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Author Topic: Letters and Tales  (Read 3209 times)


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« Reply #60 on: February 22, 2015, 05:08:00 am »

Jaelle lay in the tented room amidst the bodies and bodies of active helpers, mostly halflings dressed in desert garb. It was a busy scene full of vibrance and surety. The thin elvish barely-a-woman was broken and emaciated. Her hands damaged beyond reason, and who knows what toll her soul had paid. She was barely with them in the tented room. She had fight but the hold on her body was tenuous. They'd taken her straight away to the tribes, likely the best place in the world for Jaelle to heal.

Anna hoped Jaelle would heal. Anna was sick. Sick with worry, sick with what she was seeing. She couldn't let it show on her face. Jaelle needed them to be as brave as she had been for the weeks they had searched and tracked and finally regained Jaelle. Brave, stubborn, idiotic, stubborn, barely a woman....

Meadow Vaeran smiled to Anna, “Of course, little dryad, I know you hate sitting when there's work to be done.” Meadow had answered Anna. She didn't want to be in the way of their work but she couldn't take sitting idle when Jaelle needed so much. Jaelle fixed Anna with a befuddled look.

“Anna ...” she whispered faintly, “I think ... I lost something ... but I can't remember what ...” Anna smiled softly to Jaelle.

“Then when you recall it, we will find it together, but for now you need rest an tending more then anything,” She whispered back to Jaelle, trying to soothe her. Jaelle frowned slightly and Anna fought to keep her smile in place.

Near by Daman Livenoak, Tribe Elder of these clans, moved easily through the room. He deposited dishes with solutions of kinds Anna couldn't identify, some clean rags and some small but sharp knives. Meadow glanced at him in a sort of sideways manner that kept her patient in her sight.

She's going to need a lot of rest for the head,” Meadow said to him.

“I think maybe ... it was something important,” Jaelle whispered to Anna.

I know you are going to hate this, but right now there's nothing more important then your tending...” Anna whispered back, trying to draw Jaelle's thoughts out of the past and focus them into the work head of them, the work they were presently beginning. Anna kept at her work, trying to be gentle with every touch, even the places that didn't look damaged. Meadow glanced at Connor, a question in her expression, perhaps something he'd said that Anna hadn'thd the focus to hear. He only arched a brow in return. Daman placed one hand on Jaelle's forehead carefully. Reluctantly, the elf closed her eyes and made every effort to be still

“Awrite.. lass this is gonna sting a little.. ye tell me where it hurt's the most..” he said. She cracked an eye open at Daman's words.

“Why ... what are you going to do?” Jaelle quipped suspiciously.

“Turn you into a frog and pop you into the stewpot, of course!” Meadow fired back without missing a beat. Jaelle's expression clouded in puzzlement. Her eyes flicked over to Connor as if trying to seek some rationality from him. He only smiled and shook his head slightly.

“Let them help you,” Connor suggested gently, “Trust me.” Jaelle grew quieter and relaxed a little at Connor's words though fixed her eyes back on Daman.

“Jaelle, we would not have brought you to some place you would be at risk. Meadow an Daman an the rest here are far more skilled then any I know,” Anna whispered to Jaelle, indicating the two lead halflings with her head as she spoke their names.

“We gonna check if ye' cracked in the head lass, the quicker we find it the easier it is ter deal with it,” Daman said with rather easy fatherly tone.

“We're going to need a tight wrap around here...” Meadow gestured to Jaelle's ribs with one hand, directing some of the other halflings. “You're too kind Daman, I haven't had frog legs in some time!” She fired back to the elder halfling in easy banter.

“I am NOT cracked in the head ...” Jaelle forced out with as much gusto as she could manage, but her tone dropped almost instantly. “I hope...” Connor smiled at Jaelle's response.

“Jaelle...He means physically... You've a fair amount of injury...” Anna countered softly.

“Of course not, you're just half blind and a few spoons of flesh short of a stew!” Meadow smarted back tartly. Daman patted Jaelle's cheek then proceeded with a firm, but not brusque, touches around to Jaelle's forehead, temples and eventually the rest.

