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Author Topic: Letters and Tales  (Read 3188 times)


Homecomming 2
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2009, 12:09:18 am »
Mai 28, 1428

A soft song drifted through the kitchen as Anna stood stirring the pot on the work table. The rich odor of venison stew was likely beginning to waft out past the door as she ladled the smashed tubers over the top of it. She crumbled a layer of soft cheese over that and watched the resulting slow melt.

Her eyes drifted beyond her task in the wait for the melt and she smiled absently. Within her mind drifted the last few days. She swatted aside the knowledge of her too soon journey to Mariner's Hold, and sank fully into her memories. She'd spoken them... Those words she'd not been able to say for more then a year. Unspoken they had carried the weight of so much, but from her lips they had floated lightly as butterfly to flower.

She had not expected an answer, and in truth she had not wanted one from him, but in the moments that seemed more like days between them, he had answered with heartfelt words of his own. It wasn't that she did not wish his in return, but that she did not expect it of him. Just as she had promised, no expectations. Words such as those carry such a meaning, something additional for them both she knew. Now that she had them, she (rather greedily) clung to them, and would likely continue to do so for a long time. She'd dreamed of her offering for all the months he was away, but even in her mind's eye she could not have imagined the moments her offering generated. What had followed between them brought a vibrant blush to her face and shoulders, though she relished the memory all the same.

She had no idea how long he'd been in the room, nor what he'd said to her, but his gentle touch startled her back to the present. She colored all the more, her song having ended in a startled squeak, and didn't so much hear his words as know the inquiry as it was becoming blessedly routine. She silently motioned towards the large serving pot and stepped a little bit to her right but not enough to be truly out of the way. Perhaps her desire for closeness stemmed from the eventual trip to Mariner's graveyard to investigate the “Shadow” but he didn't seem to mind. She wasn't certain how she was going to pry herself from his company. In truth she wanted to ask him along but for some reason she was hesitant.

The trip to investigate for Caighd was some days off, and she once again swept the thoughts from her mind. For now her eyes and ears were only for her family, and she desired it that way.


« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2009, 12:11:47 am »
Augra 20, 1428

 She pulled her copper locks back over her shoulder for about the twentieth time in as many minutes. The wind was quite breezy, filling the area with the cool and refreshing scent of evergreen. A trip painstakingly planned and finally come to light. She'd begun planning it the moment it had been requested of her. With the help of her son and their sometimes fosterling they'd laid the groundwork nearly eight months ago. Their many trips to the temple over the months is what spurred the idea. She'd written Merlin in Spellgard and invited him as well.
 It had become a family affair. Well... the majority of the trip anyway.

 They trekked through the Whitehorn at a leisurely pace, largely just enjoying the company. The trip had also been largely pleasant, and even her fosterling was able to keep the long walks with out much trouble. Where he wearied Merlin and Lindel eagerly helped him, some what of a little brother to them as well.
 She watched them at play, some prank or another having set them off again, with a mixture of love and an ache. It was enough and yet not. There was some other that she would have wished possible but Aeridin had refused it from them. Despite the ache she watched the boys at play and smile, leaning into her chosen partner as they watched together.
 In some days it would be her birthing-day, and this year she would share it with him, who had no knowledge of his own. She was elated and hoped her gift would be enough to say so.
 In the back of her mind some shadows still lurked and hung about her shoulders invisibly, but for the now she was able to ignore them an take the moment as it was.


Commitment 1
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2009, 12:13:29 am »
Satari, Augra 28, 1428

 They had stepped out to of the treeline like a mist. She couldn't recall what had caught her attention but she'd scarce had time to tell her companion they'd had company before they were set upon.

 “Take the female. Kill the male,” the strange female voice had said. Even now, hours and hours after the fact she felt her blood turn to ice. Her shroud had been flicked aside by some magic she'd never seen before and then the battle ensued. In her mind's eye she recalled the flickering magic called by her and her companion in their defense. She remembered the voice crying out an order to the other.
 “Let him go! Get the girl!” Only her companion had confined the creature wholly. The woman had spat curses at her inferior. They'd managed to get away, somehow. For whatever reason their pursuers did not give chase. Wisely or not she and her companion returned to the site of the attack to investigate but their would be captors had vanished quite literally.
 “They seemed vampires, unless they're just extremely pale....” he had told her. Later, moving to safety they'd bumped into others who'd heard of attacks and still others. Some she knew. They'd talked well into the night, and it was obvious there was some grander plan then some sort of fluke. What... remained a mystery. Those they'd spoken too... Seemed to be withholding. At what cost, she wondered again... The cycle of events repeated in her mind once again. She tried to direct her thoughts elsewhere.

 Sleep would elusive that night....


Commitment- Fight
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2009, 12:55:33 am »
Freas, Mar 27, 1429

Remnants of salted tears formed a lightly 'caked' feeling against her skin. It had been a very long day. She rested quietly with out sleep in the nest, his warm presence near. Very long... It had started pleasantly enough, but they'd come across Tobias... Tobias and his medallion. They faced off in a slight battle of wits against the creature contained within.  
 There where whispers, she'd noticed them the last time but they were so strong this time! She couldn't shut them out. A fire had burned in her, irrational and uncaring rage. She couldn't shut them out and it was all she could do not to lash out.
 Connor had tended her hands with delicacy, for she'd torn into them deep gashes with her own fingernails to remain silent and still. Calm simply hadn't been an option. And she'd wept... Wept like a child.... Her purge incomplete.
 They'd returned home and idle conversation turned towards the vampires once again. She'd meant to broach the idea earlier... A way to open up dialog, the other's blood ran too hot. They'd not listen, it would be kill first and if they bothered to think of questions later she'd have been surprised. The loss of Elohanna's children was too close to them all. She felt for the poor elvish woman. More then she could say.
 Oh how they'd fought over her idea.... They each fought ghosts lingering over them like incorporeal armor. It had raged between them in hurt and tears for... for how long? He was so sensitive to her well-being... So fearful of losing yet couldn't bear to tell her no. And she... She was little better, feeling the burden of his anger born of fear and withering beneath it. She had acquiesced in the end. Not out of resignation, but because she couldn't pain him so. Her brief inquiries would have to be as far as she'd go on this front. She'd find someone else to reach out to the clan. Who... She'd had no idea.
 Whatever happened, she never wished to fight with him again. It wasn't worth losing, not worth the pain in his expression that she could almost feel in her own heart as if it were her own. She knew it wasn't her... and not him. It was unbanished ghosts of their pasts. They'd each admitted, but to her it didn't matter... Whatever sacrifice was necessary, she would never fight like that again. Some part of her knew he'd hate such a vow but at that moment, she didn't care. She'd rather that then.... then revisit that haunted look she'd brought out in him.

 Anything but that...


Commitment 3
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2009, 02:45:33 am »
Augra 5, 1429
...She drifted in and out. Two days beyond it and it still ate at her. In her mind's eye she saw Quantum's attack and the woman's body fall limply, nearly into her lap. Panic set in belatedly again and she struggled to leapt backwards but sat frozen in place. In this vision she did not withhold the horror of it from her expression and she cried out with the movement. In this vision she saw the woman's limp body turn to her with pleading eyes before the unlife slipped from her features and her body fell to ash. As if carried by an intentioned wind, the ash picked up and coated her, stifling her air from her lungs and the light from her vision.
Don't let her win!” came a harsh whisper to Anna's ears, “She will be more powerful then her vampire form. Stop her now!” The whisper pleaded, frightened and the ash of the woman's remains clung to her choking the life from her.
Anna woke to the sound of her own choked voice, startled by her own drawing of the Al'Noth in her sleep. She heard something, someone's voice but she'd not fully woken and could not understand the words or recognize the source. She could only breath in gasps and feel the sweat chilling on her skin. As the trembling set in she curled tightly into a ball, trying to hold the rest together. A warm presence wrapped around her, though she was only vaguely aware of it. Slowly she came fully aware and knew she was safe. She shut her eyes tight willing the dream to loose it's hold on her, but she couldn't shake the horror of what she'd witnessed, the ashed remains of which lay in her pack across the room.
And still they had to seek out Laura.


