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Author Topic: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal  (Read 1829 times)


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2008, 11:06:20 am »
I'm still shaken by her prescence. The Soul Mother surprised me again. She took part of me again. I see now why most hate her. It happened when I headed out with a group of adventurers to fight some giants.  We entered the caves and that's where we were ambushed. I tried to hide to see if they would get distracted but they defeated me.  I must continue getting stronger, practicing my combat skills... they will help me survive out there.

I headed out recently with another group of adventurers. We were headed to the gnoll mines. I was thrilled by the thought of giving those nasty gnolls what they deserve. They took my Stone away... and they would feel the pain themselves this time.  Verideth invited me to come along with him.  Tod and Marcus joined our group.  As we reached the city, we met with Illewen, who was also going to join us in the caves. We found her talking with a drunk female who was sitting on the ground, barely able to move or even stand up. What a pathetic image! Her voice was familiar... it sounded like that drunk thief that stole the money from the helpless dwarf in town. I approached her and asked her name... she refused. I asked her to show her face and she said she didn't want to scare children away.  Verideth asked her to remove her hood since he doesn't travel with dark elves... their nature is just evil and can't be trusted. Again, the female refused.  *frowns and hits the table with her fist* I know it was her... otherwise, why hide so much? Her voice, the way she moved... it was her. She kept throwing up... What a sad display of weakness! How could we even consider travel into the gnoll caves with such a drunk who doesn't give a name or reveals her face? She would have us all killed with her drunken behavior.  Senses need to be sharp when in battle, so why even bother bringing someone along in that shape?  Verideth and I considered that it was wise to retreat, so we went gather some materials on our own to do some crafting.  That drunk female already knows, she has been warned to stay away, so she'll better not come close to me or any of my friends.  Otherwise, she'll have what she asks for.  *frowns and grins*


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2008, 08:15:53 pm »
I'm still laughing at the image of her face when she realizes she poked some poison soaked spikes and rubs the poison bags I was carrying on my bag... just for her. *laughs loud* That pick pocket thief passed by on the city today... after bumping me on the back, she wandered my bags... and as I warned her, she got what she deserves.   I hope the poison gives her something to think about and leave me alone for good this time because next time, I won't be as pleasant.  I'm sure she's used to all the throwing up from her drinking, so I hope this time the pain is twice as much and as inhales and coughs painfully my gift to her.  *laughs* She was warned. *grins*  I'm sure I'll keep carrying those just for her enjoyment.  I'm securing my bags even more... will carry the important items close to me so she can't reach them, and will make it even harder for her to peak in any bags I carry on my back or sides... but if she dares next time, she must really like the pain that she'll call on herself. *grins*


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2008, 11:13:17 am »
An order of this, an order of that... running, running, gathering materials. Buying, selling. That's a summary of my last few month's events. I've kept myself mostly crafting and delivering orders. It keeps my mind occupied and away from looking for trouble.

*smiles softly* I find that I'm enjoying more and more crafting beautiful instruments. I've made a few oak violin bows, hickory violins, mandolins, and bronze harps.  I seem to be getting a grasp of the wood grain and consistency. Each piece of wood has its own movement, a different way. I visualize the instrument before I even start crafting it. Feels good to understand better the arts.

I traveled north a couple times with Verideth, and realized how much I've come to depend on him when venturing out.  We look out after each other and he's not afraid anymore of holding my hand in public or putting his arm around me. He is more talkative, more open to conversations. It's interesting to see a druid like him enjoy company so well.  Other druids I've met before tend to be more isolated. For now, I'll enjoy his company and make myself useful in battle to help others with the skills I've been learning.

*sighs softly and smiles a little bit*


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2008, 11:50:38 am »
Sentenced to death... executed! Aerimor was tried and sentenced. *looks at the woods surrounding her and then down to Verideth's eyes, closed, as he rests on her lap* I can't imagine the anguish that these two brothers must be sharing.  

