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Author Topic: Leshariel's Journal  (Read 621 times)


Leshariel's Journal
« on: April 14, 2008, 04:03:21 pm »
After arriving to Port Hempstead I met with a group of elves that were most welcoming. It felt good not having to be on the run for my life as it has been for so long! These kind elves are more experienced and I have been learning from them.  One of them, a female called Altariel is very skilled with the bow and arrow. The two other male elves, Verideth and Aerimor, are very quiet twins and much wiser on magic than I am.  
I have offered these kind elves to repay their kindness and willingness of allowing me to come along and explore the city by helping them do some mining and also help them with some of their quests.  They kindly accepted my offer.
My ongoing desire to learn new skills have taken me to meet some interesting people on my ways during exploration of the city and surrounding grounds. I went to the sewers and visited the city of Hilnt. The other day I went with Verideth to feed some chickens and cows and we got some milk. Just recently, I joined a group that went to see the location of the Magic Academy. I was very happy to learn where it was, and gave me even more encouragement to keep remembering my learned skills on mixing magic and bow and further refining them.
I have been practicing my stealth skills and bard song. I know my parents will be very proud of me once I polish my song and crafting skills just like they used to.  I've been observing Verideth doing alchemy and I have been learning about his magic.  Some of the natural resources that I've helped him gather have been in safe areas, while others have been on dangerous areas.  During one of those trips, I had an unfortunate accident where I died. The forest that I have learned to love was not as forgiving this time. Perhaps I have been gone for too long!


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 12:50:04 pm »
Things are moving slowly around this city. Lots of strangers pass by, some really busy, others just relaxing or meditating on their death.

The other day I went to see if I could get some bread made but I was unsuccessful.  I have to continue gathering natural resources that I could use to bake. On my way there, I ran into Altariel and Verideth. While it was a pleasant surprise, I felt intimidated by a female Elf that was flirting with Verideth.  I watched silently and greeted him but ran away to go around my business.  Could I have been misunderstanding his kindness?  He gave me a necklace the other day and I thought it was special.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2008, 10:27:22 pm »
As I wandered through the city today I decided to go fishing. To my surprise, Verideth found me on his way there. We had a nice talk and even when I tried to hide my feelings, I think he found out. He joined me next to the fire and we ate fish and talked. It's nice to bond with a fellow elf.

We wandered outside the city and were attacked by a gigantic flying mystical creature I'd never seen before.  After that, Verideth left and I wandered around the city.  

I found myself on a city name Vehl. It was dirty, half orcs were rude and wondering around minding their own business and ignoring me. I didn't feel welcomed, so I left as quick as possible.

On my way back, I was attacked by some mercenaries outside Port Homsted.  I managed to kill their wolf and run fast away from them, but they found their way to me the second time I passed by their hiding place.  Mercenaries! I have to keep watching my back around these unknown places. I wished I had come company to help me fight them. My skills aren't even close to where I wish they would be. Must continue learning the ways of the city and its surroundings. It's not like back in the forest.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2008, 11:53:29 am »
These last few days have been very exciting but very scary at the same time. I was taken by Verideth to see his home town and we talked about how we feel about each other. He seems so innocent, caring about the land and the woods, and there's something about him that makes me smile every time that I run into him.  He introduced me to Radouin, another elf, if I recall correctly, and he was learning his way around the city, just as I've have been.

I witnessed something kind of disturbing the other day. Verideth's twin brother Aerimor, invited him to go with a party that were going to venture outside the city. On the party there was a dwarf that had killed Verideth recently. When he confronted him, the dwarf just stared at him and didn't say a word. Aerimor stayed within the party while Verideth decided to leave. He refused to travel with his murderer, which I agree with. I quickly ran after Verideth as I could feel the burden on his heart. That's when he took me to his town and showed me the Library that has the history of the Elves. Great place for reading.

We ran into a big guy who traded some services for some goods. I was so excited to get a mandolin and a viloin bow!! I had been looking to continue improving my skills to make arrows as my father used to. Now I have a motivation to continue expanding my wood crafting skills and make me a violin. I haven't played in so long!

I ran into Altariel too, and she invited me to join a group that was venturing out and I wanted to explore with them. Verideth and his twin were there too. We went to a cave that was near some woods. I watched some mushroom-like creatures that I had never seen before. They were amazing but evil in nature and chased us.  We had to fight them.  The group gave me the honor to collect items from the bodies while they would go kill the creatures that were chasing us.  