Commitment 4
« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2009, 02:48:43 am »
Augra 9, 1429

The dream had come again, much as before. She'd twisted and tossed quite a bit, roused by the gentle waking of her companion. Despite his best efforts she could not sleep. She knew he didn't either, not really. She'd risen and retrieved some of her supplies from her pack and come back to the nesting of pillows.
While he rested, likely drifting in and out of consciousness, she sketched. Laying on her stomach, propped up by several pillows as she worked through ideas. What she would use to represent Lindel, what she'd use to represent her companion and the rest of her adopted family. How she'd blend them together. How she'd bind them with the trappings of Katia.
She sketched several ideas, some like the ones she already bore, the woven bracelets and cuffs on her arms, baring her mother and sibs. She sketched something similar for her ankles and calves, but discarded the idea half way through. Something of ivy and Her Eyes began to peek through. She sketched a lynx, a fey spirit, a bear, and some other ideas. At some point during this effort she'd put her chin to rest against the pillows, finally beginning to feel some weariness. After several mock-ups of  ideas, she felt her lids become heavy, but kept working slowly. She did not want to close them and see Veira's face again...
Somewhere in the third rendition of the ivy mark that would weave over her spine she dosed off completely, and possibly for the first time in several days slept soundly, images of her loved ones dancing through her dreams.


« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2009, 02:40:54 am »
Threas, Oclar 12th, 1429

   ...Turning the red rose over in her fingers, she barely felt the prick as a thorn caught her. She sighed softly feeling a mix of elation and the heartache of homesickness. The warmth of the nearly sleeping forms next to her kept her calm, mostly out of want to be courteous and not draw them to full wakefulness.

     They lay in the shadow of the sacred caves where she'd found the rose at her feet suddenly and heard her mother's name whispered on the breeze. She might have dreamed it, but some of the others had heard as well. Within her mind thoughts twisted around like the dancing winds within the caves themselves, though nothing near so artful and playful. What could it be? A trick of the mind? A warning? Some reminder of something long forgotten?

     She shook her head and once more battled the want to weep with long buried hurts. She closed her eyes and let the peace of the place seep into her, the sounds of the water and rustle of leaves soothing her soul. Eventually, she slept...


« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2009, 03:28:23 am »
Oclar 25th, 1429

....Pale faces, beloved pale faces, trapped in terror by death....
....Feathers poured from their mouths, grey and wilting....
....There was a sudden stillness, a calm in the wrenching turmoil. A vague shape, thick and tall....
....Foliage, some tree loomed on the edge of her mind...
       ...She jerked upright from her sleep, instantly aware. She was tangled in the linens and her own hair, clamy and uncomfortable. For an uncomfortably long moment she could not fathom where she was, or why she was there. It was dark, only the glow of the embers and some other light she vaguely realized was familiar.

        Breathing hurt, so it was done shallowly. Pray.... I need to pray, she thought, suddenly obsessive... There was a tree. There's never been a tree... I need to pray.

        A light touch on her shoulder brought her crashing, blissfully, back to herself. She turned slowly to see the concerned eyes of her companion in the dim light between them...


« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2009, 04:32:00 am »
Freas, Mar 20th, 1430

...The desert night was chilly but some of the warmth ebbed up into her feet and legs as she paced barefoot in the sand. She could see the sea not far off, and the magic city even closer but could bear to go near neither just then.
 Her insides churned and she felt her recent meal beginning to rebel as the last few had. The thought of loosing this made her dizzy and she sank to her knees. She buried her ungloved hands into the sand willing the ache and discomfort to ebb out of her, but they did not pass. She resigned herself to the eventuality that she was going to loose her risked morsels and just tried to breath through the agony in between.

 All she had seen in Mariner's... the violence, the fear.... the children... She had called that place home so many years ago... But until the medallions were understood she was powerless to help in any meaningful way. Within the city there was searching, deliberation and study going on, feverishly looking... She should be in there helping but the press of people and her constant discomfort forced her to seek a reprieve in the desert for a time.
 She could still feel the lingering hopelessness. Hear the whispers that drained her so quickly. If her guardian had not stepped between herself and Lascillian.... Taken the cuts for her... And they nearly died besides.... Overwhelmed....
 Then Deception's silence... The reappearance of Lascillian... and Berris with his poisonous over-confidence, practically seething with taint and evil... Her state took a brief turn for the worse and she drew more breaths, but the heat was doing little good and more bad. She dragged herself to her feet to claim some of the cooler air....
 Alas too late...


Beautifully Decorated Box
« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2009, 12:15:52 am »
Mai 28th, 1430

 A new small green box makes it's home among her things. It is recently painted with all sorts of animals and plants, and a sprinkling of blue and green colors dusting over the box like so many sprinkles of light. Within it lays a three sheets of paper. Each has something written, two in one handwriting and one in another.

 For your kindness and care, for the time spent, for the memories never to be forgotten...
 ...may this bring a smile to you as the one you have given me.
 For when I cannot aid.”

 The last page is written in various colors with a host of test strokes and various versions of:
 “For those times I can not be with you....”

 There are three small green pouches, tied carefully shut, two rings tied together on a string. One is carved much like a small cat that would wrap around the finger and the other is copper set with a small gem. There is a rolled paper that is tied shut with a small ribbon. Lastly there is a small brown pouch that rattles when shaken, smelling faintly of cherry.


Scroll Cases
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2009, 02:15:42 am »
Tunar, Jenra 24, 1431
Several more sheets of paper join  the other scroll cases full of paintings and unsent or received letters. Some sheets are tucked away in the bottom not to be seen or shared even by chance. Others are available for chance glances but are rarely seen anyway*.
The first is a preliminary sketch of a dark elf, sitting out of doors under what looks to be a canopy. Though the sketch is done charcoal the dark elf has striking features and is donned in Lucindite livery. His somber face gazes at some distant image that the viewer cannot see. On the side there are a few test colors of mixed inks, largely blues  and blacks, though a few greens and browns linger around the edges as well. At the very bottom is a few notes on where to find a particular official in Port Hempstead.
The second is a far more detailed painting done in full color of the same dark elf splintmail and an exotic appearing male in platemail. They stand with the beautiful backing of a lake behind them and the latter smiles kindly while the dark elf lingers in the back ground with a cautious expression. The dark elf stands upright but still the man in the foreground towers over him by a head-height. They both look towards the same point off of the page, though it could very well be the viewer.
The dark elf certainly draws the eye, with his blue armor decorated by Lucindite markings and a well made bastard sword slung in easy reach. His shock white hair stands out from his ebon skin, some how balanced by the green of his eyes. While the he is certainly detailed the focus is clearly the man. Upon closer inspection of the exotic features are certainly from elvish heritage; a slightly upturned nose, almond shaped eyes and ear tips peeking through his hair that hangs loosely about his face and shoulders. He wears a neatly kept goatee and mustache nearly the same light brown as his locks. His holy symbol of Aeridin hangs over his plate from his neck and a shaft of light highlights the figure of this man despite a clear day in the background.
On the back of this page there are a few words painted in a delicate and careful hand:

I should have known when the weeks became months that something was wrong. It is the way of our kind sometimes to go for long periods but when it stretched to years.... You told me once that Lightbringers were away for long periods so I just kept to hope.... It should have done more then make me worry. Do you know I had planned to lock you in one of the Inn rooms when you did return until I heard every detail? I would that we had the chance. There is much I would have shared,
I should have written the temple, or perhaps sought out Iradril. Tha' you were, and are still, a good friend and I wish I had done better. I know you would not wish the news of your passing to darken our days. It does and I cannot help it. Iradril brought us the news at a chance meeting not long past. My heartaches in a way I cannot explain with words to know I will no longer see your shadow on my doorstep. For all that your Lord has taken from us, I hope he holds you delicately in His arms. It won't be enough, but it will be something, and you are more then deserving.
Perhaps you already know but I will say anyway, just in case... Connor recently worked to help Iradril gain access to Port Hempstead. I provided the likeness. It makes me glad that we could help him after all he has done. He seems lonesome with out you and the bard. Our door is always open to him but I fear he will not look to it. I suppose we shall see.
I would have liked for you to be here with us. In my heart you are. I will write again. Come hear a tale soon.
Last there is a few pages of written elvish, random seeming words written phonetically in common lettering. These take up several sheets, front and back. On the back of one such sheet is the word, “Nyirecw,” written several ways with hyphens to denote the accents until the correct one seems to be found. Along with are small doodlings of a few objects. A wicker basket, blankets, small clothing with unusual patterning of splattered green and blue colors. After awhile the little pictures become nothing but daydreamy swirls and abstract lines.

 *//Not all sketches are currently recorded, as of yet.


« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2009, 02:53:12 am »
Mai 10, 1431
....The small furry body curled itself in her sleeve, the loosely fit one of her outfit. The left was strapped close to her arm. She looked at the small bulge and wondered at the whole experience. The little bits of blue fur poked out of her sleeve while the creature rested after probably too much salmon. She turned her head over her shoulder and to the edge of the boat, gazing out over the water and not really seeing any of the details.
 Her father was alive... And yet absent all of these years... but for some purpose maybe? The names... why Autumn? The whispers... Her mother... And the woman... Yahima... In her mind's eye she could see a lovely young woman, a stark contrast to the vision they saw before them. Her eyes were taken to complete whiteness, some ailment of the eye that took her sight as well. She was old, probably more then Anna could fathom.... and she was a friend of Plen's. Some how she was not surprised given the clear devotion of Yahima, but at the same time the mind simply doesn't comprehend well the details of such a vision until long after the fact.
This was likely one of those times. Her mind ached at all she was trying to understand. She let her left arm fall and dangle towards the water as the boat moved of it's own accord. She watched the ripples of the water trying to clear her mind. At some point she dozed, not realizing her slip.
An image of a Quain tree, the new saplings... How she knew them she could not recall just then.... A faint melody echoed oddly in the back of her mind, something she could not quite hear but knew to be present.... As she watched the trees, a shadow of ... something danced disjointedly before her, and she could Feel the match of rhythm between the shadow and the unheard-melody. After staring for so long, watching and listening, the shadow and light danced together as the light does when trickling through the forest canopy. It danced to a music she could only hear in a distant memory, and Feel in her pulse....
 She woke with a start when the boat came to a halt, the sensation of the rocking making her feel dizzy until she remembered where she was. She moves to lift her arms and push herself upright and then the weight of her small friend asserts itself. She looks down at the tuft of protruding blue fur from her sleeve and then over the the two blue clad figures just in front of her....


« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2009, 02:11:51 am »
Mai 1431
....An odd sensation, like the pricking of one's flesh with an unexpected emotion.....
 .....She rubbed at the back of her neck and concentrated, continuing on for a time with her traveling companions. Their task, destination, mystery. All of it was shrouded in the underlying weariness brought on by too poor sleep for too many days. So many dreams....
 ...It became familiar, so heart-breakingly familiar. The land, the trees, the sky, everything slowly descended upon her. She was -home.- Memories washed up and over her, faces, times, dreams. It wasn't like she'd thought it would be. She did not relive the discovery alone, it was everything. Every sadness, every anguished moment, every joy, every warmth. Everything she had missed hit her like a blow. She had put it off too long. She wandered in a daze, saying things, hearing responses; Things she'll never recall because she wasn't really present.....
 ...The sound... There was some Sound.... some kind of... something... She put the letters under the bush, knowing they'd been long overdue. She thought her mother would forgive her anyway....
 ...There was more Sound, tugging but not insistent. She couldn't quite make it out. Just like the dreams, on the fringe of acknowledgment. A small flare of frustration and the daze of overwhelming emotion focuses. She heard the halfling's echo, finally filling in the Sound she could not Hear. She clung to the hand and presence at her side.
 “Welcome home,” it said. “Thank you,” she whispered through tears. Thank you, her heart echoed at once tormented and elated.
 ....The vision, clouded in grief, yet still she understood... There was a purpose. There was a reason for the deaths. And it wasn't her. It would not have stopped it if she had been there. A fluke of timing, some providence or will perhaps. She had survived when no one was meant to...

 ...She felt it within herself, finally. A prayer, earnest and from her soul, echoing her mother's own from decades...
 Katia, keep him safe in his task, watch over watch over little AnnaLee, her thoughts echoed what she thought her mother's might be, guide her and give her the strength she will need in the times to come. She could hear the sadness in her mother's voice. She knew, her own thoughts shot through the ache, her voice reflecting only the song of her mother's prayer. Tears spilled over as the realization seeped throughout her for all it's meanings. She knew. Even as she died, she protected me..... Somewhere there was hope... small and fragile.
 In the next moment she plucked the stone from the ground small Azure had freed from the newly rejuvenated earth. “Well done child...” a voice said, slowly becoming familiar. Yahima knew. A new wave of approval, paternal.... her father. She smiled and hugged the tile against herself. She drew her eyes up to the hazel ones watching her feeling so much lighter. She smiled at them and watched them smile back at her with true care.....

 ....They went sometime in the night. Gone, the ox and Azure. She rubbed her wrist, wanting to know if somehow it was Bethany and Johan. She shook her head a little, answering herself and leaned back into the offered embrace of her companion as she stared at, but more through, the now empty paddock. She felt his arms tighten around her and leaned back a little more in to him. For however light she had felt the day before, she was worn but briefly contented. It was something to know what had happened after nearly forty years. She turned her eyes to the nearly palm sized stone with it's strange marking, turning it over in her hand slowly. She would wait until tomorrow to wonder why....


Midnight Wakings
« Reply #53 on: June 27, 2010, 12:49:24 pm »
The days were clouded in magic, love and peace for a time. There was happiness beyond measure. Loyalty is born of hard times and enduring faith but it is raised in good times or at least it was for her. She ranged a little in her emotions over the days, sadness in missing her parents, wondering at the fate of her father when she knew him to be among the living now, the pang of loss of her sibs... There was her own family there to soothe her, though it was largely just him for a time. She'd written, as they had discussed.

Junar 1431


Your father and I have been speaking about you of late and missing you terribly. I know that you are young and into troubles of your own but we miss you and the warmth of your company. Do grant us the small favor of returning home from time to time or you may return once to find us perished from the sadness of missing you....

In all seriousness, do come home to visit. We do miss you terribly. We've been missing all talks of frogs and pranks and a good deal more in your absence.

Missing you,

Home they had come, trotting like frisky puppies and after a while they went again. She ached at their leaving as deeply as she felt the joy of their returns. Much like with days where she found herself alone for the duties her companion bore, she found herself left and waiting. It was not as things had been in the past, it was not abandonment she felt but it was hard to bear in the waiting all the same. Sometimes he would comment on the immaculate state of the house or the amount of food prepared on the occasion of his return. Mostly he offered his gratitude in other ways, and she had become attuned to these things, knowing them for what they were. They'd found a rhythm to life that she found she could more then tolorate, even in the times of absence. For now they were lucky and those times weren't too long. A day here, a day there, most times it was just a few hours.