His brother needs help, not vengeance. His angry state of mind came from being shape shifted for too long. He regrets what he did. I wish I could help him... If only others with his abilities came forward and helped him...  

*hums a soft tune while she quietly wipes out a tear and continues caressing his dark hair as he sleeps*

Everywhere I go I hear others talking about how Jaelle is no angel. She has created a reputation of her own with manipulation and lies.  Yes, Aerimor did wrong, but he needs help... executing him doesn't solve anything but satisfying the blood vengeance cries of those that he hurt.  

How will this prevent him from doing it again? I don't see how. I see him as a wild creature tangled up in some deadly vines. Even if you try to help, he would hurt you because he wouldn't know you're trying to help. Getting rid of the vines would be better, so that he can free himself and go back to normal.  He needs more than vengance. Perhaps a mentor, someone who can help him with his shape shifting so that it doesn't take over his mind and make him angry. If I could only help...

*looks at Verideth resting and whispers softly* If I could only help, my love.


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2008, 06:09:49 pm »
Quite a few interesting days these have been! From sucesses to deceptions, I have to say... quite eventful.  

I have been crafting and crafting and very happy with the instruments I make. I can make oak bows now easily and look forward to continue working with oak and even mahogany soon.  As a matter of fact, I traded some mahogany branches with Ben Poetr, very  nice human, and will keep them in a safe place until I can get my batch to craft on the advanced crafting hall.

A group of explorers ventured out to help a group of villagers solve out their issues... religion it seemed. I don't really associate with any of their gods, but it was nice to go help others travel safe and explore with a group and learn from other's in battle.  My bard song definitely helps, and by turning myself invisible, I can go to the middle of the battle and heal those who are under attack and wounded.   During this expedition, my natural ability to get lost in the woods resurfaced. I made a few turns away from the group and I lost them. I took some rest and headed out to find my way back, and ended up in Port Hempstead safe and sound. How embarassing! I can't find my way around as easy as Verideth. I know we help each other that way.

I went gathering some materials to make Verideth a new bow and some clay for arroheads and I found an interesting pair of halflings, nervous, asking for help to move safely to the north. They were brothers, and one of them was called Lipit, if I recall correctly. They needed to find their way back to the trail north of Hlint. I asked them where they were headed and they mentioned they were looking for a treasure? They asked me to help them delay anyone or anything that might come through the trail after them. While this sounded strange, they said they were concerned about someone chasing them.  One of them, against his brother's advice, told a story of someone who is guarding a treasure, Arkolio.  If we found him, we could ask him more about this treasure.

Verideth found me and he changed to bear form while we waited to make sure that if any enemies showed up we were prepared. A dwarf showed up on the trail. I spoke with him to learn his endeavors and apparently these two halflings stole some coins from him and cheated on a game. Was he telling the truth?  Was he going to kill those halflings for that? We didn't know, and when Verideth changed back to elf form, the dwarf seemed upset. Verideth handed him some coins for the sake of peace between the races. I believe it was honorable what he did, but I'm not even sure that story was even true. The dwarf thanked us and left content and the halflings were unharmed. So I guess it was ok after all.

We have been trying to look for this Arkolio but is nowhere to be found. There were rumors that he was seen in Port Hempsted and Verideth searched for him but had no luck.  We will continue looking for him and find out about this items the halflings mentioned. It would be interesting to find them and learn that they were telling the truth.  I personally lean towards believing the halflings but I know time will tell.

I was so happy to craft some glass ingots for Verideth and his brother Aerimor!  They are getting much closer to move their house to a safer place. Where it is right now, ogres and harmful creatures make it almost impossible to reach, but as they gather more materials for the movers, they moment gets closer to have it relocated to a safer area.  I'm very happy for them! Verideth has told me that we can share some space there instead of renting a room or camping out on the woods as we usually do.  I have been helping them with their effort and I know it will be worth.

I will concentrate in practicing even more my skills in battle. I've been practicing casting fear on my enemies with much more success. As I scream as loud as I can, I see them get consumed in fear.  That gives me the opportunity to run by them or defend myself better. I have also learned a few songs on my guitar and look forward to craft me a nice violin to play it in battle and let my bard song empower my friends in combat.



Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2008, 12:49:21 pm »
How could they see us?  As I stand besides Aerimor's grave, I wonder how these rangers and giants could see us? What happened?!

We started our trip trying to get mahogany, Verideth, his twin Aerimor and I. We need to gather some mahogany for the new house to be relocated. So we went... we sneaked, and got to an area with mahogany on it. A couple giants and dark rangers guarded the area.  I made us all invisible... and I learned later it was a big mistake.

I believe I heard one of the rangers cast a spell. Perhaps they could see invisibility through it? It's the only explanation, because all of a sudden... a giant comes running and attacks Aerimor, who is unseen. I run to him to heal him but can't find him as he was hiding. I even tried to throw a potion at the air to see if he was nearby but it didn't reach him.  He bled to death! If I could only have had the ability of seeing him I could have helped! I need to learn new spells to be more powerful in these situations.

Verideth and I walked away and tried to calm down. As we cleared our heads, we went back and tried to gather the wood. We made this long trip, so we would rather honor Aerimor's death by making it productive. We got some tinder... Verideth can easily forage for wood and we wanted to try it to see if it doesn't disturb the enemies. It worked!

We lured the giants one by one to Verideth's bear and fougth them to get more wood. We managed to get a few more branches. He protected me as I used my axe and let myself be seen by the giants. The rangers were hiding, waiting to attack us, but we managed to gather the wood quickly and move to a safer area.

I can't wait until the day I can charm one of these giants and have them on our side in battle! I will work more on learning new spells. I see the need for several of them in moments like this. I will make it happen!


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2008, 09:13:57 pm »
A group of explorers headed out to find Queue. He's been missing and Verideth and I joined to help find him. Quite an adventurous trip that was. We walked in to an undead cave and a vampire female kept sending undead and skeletons our way to cheat us out of the place.  She told us first that she didn't have him and then she would say that he was on the Dragon Isles. It was quite a battle in there. Gigantic worms came out of the ground and attacked us, and we succeeded to get rid of them. They were repulsive.

Verideth got locked in a room with no escape... my heart pounded as I tried to open the door and it was just hard to open.  He later told me that the vampire female told him to go in there. She's such evil! He could die in there! That's why I don't trust dark elves or any other race associated with evil. I tried to help him out and ran to the others, who were on the other side of the room and Tod opened the door.  Was it Tod? I can't remember well.  All I know is that Verideth was once again out and safe with the rest of us.

As we headed out deeper into the place, we found the vampire female again. Daniella had been warning us that she was trying to trick us and she went on and attacked this vampire female. As expected, she showed up again after being defeated. Undead.... eeck!  

Further into this place, we saw an altar and found a nasty evil male who started killing everyone with his stare. I sensed so much evil around him that even not looking at him was scary.  He ran after me, but I managed to lose him and hide. I sang to calm my nerves, and hoped that Verideth was ok and the others. I made myself invisible and ran closer to the altar where this evil creature was, and he started piling up the bodies of the ones that went with us... including my beloved Verideth. He sensed me and would try to move closer, so I had to keep a distance.

*frowns* My pulse was faster, my senses sharpened, and I was furious with this evil creature. I heard others speak and ran closer to them to see if there were any survivors. I heard one of them scream as the creature moved close to her, found her and killed her. Few survived. I count myself lucky. We did hide and managed to pull the bodies away once this evil creature went away.

I worry that Queue might not even be alive at this point after seeing this much evil in that place. At first I was just helping them with their effort but now it's personal, these evil creatures got to my Verideth. Such evil shouldn't exist... I hope that when the others have fully recovered from this we can head out again and make it end once and for all. I'm ready!


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2008, 10:48:36 am »
It was indeed a nice party that Hedessa held at the guild. It helped me to take my mind away from the harsh day events... including my own death.

