languages, and obviously magic. I obviously chose the path of wizardry within my family. I was destined to be great or so I thought. In time, I learned of my families calling to the weave. Our charge, our destiny as it were. We have rangers, and sorcererors and wizards and fighters within our family. All noble callings to serve the greater good of the elves, but the greatest of us shall always be the wizards.


RE: La'ranthia- unanswered questions
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 07:00:57 pm »
It is a well known fact that the elves are considered to be closer to the weave than any other race. We were the first race created after the dragons. And as such are granted a life almost as long as they.

For our families part, we seem to have always maintained a close affinity to the weave. Making sure that all members of our family, talented or not, could appreciate and understand the beauty of the weave. For it is thru the weave that the gods grace this family.

This is also our curse. As with all things under the heavens, sometimes we prevail and sometimes we fail.

The demon that captured and imprisoned me has been banished and its foothold on this plane destroyed thanks to you. But it has fed on my soul, drawing power from the my blood. In so doing we became intertwined in body and soul. I feel the demon...can feel its anger and hatred coursing thru me still.

These last few words are of the most import to you my daughter, for I fear that the demon's call may yet seek you out. You are of my blood, of my magic and of my family. We are born to fight demons...but I was corrupted by one.

My blood is your blood, the spark of my soul ignited the fire of yours, and my magic became your magic. The weave binds us together. I became one with a demon, intertwined  with it and I can only hope that is as far as it goes. Magic is a strange thing, a wonderful thing and a powerful thing. We two are united by it and now i fear that unity may place you in harms way.


RE: La'ranthia- unanswered questions
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 07:19:37 pm »
I have been afraid of many things since my return. I was afraid that you may not accept me as your mother. That our time apart was too far of a gap to bridge. I was afraid that death would find me before I had a chance to get to know you.

I have travelled to Hlint many times since my return...and recently as I felt death slowly coming upon me I took it upon myself to perhaps aid you thru your friends.

They have all said the same thing. You give of yourself without thought of reward, that your are good friend..albeit odd at times.

I have also noticed, through my own observations and through those of some of your associates that you also seem to lack direction. I have tried and will continue to try and guide you, to help you find your direction.

I have also had my own revelations...I may not be dying after all. I have much to meditate on.


RE: La'ranthia- unanswered questions
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2006, 06:25:46 pm »
I have been to the Aeridn temple to pray. I have spoken to the priests and clerics. They do not understadn what has happened to me, but they have talked fo the balance being restored.

I do not know what this means, not do they I think. I must go and meditate on this. I have been travelling thru the High Forest of late and found places that reminded me of Voltrex. Where the trees are old, and the air is quiet. I find some measure of peace there.

I have also meditated upon you my daughter. I do not how to express this, so I will just write it down in words so that I may find the courage to speak them to you later.

You have your fathers skill with a sword, and your mothers gift with the weave. To master both separately is impossible. To blend the best of both for the greater good is too step beyond the limitations of either.

I had hoped to sway you towards the path of of the weave. To leave the sword behind in favor of the wand. I see this is futile. Your heart belongs to both.

Never stop learning, never stop being passionate about what you believe in. Never forget where you come from.

Perhaps by setting down into words what I feel in my heart, I can have the courage to speak them to you in time.

I must go now to meditate upon my future, and yours. Perhaps Mith will be able to help me.