It wasn't always....

In the night, as if not to wake her, he untangled himself and began to sit. She knew him well. She laid still there listening, silent herself as she waited for his focus to return to the same place she was in. Fear traced over her insides lightly.

After moments uncounted, he started to slip out of the covers. With the first move of his hands however she slipped her own over his and whispered softly.

"What is it, sa nyesyilleel?"

His movement paused and reversed somewhat at her touch and voice. He turned his head toward Anna, the same distant look in his eyes. His gaze did not quite meet hers, even though he looked in her direction. His voice seemed to match his expression, sounding somewhat distant as though his thoughts aren't fully on his answer.

"I don't know yet. Something's...coming through in the mountains."
His eyes began to find focus and he finally truly looked at her. "I should go look," he said quietly as he started to rise once more. Her expression displayed openly her concern and worry but she nodded in acceptance.

"Alright... What do you need?" S
he briefly squeezed his hand and then withdrew hers. Sitting up and drawing the linens around herself, she prepared to rise.

He looked down at himself as he stood. "Well, my clothes for starters, but I'll manage them," he said with a wry smile. "If you could gather me up a small bite to eat... I doubt I'll be gone long." She smiled a bit but allowed a small amount of disappointment to show.
 "I'll fetch you something." She glanced around and collected up some cloth, hugging it to herself before rising the rest of the way. She briefly kissed his cheek on her way past. Not to be outdone, he makes a shameless grab and pinched her as she went by. She squeaked and made wide eyes at him.

"I'm sure I'll be back soon enough, and I'll find some way to make it up to you."
With that, he made for the side room to pull on his protective clothing and gather his things. Her eyes followed him into the room and then she pulled herself together and headed toward the kitchen to ready a quick meal.

A couple minutes later, Connor emerged into the great room, hopping as he pulled on his last boot. He continued toward the kitchen as he started to adjust and fasten his shirt. He pushed open the door then leaned against the frame, observing Anna's preparations with a fond smile. His shirt hung from her shoulders, draping lazily over her form. She was quickly pulling together a meal of dried beef, some fruit and rice. She briefly glanced over her shoulder, starting at his presence there then smiled.

"Eating here or there, sa nyestyilleel?"

"Here, but quickly,"
came his quick response. "The view is better." He smiled and winked. She blushed brightly and nodded in acknowledgment as she turned shyly back to her preparations. Within moments she has a plate prepared and turned to offer it to him, closing the distance between them.

"I surely hope I never cease to bring such colors in your cheeks,"
he smiled as he gently accepted the plate from her. A moment later, he was quickly eating the fruit and rice. She further blushed then gathered the shirt around her briefly, mostly to do something with her hands. After a moment she shifted her attention to adjusting his clothing instead. She began straightening the buckles and flaps to 'rightness' keeping her eyes carefully away from his for the moment. He adjusted his movements to accommodate her efforts, but kept eating at an even, if hurried, pace.

"Will you be long, do you think?"
Asking an already answered question.

"Not long, I hope,"
he said between bites. "Just going to get a glimpse." She just nodded a little and bit her lip, quickly running out of things to do with her hands. Once everything had been straightened and re-straightened, she brought her hands back to her sides. She began to fidget with his-her shirt again, periodically.

Once he mostly finished the rice and fruit, he tore a piece of the dried beef off in his teeth then turned to the table. He set down the plate and started strapping on the various protective pieces of his clothing as he chewed, pausing in his routine periodically to tear off another bite. Anna followed him wordlessly and began to assist in the addition of his protective pieces, chewing on the inside of her lip as she worked and likely concentrating a little too hard on what she is doing. He soon finished with the efficiency and practice of years of repetition, then focused on her again. He smiled softly and slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her gently to him.

"I'd tell you not to worry, but I know you won't listen,"
he said with an adoring and mirthful smile. "Just know I'll be back, and soon." He then leaned his head down and kissed her tender but soulfully. She returned his caress, unable to hide her concern and care in her return. The kiss involuntarily became something more and she wrapped her arm around his shoulders tightly. He lingered, enjoying it for what it was for several moments. Too soon for both of them he started to straighten and pull back.

"I... need to go,"
he said regretfully. "Remind me of this on my return." He smiled and withdrew his hands from around her, moving backward a step. She reluctantly released her hold, letting her arms drag away from him.

"It will not be the same, sa nyestyilleel,
" gently spoken, no small amount of sadness in her expression, "Hurry home to me, an... be safe as you are able." He smiled softly and took another step back.

"It will not be the same, but each moment is its own. Smile for me, sa nyestyilleel, so that I can carry the image with me."
She rather easily offered a smile at his request, letting her arms fall to her sides. He could always make her smile.

"E ceela aey."
His smile grew in return and he took one more lingering look at her.

"E ceela aey... ilcamilala."
A moment later, he vanished from the room in a rush of Al'Noth. She watched the empty space silently for what seemed to her an eternity, not moving but for scarcely breathing. Every time he left in this way, she could not help but fear it would be the last time she would see him. No rational thought brought this feeling only the panic of loss... Of losing him.

Eventually the beat of her heart brought her somewhat more aware and she slipped her hand over the space where it clamored for his return. Jerking herself into business, she moved quickly through the house, giving a nod to the ever present statue on her way to the bedroom and then the bathing room. She changed quickly then made quick work of straightening the nest into a semblance of order. As was usual, she sought out solace in these motions, but as she returned to the great room and he had not returned, the same struggle began again.

Her heart raced anew as she drew her eyes across the room and tried to find -something- to keep her occupied, and from succumbing to her fearful feelings.

Her buzz of activity was interrupted by a key in the door and a turn of the latch. A moment later the door swung open and a moment after that, a booted footfall is heard in the entryway. It was followed by a second. The footsteps shuffled a bit then the door shut and latched. With little thought, she slipped across the room and peered around the tree at the right of the entry way. Holding her breath and closing her eyes at first, she leaned over then opened her eyes to see who is on the other side.

He stood at the door, half-turned and facing the short wall. Even from the side, his expression was thoughtful, and he did not seem to notice her. She didn't care. She leapt the rest of the way around the corner and threw her arms around him with a bright exclamation.

"You're back!"
He seemed rather surprised by her leap and hug, having to take a half step backward to maintain his balance. He wrapped his arms around her warmly.

"I am,"
he said with a slight, if troubled smile. She quickly buried her face against him slipping her left hand up into his hair and settling her right neatly between his shoulder blades. She remained there, holding him tightly for several moments without saying or even feeling like she might do something else. In turn, he held her for several moments in silence before taking a breath to begin some measure of explanation.

"Pit creatures in the mountains. Mostly in the cave but some on the surface. The ones up top seem to be enslaving the gnolls..." H
is words ended as if he had nothing further to offer. She drew back from him, just enough to turn worried eyes on his. After a moment of the news sinking in, she shook her head a little.

"Why...? What do they want?"
She paused slightly, "What do we need to do?"

"I didn't ask,"
he smirked. "But there's dozens of them. As for what to do... I'm not sure yet. There's a gate in the caves, I think. I didn't get too close in case there was trouble." He pursed his lips for a few moments. "We can take the portal to Wayfare when it's light, and see about having a closer look... and maybe drum up some help." She nodded a little and hugged him tightly once again, burying her face against his neck. She nuzzled him gently as she settled into place.

"I suppose that means we should get some rest..."
He drew his hands up along her back in slow and gentle movements and rested his head against hers, tipping it down slightly.

"I suppose we should..."
She lifted her chin a bit and whispered softly.

"Would you like that reminder first, sa nyestyilleel?"
He smiled softly and some of the tension released from his face.

"I suppose I would,"
he said with an increasingly playful look.