I ventured out with Verideth, Hedessa and Ben to get iron and gold at Hurm, I believe was the name. Hedessa has this nice trick of placing a very powerful trap and luring enemies to it. I guess ogres aren't that smart and they walk right into it.

It was when I was searching an ogre body when I got too close to the trap blades and I bled to death. I got angry at this... how could I be so negligent?!  I should have calculated better the distance between me and the trap.  I had no other choice but going back to the grave and meditate on the grave to have peace. I hoped not to be seen, so I made my self invisible and ran into it, then, joined the group again to help them in their adventure. Lesson learned!  Stay away from traps with moving blades!

That night, at the party, I got to sing a few songs, met some interesting fellows and watched Keppli, Tod and Keppli's bard friend, the dwarf. I keep forgetting his name. He's so quiet! *laughs* They did an excellent job on entertaining with some flips and jumps while the bard told a tale.  

There was good food, different costumes, and I even tried some liquor and it went straight to my head. *laughs more* With such low resistance to liquor, I should better stay away from it especially when I perform. I need to be able to sing in tune.  

At the party, I also met an experienced bard called Lyle. He sang a beautiful song, kind of sad, but bery touching.  He showed me a horn for bards that summons a barbarian in battle. He allowed me to try it. I long for the day I can make me one of those.  *smiles*

I will now go to Verideth's house and drop some copper ingots for him and his rings. Yes, he got a house with Aerimor at Port Hempstead fields and he lets me store items there. He's such a lovely elf.  I've come to love him very much, even when I thought it might not happen again after my Stone left forever... *looks down* and after his Leshariel ran away from him as she did.

Verideth's druids ways of living are enlightening. He loves to protect the land and I think we should all do it too, so that we don't destroy everything around us.  I hope that I can use my bard skills for the same, even if it's in battle to protect those who fight for protecting the land.

*looks at her crafting list* I need to make a few arrows, some instruments, a few oak bows, short and long.  Busy day... many orders to fulfill. *smiles as she walks toward Port Hempstead*


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2008, 10:52:08 am »
I had a conversation with Verideth. It reminded us of those halflings we met a while ago. They kept referencing this guy, Arkolio, some bard, and a treasure.

We've been trying to find him without any luck. Nobody seems to know his whereabouts. Now I understand what the halflings meant when they said "if he lets himself be seen". I'll continue searching for him as so will Verideth.


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2008, 09:06:17 pm »
I've been so busy lately! From a wedding proposal to vampire attacks and a lead to a lost bard book found!

Where to start? Well, I headed home one night and Verideth told me to look for something inside of one of the chests in the house. I looked there and I found a yellow gold ring! He made it for me and then he asked "Will you marry me?".  Of course, after I hugged him and cried over his shoulder, I said yes. *smiles*

I didn't think I would fall in love again. My loss took me to very deep places that I would never want to see again. I've become stronger and more skillful and I owe that to losing my beloved Stone. My determination to become stronger to help those who need in battle has lead me to learn new techniques and tactics.

After Stone's death, I've come to learn that he would have loved me to be happy and to be with someone that guards my back when in battle or out there alone in the woods. Verideth does that, he watches for me and always helps me. *smiles warmly*

Shortly after that, we headed out to help Tod find a city he needed to head out. Apparently, he needed to find someone to learn to hide on the shadows just like Alatriel does. I went eager to help with my song, just in case he ran into any difficulties. Verideth came along too.

When we reached high on the mountains, we found this misterious man who kept disappearing. Apparently, he had lost his shadow.  He was... a bit incoherent. Perhaps he has been talking to his shadow too much and he's become a bit irrational? Not sure about that, but I know that we got surrounded by shadows that attacked us for no reason. It made me wonder if shadows could ever be helpful.  I have seen Alatriel call some shadows that actually do help in battle, so not all of them must be evil.

After trying to guess some riddles that this man told us to answer, he finally agreed to teach Tod of the skills needed to dance with the shadows. I  have seen him after that and he indeed can hide very well. I'm glad he's become a very skillful fighter and also very helpful in battle.  I feel proud of his achievements, not sure why. I guess his sense of humor and how he's overcome his past gives me hope that not everyone who is a thief has to be a thief for life.