I also met the group leader, a shadowdancer called Brian. His ability of dissapearing was spectacular, something that I've long heard of before but never seen in battle.  We fought some big creatures, bigger than I could ever imagine, but the group did very well on guarding each other. We got a good bounty that day and we shared the coins and some of the useful items I collected as a reward.

But the highlight of these last few days was the amazing expedition that we took to go to a shipwreck. I found a group discussing a story about a statue and a scroll that was underwater... the story was long, but they needed help to find the book and unlock it... the problem was that the book was guarded by magical guardians.  

I decided to join the expedition to explore the surroundings and I thought my bard song and archer skills would help during this trip if any danger would come our way.  We went on a ship and then went underwater with a potion that allowed us to breath under water.  Just as we got there, some sharks attacked me and my skills on hand weapons didn't work very well, so I died and had to be brought back by some of the group members with this type of special ability. They were nice enough to carry my body to the new location that we were moving toward. After this, I found myself inside a bubble, facing two gigantic statues that were the guardians of the book. After a long discussion on how to disarm the magical guardians, they decided to do it with magic. They awakened the two creatures awake and they inmediately chased after us to protect the book.  I experienced a fear I had never felt before. These creatures had the ability of making you despair and confuse you. They had a death aura around them that would be carried over to anyone they came in contact with.  As I died again, with my last breath, I observed how several of my mates got trapped by this death aura and failed on the mission.  Several others ran away... carrying the bodies of those who died once the magical statues returned to their watch posts.  As we went back on the ship, the animosity started between several members of the party, blaming each other for not doing the right thing.  I didn't really care... all I could feel was the terrifying cold of the death we had just experienced. I just sat next to other females on the ship, quietly guarding my strength to recover.

This week I will continue developing my wood crafting skills to make arrows for combat. I also want to venture out to some of the places where I can find the materials to work with. The more I learn, the more excited I get about the thought of being able to make myself a violin and play again. It would be so great to hear again that sound that was part of my home when I lived with my parents!


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2008, 09:38:20 am »
And so I have come to meet the Soul Mother, that who is so talked about by so many around this land. In my spirit of adventure, I went on my own to the city sewers and after fighting some rats and some gelatin blobs, I thoguht I could go on. I found a nasty creature, actually a couple of them by the end of the sewers, that ambushed me. I tried killing the rats but they defeated me. After that, I found myself extremely weak, and that's when I saw her. I'm still shaken by it.

As I took some time to rest, I found Caerwyn, a fellow ranger, and he offered going to the sewers to find my body and let the healing go much faster. On the way there, F. Logan, a very interesting wizard helped us get to the body. They had some much more wisdom and strength, that it was comforting to know I was well protected with them.

As we headed out after finding my body in the sewers, I could rest one more time and felt my strenth coming back. As we spoke, the wizard started talking about his new ability of summoning celestials.  I didn't really know what that was, so I had to ask. He showed us outside the city, (this seems to be frowned upon inside the city for some reason), and he called on his celestial creature. A wolf-like creature standing on two legs showed up. He even had a sense of humor! We spoke to him and told us about how everything is at his home. He doesn't seem to like being called so much to help down here. That was quite interesting.

While we were talking by the gate, Verideth showed up. It felt so good to see him! I gave him a hug but he seemed confused by this. I don't think he handles affection that well.  We decided to go to the fields with Caerwyn and also Grahm, who also happened to stop by.  Grahm is quite charming, and he's moving very fast on developing skills. Out there on the desert, I almost died when attacked by scorpions and he helped healing me. I owe him big time! Dying two times in one day would have been too much to handle. We stopped by the Magic Academy and a few other places.

I look up to learning from this fellow ranger, Caerwyn. He seems to be very knowledgable on the matters of battle and surviving on his own. He gave me some useful advice about battle tactics and how to stealth so that the enemy doesn't see me during battle.  I had never experienced much danger before I came to this city, even when I ventured out as I was younger within the woods back home. Out here is very dangerous and I still need to learn how to do this without getting extremly hurt.

I have been working on my crafting skills. I have acquired quite a few new instruments that I can use. I got a tambourine, some chimes, and made a bow the other day. My parents would be so proud of me! My bard knowledge will continue growing as I create more of these instruments. I find it rewarding working with wood. I am glad my ox helps me carry all the heavy wood back to the city so that I can work on it.

I have also done some tailoring but not enough to say I'm good at it. I met someone recently who advised me to start making cloaks and he even mentioned alchemy, so that I can combine that with my craft. This is very interesting. Perhaps I could some day make an arrow that has a lot of power to protect those that travel with me. I think I will try to do something like that in the future. My parents will be so proud of me!

