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Author Topic: Last Will & Testament of Treana Min E'Zoenna  (Read 71 times)


Last Will & Testament of Treana Min E'Zoenna
« on: April 18, 2008, 06:10:07 pm »
Last Will and Testament of Treana Min E'Zoenna
Composed on Seplar 21, 1431

I, Treana Min E'Zoenna, being of sound mind and body hereby make provision to will my estate and possesions to the following individuals:

To Calvin Norseman-scarlace, my adopted son, I leave the family residence and all items within it save those exceptions noted below to be willed to other individuals, with the provision that he see me entombed in the familly crypt alongside Addison Scarlace.  I also leave to him the gold chain and pendant with the black stone with white speckles from the lake near the place of my birth, with the provision that he return the stone to the lake.

To Daniel Poetr, my fiance at the time of this revision, I leave my set of courting garb, and all my jewelry and other clothing, save that which I am burried in or which has been willed to others.  I also leave the message, "I'm sorry I've gone on first, sweetie.  Know that I love you, and always will."

To Elohanna and Kryssthalien Dawnstar, my good and trusted friends, I leave the entire contents of my library in hopes they may find use in the school of magic Elohanna has founded.  I also leave the message, "Thanks for being friends, even when I was a hard friend to be with.  I treasure the time I spent with you both."

To Storold Doesscha I leave the following message, "Heya Teach!  So long, and thanks for all the friendship.  I bet you thought I was going to say, "fish," didn't you?  Well hey, it's brain food!"

To my old friend AnnaLee, I leave the following message, "I'm sorry we have never re-kindled our friendship to be as close friends as we once were.  Since 'He Who Must Not Be Named' passed away, I just haven't sensed you were all there the way you once were.  Just know, I have wished we could have become close again."

To Rhynn, wherever she may be, I leave the message, "Keep on pacing sister!  Maybe you'll wear a hole in the fabric between worlds."

To Marianna Underroot, my faithful maidservant for many years, I leave my Hamaji's Fan with the message, "I hope you enjoy my fancy fan.  I saw how you always eyed it with admiration.  Not sure if you noticed the razors hidden in it, so be careful not to cut yourself."

To anyone else who attends my services, and the reading of this will, I leave the following message, "Thanks for showing you cared.  I'm sorry I've no trinkets or whatnot for you to take with you, but hopefully Calvin or Daniel have arranged some good food and refreshments for you at least.  My heart is in true peace now.  Goodbye."