Then, to the vampire attack. Some time, during the last few months, I met with Lyle, the bard who I met at Hedessa's party. He told me about some instruments and horns he crafts. I was in the middle of talking to him about buying some items from him, near the crafting hall in Port Hempstead, when we heard a scream.  We rushed out to see what happened and we found... a dead boy.  

Others came around to see what was happening, and we found out that the boy had some kind of wound, lots of blood, all over his neck. Apparently, a bite of a human or about that size. Aerimor came by and searched the premises but found nobody. I would assume that if it was a vampire, like Daniella suggested after that, he/she would hide very well in the night. After all, the vampire did this attack with us being around, so there was no intention on concealing it.

The captain came over and they wrote a report of Daniella's lead and they took the body. Poor boy... an orphan with nobody to miss him.  The attacker definitely knew to select a weak prey that couldn't defend himself. I do hope these attacks don't spread even more.  A vampire in town will definitely put all the town in alert.

This last week, we headed to our latest adventure, with much success. Verideth has been trying to find out about this bard treasure, a book with notes that a bard took while going out to the mountains and watching the goblins there.  

Interesting enough, we gathered a small group. There was Aerimor, his twin brother, Caerwyn, who's abilities in battle have grown so much since the time we met, and Tod, who when it comes to fighting and pie, I admire as well! *chuckles*

We found ourselves heading out to the mountains.  We got attacked by some goblins, some riding spiders, others with flags with a pentagram on them. Tod got a hold of one of the flags to make sure that we had one for our research.  

We moved on and followed the road and we found ourselves at a village, by the mountains. There was a human couple there, who told us they didn't know much about this bard who took notes, but they did hear about someone been buried in town after been killed by the goblins.  Interesting enough, this couple would react almost scared when we mentioned the mayour of town.

We went to talk to the guards, who seemed very relaxed about the mayor not been in town, but then the goblin threat was around. So... made me wonder if the mayor went by himself.

Shortly afer that, we found a ranger who agreed on leading us to where the bard that Verideth was looking for had fallen.  After abandoning us, we found ourselves in the middle of the woods. We scouted the area, and Caerwyn almost dies from a snake attack. The snake was next to a dead body, and we thought it would be someone on Storold's group that went there before to scout the area.  We don't believe it was.

We found soem wolves. Caerwyn talked to them in animal language and he was told that the goblins were gone and died from the spores of the mushroom men.  Hm... interesting. We scouted the area and found them finally. They tried to stunt us but we succeeded on defeating them.

We found some bodies and it was our lucky day to find the notes that Verideth so much looked for to restore the woods.  We found the notes on some bones that were very similar to others we found before... looked like goblin bones. They must have taken the notes from that bard guy and keep them.  I'm glad we could recover them. We were lucky to head out unharmed, no goblins, no fighting on our way back.

I look forward to see how these investigations will help Verideth restore the woods.  He has this passion to fix this and make the land better outside Fort Wayfare.

Meanwhile, I'll continue crafting and waiting to see how all these events develop... vampires, goblins, forrests, and all.

And I look back and wonder at one more thing before I finish my notes for today. Looking back at the human couple in town... they were nervous... many of the explorers thought that the Shaman they talked about was the mayor of the city.  At some point, Verideth asked this ranger guy about the mayor and he responded talking about the goblin shaman.   Makes me wonder... coud a goblin assume the shape of a human? Perhaps the shape of an elf?


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2009, 11:47:22 am »
So many things, so many events! Where to I start?

Last time I sat down and scribbled my thoughts on this golden ink was right after the wedding proposal from Verideth. Things moved fast after that. We went to Voltrex and we performed the ceremonies there with his family. I'm saddened that his twin brother Aerimor couldn't attend, but it's perfectly fine because I know he's been busy and he has his own matters to attend and so does Alatriel.