I have also recently acquired a bird that protects me when I'm alone on the fields. It's nice to have a friend on the wild.  I have recently also seen a big wolf that wanders around me when I venture outside the city. Perhaps I should approach it and see if it's friendly. It would be nice to have more company when venturing outside the city.

These last few days have been very intense and I realize how much I've got to learn about magic in order to continue developing my bardic knowledge. I recently acquired a book of spells for bards, but I can't still read it well.  It has some powerful spells that I could use out there on the field to defeat evil creatures.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2008, 01:54:42 pm »
On another note, something disturbing happened the other day. I was venturing out around Silkwood forrest to get silk to make some bows and he spotted a strange being that was holding the sword of his twin brother, Aerimor. We approached this being, who was covered on bark, and at first, we felt a bit threatened by it, and it spoke as if it had killed Aerimor.  As the tension built, Verideth assumed an eagle form and scouted the area but didn't find the body of his brother around. That's why he assumed this being had either captured or killed his brother. As they continue talking, we realized that it's Aerimor himself, who had assumed a female human form. Why? I'm not sure of this, but it was quite disturbing, especially knowing that his friend Altariel and him, who have fought a few battles with us, might feel strange around him like that.

So many things happening on this place that I don't quite understand...


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2008, 02:03:59 pm »
As I shake my head and open my eyes this morning, I realize that I can't find my way in the path I've chosen for me. My parent's ranger and bard influences are getting stronger as I continue developing the skills they have taught me.  

My crafting continues to grow and I have been able to make Hickory Bows for the violin. Perhaps some day I will be able to play as good as those performers that I used to watch back home.

I ventured out the other day with Caerwyn and he took me outside the city to share some battle strategies that will be useful to continue expanding my ranger skills.  I owe him so much! We went to kill some goblins and he showed me some really good strategies to get into combat if I find myself alone or within a group.  He showed me where I could get some falcon feathers for my arrows. I've been making arrows to practice my skills, and these feathers are much better than the others I've been using.  I've made a few arrows already, but still need to practice more.  We went to the Goblin caves and found some other people in there who were cleaning the place. Those nasty goblins are so territorial! They just keep coming back!  As we stopped by the safe camp away from the goblins, we found what I think was a knight, and he seemed to be hurt for some reason. We didn't discussed where he had been before that, but I offered healing for him if he needed.  He thanked us but he said that resting would restore his strength.  We left him there on the safe area... hopefully he was ok on his way out of there. Those goblins can chase you and hurt you with powerful magic.

Verideth surprised me the other day... he gave me a flower and a hug! He's been learning to express his feelings and I'm so happy for him! His lonely lifestyle hasn't been good for him on the matters of the heart. He gave me a gift the other day. He acquired some rings that give you strenght to hide from creatures that are dangerous.  I will definitely use those when getting silk around the spiders.  Verideth has also helped me as a guide showing me around and we've exchanged goods for services several times. The other day, I helped him carry some beetle glands and he helped me carry some metal after we went mining and he help me on my way through the spiders and the dark creatures inside the mines... I believe they call them kobolds.  We went to my home, Silkwood forrest, and he showed me several ways to avoid the nasty spiders that have dome some unrepairable damage to me before.  It was nice to see him and spend some time in the woods. I just felt at home.

I am growing into loving Verideth more and more.  He told me his father will not approve of us... that was devastating to me.

I ventured out yesterday with a group of adventurers who needed help on their way to the Red Caves. I figured my bard song would help them if they found any creatures on their way, and it was a great opportunity to keep learning about the city and its surroundings.  We went to a place called Krashin, if my memory doesn't fail me.  It was nice to take a boat to get there... the water makes me feel so calmed.   We found some creatures on our way and I met a few others, including an experienced ranger who was very kind to help in the way to the caves.

On this group of adventurers, I saw Verideth's brother, Aerimor. He can assume now the shape of a dragon.  I found that interesting. As Verideth can't stand much competition, he turned into a snake and started chasing each other. It was very amusing to see them playing like little children.  
 Aerimor's friend, Altariel was also there. She handed me a set of clothes to use some time. I will look forward to try them out once I reach the city.  