“Tell me where it hur's lass then.. ifffen ye not then we be good!” Daman said to Jaelle. He began to clean injuries as he worked. Anna squinted, watching his hands move with expert quickness, performing the two tasks at once. Jaelle began to laugh at Daman's words but then began to gasp and wheeze.

“Shall I tell you where it doesn't hurt? Shorter list ...” she gasped out in reply.

Har,” the elder laughed briefly.

“Believe me, I think you will be just fine... still plenty of life left in you and that's the hardest part!” Meadow said. Connor and Anna smiled at the exchange. Anna's eyes slid past the brooding tracker who had come with them, a friend or confidant of Jaelle's. His usual glower was replaced with a small smile at the proceedings. The worry lines did not peel away but the easy manner of the care takers was clearly working on more than just the patient. Anna resumed her cleaning.

She was going to be alright. Jaelle, was going to make it. Their family would be whole again. Anna just kept thinking those thoughts over and over again.



“Meadow will let us know that
« Reply #61 on: February 23, 2015, 12:58:07 pm »

“Meadow will let us know that once she be done wif her. Ye can stay here as lon' as ye like lad, there be no one kickin' ye out of the mountain,” the elder halfling said to the brooding ranger. Caerwyn nodded, managing another little smile. “We kin always use a strong hand here! And Connor can.. I dunno.. turn the lights on!”

“Heeeyyyy....” Connor said immediately, despite knowing the easy manner in which Daman teased. Anna giggled quietly, almost too giddy in the aftermath of all of the trauma. Everything felt surreal.

“So whut's been wit' ye Connor!” Daman asked as they gathered for a meal and to await the the news of Jaelle's hands.

“Magic, of course!” Connor quipped playfully, “Chased some Pit-kind from the mountains most recently.” Caerwyn turned to listen.

“We could bring the whole kit out this way you know... .Stay a while...” Anna whispered softly to Connor. He nodded a little.

“Oh, good idea,” he replied easily. They both knew, whatever the outcome, Jaelle wouldn't be able to travel soon.

“Pit stuff huh?” Daman grinned. Connor nodded. “Soun's like a story ter me!”

“A bit,” Anna nodded, wrinkling her nose.

“So whuts it aboot?” Daman asked, always keen for a good story.

“A well someone thought he could operate a gate in the mountains...bloody thing woke me up when he switched it on.” Connor began. Anna set her jaw lightly, remembering that exact night.

“Whut kinner gate?” Daman asked curiously.

“A gate between realities....between us and the Pits,” Connor began, easily, “He was moving others there or here, depending on their wants. Some that came here were trying to organize the gnolls.”

“And how ye manage ter get rid of it?” Daman asked focusing in on the finer details immediately.

“Oh, that was actually easier than I thought,” Connor answered, recentering his thoughts, “Turns out there was this gnome lady who was the prime part of the gate. Once I got her away, the gate collapsed.”

“A gnome..?” Daman asked curiously. Caerwyn blinked in surprise.

“That was the last little bird we brought this way...” Anna said, nodding a little, a small frown on her face. Connor nodded as well.

“Deep gnome actually,” he said, “Her left arm had been replaced with something of the Pits, and it made her a good focus, it seems.”

“Ser.. wait a minute,” Daman stopped Connor, “Ye used the gnome's arm ter dispel the gate?” Anna shook her head quickly.

“Not us...”

“Oh no...the gnome's arm made her very suitable to be the gate,” Connor clarified.

“Used by someone else..” Anna clarified further.

“Were you able to do anything to restore her arm?” Caerwyn asked. Anna shook her head. He nodded back sadly.

“Ye took someone else's arm..?” Daman asked, squinting in confusion.

“No, I didn't...she still has that arm,” Connor said, “The Blacks were involved, if it helps.”

“Of course they were! They like arms!” Daman said.

“An Pits,” Anna said making a face.

“Yes...usually the figurative ones,” Connor said, Arms, that is.”

“Har! Aye! So is there be an armless gnome walkin 'bout?” Daman asked.

“She kept it....” Anna said, looking a little dubious. Connor laughed a little.

“No, not yet,” Connor said, “She keeps it, seems rather attached to it, if you pardon the pun.”

“Har!” Daman exclaimed, “Sorry lad, as ye can imagine I have an interest in arm stories!” He waved his stubby left one up. Caerwyn glanced over in surprise at this. Connor only grinned and nodded.