In truth, she was blessed. By her measure, more then she deserved and yet, she wanted more. Always the desire and hope that their family would grow, that the house would sound with the pleasures of little giggles and nonsense words. This too was an absence they shared, mostly in silence. It surfaced often enough, in a sad look, a longing glance at small ones in town, in the way they sometimes 'entertained' passing littles with just a little too much time on their hands. It was a constant, never soothed by even a fluttering of presence. He blamed Aeridin and she held it against more than one force and presence. It was hard not to let the sadness take her at times but always, always they had each other and never lost sight of this. Too much had been in times before to lose sight of this. And so it remained they were always hopeful, they offered prayers to their patrons, and loved one another.

Perhaps the absence of this nature was worsened when times were good, there is less to worry about, or perhaps there is the drive to never be content with what was, or maybe more it was a subtle and constant desire that was sometimes drown out by the crises that often times lay at their door. It was certainly constant, and somewhat subtle in the way it was rarely discussed but always known.

Another crisis arrived and drown out the ache of unworthiness and absence. As with times before it was managed in grace, or as much as they could manage. Strange times arrived working with those they'd not really known well before. It brought them across the presence of Aeridin which, understandably brought some conflict. What felt right, what felt needed, this was the path they chose.

Elohanna, Jaelle, Omer, and many names they had some passing knowledge of, or a little less, or a little more...

The death of the vampire in her own lap, the violent and rage filled blow coming from Quantum. All of this under the eyes of the Bird Lord and the resulting conflict in her own heart...

They found a need to be other then what they were. A long time dormant, Autumn's feet began to wander her own path and a new gypsy moved down a similar, yet different path in the world.

Continued trouble with the Vampire issue, it's resulting drama and then the pang of absolute unfairness. It was completely ridiculous she knew but the ache and jealousy for just a short while was all she could think of. The girl was scarcely more then a child herself and so confused, lost. Too soon she would be a mother. There was only a short while of true jealousy but the constant presence of aching. Ultimately they'd been there for the girl-child as she passed into motherhood. Anna had helped the little one into the world in their very own home. Not in the way she wished it, but the house became filled with little giggles and nonsense words just as she had prayed for. It was unfair and her heart resisted but he fell so helplessly in love with the child not his own. New mother and new babe became part of the family over time and Anna couldn't help but love them both. Always, always the unease between them. She struggled to accept the girl completely but there was always something, a rolling storm of chaos that promised everything and nothing. She accepted, understood and knew it would never be as she wished it. She held on to the dream for as long as it was there, she knew it was fleeting, that some day the storm would blow out to sea once again and there would be little left of her heart after. Such is the way with Mist... and never the fault of the child.

"I've tried to stay removed, but I find myself unable... She's rather endearing, an the similarities..." Her fingertips begun to lightly draw designs against his arm, speaking softly as she continued."I am still afraid we will have our hearts broken..." He nodded slightly and placed another light kiss on her neck. His voice softened as he spoke.

"Broken how?"
He placed another kiss in the same place immediately following his question.

"She is Mistite... They are often as beautiful as they are treacherous, like the storms they revere. I know she is no priestess, yet..."
she paused again and drew his arm around her more tightly, "She is much like them, the qualities I admire. Strong, independent... passionate." She wrinkled her nose a little, "Which also makes them so dangerous." He furrowed his brow slightly.

"What is it you expect of her, sa nyestyilleel, that would lead to a broken heart?"

"I... I don't know... I think I fear most a cold turn, after we've invested our own care."
She bit down on her lip and tipped her head a little more, "Nothing rational I suppose..."

"It's possible... though she has shown great care with Laa'ra, and... I've no doubt she might have her moods, but I'm not sure she'd turn away so easily."
He shrugged a little and continued. "She seems to crave something more from people than the reaction most give to her looks." She nodded a little and answered softly.

"I understand that desire. She is capable of great care,"
She turns thoughtful for a moment and began to chew at her lip. He kissed her neck once more, gently.

"I know you do... she is much like the both of us in different ways. Perhaps these similarities is why our trust has grown as it has... and why we understand her where perhaps others do not."
She stretched her neck slightly at the touch of his lips, releasing her own in the same moment, and then nodded a little. She quieted, settling comfortably against him. Within moments she looked as though she'd drifted off to sleep.


Segemek 1
« Reply #54 on: June 28, 2010, 07:48:04 pm »
They'd heard about them first through rumors, murmuring intrigues from those curious about Rofireinite things.

   Four children in the temple at Vehl, suffering a similar sickness to that which occurred many years ago in North Point. Resurrection is hard on the mind and heart. As strong as they are, children are not meant for this...  

   They left straight away, packing lightly and preparing to take lodging there if necessary. Many came in answer, little draws out the philanthropist like a child in need. There was still plenty to do. She wasn't certain what so many strange faces did for the youngest. He seemed the worst. They could not even coax a name from his lips, nor want or wish. It broke her heart to see him sitting there that way. Jaelle was there too, earnest and busy in a way they'd not seen her before.

   There was plenty to do, and little time for talk...

   Then just like that they were gone. An uncle came for them. It sat coldly in the pit of her stomach but she thought it to be jealousy or just hurt that they were gone and she'd likely never see them again. They made for home, somber and hurting. When the letter came it hurt all over again. A trick. There was no Uncle.

   He stood there swaying on his feet, covered in boils looking like a sheet on the line, holding on to his last pin. She tried to pay attention to the half orc speaking but her heart ached all over and she just wanted to catch him up in her arms and hold him close, tell him that it would be alright. It wasn't going to be alright but she'd lie and comfort him in any way she could.  

Somewhere she summoned the strength to pay attention. The poison, the priestly magic... anger against anger and arrogance. She wasn't going to fight them, let them decide about meeting the demands. She and he, together they stayed. He talked, she silently begged permission after permission and finally Finn was in her arms. She could have wept at the sight of him and in truth she probably did a little. Wrapped in her cloak and so sick. Dying. He was so brave.

More talking, her Companion pushed gently. He tried to draw it all out, but the creature was smart and stubborn... and something more... By the end she had a name for it... Fanatical. There would be no reasoning with him, only obedience and mitigation. That wasn't acceptable. They would find away. They would find away to bring Finn the rest of his family.

She prayed silently and not so, that the creature wouldn't do as he'd said. Only time would tell.


Segemek 2
« Reply #55 on: June 28, 2010, 09:04:01 pm »
The door to the kitchen swung open and he walked through pensively. His face was grim and clearly at odds with many things. He approached her purposefully. Before she could get any words out in askance he described what Jaelle had just told him regarding the finds in Leringard. Though he was angry and more he kept to the facts, and good to his word, spared her little. Even in the numbness brought on by the news she could see his upset. Her own color drained away to something pallid and she worked to accept the news. There was no acceptance, only anger. Deep, hateful, wicked anger. It washed over her, a force strong enough to cause her weave on her feet. She could feel her own gift rise in response ready to lash out. Her hands tightened on the work table both for stability and for strength to keep herself together.  

    She could feel his hands moving to her, perhaps to catch her, perhaps to comfort her but there was nothing but anger... Rage. She glared at the food on her table, her perspective shifting it from lovingly crafted edibles to chunks of dead things, dead like the child. Cut apart like her. Serving a purpose like her.  

    “How could he? How... How could they?” she almost whispered, her voice too thick for strength.

    "I don't know, sa nyestyilleel...." he answered in a hushed tone. With a quickness she rarely ever used, she snatched up the kettle and sent it flying across the room towards the outer wall with a shriek of rage. He recoiled from the unexpected and sudden movement. The first crash brought a flinch from him. It all came bursting out of her, overflowing. She wanted everything to break. She wanted it to suffer like the child had. She wanted everyone who was responsible to feel her wrath, right then in all her righteous rage.  