I've been learning some new spells. One of the allows me to shout really loud and scare even the tallest gigant. I have been able to save us from trouble plenty of times by screaming it out. I also learned a dark tune that saddens my enemies so much that they can't concentrate well to fight back. I find it most interesting how they sometimes can't even tell where the sond is coming from.

As I grow on my enchantments, I learn more and more about techniques to defend ourselves from enemies out there. I've found a way to dominate a human or elven beings. It doesn't work on ogres or gigants, but it works on dark elves. I guess being an elf myself, I've been able to unlock the key to make them think we are their allies.  

The other day, I found a dark elf, which of course, is a race that is not on my list of likable ones, due to their affiliation to darkness, and I sneaked in really close, and whispered to her and I was able to tune her mind into fighting with us instead of against us.  I found that quite amusing and never will use that skill for any other purpose but to fight evil.

Verideth has also grown in tune with the land. I am amazed of his latest perfected skills. He can cast this powerful lighting along with a mist that makes enemies paralized and wrapped in a field of stone. I have no idea how he does it, but I see him more and more becoming stronger on being one with the land. He is also able to summon a big wolf that can take any mummy or undead and finish them in a matter of seconds.  He also has a bear companion that defends him in battle when he calls it. I'm quite impressed. My dear beloved wolfie and I have been growing closer too, as we protect each other more and more.

I've been crafting a lot, and making lots of arrows. I'm getting better on using oak and made me a beautiful oak violin and have been making them and selling them as well. I also have been perfecting the art of making arrows. I think I'm growing more and more into using my bow in battle.

Perhaps I should consider studying the arcane arts and learn more about becoming an arcane archer some day.  I'm just fascinated by how much damage you can do if you shoot an arrow the right way on a weak spot on the enemies. I started laughing the other day as I shot a few arrows to some angry goblins that came to attack us and they were trying to defend themselves at the same time they were trying to take the arrows off their bodies. Quite a nice distraction, since it doesn't let them concentrate and attach the fighters that come to face them.  Maybe some day I'll be able to learn how to finish them with just one arrow. I've heard stories like that in songs about great fighters...

*hums a known tune about an archer who killed a big gigant with just one arrow between the eyes*

*smiles and puts the quilt away*


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's journey
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2009, 07:08:10 pm »
Argh! They got to me! Those evil gnolls surrounded me and just like they did to Stone, they finished me! I should have been more prepared, more alert.

It all started when Verideth and I went to the gnoll mines to get ore and other gems. We made it all the way down to the ore, battled them for it, and sucessfully started heading out.

We were almost out by the entrance, when we found some gems. The gnolls must have heard my pick, because all of a sudden, we were surrounded. Verideth, in bear form managed to get a few of them, I tried to scream and scare them away, but their weapons were hitting me so hard, that my attemt failed. I couldn't fill up my lungs with air, tried to run away, but instead, felt a piercing pain on the back of my head... and then came the darkness. No signs of the Soul Mother...

I need to be more alert next time. I've got to start watching my surroundings better and never give my back to where there could be enemies. Can't give those evil gnolls any opportunities of catching me unguarded.

Verideth's sadness was visible, he tried to defend me. He did his best. I keep reminding him that. I know he watches for me and I love him.

Back to the crafting halls now. I am enjoying more and more working with wood.  Made me some nice arrows and instruments.

Verideth has mentioned doing some training with my bow. We're working on that now. It should be nice once the trainning has been completed.


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's Journey
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2009, 03:45:44 pm »
A haunted house?  No way!

Verideth and I came back from gathering some materials for our crafting and just as we were putting them on the storage boxes, we heard laughter in the house. We searched, but there was nobody in the house. All of a sudden, the chests started to open and close randomly, and we saw a blurry figure running around the house. It would appear and disappear in our eyes. I casted the spell that allows us to see invisibility, but we could not see it at times.