“I doubt you'd be wnting this one,” Connor offered. Daman squinted.

“So yer suggestin' there be a chance I kin get it?”

“Pretty slim, I'd guess,” Connor answered, “I meant one like it.”

“Awrite awrite,” Daman acquiesced, “Its been so long without one that it prolly be weird with one like that.”

“Probably.....” Connor said, squinting a little,”You know, I'm not sure I ever heard how you came to be without.” Anna's brows twitched upward.

Har! These?” Daman exclaimed, “I though I told Anna girl here tha' story!”

“Yes well,” Connor said, looking dubiously at Anna, “She's not thought to inform me.” Connor let his mask slip a little, showing a playfullness. She wrinkled her nose and thought about it. Something tickled her memory about such a tale but it had been so long and really, she'd come to just accept the 'condition' without a thought.

“Werl whuts be the whole point of this bardin' thing then!” Daman said. Anna's face scrunched up a little then she made a small 'oh' with her mouth. “Ha! She remembered!”

“Oh indeed!” Connor agreed, his playfully dubious gaze intensifying some.

“Lets have it lass, ye be havin' a prettier voice than mine,” Daman declared. She felt the heat rush to her face and leaned into Connor some to cover it shyly.

“That was told a long time ago...” She offered self-consciously, though tries to smile through it.

“Are ye seriously tellin -me- that ye heard somethin' ter lon' ago??” Daman quipped. Connor covered a snicker with his hand. Anna blushed more deeply and lowers her eyes.

“He's very old...” Lei Lowcliff, another elder, offered sideways to Caerwyn. Daman laughed. Caerwyn nodded a bit and smiled.

“I gathered that, yes,” he answered.

“Well..” Daman began slowly. Anna continued to wrack her brain trying to gather the details of the tale in her mind. “It wus a long time ago.. I can tell ye that much.”

“How long is long?” the ranger prodded.

There be dragons about' the place, that long!” Daman quipped. Caerwyn nodded and Anna nearly laughed. She bit it back and watched quietly.

“Very old indeed,” the young man said, leaning to Lei a bit.

“Oh he is archaic!” she answered, “When he was young the century wasn't even planned!”

“But sharper then most,” Anna said, winking playfully at Caerwyn.

Har.. aye aye,” the eldest halfling snickered at the banter. For an odd moment he sounded very much like a sailor to Anna.

“I gathered that as well,” Caerwyn smiled to Anna.

“Ter be honest, it be so long ago... the whole thing is blurry now, but at the time there be a lot to be wary of in the desert,” Daman mused, “In particular was this nasty bit of a dragon that tended to not mind eating the folk around.”

“It's -still- no picnic... in places,” Caerwyn cut in a bit. Daman laughed.

“Aye aye, gotta watch yerself around the place,” he said then picked up his thread, “This be dragon had a tendency to like the halfling kind and back when I was jumping more than I be walking. Werl, lets just say that she and I had a major disagreement of where my arm should be. She insisted that it be in her teet, I said the contrary. Evidently she had a higher stake than me.” Anna wrinkled her nose slightly.

“I remember now...” Anna whispered, mostly to herself.

“Were you ever able to settle accounts with her?” Caerwyn asked.

“Oh we settled!” Daman laughed, “She be dead now and I am still kicking.” Connor grinned at this.

“There's a lesson there to be sure,” Connor said with amusement.

“So I loss a hand!” Daman grinned, “I think I came out on the winning side, beside, it wasn't the good hand! I wus hopin' to dig in the dragon when she was taken care of for me rings. Alas... there be a time fer goodbye! Besides! Who needs ter be walkin' about with dragon parts!

“Sounds like you ended up having the higher stake after all,” Caewyn said, smilng broadly. Connor wrinkled his nose at the notion.

“The same dragon that caused the split....” Anna leaned over to whisper to Connor.

“Which split? I think I remember two,” he answered.

“The halfling tribes split,” she said, gesturing slightly with her hand, “Shadowfangs..” Recognition flashed in Connor's eyes and he nodded slightly.

“And most likely the rings had,” Caerwyn was continuing, “...passed on anyway.”