As I get ready to head out back to the city after getting some silk, I realize that my strenght is increasing and I'm having better understanding of using the spells out there on the field when finding evil creatures.  I'm looking forward to the day that I can look at evil on the eye and unarm my enemies with my own ability.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2008, 10:35:25 am »
Once again, I felt defeated. I was wondering in Silkwood Forrest, looking at the trees and listening to their song when all of a sudden some toxic beetles attcked me. I tried calling my wolf for help but they got him. As i tried to run away to pull my bow from my pack, they got to me and sprayed me with some poison that slowed me down.... to my own defeat.

As I recovered from this unfortunate incident by Port Hempstead, Amanda, a fellow elf saw me on my sadness. She was so nice to go with me and find my grave so that I could pray and let my soul shake off the sadness of my passing. As we went to Silkwood forrest, se found the grave and I prayed right away. All the darkness was lifted away.  I thanked Amanda for her kindness and offered the same in return, since she didn't accept any gifts back in return for her help.

After that, I continued doing some crafting to keep improving my skills. I've been able to create now a Hickory Bow and a Tambourine. They help with my performing skills. And surprisingly, I managed to entertain a party for the first time this day. Perhaps all this pain has made my spirit stronger!

As I was crafting, I ran into Caerwyn. We talked about going some time to explore Alindor and find some owls. He seemed interested on finding out this location. He also gave me some pointers on where to find Gum Arabic. I need that one to cast some of my recently learned bard spells, and will come handy. I look forward to get a group and explore that area.

Recently, I went with a group to some caves and we fought some big creatures. One of them turned some of us into stone. That was amazing! I called my wolf to help protect the group when these creatures surrounded us. He behaved well in battle. I'm proud of him.

Verideth has been more open lately. He is learning that as we love each other more and more, his father's approval might not be as harmful to us after all. His smile is sweet, his company is pleasant and he even is starting to show a sense of humor... my heart fills with joy as I see him smile.

As I reflect on these recent events, I realize that I have come a long way since I decided to venture out and develop my path.  I have been learning new spells and using the knowledge I have to continue making these grow. I just wish my parents are proud of my achievements.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 12:29:51 pm »
I have continued making arrows and succesfully made a few owl feather ones that will become handy in battle. I still have a strong desire to make my arrows more of a stronger weapon in battle. I recently learned a spell that allows me to cast magic on weapons, but I have been unsuccessful applying that to my arrows. Perhaps I should continue practicing...

I have a lot of sadness in my heart, mixed up with expectations. Verideth has told me that he is going to Voltrex to ask his father for his approval on our relationship. His father doesn't approve my kind to get married to his kind, so Verideth expects his father to not approve of this. I wonder what Verideth will do if his father doesn't approve of me.  My heart is warm with feelings for him and I believe he feels the same way. I would only wish for the best and stand by his side as we venture this chapter of our lives.  I look upon his return from Voltrex to hear his news.

I look forward to continue working on my crafting.  I wish to continue developing my skills with the arrows and making them has become a great distraction from all the difficulties Verideth and I have been facing lately. He's easily misunderstood, extremely passionate about his beliefs.  I admire that on him, he's strong on keeping his word and that's something I truly appreciate it.

Expectations are high... time will tell.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2008, 05:47:29 pm »
My heart fills with sadness as I realize that I haven't heard of my love, Verideth for a long while. He left for Voltrex and hasn't returned. Perhaps his father didn't approve of us being togehter?  

I don't think that I could stand him leaving me forever. If our love is not enough for him and he has to please his father on his decisions, this is not worth my heart's mourning.

Should I wait for him? Should I just forget this love that wasn't meant to be and move on?  

I will go back home to Silkwood and continue with my life in the woods. The woods are always good and they lift my spirits when I'm sad. Perhaps this is what I've been needing all along.


Re: Leshariel's Journal
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2008, 09:46:58 am »
I have received a letter from my beloved Verideth.  My heart falls apart and I cry as I read his sad words.

Dear Leshariel:
As I suspected, my father has not approved of our relationship.  I must honor him as my mentor and respect his demands of breaking up this engagement.  Please, forgive me. With deep sorrow, I must move on with my training and put aside this relationship that will dishonor my family.  I will encourage you to pursue your goals and continue developing your skills.  I know that some day you will find someone who will care for you as much as I did.

Be well,



How dare he! So he is breaking up our engagement and giving up our strong bond of love just to please his father!? I know he likes to follow the law, but this is beyond my comprehension. I thought that he wanted to marry me so that we could be together forever.

My heart can not bear the pain of this rejection! *tears fall on the letter that she holds against her chest*.  Verideth, Verideth, how could you?

I am in too much pain right now. I am heading to Blackmore Castle to visit my grandparents.  I know their company will help my soul rest from this much pain.