    There were more flung items: serving spoons, skillet... whatever item happened to be on the work table at the time, even the food in it's sick reminder of the findings. Her tears began to stream over her cheeks and she continued until nothing remained on the table. He just tried to make sure he was not in the path of anything.  

    She again turned to clutch the table's edge drawing deep breaths, looking for all the world as if she's trying to breath through water. She wanted to fling that too, watch it splinter away into bits. She felt his touch again, gentle and supportive, and understanding. It melted away from her, all of it save the terrible, awful hurting. She turned into him began to sob in hard gasps, really not ever drawing a better breath then the first. She tried to talk to him, she tried to give him the words but it only brought more hurt and harder sobs. He drew his arms around her securely, his head lowered to hers to complete the embrace as much as possible. Though she couldn't see it, a pained expression formed on his face as his hands began to rub her back lightly in a soothing manner. She began to weaken, her legs crumbling beneath her and the heart-wrenching sobs slowly started to loose their hold on her. It made breathing a little easier, though she still barely noticed their mutual descent to the kitchen floor.  

    After a little while her arms slipped around him, holding him securely for both of them. She slowly began to quiet, sob-born hiccupping and all, but the tension in her body remained pronounced. She occasionally shook her head against him, wanting to disbelieve it all. Finally she drew a deeper breath, and spoke softly, though her voice was as raw as her feelings.  

    “Are... Will you... b-be alright, sa nyestyilleel?” There was something apologetic about her question, but likely only he would have noticed. She felt awful for her outburst, and that she only just now began to consider his own feelings on the matter. Not only had wagging tongues and anger brought this down on an innocent, but it had been his adoptive daughter who'd committed the final sin. His response didn't come for several moments.  

    "I'm not sure how to..." he began tentatively, but then pauses and seems to start over with a slight nod. "I will manage, I think...when..." He pursed his lips and stopped with a slight shake of his head. He wasn't. How could he be? How could anything be alright ever, ever again?

    She pushed herself up a bit and shifted her hold to wrap around his neck and shoulders, one arm at a time. She slipped her left hand up into his hair, running her fingers through it soothingly. Her tears began anew but, quietly this time. She just held him to her, as much as he held her. Their misery shared seemed somehow more bearable, she wasn't sure how it could be at all, but if it helped...


Segemek 3
« Reply #56 on: June 28, 2010, 09:30:09 pm »
She had no real love for the Dorandites. Not that she expressly disliked them either but what they'd done in the name of saving an innocent was acceptable by her measure. In truth it was between her and Katia. She just hoped her Goddess agreed.

    They stood there in the rain, falling fairly lightly by Leringard's standards, and waited. What would it be this time? A box of pieces and a note of displeasure? No one said it but many were thinking it. Tempers were short and she could feel the tension from those who knew why a bunch of non-locals were milling about in a small group near the docks.

    Her temper was short too. Too short. Home was becoming a difficult place to be. Rather then an implied solace it was a prison. A place they went to wait and stew, feeling helpless and worthless. The fighting wasn't just outside it was inside too, inside their home that had never seen such words thrown between them. She felt badly. She felt guilty for saying those things and she knew he did too. They both felt guilty that the children, all of them from Lindel and Merlin down to little Finn and Aislinn, likely heard their cross words too. Of surety Jaelle did. Everyone was uncomfortable and trying so hard to be supportive of each other at the same time. If there was a place of true misery on this reality, their home was it.

    She clung to the few happy moments they were having, the few moments of real joy. They were all working hard to make them.

A big man came toward them, wading through the people. He was human, she was fairly certain but it didn't assuage her fears at all. He walked toward them, talking to himself or those near by. The rain made it hard for her to tell. Mostly she could just hear the rain drops smacking hard against her hood.

   “You ain't the clever one in blue and his damaged goods ... ahh, here they be,” she heard him say. 'One in blue,' and 'Man in blue,' references to her Companion that she used to find endearing until these last few months. Now it only made her think of the Grand Priest that tormented them all. She nearly wept when she saw the box. Somehow she managed to steel her outsides to look more calm and resolute then her insides. Her world began to drop out beneath her.   It wasn't enough, is all she could think.

He took the box, opened it unwilling let who ever was watching see him squirm or loose hope. He was so brave that way. Unflappable. She didn't look. She wasn't as brave. She knew if it was a hand, or an ear or anything else, what little food they'd choked down for their meal would come right back up. The box slammed shut almost hard enough to make her jump. He was angry.

   “He said there'll be a fella in blue with,” the man's voice trailed off. Murmuring behind an around her. They all assumed the worst.

   “Go on...” her Companion said flatly.

    “That was it really .. he said there'd be a few of ye,” he answered uncertainly. He looked around at everyone and wandered off. She thought that might have been the wisest thing he'd ever don in his life. She watched him go, hating him for his part in this. Coin, everyone does whatever it says, she thought hatefully. As her eyes drew back toward the box they caught sight of a familiar face. It was all she could do not to run up and take the girl from him. Again she fought the urge to weep. The monster waved a bit at them, dragging the frightened girl, stumbling behind him.

    “Pardon my dramatics, the look on your face was priceless,” the monster said with humor. The other's couldn't see it but she could feel the anger boiling just below the surface of her Companion.

    “Yes, I'm sure it was,” he answered coolly.

    “A few new faces I see...” How she hated the sound of that creature's voice. She watched as his hand came to rest possessively on her head. She tried hard not to move her eyes from Lissa. She summoned up a smile she hoped was reassuring to her. So. Close.

    “Well? Shall we continue?” her companion said. She could almost hear the bitterness he was repressing.

    “Here she is, unharmed ... a little frightened.” The monster ran his fingers through Lissa's hair. More whispers. “If some of you hadn't done what I had requested...” he said incompletely, “I cannot see the one of Rofirein.”

    Good, she thought. She said something else under her breath, she couldn't recall it even a moment later.

    “Thankfully, he and his mouth are not in attendance,” her companion said, and she smiled a little. She could see the image of Jennara frowning at the sentiment but too she'd have taken down her fellow Rofy in a movement too quick to counter for what jeopardy he was placing a small child in.

    “A shame .. I am sure I can provoke someone else if needs be,” it said to them. “I trust someone else will substitute with noble sentiments where required?” the monster said almost cheekily. She hated him. He bent down to smell the girl's hair. The cold meal turned over in her stomach and it was all she could do not to throw herself at him in fury. “I'll miss this one,” he said. If she could have killed him where he stood right then...

    “Off you hop poppet,” he said, giving her the gentlest of nudges. Needlessly she felt her body go into motion, waving the child to them. Lissa ran to the waiting Jaelle next to her. Jaelle wrapped her arms around Lissa and Anna wrapped herself around them both. The relief of having the girl was so profound she almost lost herself. The guilt already ate at her. It should have been Rhiannon, she cursed herself one more time for not being there to stop Allie. But it's Lissa, and now there's only one more...

    “Really, the things that child has witnessed ... I feel for her,”   the monster said somewhere to her left, “Will you tell the one of Rofirein I made her cut out the eye of her brother ... I don't honestly know who was hurt more by the whole experience.” She choked back bile and squeezed the girls both a little more tightly and protectively. She heard the outrage boil up around them though only a few words were spoken. Jaelle shook slightly in her arms with emotion. Whether it was rage or something else, Anna couldn't guess just then. The thin slip of an elf murmured distractingly to Lissa so that she wouldn't hear the monster's voice for a moment more.

    “I'm guessing with his many here, he wouldn't be so foolish without having some collateral, more kids in hiding,” said some street minstrel she'd seen a few times before.