“Ew...” Daman said. Connor made a face as well. “Suppose there be that too lad.” Caerwyn smiled a little sheepishly. Anna made a little face but then set her long cooled soup down next to her.

“You -do- do wonders with that remaining hand though,” Caerwyn recovered, nodding at Daman.

“Aye well, she ain't called Lady Comfort for no reason,” he quipped.

“I was so intent on holding Jaelle's shoulders I didn't even notice.”

“Comes with the practice lad!” Daman said, “Iffen ye decide to stick about I kin show ye some tricks.”

“If I do, I'd like that much,” Caerwyn said, 'Thank you.”

“You'll need to cut off your hand though...only way to do it proper,” Connor said evenly, looking to Caerwyn. Anna giggled quietly, unable to remain as straight as Connor, caught off guard by his joke.

“Har! The lad's gotta point!” Daman laughed.

“Oh?” Caerwyn said to Connor, “I don't know if I'm -that- interested.” More smiles and amusement were shared though each of their thoughts lingered heavily over the events of the cave nearby. The lack of sound or news weighed on each of them, something likely tangible to the elder.

Connor took a spoonful of soup, though made a face at the coolness of it. He swallowed it down anyway.

“Lots to be seein' 'round here this time o' year ter,” Daman said, picking up the earlier portion of their conversation. Anna smiled a little. “Gryphon migrations soon as well'.. tha's a sight ter see.” He grinned. Anna's heart lifted instantly.


“Ohhh... I'll surely have to stay for that. And hmmm...” Connor said, immediately brightening as well, “You wouldn't mind a few more eyes here for a time would you?” Anna brightened, knowing exactly what Connor was thinking. She turned hopeful eyes on Daman.

“Never enough lad,” Daman answered easily.

“How big are the flocks, if that's the proper term?” Caerwyn asked curiously.

“The biggest flocks are about two dozen or so, but they gather aroun' the mountains this time o' year,” Daman answered.

“I've never seen more than two gryphons in one place at a time...” Caerwyn mused then turned a little regretful, “And I'd like to stay for the migrations, but sadly I have obligations I must meet.”

Har lad, well ye be in for a spectacle iffen ye stay,” Daman smiled.

“Sight to be held, so the tales go,” Anna echoed.

Perhaps I could return later to try and catch the migrations in progress?” Caerwyn asked.

“I dunno lad! It ain' gonna be waitin' fer ye!” Daman answered.

“I understand,” Caerwyn nodded.

“The other littles...and our not-so-littles might enjoy the sight,” Connor said. Anna smiled and settled against Connor. She closed her eyes and imagined briefly the younger children running at play here in the near-wilds, seeing Jaelle healed and whole with her baby girl in her arms.

“Aye lad! Bring ter little ones,” Daman said easily, “They coul' always use some more here.”

“A vacation would do them well, I think,” Connor nodded. Anna nodded as well, opening her eyes.

Hopefully heal some wounds with good company...”she murmured.

“You're youngsters are how old Connor?” Caerwyn sked.

“My son is in his twenties,” Connor answered easily, “ is Anna's. I thought to also bring Finn, Lissa and Liam along with Aislin of course.”

“I misunderstood,” Caerwyn said, “I know you were bringing the rescued children but I didn;t know if you meant your own as well or not”

“Doubting they'd let us go with out,” Anna said nodding.

“They can be stubborn like that,” Connor added. Anna wrinkled her nose and snickered.

“So how many between the ter of ye?” Daman asked. An old, deep pang hit Anna. Not enough, she thought sadly to herself. She opened her eyes to look at Connor. Connor was pressing his lips before answering. She knew he felt the same pang.

“Her son, my son and the three we rescued makes five,” Connor answered somewhat selectively, “Jaelle's daughter makes six under our roof right now.”

“Ye didnae answer me question!” The elder pressed, perhaps knowing, perhaps not. Anna lowered her eyes, the pang becoming a stabbing.

“There is no other number to give,” Connor answered. Anna could hear, almost feel the discomfort in his voice, compounding her own. “There are no children between us.”

“Why be that lad?” Daman asked, seeming genuinely curious. Perhaps he thought it an injury he could heal with the ways of his people. If only, she wished with sudden fervent want. She fought back tears. If only.... Connor took a couple of breaths, perhaps his struggle was similar to hers.

