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Author Topic: The Faces of Eve  (Read 71 times)


The Faces of Eve
« on: September 04, 2006, 08:37:07 am »
[SIZE=16]I do not know what overcame me. All I know is that the spirit pulled and beckoned me from my grove. I have walked for seemingly days on end in the shadow of the leaves. Always the sun is hidden, his warmth stolen from the land. Do we do penance for some unknown sin? All around I see poverty and despair . The lack of light and warmth has stunted the bounty of the land. So many die of want. Nature in her wisdom seeks to balance what she can provide with the mouths it is destined for, but still it pains my heart to see death in such great numbers. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Is why the spirit called me from my grove? Did it want me to see this? What can I do to help mend what ails nature and restore the sunlight again? As I sit and watch the creatures of the forest I feel the fluttering within my soul. Even as I call out to then I can feel my limbs restless. Minara follows in my shadow, and her companionship is most welcome. I have found much pleasure in playing with her. Her grace and beauty are a testament to her kind. I have yet to see Alou, but I have heard his cries above from time to time.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Still the dreams come. Still the pain... Still the questions... Who am I?[/SIZE]