    “Clever .. now don't be too clever friend,” the monster said,   “Clever is good, too clever gets people killed. You've got to have the imagination to picture a child's agony .. but not so much as to think of a way to outwit me!” she could hear the mirth in his voice and she didn't have to look to know he was grinning. She joined her efforts with Jaelle, trying to distract Lissa. What she said she'll never remember.

    “Enough...” her companion said evenly.

    “You speak of madness and evil.....I'll stand for neither,”   someone shouted up from the back. Her eyes went to the voice in the midst of some comforting words and she added another person she hated to her growing list. Tall, dressed in robes. Voraxian symbol hanging around his neck. Lovely, she thought to herself, Some brainless rager trying to provoke an enemy into battle.... Poor Liam...

    “Excellent. it doesn't work without a disapproving paladin in attendance,” the monster said.

    “We will meet you when you are finished here,” Jaelle nearly whispered. She gathered herself and Lissa, likely half her size already, and scooped the child in her arms. Anna backed away, already twisting music around them as quietly as she could manage. Jaelle gave the creature a hard, cold look before she moved off. Her movements unnatrualy quick with the aid of Anna's spell, the two were out of sight in little time at all. Anna turned on the half-orc thing and steeled herself. One more...

    “There are certain ingredients required, you all have your role to play of course .. I am non-exclusionary,” the creature said.   “But enough wordplay .. down to business?”    

    “Might as well,” her companion said steadily. There was an audible yawn from somewhere near by.

    “Are you getting to a point anytime soon?” Oh gods, she knew that voice... The ever sarcastic Angela. Liam was dead. What's more he probably would be shipped out in little pieces cut over time for weeks. She froze up at the depth of her own gruesomeness, horrified at herself for being able to think of such a torture.

    “There's your one and only free attempted witticism,” the monster said, smiling to Angela, wherever she stood, “There remains one child, the youngest ... a sweet boy, though, of course, sadly sporting the pirate look,” he paused, “I can't be blamed! Don't look that way at me!” it said to us. She knew they were all hating him. Good, except that he was loving every minute of it. “If we don't have complete and transparent honesty, we descend into chaos,” it declared with some flourish, “You were told a consequence, you ignored it. I have been true to my word at each and every moment of our discourse. Another important ingredient.”

    “Only the pretentious loudmouth ignored it,” her companion countered.

    “Well, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the barrel my friend,” it answered her companion with some kind of generated sympathy.

    “Or three,” her companion whispered to himself.

    “So, shall you tell your new companions the price of an attempted thwarting my devious plans now or later?” the monster asked,   “One child, one remaining task .. this one an easy one.”

    “Might as well get it over with now,” he answered the monster.  

    “ One remaining task? So... after this... you are done?” the mouthy 'druid.' Her teeth set to gnashing.

    “Do tell, your not content unless your hearing your own voice anyhow,” Angela again. Hate. Anna wanted to kill her right there. She wanted to kill everyone that wasn't her companion. Her bottled fury some how kept it's lid knowing that the monster would discipline her for that too. She watched his mouth turn down in a frown.

    “I'm sure I warned you about attempted witticisms,” it said. “That one will cost the poor dear but a pinky finger. The next one will be his remaining eye. Understood?”

    “Perfectly,” said the Mistie, for once suitably chastened.

    “Oh Katia,” Anna whispered, the half thought prayer for the boy.

    “Where was I? Yes, one child .. a little worse for wear .. but! Again I cannot be held accountable for such,” it said, “If you must find someone to blame, blame her.” It pointed at Angela and Anna bothered to look. Angela glowered back at him but said nothing.

    “For the eye?” someone asked. She knew the voice but it took her a moment to place it as the brooding woodsman.

    “For the eye. Anyways, though I am a trifle embarrassed...” it said, “...the last task is all about the coin.” Someone said something that sounded like a question but she didn't catch it in the rain. “ I know I know,” it shook his head with some kind of mock shame or something she didn't care enough to identify,   “I expect you were expecting some high filutin' noble gesture of mine. But .. really what I require now is the coin. It's a harsh reality of the world in which we find ourselves.”

    “You wish to be paid for you evil deeds?” the Voraxian's voice.

    “Nay Sir. I wish to be paid so I don't have to commit more evil deeds ... quite the difference,” it answered graciously. “One million coins, one month ... one child,” it said the words came down heavily. There was a cough of surprise from someone. She knew some were probably surprised. She wasn't, she was just hopeless. It would never happen.

    “Grand plans don't come cheap my friends,” it said companionably, then got down to business. “So here is how it will work .. we'll meet here again in a month, have my coin and you can have the child. If you're not here,” it shrugged, “I won't be so crass and base to spell it out.” Maybe it did have mercy in it's bones somewhere. A breath later, the insanity boiled up. Allie having some terse conversation with her companion about catching the monster in whispers. Whispers it could probably hear. The mouthy druid was spouting off something about how to obtain the coin. There was some counter but her mind just swam.

    “Now I am about to leave through the crowd ... if someone attempts to follow me I shall cast a spell that summons an acidic rain that shall strip the flesh from the bones of every peasant within a hundred yards,” it said, cutting through the insanity. She turned her eyes around the area. Despite the rain there were many. She remembered whispering to Allie to quiet in some way... again the words are likely lost to time. “I'd not attempt to counter spell my spell.. that would just anger me and I don't think you'd like to see me angry,” it said. Allie and Anna's companion began to grow more tense in their whispered words.

    “I will then attempt to hold you,” she heard her companion threaten Allie. He meant with magic. She grew angry but ceased for a few moments. Anna pleaded with her to wait.

    “Are we clear?” it asked, “Any more witticisms before I take my leave?”

    “You go, no counter. I think that's clear,” her companion answered it.

    “I am ever glad for your presence .. a voice of reason Sir,” it bowed to her companion and she felt sick. “One month,” it reminded them all. She resisted the urge to hold her stomach. Her companion slipped off as the monster practically pranced off into the crowd. She didn't stop him. Him, she trusted. Allie started again with the angry whispers, but Anna didn't really hear her. As it walked away the bubble of angry voices washed over her and her stomach turned over on itself. Pike off, the lot of you! She wanted to shout at them. Before she had wanted all the help they could get with this but now... Now she just wanted them all to fall into the Pits somewhere, every last one of them. Rhiannon's ravaged body, Liam's eye, now his finger... She couldn't stand it anymore. She couldn't stand people anymore. They were flapping their lips and she just wanted to draw up her sphere of silence. She needed to think. Would tracking down the mother really help? Would following any of their leads really help? Where would they get THAT kind of coin? She said something to Allie, she thought it sounded almost apologetic... But she didn't mean any kind of apology to that person. Ever since Allie had turned from Aeridin, Anna couldn't fathom her. The irony was not lost to her.  

Her eyes moved around to find her companion. She tried not to need him too much, but as the voices began to lift and people continued to ask questions she didn't want to answer all over again for what seemed like the hundredth time, she did. She just needed his strong quiet presence beside her. It was too much. As if summoned by her need he appeared from the crowd. He wasn't pleased. It had escaped, she could tell. She tightened her jaw and began to think out over their possibilities.

Lissa... Right now that's what mattered. Lissa and Liam. One to take home and one to figure out how to rescue. She had to focus.


Segemek 4
« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2010, 09:41:38 pm »
....She made note to never fix that pot roast with venison again. Finn confessed in a secretive whisper to his sister how he really hated that dish. Anna was weeping, again. It felt like all she did was cry. These were happy tears. Watching Finn and Lissa sit by the fire and talk. He had promised to be strong for her. He'd known the monster as she had. They'd be good for each other and they'd be safe here

      Her eyes drifted over to her son, to her companion's son and Jaelle with her daughter. Everyone watched the pair, tears all around, except for little Aislin who was barely old enough to register her newest playmate.....