Verideth put some holy traps to catch it, but they disappeared too. Not only that, they would re-appear next to us! Meanwhile, doors closing and opening, chests too, and laughter. I was shaken, when all of a sudden, I started walking without even wanting too! It was like someone was pushing me. Then, I started dancing without wanting to do it, like I was a puppet. Verideth told me to calm down and sing, and when I finally could, I pulled out my violin and then started singing.

The chests and doors stopped opening and closing, the laughter stopped, and the voice started singing. It seemed to like pirate songs, so I started singing those. Verideth opened the door, and I continued singing, until it stopped.

Perhaps a ghost followed us from the fields?


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - a Bard's Journey
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2009, 04:08:53 pm »
A swarm of giants and a giant imprisoned!! Could that be even possible?

I ran into Tod the other day on the fields. He's become quite a fighter, and very skilled in battle. We headed out to gather some Mahogany and even when we got scared a few times, we did well. I am so proud of him! He's developed a lot from the very first time I met him when I arrived to town.  He now can hide well and fight like a great warrior.

I also ran into Caerwyn, who seems to be a bit distant now. He was very spontaneous, talkative, and he would even smile often. He now seems a bit darker. His journey has left some scars on his soul, I can see.  It was nice to see him and show him the house and share a bit about what he has been doing lately. He has become an arcane archer himself, something that I would like to do someday. I spoke a long time ago with Jil, and perhaps when I have more time and she can mentor me, I would definitely seek her training on that.

I also found Mr. Poetr and Hedessa, while venturing out there with Verideth and gathering materials. They were headed for silver, and we joined in to help as we could on their outing.  While on the desert, we ran into a swarm of giants. I have never seen anything like that before, hundreds of them everywhere! Coming in, attacking us!

We ran into the nearest town and we found a very unpleasant spectacle. The vendors had a giant tied up in chains, and they were either selling him or wanted to kill him, because he invaded the town. Argh! I noticed the town gates are not even tall enough to keep giants out and keeping this one slaved could trigger a reaction on the others to come find him and kill everyone on their way.  I do not think that was smart from their part, and Ben agreed to leave him there. Verideth wanted to buy him from the vendors to bring him out of town where the others could see him, but they were asking for way too much coin. Ben did not agree to that either, so we decided to leave.

Just when we are leaving, the giant broke free and came after us. We even gave him food and water when he was chained to show him we were not intending to harm him (and of course, he was not attacking us) and now he chases after us.  That tells me how much giants can lack the ability to determine what a good action is. Which reminds me, one of the vendors mentioned why we cared so much about that one in chains after we killed so many coming in to town. To that, we replied that we were defending ourselves and they chased us on the first place. Needless to say, we had to fight him too. We ran away before they blamed us for the mess, but I have got to say they are asking for trouble if they do that again.  Fools!

As we headed out of the town, once again more giants, probably looking for that other one chained, came to attack us. Hundreds of them! We fought them, and we managed to survive to tell the adventure.  We came back to town in one piece, but oh boy! We were exhausted after fighting so many giants!

*puts quill down and heads outside the house to play her guitar under a tree*


Re: Layl Maaw, Sun's Journal - A Bard's Journey
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2009, 04:09:34 pm »
A swarm of giants and a giant imprisoned!! Could that be even possible?

I ran into Tod the other day on the fields. He's become quite a fighter, and very skilled in battle. We headed out to gather some Mahogany and even when we got scared a few times, we did well. I'm so proud of him! He's developed a lot from the very first time I met him when I arrived to town.  

I also ran into Caerwyn, who seems to be a bit distant now. He was very spontaneous, talkative, and he would even smile often. He now seems a bit darker. His journey has left some scars on his soul, I can see.  It was nice to see him and show him the house and share a bit about what he has been doing lately. He has become an arcane archer himself, something that I would like to do someday. I spoke a long time ago with Jil, and perhaps when I have more time and she can mentor me, I would definitely seek her training on that.

I also found Mr. Poetr and Hedessa, while venturing out there with Verideth and gathering materials. They were headed for silver, and we joined in to help as we could on their outing.  While on the desert, we ran into a swarm of giants. I