“It seems those like us are no longer welcome to produce children of our own,” He said finally.

“Ahhhhh,” Daman nodded to Connor with the realization, “Ye be pointy eared!” Connor nodded in return. She felt the familiar motion as she leaned against him.

“Well that's a cryin' shame,” Daman declared instantly, “Ye be having really hairy children...” His words caught Anna and possibly Connor off guard. They both laughed a little. It was a bittersweet sound. Anna's heart ached all the more but she couldn't help but blush at the thought. If only...

Well ye can have more dogs iffen it helps,” Daman offered. Anna looked up right away, remembering the stout friendly dogs of the clans. Her heart warmed a little at the thought and she smiled at him in thanks.

“I'd best stay with just Teph here,” The woodsman said with a small smile, something on his voice that Anna didn't quite understand. Her emotion sensitive ears pricked a little but she didn't feel she could pry despite her curiosity.

“It may!” Connor answered, “And we'll be back I'm sure. We still have a decades left in us.”

Their beloved Sachi came home at the end of a long, long stay. The playful giant ever-pup keeping Anna company and Connor damp with dog kisses.

The children did come, all eagerly awaiting the view of swaths of gryphons filling the sky on their way to warmer places of plenty. So very much happened in those weeks, so much healing but a rift formed too. One that stacked with the previous rift. Anna couldn't shake the feeling that Jaelle had become a little more Mist's child and a little less her family.



Weeks and weeks had passed.
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2015, 01:56:03 am »

Weeks and weeks had passed. Was it a full season? It seemed like the time had passed quickly but surreally it had been forever since they had laid eyes on their door. They returned to the place, familiar to all but the newest member of their family, Sachi. It had been something of a delight to chase after the pup for some of the children. A delight for all but Liam.

Liam's trauma was through and through. Distant at most times, sometimes barely functional. He had been so before the monsters had kidnapped him and his siblings. Whatever work they had done to reverse his trauma before then had been reversed and then some. Anna could barely turn loose of him for the first few weeks. Despite his size and weight, she took him every where with her throughout the day. Every chore or activity, every play time with Lisse or Finn, even Aislin when she was present, Liam was there with Anna.

She worked with him through whatever means she could to bring his mind back to them. There was direct interactions like feeding and washing him, but she read to him and talked to him. Apart from his inability to function on his own, Anna treated him like he was completely normal the way he was. There was plenty of help from the rest of the family, especially Connor. Merlin and Lindel seemed more than content to stay and help with their growing family.

It was such a blessing to have a full house like this. She adored having the children in the house. In that, she almost felt whole once again. She wished things would simply settle into a normal routine and go back to how it was before the months long struggle to regain the children from the monster. It was not settling and neither was she. With the monsters still out there somewhere, she felt unsteady, always worrying they would return to take them all again, including Jaelle... Especially Jaelle. Reckless, headstrong Jaelle.

Anna admired her courage to simply pick up and start going again. It took some time for her to begin her first steps but Anna felt Jaelle took her first steps only to run headlong into other dangers, possibly just as great. She was her own woman, of course, and Anna could do little but worry quietly. The rift between them was growing and Anna could feel it tearing a hole in their family. She feared Jaelle would soon seek a place of her own and be gone from them, taking beautiful little Aislin from them.

Not for the first time Anna recalled the baby's first cries in this world, and so many beautiful moments with both the daughter and the woman herself. Her heart ached. Her head told her she should have known better. She had tried not to get attached. She tried to remember that Jaelle was a Mistite, child of cruel defiance. Some how it wasn't enough. Her want for a family, her real admiration of Jaelle, want for the sounds of little children in the house, so many things she and Connor could not have had alone. It was too much and she caved and then their three new children came, finally safe and protected.

If only.... If only things could be whole. If only their family could be whole...

She sighed and waited in the big room near the fire with Liam. They sat in wait for Connor to return, called away on some urgent matter by Section Commander Creekskipper. Perhaps another dread. Perhaps not. She wrapped her arms around Liam and cradled his form and began to sing softly to the child, perhaps trying to bring comfort to them both.