   ...Rellak, a woman hardened by the years of farm living in Brenuth. Anna cared for her instantly. She was sturdy and caring. She could have been any one of Anna's neighbors growing up. Anna set her mind to creating something nicer for the woman to hear. She couldn't bring herself to tell her that her sons were monsters who reveled in hurting the innocent to twist rest of the world to their bidding. Any one of their deeds would have broken the woman's heart and Anna knew it.
      She played a part she knew well. She played the minstrel gathering tales for stories. She found she meant every word she said to Rellak, even though another part of her twisted hatefully that this woman created those creatures. It wasn't her fault. She'd been abused just as her son's abused others. Anna couldn't help it.  
      Rellak didn't deserve ire, only compassion. She told them plenty, she told them without reserve. She had such a good heart and Anna knew, if they used Rellak Anna would be responsible for breaking it. What kind of monster had she become?

      They shared a meal that she and Rellak helped prepare. Connor and Jaelle quietly supportive but... very removed. Anna spoke with her companionly, showed the aging mother the sketches she'd made of the woman's children grown. Only two of them so far, but there was a third. Rellak had confirmed it.

      Segemek, the smart leader, trained by Aragintes and some how came to find his fanatical faith in Grand.

      Nestor, the big bear and likely the one with the worst tastes of them all.

      Vargen, “So Handsome” Rellak had said. If she only knew....

      Anna's sympathy, her pain, her affection, her hatred, it all choked her. She needed air. She needed to go home and hug their own children, all of them. She needed to find faith that somewhere, little hurting Liam was going to come home in a few short weeks.....


...The tension in the house
« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2010, 09:43:00 pm »
...The tension in the house was at it's worst. The children, innately wise for their years, were all cloistered off in the large bedroom doing something. Anna didn't know what. She'd barely been able to eat her meal.
They were going to Segemek without his one million True. There'd been no way to raise it short of becoming criminals themselves and they just couldn't. They'd sunk so low... In truth they were already criminals, the law just didn't know it yet. Outright theft was too low. It was an abuse they wouldn't sink to.
They were talking, the two sorcerers. Her Companion started talking... crazy.... She knew he was tired of all of this and he couldn't bear to lose the last one. But now... Now he was talking pure insanity. It was going to get him caught and she knew it. They'd have him and they'd cut him apart and find that he wasn't so easy to damage permanently. They would find him the perfect victim, a never ending source of torment for whatever appetites they had for the moment and if they could break him.... They could have anything they wanted. He would get it.
Her mind melted on itself. She barely heard their words for a while. Her mind only swam in the millions of different ways they would hurt him and the utter helplessness she could already feel. There was no way they could have him. It was too dangerous for everyone. Regardless of the already building pain in her heart, it wasn't safe for the people of Layonara for them to have him. Why didn't he see that?
“What do you think?” Jaelle looked over at Anna. Her mind focused hard trying to recall what the last few sentences were.
“It all sort of depends on whether he'll bring Liam to the exchange or simply tell us where to find him once all is done,” her companion said. He started to add more but stopped himself a bit belatedly and looked at her. She forced her brain to work. Their eyes rested on her and she tried to tell him he couldn't do this. She tried to tell him he wasn't allowed to throw himself away like that. It choked her, and she sat frozen. Later... We'll talk later, she thought, After Jaelle has gone to take her rest.
“Yes,” she said finally, “I think she should come.” The mother, she needed to be there. She needed to see what her sons were doing and she needed to help stop them. They both nodded. Anna couldn't fathom suddenly why her opinion mattered at all. He was going to be gone from her forever.
“What conditions will you use?” she asked him, not even caring what the rest of the conversation was doing.
“Conditions?” he asked confused. He was in the middle of something with Jaelle and Anna had interrupted him.
“To take him,” she clarified almost dispassionately.
“I don't follow...” he said, his brow furrowing slightly.
“What will need to happen to take him?” she repeats and then purses her lips. He thought about it for a few moments and began to give her his calm logical answer, defining the potential 'favorable opportunities.' She forced herself to try and help. They debated, the two sorcerers. Anna could see Jaelle hedging toward something and her companion both seeing it and not. Jaelle banged her fists on the table in frustration, wanting assurances. Not from her companion, just from life, from fate...
Then she offered the same thing... Only, she was willingly going to trade herself for the boy. Anna wasn't simple or optimistic. She knew what that would mean for Jaelle. There was no question what they would do to her. She tried again to help but her mind just stopped. She got up and left. She couldn't hear it anymore. Her words were heard and not. They weren't listening past their own ideas of why their own plan of sacrifice would work. It made her sick. Sick with loss, sick with anguish. She went to the kitchen to try and find something to do. There wasn't much. Her busy hands and Jaelle's left little to be done this late in the evening. She left. She went in to check on the children. She hugged them. Wordlessly, she just hugged them and held on to them. Merlin, somewhat accustomed to her periodic emotional out bursts, only smiled and returned her embrace. She thought about what he had almost become in his own agony and about how wonderful he'd become instead. Lindel she held to the tightest. He was a boy grown, well into his own life but he had stopped that to come and help them, to come help protect these littles. Her son, born of a terrible situation and made himself into something wonderful. He was everything Segemek, Vargen and Nester weren't. He was wonderful. She pulled herself away from the boys and Lissa and stumbled off toward the door.
They were still arguing outside. She came out anyway and silently moved to the hearth. She sat quietly but then he began to talk to her, drawing her out. She couldn't remember how but suddenly they were fighting. She was angry. She didn't even want to look at him. She felt helpless and she didn't want to listen to them plot their lives away any longer. It felt so terribly unfair. Everything. It didn't matter anymore what he said, it was just unfair. And then he was accusatory and angry. Her gift roiled up and she lost control. And then in the heat of their shouting he said it. She felt her heart drop out of her completely. There was nothing... She had no feeling except the want to be away. It took her some time to pack, and he let her. She was at the door trying to figure out how to say good-bye, at the threshold realizing she didn't want to leave but hurt too much to stay.
Somehow there was more arguing. Somewhere in it they each heard the agony of the other. And misery. And guilt. And finally reason.
On the morrow they broke Rellak's heart and lost Jaelle. Traded for the child. When the pack had been passed to her Companion, Anna knew. She suspected he did too. When the child returned without Jaelle they knew they had traded several broken hearts and one whole Jaelle to rescue the child....


*a letter arrives to
« Reply #59 on: June 28, 2010, 09:47:00 pm »
*a letter arrives to Quillwem, via the Berylite temple. It is wrapped in two layers of parchment and sealed with a wax stamp, the head of a wolf pressed in.*
Dear Quillwem,
It has been a long time since our last visit. I hope that Lalaith and your sweet child are well. I hope also that this letter finds you in good spirits.
I am sorry to say this is not a social letter. Long have we shared our attachments and care for children and this is by far the worst case I have seen in some time. Connor and I are in need of your aid rather urgently for this child. I am happy to fill in the details for you when you arrive, but we are in need of your divine gift as soon as you are able. Along with his injured spirit due to so many ill things, the child, Liam, has lost an eye and we are direly hoping you will be able to tell us if it is correctable. The monster that caused this forced his own sister to take the eye and I think it would go along way to healing a terrible wound between them if there is something that can be done to fix this.
Please write with word that you can arrive, or simply come to the house in Krandor were the children and I await. With luck Connor will also be here, but he has further matters with this monster that keep him often away.
Katia keep your path,

Dearest Lee,
It has been a long time and I am sorry as well that this is not a social letter. I am forever in your debt for what you have done for me over the years and I will make all haste to be at your house with in the next two days. I hope we are not too late to restore Liam's vision but, I fear more for his emotional well been then his physical..
I will see you soon dear friend.
P.S. Lalaith and Av'ariela are both well and send their respect and love to you and Connor.

